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Feeling lightheaded all the time. Sinus related?

I began feeling lightheaded around Thanksgiving of last year.  It is CONSTANT.  I also feel pressure behind my nose.

I went to the doctor.  He looked in my nose and said, "I see some redness in your nasal cavity.  So you might have a sinus infection.  I'll prescribe some antibiotics for it.  I
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I had exactly the same symptoms, felt absolutely dreadful every day. Woke up exhausted and the only thing that seemed to fix it has been a hay fever relief spray in my nose. Beconaise I think it’s called but effectively it’s a steroid spray. Good luck
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I have really suffered with sinus for a long time. Dry nose and lots of pressure. Wouldn’t have thought the two related but there you go
That stinks you feel so bad every day.  My son has intense allergies and also can feel crummy.   If Beconaise works, it works. Allergy sprays for noses aren't like afrin which is for just acute use of no more for a week so would imagine that it is fine with your doctor you use your nose spray regularly?  So, my husband has had chronic sinus issues though. He's had surgery.  It did give him relief way back when. Have you considered this more long term fix?  The down side is recovery time.  My husband lasted 20 years before he had another sinus issue.  Surgery was not an option for him the second time around. He too ibuprofen to reduce swelling of the sinues, he iced it. But it was a long period of time of discomfort.  Do you take any allergy meds?
Yes actually that’s exactly what I’m going to enquire about this time. I was previously referred to ENT consultant and they did say I could have operation but it isn’t permanent fix. At the time I thought we were talking months not years and years, so I declined. It seems to have got worse now so I think I’m going to go ahead with it this time. I’m so glad I did try beconaise though as I was starting to lose my mind, my wife is due to give birth to our 2nd anytime now and I was wondering how I was going to cope lol unfortunately sinus issues seem to run in my family but would be awesome to get some relief from it. I don’t take any allergy meds and im not allergic to anything at all, no hay fever nothing. My wife has even said my snoring has improved the last couple of days. It was this post that made me try the beconaise.
Just want to warn, you can't really use beconaise more than very occasionally as it's a corticosteroid.  Gotta be careful with those.  
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I've had this same problem for 3 years. It's frustrating and depressing at times. I feel as though I am looking through my eyes from further back in my head. Been to my doctor numerous times, finally after doing my own research., went to a chiropractor. He listened to all of my symptoms and thought I needed an MRI to rule out a tumor. Thankfully I do not have any brain abnormalities, however the neurologist pointed out that, in fact, one of my sinuses is diseased. One was completely white where as the other black and clear. The irony was, I had this condition on and off until a very bad flu. I had actually vomited through my nose. I thought I had depleted my adrenal glands. But I'm thinking now maybe it had irritated by sinus. I have a CT scan booked for October and I will update with any info, God bless and keep fightin and looking for answers. My children are five and three year old twins. I must get better sfor them xoxoxo don't feel bad for asking questions and do as much research as you can. One day you will find a doctor who cares
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Do you have any update?
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I have had my light head feeling for 8 years now,i have it every hour of my life, it's starting to get out of hand. I have had so many mri scans and ct scans its sad. they keep saying its vertigo I keep telling them it is not. been on meds 4 different times and still feel like I'm going to hit the floor everytime I stand or sit. today I went for another mri and the guy that did it is like have you ever had a sinus infection ? I'm like no. hes like well I'm pretty sure we have a answer for ya that your doctor will tell you. I'm like if your telling me this balance of walking like a toddler for 8 years if from sinus blockage I'm not going to be happy, now that ive lost 8 years of enjoying time with my little kids and outing on daily life due to sinuses not cool. ya its a easy fix but getting 8 yrs of life back isn't for not working and being depressed on not being able to support my family with extra income. so ill wait to hear doctors results once she calls and hopefully I can get on with my life as a person. at 43 yrs old I'm not ready for a wheel chair, ive got a 3 yr old and 9 month old.
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Hi! Thank you for sharing this.  I have the same symptoms. May I ask how are you doing now?
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For the past 7 years I have been getting lightheaded went to the doctors nothing wrong with my inner ear, had tc scan, blood work and a few other test, can't figure out what's going on. I stop driving cause I don't trust myself. I feel so helpless asking my husband and children to drive me places I would like to become independent again.
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I have been having constant nose block almost everyday for years. I feel dizzy often and pressure near my nose and eyes. Once a while I feel like something strike my head as if I am going to faint. Sometimes I feel like I am imbalance. I have seen ENT, nothing wrong. But I just can't get rid of this dizziness and I feel so hopeless :(
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I went to see see  an otolaryngologists, he told me he couldn't see an infection, but he saw something in my noise (I usually bleed when I blow my noise) and I am congested, Dry or congested nasal passages allow small vessels to break and bleed. He put some kind of medicine and I drooled from my noise all day and i wasn't lighheaded anymore. Then I read that  nasal polyps are small, benign growths that develop from nose or sinus tissues and can cause the sinus cavities to become blocked, preventing mucus from draining and leading to sinus infection. These little gems can also restrict airway passages, which can in turn trigger headaches. I don't know if that helps

