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hemangiosarcoma of the spleen

We euthanized our 7 year old GSD this week who collapsed a few days prior.  He was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen and had it removed in emergency surgery in August 2007.  I took him through chemo and he survived 6 months following the surgery.  On his last day, he was rebounding following a traumatic night a few days earlier vomiting and collapsing.  He couldn't get up the next day but was more responsive the following.  Although fatigued, he could walk the day after that and even began playing with his toys.  So he was recovering.  But he still had a nasty cough, no appetite outside a handful of food each day, and fatigue/anemia.  

I read the natural end was not painful-a collapse, shock and death.  But what I saw Saturday night was terrifying for us both.  He was so sick and scared so I made the decision to "help". I now I have huge regrets and need some answers or any information to deal with my devastation.  

How long does a dog having hemangiosarcoma typically have from the initial collapse to the final?  I understand the inevitable outcome of the diagnosis but loved him more than anything.  I'm tortured by my decision.  I did it for him but can't seem to find an answer.  Is there pain and suffering in a natural death in this case? What is typical?  Are there other regrets either way?  I know these are questions that should have been asked earlier but the entire experience has missed my expectations every step of the way.

I thought I had more time.  Thank you for any help you can offer.  
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My 13 year old dog was doing fine until about 3 weeks ago. I originally brought him in for an ear infection and he was given antibiotics. 2 days later he was very  lethargic . When he did get up his back legs were weak. I thought maybe the medication. I brought him back in and the vet thought he may have arthritis. I also mentioned that we had noticed over the past few months his abdomine seemed swollen. Our vet looked him over but didn't seem concerned . He didn't seem to be in pain. So we went home with arthritis meds which seemed to help for a few days. Then wham again weak  legs that were just getting worse. Took him in again and the bloodwork showed he was extremely anemic.. Took an X-ray which showed a mass but we couldn't see if it was the spleen or liver. ( this was on a Saturday) Scheduled sn X-ray for a couple days later . The very next day my dog just got weaker, could barely walk, and after a few Hours was showing signs of being in pain. We took him to an emergency vet clinic and right away the. VEt knew immediately he was bleeding internally from a tumor on his spleen. she was prepared to operate until she ran some tests and realized my dog was in kidney failure. Before we found out about the kidney failure we agonized over the desicion to operate. I asked millions of questions and I definetly did not want my baby to suffer any longer. Truth was she had no idea until she got in there what was going on or if anything had spread. So I prayed... And I asked God to please give me the answers ... If my dog was going to die or suffer any more after this surgery then please give a sign to not go through with it. As the vet was preparing to operate she decided to run some more tests and that is when she seen he was in the late stages of kidney failure. .. I thanked Jesus for answering my prayers ... To not go through with the surgery. If he was going suffer any more...But now I had to deal with knowing my beloved dog of 13 years was not coming home with me...it was so hard because every time I left the room he cried out for me not to leave . He just kept looking at me scared... It broke my heart... To let him go... But I couldn't let him suffer any longer. It's been 5 days and I'm a comlete  mess but I know I made the right decision especially now that I have done a lot of research and seeing these posts have brought me some comfort. I just cant believe how fast it all happened . Full of life one day and next thing we know all of this happened. I think what upsets me the most is I knew something wasn't right with his enlarged abdomine and for the past year he was constantly coughing and gagging on and off ( again no vets  had any explanation for that) and lung xrays were clear ... Even the day he passed his lungs were clear. I keep telling myself if I had only known earlier maybe he would still be alive today... I do take some comfort in knowing I did everything I could have by taking him to the vet every time I knew something wasn't right. But most of all I know he had a great life and he sure made me and my family extremely happy all these years....'R.I.P Diego .... We miss you!
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675347 tn?1365460645
Hi, 4lablady, I understand what you are going through with your sweet girl. My own girl passed from Hemangiosarcoma nearly 3 years ago now.

It sounds like you are giving her the best 'hospice care' right now, and that's about all yo can do. You and her have done very well. My Misty only lived about 2 weeks from diagnosis. But when I looked back I could see there were vague signs 2 months before that. She had unexplained lethargy on a couple of occasions which got better within a day! And after some surgery she wouldn't stop bleeding, and that was touch-and-go at the time.
No-one knew then she had Hemangiosarcoma.

There is little else that you can do but make what remains of your girl's life as happy and filled with fun and love as you can.

The spells of weakness are mainly caused by tumours leaking blood. Mini internal bleeds somewhere. This causes some level of anemia. So good lean red meat and liver will help.
As blood leaks (usually in the peritoneal cavity) are naturally re-absorbed into the body, there is always more urine output. For the condition, that's to be expected.

Tramadol wasn't recommended by my vet by the time Misty reached that stage. It interferes with blood clotting apparently. Paracetamol was recommended instead, as it's one of the pain killing medications which doesn't affect clotting. But ask your vet about this first.

