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Right buttocks pain esp. when sitting

I'm a 45 year old male in Atlanta who has right buttocks pain and some lower right back pain, especially when sitting.  Have seen an Orthopaedic/back pain management M.D. in Atlanta and he took an MRI of my lower back and said it looked normal...no bulging discs.  He said it might be pirformis or SI joint related.  Have had a pirformis injection, an SI joint radio frequency ablation (where they burn away the nerve endings) and have also gone to 3 months of therapy.  The therapist says my SI joint is now more stable but my pain continues to be there.  The therapist thinks I may have a bulging disc but my MD says the MRI doesn't show that.  This pain came on suddenly about 4 years ago when I was doing a lot of road bicycling, playing tennis, jogging.  I have curtailed these a lot, since any vigorous exercise seems to flame up the pain.  It is especially painful near the center of the right buttocks, almost near the groin, almost right on the bone where I sit.  But sometimes the pain radiates from the lower right back into the right hip area. When I bend over to tie my shoe, the pain also can go from the right butt into the upper hamstring.  I am new to this website, but was just looking for some advice.  I can't seem to get my doctor or therapist to give me the answer to what is causing my pain.  I would like to get back to physical exercise again. Given that my SI joint is now stable, why is the pain still there?  Could it be my hip? Are there any exercises I should be doing?(I am doing some already from my therapist).  Should I see a neurologist/neurosurgeon?
Thanks you!
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I have the same problems.  Had the same type of PT and steroid injections, MRI test negative.  Did you find the answer to your pain?  
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I am 71 years old; sounds old, but I have been in great physical condition until recently.  I alternate the treadmill and a series of floor stretch exercises every other day.  OK--I did reduce the speed on the treadmill a few months ago from 4.0 to 3.8, but still last one-half hour.  I never had back problems before and wonder if what happened to me 5 months ago is related to the upper right buttocks pain I now have upon arising (stiffly) from bed, getting in and out of a car, bending to pick something up.  What happened then was a torn miniscus during a zumba exercise class.  Yes, I was the oldest in the class, but really enjoying it and keeping up. Anyway, no more zumba for me.  So my pain is on the upper right buttocks, app. 1" below beltline and sometimes feels like the right hip and/or ovary.  It's been tolerable enough, but getting worse lately.  I feel no pain on the treadmill.  I went to an orthopedist with my knee problem and am careful with that...I do stairs, but gingerly.  I'm probably not as careful as I should be.  Before I go back to the doctor, I would like to know your experience and what you think it might be and what I might do about it.  Many thanks.
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hi all i also have a similar problem and i am only 20 years old, i have left buttock pain that is seriously agrrivated when i sit on a hard or soft chair especially the car! it also goes down my left hamstring into my calf.
mine started when i was on a long hall flight from uk to Australia i assumed i crushed some nerves as i was sleeping up right in my saet and when i woke the pain was horrible!
after a few months of pain and not doing anything about it i finally went to see my doctor who referred me to a specialist, i then had a MRI which showd nothing wrong.
i started physiotherapy and continuied for over a year with a slight improvement but the pain came back worse after only a month.
i went back to the specialist and had a  few more scans (another MRI, full body bone scan, CT scan and an X Ray).
my specialist refferd me to a back specialist physio who i continuied to see for 7 months recieving massage, ultra sound, dry needling etc. with limited pain relief he said there isnt anything else he can do for me and is basically stuped about what is wrong with me, he stated it could be that my sciatic nerve is coming through by buttock muscle and is being disturbed (which he cant help or prove unless he opens me up =/ ).

so im currently in a lot of pain but it doesnt stop me doing physical activity infact it doesnt hurt when i run or play soccer but if i sneeze when sitting or leaning forward im in soooo much pain!

my mum also had something simillar she works in an old persons home and twisted while catching a falling patient she recieved a cortizone injection and it immidiatley gave her pain relief but it costed AU $500.00 but she said it was definiatley worth it. BUT it wore off and when she had another one it didnt work as they didnt get the nerve on the right spot.

im about top book an appointment wit ha chiro but im quickly running out of options and as a 20 yr old woman im limited with flexability etc and i have to drive a long way top get to collage so am constantly in pain and nothing other than lying down can relieve me of my pain!

Thanks Rachael Testi
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I had a pain in my left butt for about a month, which send some tingling down the side of the leg.  I'm fairly flexible so don't think it's any hamstring injury.  Actually the pain started after a yoga session, so I've been fairly inactive since then in fear of getting it worse.  After some side-stretching the tingling is gone.  But the pain in mid-butt is still there, especially when I sit on uneven low chair (especially in the car) or one that has the metal frame at the front and compresses when my upper thigh.  When I sit on soft, knee-high chair I still get itchy-tingling in my upper glutes, quite diffuse, not localized.  Now the same is starting on my right side.  Never had any back pain as yet and no trouble with standing up.  Had my low back X-rayed and it's all normal.  The problem is that my job requires me sitting a lot (incl. air travel).  I wonder if this is some muscle condition or sciatic nerve.  Also, is there any symptomatic difference between lumbar-origin sciatica and piriformis syndrome?
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I too, have so many of the same symptoms that you all have discussed....I was just wondering if anyone's butt pain is exacerbated right when you stand up and about 10 seconds afterward....mine does really hurt after sitting for a few minutes, but as soon as I stand, I feel like someone is jabbing a burning hot poker in the middle of my right glute, and it hurts unbelievably bad for about 2-6 seconds, then it subsides.  Also, when I cough or sneeze, it sends me through the roof.  I also have pain when lifting my right leg to put my pants on .....does anyone else experience these symptoms as well?
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I play softball and have been having pain in my left upper buttocks area. It is a very sharp pain and it started when I was sprinting. This started about 8 months ago, and I didnt do anything about it until after season was over. I am going to a physical therapist and he diagnosed me with a torn/strained upper hamstring. Do you think I should have an MRI done, just to make sure and have all the right diagnosis. I want to start playing again as soon as possible.
Thank you!
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