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1759127 tn?1313672497

dog vaccine

my dog is 6yrs old and just had the flu vaccine 8 days ago for boarding requirement. She is off her food very tired and seems to have a cold has anyone else ever seen this I am told there are no side effects but I don't really believe this.
19 Responses
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Hi, how is your dog today?  Your post is from Aug, 2011 and our schnauzer had a flu shot in Oct 2011 and is now diagnosed with an auto immune disorder probably from the flu vaccine.  We have had a very difficult time with him.  Muscle and liver enzymes extremely elevated.  All blood work and muscle biopsy are negative.  Very low thyroid.  Presently being treated with predinose and soloxine.  He's doing good now.  Just hope this is something that will not "come back".
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Hi I spoke with sky's vet and lab work shows that she is anemic and the dr is almost positive it is lupus but without nasal and ear biopsy she can't be 100% sure I am not willing to put her through this as the treatment for this is steroids and she is now on them and responding nicely.  As long as she has a good quality of life that is all that matters. she will have her blood tested again this week. right now the dr reccommends adding chicken and liver and steak to her diet.  Sky is very pleased with this.  You are the one who deserves to  be thanked for the work that you do with animals I can see where this could take a toll on you.  I will be happy to give her a big kiss from you again thank you for all of your concern.  Good Luck to you in the job you are doing with the animals. Kathy
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462827 tn?1333168952
Hi Kathy...Thank you for the update......I'm so glad she's feeling better & is eating for you.....Makes for good days, doesn't it?
I work in Animal Rescue & volunteer at Low income spay/neuter clinics.....
Yes, I've seen the heartache, abuse, neglect, starvation, etc....I've never understood it, either....It would destroy me if I let it!  So, I just try to keep plugging along in order to help the next one!
Again, thank you for giving her a home, along w/the love & care she deserves...You will be rewarded ten fold......She's the most loving & forgiving pet because she knows your trying to provide her a better life......Make no mistake, she knows that your trying to help her!
I suppose you need to get that car ride in today, while she feels good.  :)

Good for you for providing her w/ a high quality food.....So many people don't realize that what they're feeding is causing the illness.....

Again, thanks for the updates.......Take care and come back when you can....Give Sky a kiss from me!    Karla
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Good Morning thank you for the info on autoimmune disease as a matter of fact both of my german shepherds age 10 and 11 they were litter mates died of degenerative myelopathy I thank god they did not get this awful disease until they were 10yrs old it was the saddest thing to watch 2 beautiful otherwise healthy dogs become paralyzed.  I believe that sky would probably have lupus I can't understand why her opthamologist, dermatologist and vet are all in the same practice did not connect the dots about this.  I agree she should not have been vaccinated for flu and I have suspended flea & tick until I have more info.  Today she is on steroid pill 2X a day steroid drops in her ears and eyes she seems so much better she actually ate twice for me.  I try not to look to far ahead as I know the steroids have there own side effects.  I would like to give her a nice quality of life for whatever time she is in our lives.  Whoever had her before us had her at least 6 yrs and if I showed you pictures of what she looked like when we took her you would not believe it  today she looks like a different dog.  I know times are tough but how can have a pet and watch it suffer the way that she did.  She is the most loving and forgiving pet I have ever had. All she wants is to be loved  fed and to go for rides in the car with mommy and daddy.
Thank you for all of your concern it means so much to me.   As soon as I get her blood work results I will post them.
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462827 tn?1333168952
Hi Kathy....Here's the most common Autoimmune diseases in German Shepherds:
You might want to google each one to see if any fit Sky's problem.....Karla