NB....the Paracetamol tablets are large, hard, and have straight edges. It was hard at the point to get Misty to 'wolf' down any food or treats offered to her. My usual method for concealing tablets in something tasty (which was swallowed immediately) didn't work, as she started chewing her food and eating more carefully -though she was still enjoying food.
This made giving her the Paracertamol difficult. I could not obtain a liquid form which was safe for dogs. I checked "Calpol" (for children) as it was recommended by one of the vets at my clinic. But it contained many additives I didn't wish to give to my dog!
Ask the vet if there is any veterinary option.

I hope you have some precious days/weeks left. So long as she has some decent quality of life and any pain is taken care of, she is hanging in, and probably isn't ready to leave yet.
But watch her carefully for any sudden changes. And I wouldn't go out and leave her alone for very long at a time.
My kindest thoughts to you -and her.
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I am beginning to feel there may be pain in this condition at least in the last few weeks.  My 12 year old yellow lab Penny showed fatigue symptoms at Christmas 2014 that I thought might be pyometra.  Jan 2, 2015 I brought her to the vet and physical exam with X-ray showed mass on her spleen.  Splenectomy  and spay surgery a week later and diagnosis hemangiosarcoma.  She did well after surgery.  
February she was still playing in the snow and fetching.  March appointment showed her red blood count down a little and on I started her on Rimydyl for all of March.  She showed some wobbly problems walking but still able to go up steps and got happy chasing the bumper a few times a day.  Later in March when it seemed she had some stomach pain and noisy breathing in mid-April I stopped the Rimydyl thinking stomach upset. Blood work in early April showed slightly lower red blood count and high platelets.   She showed fatigue and lethargy in late April always good appetite but now reluctant to get up and follow me around the kitchen when food was being prepared.  I fed her lots of liver and eggs, hamburger and even bacon with a scoop of her regular ProPlan hard kibble.

It is now mid May almost 6 months from diagnosis.  Her May blood work showed even lower red blood cells and high platelets.  The vet believes the disease process is taking over and wearing her down.  We started on Prednisone last week and she perked up for a few days . Now 10 days into it she is very tired and noisy "purring" sounds when she sleeps and breathes if relaxed but panting when she is up and moving or excited.   She does not want to walk much more than 20 or 30 feet and has to be encouraged to stand up. She still keeps up with doing her "business" outside--frequent peeing 5-6 times a day and A LOT.   Good bowel movements.   Yet  I feel like she is having distress or pain, I just can't tell where she is hurting.  I am going to call to see if I can start her on Tramdol to help.   She has a few lumps --ankle area, front of her chest, and upper rib.

I had to made the decision to let her mother go 7 years ago with the same diagnosis.  She never had the surgery but lasted about 5 or 6 months.  I didn't sense she was in pain but just slept all the time.  About a month before I let her go she had one great retrieve a fun shoot and I never  again saw her have energy and happiness.  She had about two more weeks but didn't move much from her bed.

I expect I have only few weeks or less with my yellow girl.  Praying she will go easy....

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649859 tn?1226536588
Dear Hilde,  
Your sister was diagnosed with this horrible disease today.  Molly has a right atria tumor and a tumor on her liver.  Pathology tests came back inconclusive, however Vet was fairly certain due to the locations of the tumors, the diagnosis is Hemangiosarcoma.  Molly is having the same symptoms, some tiredness, very thirsty, and diarrhea. She has difficulty getting up and walking.  I hate to lose Molly too.  Everyday I wonder how long I have with her.  She is getting lots of yummy chicken, liver, and treats.  
I miss you Hilde.  You were gone way too soon.  Love you forever, Mom
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675347 tn?1365460645
I am so sorry about Rocky. You gave him all your love. This is a cruel disease, and my heart goes out to you.
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675347 tn?1365460645
No you didn't betray your good boy.
Hemangiosarcoma is a cruel cancer, as no-one (often including the dog) has any idea it is there until it is way too late usually. Until there are internal bleeds, or sometimes subcutaneous lumps, the dog will show no symptoms.
My girl had that, and when I look back, she must have had it developing for weeks, probably months before it was discovered. Probably all through that spring, as she passed in June (2012) But there was no way to tell. She was healthy, energetic, athletic, ate well, slept well, had fun -no signs of pain. The vet was monitoring her blood work for another reason (which was improving tremendously) -and all her blood work was excellent -so he said. They saw no signs in her blood. And they only feel bad with it when an internal bleed happens.

My vet also told me that it is genetic, and not caused by anything environmental, although exposure to arsenic and Vinyl Chloride (in industry....production of plastics in factories) can cause it. But in most peoples' lives their dog is never exposed to those things in large enough amounts to cause Hemangiosarcoma, and is always a genetic thing.

You did nothing wrong at all. You loved him and did your best for him, and he knew it.
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