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392430 tn?1382904781

AGP-The Sky's the Limit!

The Sky Is The Limit...

Dreams and Motivation
Determination and Pursuit of Happiness;

Do what you do to get where you need to get
Never allow anyone to deter you;

Don't feed into negativity
There is a positive in every negative situation;

As the song goes "Tell Your Storm"
That it won't last long;

Don't give up
Keep fighting for what you believe in;

Remember "The race is not won by the swift nor the strong, but to the one who endureth until the end"
In order to get something, you have to fight for it;

Be humble in your journey
It will earn you overwhelming strength;

Pray the entire duration
You need a good friend to see you through the difficult times;

Keep your head high as you reach for the stars
The only obstacles you cannot overcome are the ones you've determined you cannot hurdle over - MIND OVER MATTER;

Be strong, be bold, take charge of your situation
The Sky is the Limit and you are a winner.

Written By ~ Yolanda Yo Jackson aka Poetic Flow
www. yolandajackson. bravehost. com  Previously posted by FaithNHim
120 Responses
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507875 tn?1423160261
I think its time for a new thread...what to call it??

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507875 tn?1423160261
Hello ladies!!

I am feeling 110% better!!! Thanks for all of the PRAYERS, THOUGHTS AND WELL WISHES!!! (Savanah, I will send you some cocoa butter mixed with RSSSSBD for your knees **wink**)

My D&C went well. I have had a little pain, nothing compared to the past few days. I can now begin to heal emotionally. I have you all to thank for that.

I love you all and can't wait to get back to the swing of things!!!

Talk to you all later!!!

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413852 tn?1317308712
OK...this is scary...I had to do a Continuation on a post.... ;o)

Jena: Jamaica Mon! (make sure you say it the patuay(sp?) way) ;o) Dunes River...Brown Stew Chicken...Festival...boiled bananas...Aaaaaaah man...I wish. ;o) Bob's place sounds interesting...have a blast for me. ;o) Don't even get me started on the beaches! YaY. Oh...Oh...yes...the RUMS...drink loads, cuz I need feel that nice Island FEEL back here in the states. ;o) Don't go taking your friends (da bees) on the trip wit ya either. (ha)

Sammy: Nah...I pass on the yellow snow...eeeeeeeeewwwwww. ;o) It's a lil' breezy here, but nice...rained today which we needed. Aaaaaah...hubby so nice to hit the ice floor for his sweetie. ;o) Hadn't heard that one about the fert pool Nic was in, but I'll take a cup full of that water...never know. MOUNDS & POUNDS of RSSSSSSBD to ya for beta tomorrow. ;o)

Sals: U say those hormes are working ya big time? Oooooowe...don't I know the feeling!!! When is your ER? Hope ya resting & not getting too kranky...well, I do have somebody in mind for ya to slap the taste outta their mouth if it gets too bad though. ;o) Now...on to ER, ET & BFP...RSSSBD to my gurl. Still got that Philly Cheese w/the BACON in the middle & how bout some of that Blue Cheese Potato Salad you told me about. OMGoodness...I am HUNG.......RY, but all I gots to eat is salmon...I know..."I'm a good girl" for sticking to my plan. YUCK!!!! ;o)

Me: Still here...swollen er'THANG!!!! ;o) Injection tonight...how exciting...b/w & u/s tomorrow early a.m. to see what happens next. LuB to ALL my GURRRRRRRRLs. Chat soon.

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413852 tn?1317308712

Erakal: I hope the LAW was Lay-D DOWN!!! You got the SERIOUS DIP...ON  uhn? ;o) Hope ya had a BLAST! (ha) Here's hoping some eggies were taken prisioner...yeah...4/ the SERIOUS Lock up. ;o)

Helen: Thanks for the encouragment babes...U R so right...I'd take ONE complete anyday. ;o) Funny...the u/s tech said the same thing about more then 3 & a cancellation. I'm hoping for the BEST. ;o) Congrats on 23 wks? Not sure why I thought this week was 24...I'm not trying to rush your lil' woman. ;o)

Amberlee: WOW...I do hope things work out regarding your fam situation. Try not to stress too much lady...we are rooting(sp?) for ya.