•degenerative spinal myelopathy
•perianal fistula
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Hi thank you for your prayers for sky! I have seen the vet the results of the blood work is not in yet  I know they tested her for lyme disease when we first adopted her and it was negative  i am not sure what a full tick borne test is? I believe it is autoimmune because she also has dry eye and chronic ear infections she chews her feet all the time. The vet now thinks it is auto immune also too bad they didn' t realize this before the flu vaccine it was not something we wanted her to have.  She tires very easily and refuses to eat anything  I always fed her Buffalo Blue canned and dry  and she loved it now she doesn't even want treats she has lost 4 pounds. I have made liver chicken hamburger chicken soup nothing.  She is the sweetest dog in the world  we just want her to be better!  I will post her results from the vet as soon as I have them   Thanks Kathy
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462827 tn?1333168952
Hi Skysmom......I'm praying for you both....Thank you for taking her in & trying to help her...I for one, admire you for it!  I guess this means you've already seen the Vet today?
Do you have a copy of her bloodwork? Can you post the levels that were abnormal?
There are many Autoimmune diseases...Did your Vet put a label on it?
What are you feeding this girl? Name?
Has she had a FULL tick borne disease test run? NOT an inhouse snap test! I'm suspicous of a tick disease here!
Anymore information on her other symptoms?  I'm curious now........Karla
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974371 tn?1424653129
I'm so sorry to read you lost your GSD and now dealing with this.  So, now he thinks it may be an immune disorder.  I totally agree that, if this dog was not well, it should not have been vaccinated but it's a catch 22 situation if you have to board the dog................  If it were me, I would not be giving flea/tick preventative either until/unless I knew for sure what is going on.  I know you have put out a lot of money already but I never hesitate to get a second or third opinion when a diagnosis and/or treatment is questionable.  As for treatment, not sure what immune disease you may be dealing with and treatment protocols can differ.  Do you have a holistic Vet in your area?  You may want to check and see about using supplements.  I recalled when that flu virus first hit the Greyhound tracks and had read most of what Misfits had sent. Good info.  Although studies have shown that it is relatively safe, if you dog has an existing immune system problem, this can just make things worse.  Again, if you are or have been in a tick infested area, I'd have the Vet do some blood work (if he hasn't already) for Tick Borne diseases.  Some of these diseases don't show up for years.
Do keep up posted and will think positive thoughts that this can be resolved.  
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Hi I just got news from the vet they have taken more blood and are now leaning toward a diagnosis of autoimmune disease they have started her on steroids and the vet said she is getting yet another ear infection.  I feel if this is true then she never should have been given a flu shot and now I am wondering about flea and tick prevention as all of these chemicals can not be good for her.  Does anyone have any experience with this disease and any treatments?  I would appreciate any help or info you can give me.  Thanks Skysmom
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Hi I am not sure which vaccine it was I will find out and post this info tomorrow. Thank you for responding to me about this issue Her eye doctor also wants her to have a major surgery which I have not heard anything positive about. I am not willing to put her through anything else as I believe she is very fragile.  she is a beautiful german shepherd between 6 and 8 yrs old the mspca wan't sure as she was a seizure from a bad owner.  I hope and pray that my vet can find out what is wrong and make it better  I lost my 11 yr old shepherd in Dec 2010 and can't face losing another one this soon.  I know lose is the price we pay for loving them but I didn't think we would be here so soon.  I will update the forum about her hopefully with good news.. thanks again
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Thank you for your article and info we adopted sky from the mspca she was severely neglected bald,skinny she has a condition called dry eye never treated and severe ear infections also untreated she sees an opthamologist a dermatologist and a vet hence the 7,000 in bills. still we love her and only want her to be better but we can never seem to get here there.  she is seeing her vet today please pray they can help her if not we are going to let her go as she is not really living at this point.  I firmly believe that the flu shot really hurt her and it was against my better judgement to give it to her.  My vet said that maybe if she put her on some steroids for life this might be an option as she responded very well to this treatment for her ears.  The sad part is she now looks fabulous all her fur is back she has regular treatment for her eyes and ears and until last week was a great eater.  Why do people have pets and not care for them I wish we had met her sooner.  Thanks for listening
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462827 tn?1333168952
Part 2:
Dr. Schweitzer makes it very clear about what healing is. Injecting chemicals into an animal is not healing. It does not awaken the doctor who resides within each patient. It disrupts the immune system of the animal and can result in everything from death to chronic disease states, such as autoimmune disease, organ failure, allergies, etc.

