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Intense stomach pain after exercise

I'm a teenager, just sixteen and I eat pretty well, but also a good amount of sweets. For a few years I have been having intense pain in my stomach/abdominal area after I play soccer and/or run untill I'm very tired. I started going to my doctor first when I was thirteen about this and she has not the slightest idea what is going on. I read the tag about stomach pains after tennis and my syptoms sound very similar. I am in good shape and exercise regulairly, and it only happens on random days spread by weeks of no problems, and it only happens when I push myself to my limits. I have asthma, but I can outrun any person in my school so I do not think that is a problem. When it happens I usually can't sit still and it feels as if someone is driving a knife into my stomach. It only last for about an hour, and I find drinking water and eating helps ease the pain. If anyone has any ideas please get back to me because it has become more frequent recently and my parents worry it might be accociated with diabetes because my grandfather had it (type 2). thanks.
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I have experienced stomach and esophogeal pains like you.  One morning I drank some moderately strong coffee and I felt like my stomach got electrocuted with caffeine, stress and tension.  I have doing high intensity running on a treadmill by sprinting 10-14 mph with a 3-7% incline slope, however, the irritation and vibration of the sprint running for 1-2 minutes per interval has aggravated my gastrointentinal track.  I can not consume caffeine currently because of the higher stomach acid secretions during sprint running; I almost fainted a few times!
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I recently worked out really hard in a 2 hour cycle class.  I have had the same issues of menstrual like pain before following intense exercise, but this was debilitating.  I had to pull my car to the side of the road and call 911.  The cramps were what I imagine labor cramps to be and I had bleeding from the vagina.  I was given two doses of Demerol (which took the edge off but did not stop the cramping) I was then given a muscle relaxant and finally three agonizing  hours later RELIEF!

I have done a ton of web browsing on this and I think I have figured it out (not a doctor) but this makes SO much sense.

The pain from your period is thought to be the result of uterine contractions, caused by prostaglandins (a hormone-like substance, normally found in your body). Prostaglandins are known to stimulate uterine contractions.

Intense exercise/stress itself increases prostaglandin production.

Prostaglandin gel is actually given to women to INDUCE labor and it may even stimulate mild contractions and, for some women, this is enough to start labor.

Why taking ibuprofen may help.

It is aProstaglandin inhibitor
Aspirin is a mild prostaglandin inhibitor, another prostaglandin inhibitor is ibuprofen.

So I think the body gets super stressed, produces too much prostaglandins which wreak havoc on the uterine muscles and basically make you feel like you are in labor.  The fact that some folks have spotting clearly distinguishes these cramps from being just normal muscle cramps – they are MENSTRUAL cramps caused by the Prostaglandins.

Also, the one thing all of us complaining about this have in common is “period-type cramping” this leads me to believe there is nothing structural about this, rather something biochemical as a result of intense exercise.

I really think I am on to something here that is missing from the internet conversations.  Anyone who is seeing an OB/GYN about this – it would be great if you could run my theory by them and return their input.

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I love to exercise everyday of the week 2-3 hours, but one day I do rest.  I started having this some pain in the abdominal/stomach area.  I had it for about a week.  It happened when I cooked something wrong and when I eat I will feel like I was going to throw up but I couldn't.  On Tuesday night my head was hurting, but I felt better the next day.  I still have the pain, so I wonder what it is?  When I exercise I feel better, but it hurts a little when I do the abs?  What should I do about it?  
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Too bad Dr. Vinod seems to have gone away...He was a very helpful soul...Since my kidney stones got lithotripsied for the 2nd time, I have been running as much as I want without getting stomach/pelvic pains.  It really helped to get Dr. Vinod's comments -- hope you come back again, Dr.!
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I am an R.N. and my 17/18 year old daughter has been having severe cramping that tends to get worse the second half of intense soccer or field hockey games.  It only comes on under very intense exercise of long duration and lasts a couple hours after stopping.  She also says that her stomach gets bloated during the game. She has had this for about 6 months or so.  I can remember that It all started after she was on a couple rounds of different antibiotics for a sinus infection that kept hanging on.  I suspected that her normal bacterial flora in her digestive tract may have been killed off by the antibiotics but since she would go weeks without complaining again, I just let it go because I thought it resolved itself.  It hasn't so I am going to try giving her broad spectrum probiotics and digestive enzymes twice a day and lots of Activia yogurt to build up her normal healthy flora again.  It may take a little while until she feels completely back to normal.  I will let you know how she makes out.
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I am an R.N. and my 17/18 year old daughter has been having severe cramping that tends to get worse the second half of intense soccer or field hockey games.  It only comes on under very intense exercise of long duration and lasts a couple hours after stopping.  She also says that her stomach gets bloated during the game. She has had this for about 6 months or so.  I can remember that It all started after she was on a couple rounds of different antibiotics for a sinus infection that kept hanging on.  I suspected that her normal flora in her digestive tract was killed off but since she would go weeks without complaining again, I just let it go because I thought it resolved itself.  It hasn't so I am going to try giving her broad spectrum probiotics and digestive enzymes twice a day and lots of Activia yogurt to build up her normal healthy flora again.  It may take a little while until she feels completely back to normal.  I will let you know how she makes out.
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