Lisa: Are you saying that you got a faint bfp line?

Miky: Today & a wake up Gf. How ya feeling? Hope you are resting & taking it easy today. RSSBD for ya Sis-Star. ;o)

Tij: Hey ma', hope all went well and that you are recovering & healing... physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally & all other wise. Thinking bout ya Sis & glad to see you getting stronger...take it easy today. btw: my knees still have that "somebody busted me in em' w/a bag ol' flour, so you know that prayer thing in on LOCK! ;o) xoxo

Kriss: Hey babes...haven't heard from ya in a minute and that is alright...although miss ya much...completely understand. I hope that you are hanging in as best ya can. Don't forget that we are here for ya...all you need do is say. Hope to hear from ya real soon chicky baby. ;o) xoxo

Evie: Sorry about the neg results. I'm glad to see you are staying strong & hanging in...hope the next time is YOUR time. Although you have to get a visit from ole' gurl(AF)...I'm not going to talk bad about her....I hope she visits soon & gets the heck outta your way just as fast. ;o)

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353148 tn?1293061164
LOL.... realy.
It would have been real creapy if there had been birds singing in the back ground at the same time....LOL
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324913 tn?1302869517
Savanha... good to have your old self back!!  And glad you liked my stories.  speaking of which, there's a middle eastern drink called Arak which is a bit like pastis.  DH was drinking the locally made one of that until we found out that if it isn't made quite right, it can be poisonous!!!  He stopped buying it pretty rapid after that!!!

Hoping... hon... you're going to Jamaica!!!  Be HAPPY!  Chill.  Enjoy it.  Like you say... might be a while before your next vacation!!

Tj... the trip from door to door including layovers etc, is anywhere form about 19 hours to 30 depending on the airline.  But if you fly Emirates you have to overnight in Dubai and they put you up in a hotel so you get a free shopping side trip!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL

Amberlee, wishing you all the best with your cousin and I hope your family is able to help your sister... so sorry about that.  It can't be easy on any of you.

Sam, so sorry about the frozen blasts... but were you expecting you DID have some?  I mean, did they tell you you did or you might?  If so... WTF?????

Evie... I'm so sorry!

Krista?  How are you doing hon??

Sal... where is ya at??

Me?... been trying to go to bed for the last 45 minutes or so but haven't made it yet!! Now I am GOING to bed!!!

hugs to all

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270512 tn?1333177636
oooohhh... literal translation of the birds and the bees huh?

that is kind of weird..... maybe a sign of something :o) Hopefully a lot of babies and not "armegeddon"

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353148 tn?1293061164
Oh alaska, I'm sorry. But it sounds like you may not be needing them anyway. Headaches are suposed to be a good signs ya know.

The craziest thing happened to me today. It was like out of a horror movie. I went to work today and when I got there I rolled all my windows down to let the truck air out while I was working, and opened the hatch to get my stuff out. I went in and put my purse on the counter and when I went back out to get my stuff, the truck was full of bees. Loads of them!!!!! Now, I'm allergic so I ran inside and grabbed my client. She came out and started screaming that she had never seen anything like that and she had not seen a single bee all year. Then she told me to close the hatch to see if they go out the windows. When I did, the back window was solid full of bees. Of coarse my client started screaming again "Where are they all coming from???" Well, I went in the hosue w/ her and started working, using her supplies. When I was done I went out to check, and sure enough they were gone. Not a sign of them. WTF??? Creapy. Are bees a sign of fertility or something??? Just wondering...hee hee
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270512 tn?1333177636
afternnoon all....

well just spoke with nurse, and we have no frozen blasts from this cycle. Makes me wonder if my RE was to ill to pay attention to them and just 'forgot'.....
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501096 tn?1320874932
Juana, I hope you recover quickly.  For me, the physical part of the D&C wasn't too bad, but emotionally it took me a long time to recover.