For the past 25 years I have stressed the following issue about vaccinations. Is the theory of vaccination practical? When we know there are an infinite number of strains of virus and bacteria, does it make any sense to try to prevent disease by injecting an infinite number of viruses and bacteria into the blood stream’s of animals and people? My answer to this question is NO. I feel the answer to preventing disease is a healthy immune system. You can read my page on how to stay healthy http://www.thepetwhisperer.com/pet_message.html and learn what you can do to help your animals and yourselves stay healthy.

The reason animals get ill is due to their susceptibility to infection. We should be putting our resources into nutrition, no chemicals, IE flea and tick, pesticides, herbicides, clean water, stop over vaccination practices. Injecting more chemicals into animals is not prevention. A strong healthy immune system is health.

Learn about raising your pet on raw or natural diets, bovine colostrum, essential oils,  clean water, chemical free living and few or no vaccinations. You will do no harm with these products and will help provide the doctor within with the building blocks to keep them healthy.

On May 27, 2009, the USDA (Department of Agriculture) granted a conditional license to this first vaccine against Canine Influenza Virus (CIV), produced by drug giant Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health.  The drug company writes in a recent press release available on their website: ” It may be given to dogs six weeks of age or older and can be given annually as a component of existing respiratory disease vaccine protocols to ensure more comprehensive protection.” (Respiratory vaccines, according to top experts I’ve interviewed, have dubious effectiveness and known propensity to adverse reactions. See my Vaccinating Dogs page for more information; scroll down to the section on Bordetella/Kennel Cough.) The CIV vaccine will be up for regular licensing in one year.

During the conditional period, data will be gathered on “product purity, product safety under normal conditions of use in field safety trials and demonstration that the product has a reasonable expectation of efficacy.”

So, I’ve given you something to think about other than fear of dog flu. I’m a consumer advocate, not a vet, but I will not be purchasing a flu vaccine for my dogs. I will continue to put my money in building health with great food and no harmful drugs.

Dr. Cynda Crawford, one of the flu’s discovers, calls the number of dogs who have died of this disease “a drop in the bucket” of the nations 70 million dogs.  It is my belief that the number of dogs adversely affected by reactions to vaccines, especially drugs rushed to market, would overflow that bucket many times over.

I hope you’ll think health, not fear, when the Powers That Be warn you to be scared and buy drugs.

Other articles that may interest you include: Vaccinating Unhealthy Pets: Beware Reactions & Vaccine Failure, Vaccinating Dogs: 10 Steps to Eliminating Unnecessary Shots and Titer Test: Don’t Vaccinate Your Dog Unnecessarily.  I’ve also just posted Rabies Vaccine Skin Reaction: Ischemic Dermatopathy, the story of how a champion agility dog had her career ended by a rabies vaccine reaction, and another on Changing Rabies Vaccination Laws.  These last two are on my other blog, Blog4Dogs.com.

September Blog4Dogs Blog
Natural Dog Health Care Information
Rabies Vaccine Information

Jan Rasmusen Pet Health Community  

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462827 tn?1333168952
Here's an interesting article on the subject....I, like Margot, would like to know what on earth your Vet has treated this dog for, that would add up to $7000 in 9mos.? My first reaction is you need a New Vet & quick!  Obviously your dog has something going on & this Vet should have never allowed a sick dog to be Vaccinated....That is your first red flag....I would appreciate any more information....I'm hoping for the best for your girl & you....Thank you for adopting......Karla

Well it seems that this is too long, so I will have to split it up...You will get it in two parts...Sorry bout that!

Dog Flu Vaccine: Do You Really Need a Shot for the H3N8 Canine Virus?
Written by Jan on July 1, 2009 – 9:41 am

The flu is coming! The flu is coming!  Be afraid …  be very afraid.

This time the flu is headed for our beloved dogs. It’s the flu that killed racing greyhounds in Florida, beginning in 2003.

But don’t worry, the pharmaceutical industry has a lovely new vaccine with a shiny new needle.  Before long, expect a scary notice with the urgent message to rush in for a magic shot before your dog gets the new virus.  Why not get a bunch more shots while you’re at it? But before you go flying in, credit card in hand, I hope you’ll read this article, and others, and ask yourself some important questions.

Questions like ….