Alos, chronic allergies can cause long-term swollen and scarred areas of the nasal passages and/or polyps.
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2003325 tn?1327580228
yes i have this problem feel light headness and pressure in my nose i consult to many doctors some give me answers its anxiety reason but when i take the anxiety medicine after i feel pressure in my nose i feel vertigo all the day but my all brain tests are clear like EEG, Cat scan, sinuses X-ray mean PNS X-ray, i m really worried about this horrible situation, pls help me.
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OK here is my story,About 12 years ago i was working on a storefront door and was struck across the bridge of my noseNose fracturewith the force of a baseball bat. I don't think that i was knocked unconscious but i did have sever bleeding from both my noseNose fractureand my mouth. After about 10 minutes of some pretty profuse bleeding, It was stoped by paramedics and taken to the hospital. Although i had a large gash across my noseNose fracture, The doctors said that i was lucky and that nothing was brokenBroken bone
Broken or knocked out tooth, Went home and woke up with 2 black eyes. after about 30 days, i had some horrible
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I have the same symptoms!!!  I went to a ear nose & throat specialist and he told me it was a sinus polyp.  He prescribed me a steroid that has a 40% chance of getting rid of the polyps, but it didn't seem to make a difference except for make me more light headed.  I will most likely have to have a surgery to get them removed.   See a ear, nose, and throat specialist if you haven't already... If you live in NY, dr Eliet Goldfski around Great Neck is so helpful!  Best of Luck to everyone dealing with this!  I know it's not fun =((
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793667 tn?1237069038
Let me post my experience.

You are about to read a personal situation that is currently happening to me.

It all started late one night, i had just got home from a family reunion.  I remember all I was wearing was a regular shirt, no sweater to protect ne from the cold.  I got home made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and was ready to go to sleep.  As I was about to close my eyes to go to sleep I jumped back up I suddently got the feeling that I had stopped breathing.  

So I quickly got up and I made myself a tea, and drinked that to calm myself down.  It was a feeling of desperation not knowing what was going on or what was going to happen to me.  I then turned on the television and began watching t.v. to try to get my mind away from my situation.  The next day I was fine, I just remember thinking I had caught a cold.  But the symptoms were weird, my nose was congested but had nothing.

As the days passed I just began to forget it, besides my birthday was coming up that sort of made me get distracted and made me feel a bit better.  Then we began to plan out trip to Las vegas, to celebrate my birthday.  We left to Vegas for my birthday and everything was ok, not normal but ok.  I remember walking on the streets of Vegas with a feeling of being numb.  Or as if I was walking on clouds, the sensation of my hands was not there.  But I didn't see it as something bad, I just thought it would go away by itself.  

When I returned back to Los Angeles, as I came into my house I felt weird.  I felt really light and as if my body was missing or not there.  I stood up in fron of my bathroom's mirror and I felt as if I weighed as a thin sheet of white paper.  I have recently gone to the doctor and have done both blood and urine tests but they say everything is perfectly fine.  In fact they told me I have depression.  Although I don't thinkso because I don't consider myslef as a sad person.  But who knows, right now I have tried my best to eat as healthy as possible and drink plenty of fluids and vitamins.  I have also stayed away from the computer.

I will continue to express my feelings to all of you.

If you have spare time please incluide Luis in your prayers! God works in mysterious ways!

UPDATED 2-23-2009

As of now, I feel more relaxed I just have a bit of problem to breath.  I don't know why It's a bit hard to breathe through my nose.  So now all i have is a list of hospital and doctor visits to pay.  I really don't have the way of paying so if you would like to lend me a hand, God will reward you!
And I will thank you!

UPDATED 3-13-2009

Well I guess now I have to pay for the mistakes of doctors.  Since January I have checked in with at least 6 doctors.  But I think now one of them might have figured out one of my problems.  This past Thursday I went with a doctor and he told me I had a case of "bronchitis" since then I had a mild temperature never reaching higher than 100* F and I'm stuck with a cough that really *****.  I mean it really *****, no matter what I do to soothe it, it's still there.  I guess if back in January when I first visited the doctors, if they would have diagnosed me correctly; right now I probably wouldn't be like this.  First they told me I had anxiety, which now i've learned it means when they have nothing better to say.  I really mean it, a doctor told me they tell us that when they have no other answer.  Anyways, first supposobly I had anxiety, then supposobly it turned into depression, and now it's "bronchitis"!  I guess I must say thanks for trusting that they knew what I had.

Now, I just want to get better to live my live as I was living before all of this.

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427784 tn?1224969522

A close neighbor just sent me this info about Janet Jackson, as her recent vertigo symptoms that caused her to cancel appearances do sound similar to mine.  

http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=6043241    click on this link - it associates these symptoms with migraine pressure without headache pain.  

I don't have the spinning vertigo as others describe.  Janet J's vertigo symptoms of feeling as if she's on a boat - or floating, mirrors my experience.   I often have intense pressure in my head but I would never have thought this pressure was a headache or migraine related.  I know how a typical migraine affected my mother - her pain was so severe.