Patrice, welcome.  I never took any of those hormones, etc., so I can't help with your questions, but I'm sure someone can.
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574521 tn?1313495146
LMAO  :)
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270512 tn?1333177636
Morning y'all.... how are my sisters doing this frigid am?  
fyi.... it was 38 on my way to work this morning..... WiNtEr is around the corner for us...

Tijuana - thinking of you today.... praying for a speedy recovery.... lots of prayers, hugs, and good vibes coming your way for you and dh...

Evie - I am so sorry....

Magda - Saturday is getting closer :-)  Here's to you and your frozen angels!

Amberlee - praying all turns out ok. Be safe, and be careful....!!!

Savanha - as always...love your posts! Anything we can do to help lift that funky fog? How about some yellow snow?  :-))

Faithn - have fun bd'ing!  Ahhh the good ole' days .....

Hoping - YES! Enjoy your trip! Take advantage of the full relaxation and enjoy your family!  Drink and be merry!

Helen - thank you so much. You are a sweetie!!

Sal - how them kitties doing?

Speaking of trips..... anyone hear of how Nicole Kidman supposedly became pregnant? She swam in some 'fertility pond/waterfall' while on a shoot in Australia. According to the article, 6 women who swam there all became preggo..... Anyone up for a trip to Australia?

Thank you all for your encouraging notes! I hope y'all are right and it was just too soon, .... that being said, I went to bed last night with a bad headache, and it turned into a migraine about midnight.... I asked dh to get me an icepack and the sweetheart actually got out of our nice warm bed, trecked to the cold kitchen, grabbed the pack, and a towel to wrap it in, and placed it on my head for me....what a guy (I think he's a keeper).....
then..... about 4am, got the most horrible cramps I have had during TWW. Just a sharp stabbing pain. (this was of course after another ummm dream that did not include dh, and again, this time woke up with a smile on my face - if you know what I mean!)

Sitting here at my desk at work, I am still a little crampy, head still hurts, boobs are little sore, and still a little nauseas..... I hate this tww with extra hormones on board.....
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353148 tn?1293061164
K, ladies I'm back. Let me try to catch up.

You know Magda, you're right. I'm gonna try to be more positive about this trip. I'm gonna enjoy it. I mean we are going to Jamaica and tour Bob Marley's House. If the FET does work, it might be the last trip we take for a long time.

SATURDAY!!!! Big Day!!! I will be thinking of you and sending good vibes.

Tomrrow is the bog day. I will think loads of good thoughts for you!!!

Don't read too much into the way you feel. AS I have learned when you least feel it, it will happen. As for poor Grandpa, are they going to do anything for his neck at all???

I am so so sorry. That realy stinks.

Realy you know, it only takes one so 3 is GREAT! And I'll drink loads of RUM for you =)

Godo luck this month. I'm CD2, so in about 2 weeks I will be BD.

WOW ASking
You have alot going on!!! Be careful and you are in my prayers.

I'm thinking of you hun.

I'm so soryy. I realy hope we all get those BFPs we want soon.

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269091 tn?1227114771
Sorry for the late post. I worked  until 2 this morning. Well it was just what i thought BFN. On to next cycle. Now i have to wait on a/f.
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507875 tn?1423160261
Helloooo ladies. Wow what a busy day!

Krista - Praying you are doing okay this evening. Like everyone else said, We are here for you if you need us and we love you dearly!!!

Sammy - I think you POAS too soon. When is your official beta? I say keep everything crossed until then. Hope Grandpa is resting well this evening.

Amberlee - Good luck to you on all accounts.

Sally - You are such a dear heart. I love you Maaan!!

Mags - How long is a flight from Chicago to Damascus??? A trip is just what I need right about now...

Lisa - I pray your numbers are high for your beta tomorrow. Good luck to you!!

Faith - DO YO THANG, MAMA!! Wear him out!! LMAO!!!

Helen - As always, your encouraging words to everyone is a Godsend. You are such a sweetie.

Evie - Was your beta today?? Details...we need details! LOL

Miky - Crossing everything for you!!!

Jen - When is your next appointment? Wonder how many you got in there!! Congrats again!!!