» Is your dog really at risk?
» Is the vaccine effective?
» Is it safe?
» What adverse reactions are expected short-term? And long-term (in a drug rushed to market with conditional approval)?
» Did the virus mutate to Canine Influenza in racing greyhounds from racing horses vaccinated against Equine Influenza?  Are there unintended consequences for humans down the line from the canine influenza shot?
When I first read the New York Times article, New Flu Vaccine Approved — For Dogs, I thought: here we go again. Bird flu … swine flu … now dog flu?

My fears were allayed somewhat when author Donald McNeil, Jr.,began: “There is a new flu virus going around. It initially looked quite lethal, and caused panic. Now it is clear that it has killed relatively few victims — and many of those have underlying conditions.” But then he added: ”It is particularly dangerous to be the possessor of a pushed-in nose — that is, to be a Pekingese, a pug or a Shi-Tzu.”  I relaxed again with: “It has now been found in 30 states, but almost exclusively in settings where dogs live closely together: shelters, pet stores, kennels and dog schools.”

I repeat: “It has now been found in 30 states, but almost exclusively in settings where dogs live closely together: shelters, pet stores, kennels and dog schools.”

I looked over the comments following the on-line article and realized that a lot of pet parents are nevertheless panicking. I asked a few of my vaccination activist vet friends to offer some advice. Here’s what they wrote.

***From Dr. Patricia Jordan, DVM, CVA, CTCVH & Herbology, Author of the upcoming book on vaccination: Mark of the Beast

I am a veterinarian, I have 25 years of experience and I am HORRIFIED that this new vaccine was ever manufactured and is now being promoted for use. Our leading premier veterinary immunologist and vaccine researcher, Dr. Ron Schultz, has already informed us that the only reason there even was a canine flu……….is the use and overuse of the vaccine in horses for the horse flu!

Indeed the very use of modified live vaccines squirted up the nose of the horses that then shared the locality of the race track with dogs, racing greyhounds….that increases the chance of species jumping and this is EXACTLY why we have this pathogen. Vaccines keep the viral proteins of the disease in play and are the very reason we rise mutations of more severe strains and why we eventually have species jumping of the viruses from our companion animals then to man!

Emory University in Georgia has a paper out about the overuse of veterinary vaccines leading to emerging Public Health issues in man. How do you think Bordatella [Kennel Cough vaccine] came to infect now both cats and humans in the households with the dogs! With the impending pandemic that will be made by the mass vaccination using swine flu vaccines…..we certainly DO NOT NEED our dogs adding to the pandemic with theirviral flu protein sequences imposed upon them with the latest shot to pop for profits!

The country of Indonesia has the most virulent, pathogenic, lethal strains of Bird Flu and the most humans deaths because of the VERY FACT they have a mass inoculation program. Three experts in their country have critized their governments mass inoculation program and the mathematical model proves all three of these scientists work. One is a Tropical Disease Virologist, a second an Avian Disease Specialist and the third a Veterinary Pathobiologist, they all have weighed in: MASS INOCULATIONS ARE THE VERY CAUSE OF RISE OF MUTANT STRAINS AND PANDEMICS ARE THE ENDGAME.

I would never ever, recommend this and especially to dogs [flat-faced dogs likes pugs and bulldogs] who can hardly breath to begin with. Boarding facilities and vaccinologists will be the reason this vaccine will make more disease and deaths occur. Do not get the vaccine.

In continued correspondence Dr. Jordan added:

Canine Flu came from the use and overuse of modified flu vaccine in the equine. The horses had the vaccine sprayed up their noses and then the modified live virus mutated to be able to attack and infect dogs. The first were the racing greyhounds on the very tracks that the equine flu came from.

You can expect that the virus will once again mutate and jump to infect man and probably the cat, anyone that shares the environ with the dogs. Some dogs … because a vaccine has nothing to do with the ability of the individual to deal with a virus … may not have any signs until a stressor or another trigger comes along … bad food, travel, crowding, the physical exertion of racing, etc.

People getting flu vaccines is most likely where the flu mutated from us to the horses……and we can expect much more of that with all of these pop a shot for profit coming down the pike. I’m particularly worried about groomers and kennel owners believing they need to add this shot to their requirements for service. Then you will see stressed out multiply-housed animals really rise a mutation.

