1303966 tn?1296740010

Is another EEG necessary?

I started Zonegran in Nov.  I saw my Neuro yesterday and she asked about any seizure activity.  Of course I told her I had a seizure in March.  She ordered a sleep deprived 1 hour EEG because she said she may need to change my medication if I'm still having epileptic activity.  Is this really necessary?  The complex seizures I was having when I first started having seizures were really bad, and this seizure I had in March was nothing compared to those.  I think the medication needs more time.  What I would really like to know is why I began having seizures at 39 out of the blue.  Why is this not being explored?  Seizures, vertigo, twitching and ......         Venting:)
4 Responses
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1663135 tn?1310005363
If you dont feel like having another EEG is necessary tell your Neuro. Tell her you want to give the med more time. But I would like you to keep in mind that sometimes just one seizure can lead to many many more. My daughter has been struggling with a hard to treat epilepsy. Her seizures how ever we are unable to treat with medication so we are using a different form of treatment. And as far as the age is concerned. I have spoke with our Neuro about age and have read lectures on age. And sometimes it has absolutely nothing to do with it. And that just ***** because you would think that the more information you give them about yourself and the type of seizures you have the more answers you will recieve but that isnt always how it works. Sometimes not even the Doctors know. But if your epilepsy is something new and you need a little advice here a little. If you are still having issues ask for another medication to be added on to the one that you are taking. See maybe if you are a canidate for the Keto diet (which is almost exactly like the atkins diet) if you arent feeling comfortable or your not getting the results that you feel you should be getting then see an epileptologist. Those guys are specialists when it comes to Epilepsy and the different treatments. And by the way good luck.
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1303966 tn?1296740010
My Neuro says she wants to see what my brain is doing on the medication.  I can tell her that just from reading my journal.  My seizure activity is in my L-temporal lobe.  I will check into the Keto diet, I have heard about this diet.  I feel like my seizures are pretty well controlled, but I get these vertigo spells and I don't know if they are related to the seizures in any way.  I went to the ENT and he said they may be from poorly controlled seizures.  I have learned to be careful with my blood sugar and sleep.  The last seizure was because my brother was in town from FL and we sat up late talking and catching up.  I typically keep a good sleep pattern.  I also take Diamox for something else, but I understand this is use to treat seizures too.  

Thank you,
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I think you should get another EEG my kids have them when every the Doctor wants one or when I want one done on them. They need to see what the medicine is doing and you may find that you will have to try different ones and even a few at a time. And you may not even know it every time you have a seizure may people have seizures in there sleep to and don't know it. The thing your Doctor should do is a video egg in the hospital for a few days so they can really see what is happening with you and how may you are having and also run blood test to check for things that could cause seizures. like check your throid levels and blood levels and they could also do A EKG to and many other blood levles that could be causeung seizures. The other thing to look at is any medicines you might have taken that could cause seizures as a side effect.

hope this helps.god bless
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1303966 tn?1296740010
I had my sleep deprived EEG.  The older I get the harder it is to stay awake!  I didn't care for the strobe lights, and for a sleep lab, the people working in the lab sure were noisy....  especially since they expected me to fall asleep.  

I'm sure the test was abnormal, because it felt like I had a stroke, but I'm sure it was some sort of seizure activity.  The right side of my face felt tight, twitchy and numb and my body started to tingle and it spread from my brain.  I didn't know what to do, so I just kept my eyes closed and stayed still and calm.  

I have blood work once a month now, and I was not on any medication prior to having these seizures.  I wish the seizures were simple to explain.  So far the blood tests don't explain them.  My heart was check out as well.  

The only explanation I have for my seizures is my "mild" Chiari Malformation or Complicated Migraines (which is most likely form the Chiari).  I have an oblique compression across my brain stem.  My left vertebral artery and right brain tonsil is squeezing my brain stem.  The vertebral artery branches off of the Basilar artery.  The Basilar artery supplies the oxygenated blood to the brain.  If this is being squeezed and at times I'm not getting enough oxygenated blood to the brain it can cause complicated migraine, TIA, and seizures.  I had 2 - possible TIA's.  I was diagnosed in the ER with TIA.  But, complicated migraines mimic TIA's.  

I can't get a doctor to agree that the seizure are related to the Chiari, but they shake their heads yes when I ask about the brain compression and the complicated migraine (basilar migraine).  One in the same if you ask me.  I think it's a liability issues if they give me a straight answer.  I think this is why patients don't get straight answers these days.  My opinion???

Thanks for the reply

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