Savanah - Glad to see you are feeling a little better. All it takes is one good egg!praying for you!!

Jenea - ENJOY YOUR TRIP!! Stop thinking of what you could have done. Like Magda said, It's alrady paid for. You owe it to yourself, your husband and your kids to have a stress free, not worrying about ttc vacation!!!

Kele - Hope you are doing well. How s your mermere doing??

Whew..I hope I didn't forget anyone. I love you all and will continue to pray and send nothing but positive thoughts and vibes your way!

AFM - gearing up for D&C...a little nervous just beacuase I always get that way befor being put to sleep. Please continue to pray for us. I will check in when I can tomorrow/tonight.

Much love and RSSSSSSSSSSSBD to all!!


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186627 tn?1257877774
Krista:I'm so sorry.You deserve so much more.
We are here for you.
Lots of love,
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439903 tn?1380137882
when hell breaks loose it really breaks dont it!! i just got a text from mom my saying my sister is supposedly on her way to new york, again. the last time she was on her way there, she was prostituting and going there to be with her 'pimp' who had plans to sell her to some underground sex ring where she would have been killed. needless to say, she was locked up in a boarding school in Utah for a year but was released because they cant keep you past 18 and she just turned 18 in August. im waiting for either of my parents to call to give me the full details but PLEASE pray this doesnt turn out like it almost did last time. the last time they caught her on a greyhound in amarillo texas where she lied about her name and they put her in jail. my dad had to fly out that night from riverside california to bail her out of jail! she was doing so well, i have no idea what happened.

on a some what lighter note, not sure who remembers me talking about finding my cousin but the uncle that is out here, its his daughter. well he just called me and said he is looking at her mother right now down at stateline. she hasnt seen him and he isnt going to say anything. tomorrow evening, me and jason are going to down there with him and go to her appartment that and im going to go see if i can find her. the last time he seen her was 1989, i dont know when the last time i seen her was but i was in diapers. i PRAY that she opens the door and is willing to meet me. my uncle isnt going to go because we dont know if she has been fed this whole time the lies that her mother fed the police and caused all of this in the first place (that he was molesting victoria) which wasnt the case, she didnt want to share custody and this was her way of keeping him away. when it came down to the police found her stories to be fishy and started not making sense, my uncle finally gave up for fear he didnt know how far they would go to make victoria believe how bad of a man he was, when really, i got the deadbeat father that could care less about me.

wow, it really feels good to vent, sorry so long...ill update when i get updated about my sister, as for my cousin, wish me luck!!!

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294043 tn?1354207946
have fun!!!  You are almost in 2ww.

3 mature follies are perfect for IUI.  Many REs would cancel a cycle if a woman has more than that since that would put you at risk of high order multiples.  I hope your 3 gals are nice and smoking on Friday.

your HPT looks really promising.  Hope for a positive beta for you tomorrow!!  Can't wait to hear your update.

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256553 tn?1258883918
Krista--I have nothing but LuB 4 ya.....I was really hoping all worked out well...don't give up..we are here for ya. ***HUGS***

Savanah...U know what I am bout to do...soon as DH get up outta that shower :)

Helen....How are you? Hope all is well.

Juana--Keeping you and DH in my prayers...even got GAbriel praying for you guys too.

Jen--good numbers....praying all goes well.

Alaska--sorry you did not get the news you were looking for after POAS.....we are the glue that hold each oher together....this too shall pass and your BFP is on the way :)

Magda--don't be suprised if all of us sistahs take  you up on your offer and visit....just imagine...A GUURRLLSS NITE OUT :)

Well, I am on PEAK today for the Clearblue easy fertility monitor.....let's pray all goes well :)

Love ya all...bye for now...I need to handle a lil bizness :)

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413852 tn?1317308712
Hey Ladies...