I just returned from a week long process workshop in Mesa AZ and each day was torturous.  I tried not to panic when the motion I felt sitting in a conference room all week just would not ease up.  I could really feel every "bob and dip" movement - fortunately I was able to get up often to take breaks.  I'm curious to find out how Janet Jackson's symptoms have been treated.  The article doesn't say if she's back on tour yet.

I have never heard of - and not one of the doctors I've seen have ever mentioned - " Mal de Debarquement or Floating Woman Syndrome" - I'm printing this article about Janet Jackson to take to my PCP, EN&T, and Naturepath.

I'm hoping this dizziness is just hormonal and related to the onset of menopause.  I've been battling this for a year now and I hope to find out how Janet Jackson was treated - I do feel hopeful!  I also just bought Suzanne Sommers book "Breakthrough" to read on the plane.  Very interesting and insightful.  She confirms the aspects of poor "gut / intestinal / digestive track" health as the root of all health problems.  Her book is getting good reviews.  I will share more as delve deeper into her book.

At the advice of the Naturepath I've been working with, I've been off of wheat and gluten for more than a month.  Unfortunately I had very painful inflammation of my mouth tissue two weeks ago, so she recommend removing processed sugar from my diet as well, to speed the healing process of having thrush/candida. I've never had that before - I thought it was a condition that just affected children - my mouth is fine now.  She said to keep up these diet constraints until she sees that my compromised immune system has improved.

Celiac Sprue runs in my family (cousins) and recent blood work showed I had sensitivity to wheat, almonds, dairy, pineapple and kidney beans.  With supplementing Vitamin D, my levels have been elevated to 23 - I was at 15 or 16.  I take 2000 units each day and try my best to get a little sun each day - not easy to do in this Seattle weather.   I'm hoping these diet adjustments will help lower my high thyroid antibodies as my Naturepath explained poor nutritional / gut health causes autoimmune problems. I'm off of Thyroid hormone as I reacted badly to the low amounts of Synthroid my PCP prescribed.   In a few months I return for more blood work to check levels.

Even with diet changes I'm still dizzy each and every day, still have tinnitus buzzing in my left ear for more than 4 years now and head pressure.

Hope all are doing better, I welcome any thoughts you may have.
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hi ppl,,I have same symptom,,for 3 monthes right now,,lightheaddedness and dizzy,weak,,,and when I talk with ppl for some reason I feel like am losing consetration on them just like there is somethin wrong in my eyes ( while its not as the docotr said that) so any one of u have same problem ,,so I can help him and vise versa,, becoz I went through 1000 of doctors and test,,so I can help,,,,,,email me plz
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What did you ever find out about your lightheadedness?  I have the same exact problem for 14 weeks now.  I know I have a sinus infection and have been on 6 antibiotics with no relief. They say it is anxiety that is causing the lightheadedness, but none of their anti-anxiety meds worked.  I am still constantly lightheaded. e-mail me or post. Thanks ***@****
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In my line of work, I have to undergoe a lot of physical activity.  I've been lightheaded and have come close to passing out a few times during physical activity.  I've been seeing an internal medicine doctor and have undergone numerous tests ranging from a brain MRI to two endoscopies..not to mention countless blood tests.  All tests have come up negative with the exception of an endoscopy that shows an inflammed stomach with a lot of mucus in the stomach.
I am convinced that I have sinus issues as I feel that I'm always swallowing a lot of mucus. My question is do you feel like vommiting or gagging, especially in the mornings?  Are you tired a lot?  When I run, I have extrememe burning in the lungs and throat, not to mention,I spend the rest of the day caughing after a good run.
I'm going to try to convince the doctor to get me a CTC scan.  I've actually seen an alergist and have been given Claratin to control the mucus.  Does any of this seem similar to what you have?  Please let me know how your CTC scan goes and if it helps your lightheadedness.  Thank you.
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Thanks Shanon!
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Hi there ~  Just my 2 cents.  I had the same sympton as you, very lightheaded and even dizzy at times along with other sinus symptons and my ENT dr. ordered a CT scan of my sinuses and sure enough, deviated septum, turbinates needed to be reduced, sinus tubes running from up in my nose between my eyes that go from side to side behind eyes (not sure if I am explaining well) needed to be stretched PLUS my tonsils needed to go...very very enlarged.  I had my surgery on Feb. 5th still in the healing process but she said my sinuses were worse than they expected when they got in there as well as my tonsils.  My tonsils were so rotted they feel apart on the tray (how gross!)  So yes, I believe you need to have a CT scan done...I think your right, they may be going off on the wrong road.  My ears would also feel plugged or ache at times.  Head would ache some.  Nose was always stuffy and mucus running down the back of my throat all the time.  Would feel alot of pressure on my cheeks and above my eyes.  I am so anxious to get healed so that I can see the difference in how I will feel.

I would definately ask for the CT scan of my sinuses.  It shows alot in that one test.  Best of luck to you!

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