It’s the very use of vaccines is what keeps the disease in play. Vaccination does not mean immunization; it does not mean immunity. Every vaccination is experimentation under the guise of providing health care delivery.

You asked about side effects. I fear vaccinating will contribute to the making of a pandemic virus, will contribute to the circulation of viral proteins, will contribute to the toxic load of pets and people, and will help rise the strains of mutations.

*** Stephen R. Blake, DVM, Author of The Pet Whisperer

I am so sorry to hear our friends the animals are going to be exploited once again. I have seen this scare tactic used for the past 40 years to get people to inject their animals with dangerous vaccines that have no safety studies to back them up. This is also the case with human vaccines.

Each individual must ask themselves, “Is the risk from the natural infection greater or less than the potential danger of the vaccine?”

“The witch doctor succeeds for the same reasons all the rest of us doctors succeed. For each patient carries his own doctor inside himself. They come to us not knowing this truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work.” — Albert Schweitzer

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974371 tn?1424653129
Ok, I'm with you now.  This got my attention because, having helped with Greyhound rescue for some time, I recall tracks being quaranteened due to some virus epidemic, later classified as canine influenza.  From what I am reading, this is probably the vaccine your dog received.  So far, I am unable to find any reports of adverse reactions but there can always be exceptions to that.  I assume she has been healthy since you got her up until receiving this vaccine?  I can't believe you've spent that much.  What testing has this Vet run and why are the bills so high?  What breed is your dog?  I wonder if there is a chance there may be an underlying immune problem.  Wish I could be of more help.  Has she been tested for tick borne diseases?  I gave my dogs kennel cough vaccines for years and never had any reactions to those.  I'm going to ask my vet if they are requiring the vaccine in CA.  Last time I called about boarding, I was only required to do the kennel cough vaccine.
I'm curious now to find out if all the Greyhound tracks are vaccinating the dogs.  Maybe I'll try and check the boards for some info.
Have you tried consulting another Vet or university Vet clinic near you?
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974371 tn?1424653129
I feel so bad for you.  This is a new vaccine?  If I get a chance, I'm going to try to look this up. Was it this Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N8?
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1759127 tn?1313672497
It was definitely the flu shot she has had kennel cough protection twice with no problem this is an injection for canine influenza it is fairly new and required by my vet to board her at the hospital no other place in Massachusetts requires this and now I know why we adopted her 9 months ago she is a wonderful dog who was severely neglected I guess we didn't realize how sick she really is so far we have spent almost 7thousand dollars in vet bills with no end in sight .  I wanted to give her a good quality of life but I am beginning to think that her time with us will be brief as she seems so lifeless.
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1759127 tn?1313672497
Thank you for your help I called my vet it seems that she either has the flu or a bacterial infection she is now on antibiotics she does not seem any better to me at this time I will not be giving her the booster for the flu shot and will try to board her somewhere else. At this point I am not sure if she will even get better and I am worried sick about her.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Is this what you meant he got?  Here is some info.

More commonly, for best protection, an intranasal vaccine containing both parainfluenza and Bordetella is used. Intranasal vaccines create localized immunity that greatly reduces the incidence of clinical signs and illness. There are several precautions and warnings that need to be observed pertaining to this vaccine. Some dogs will develop mild signs similar to tracheobronchitis when given this vaccine. Very often, the symptoms will last for several days and the dog will recover without treatment. Dogs that are vaccinated can also shed the virus and cause other dogs to become mildly infected and show mild signs. This shedding usually lasts less than 72 hours. In addition, it takes up to 4 days after vaccination for dogs to develop protection. When you combine these facts, you will see why I strongly recommend that a dog not be given intranasal vaccine within 72 hours of coming into contact with other susceptible dogs. Do not give the vaccine the day before a dog show, boarding, etc. Try to give at least four days before contact with other dogs, and preferably 7 days. This way you will protect your dog from becoming infected by other dogs, and protect those dogs from becoming infected by yours.
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974371 tn?1424653129
I don't know of a flu vaccine.  Do you mean she got a Kennel Cough vaccine?  I don't know why she would be expressing these symptoms 8 days later.  I suggest you give your Vet a call and see what they say.  She may need a check up.
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