Mags: I have to tell you that you are the STUFF Gf...You are CRAZY funny...absolutely LuB your funnybone. You were right in noting that I was NOT myself... I'm really trying to pull it together. I have to say that your post helped to crack my dome (4-head)!!! =)  ;o) Gurrrrrrrrl, when you said your hubby drank engine fuel...I really did laugh to tears...my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Glad you didn't inhale a mouthful of carpet from almost falling outta your chair. Ooooooooowe I needed that one. (ha) Thanks chicky. ;o) Also...don't feel too bad about not knowing what goes on w/ our bods...until I got that book..."Take Charge of Your Fertility"...by Toni Weschler...I was in the dark about A LOT of thAngs too. ;o) (btw: like Jena said sounds like oving) Sooooooo excited for you...2 DAYS & A WAKE UP!!! YES!!! Here's to mounds of RSSBD to ya.

Jena: Thanks for the well wishes...needed it and still be needin'. I'm like Magda...it's a done deal!! Enjoy your vaca to the fullest & let your mind move away from ttc for that timeframe. I wish I was going some place NEW, w/o any ttc stress. ;o) I might be on my way to Damacus to drink some of that real-REAL GOOD Engine Fuel...I'd like to start talking about seeing monkeys flying & crack a came in his eye for trying to spit on me & all other kinds of crazy thoughts, dreams & sightings right about now. ;o)

Miky: WOW!!! How ya embies doing lady? I hope all are still staying strong...So HOPE this is it Gf! RSSSBD to ya. Hey Miky...ONE DAY & a WAKE UP! Yeah!!!

SaL: You the ONE woman!!! When is your next move? I'm sorry...forgot ER day...must be this week right since you'll be in 2ww w/Miky? Soooooooooo X-Cited for ya. ;o) Man...we'll have to make a SERIOUS BACON...Philly Cheese-Steak Samich!!! OK...I didn't mean to, but I just made myself super hungry!!!! ;o) Sounds YUM right? ;o) I'm having Salmon & Salad...dang! I did my 6 mile walk today...just in case you REALLY needed to get excited bout something. (ha) RSSSBD to ya Gf. ;o)

Krista: I'm so sorry Gf. I was sooooo hoping for you. I really hate this...I feel what you are feeling...this is the part that I REALLY hate...this whole ttc journey can be so difficult & sad. Take your time babes...we are here for you...I hope things get better soon. xoxoxo (((Big Hugs)))

Sammy: I hope & pray that your beta WILL come back BFP!!! Like the others have said...Heatherjo had neg poas, but pos beta...I pray that your beta results will be just like that. Hang in sweetie as best you can. I guess if I say I hate this one more time...I do, but don't want to be extreme neg. Try to hold on for the beta...same thing happened to my sister & she got bfn hpt...went to lab got bfn poas...told to come back next day for b/w...then she got bfp. The big gurl is just warming up...she hasn't even put on underwear or taken a shower yet. I hope she sings a HIGH NOTE after she gets dressed. ;o)  

Me: Still CRAaaaaaaaaaZY bout MY GurrrrrRRRRRLs!! ;o) Guess this horm-funky fog is letting up a lil' bit. I'm in & out...up & down...feel so BUSTED at times. Anyways...trying to hang in. Continue stims tonight & tomorrow...go in Friday...may trigger that night or next...not sure, then IUI. Still only have 3 measureable (11, 13, 15- all point something)...6 total. Will post update on Friday.

((((BiG HuGs))))

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458090 tn?1256321162
Krista.. I am so dam=n sorry!!!    I know how hard you worked to make those eggies.  You should totally have gotten a BFP.  I love you and want you to know I am always here for you!

Sam.. Those dern HPT's.. I still have hope for you.. that stupid test could be totallyt wrong and we both know it.  I still have my fingers, toes, everything crossed for you!!!!

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270512 tn?1333177636
i caved.... POAS  ... neg....
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294043 tn?1354207946
I am so very sorry this did not work.  I am grieving with you.
Many hugs to you!
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216278 tn?1308861082
Hi Everyone -

Sorry that I have been MIA - we had no power for awhile and no internet for even longer! I've been trying to get caught up on everything, but it's hard while trying to care for 2 babies and 2 toddlers (home childcare).

I've tried to read and catch up on everybody, but I am sure that I will miss someone...sorry, am trying! :}

Krista, I am so sorry! I hope that you can find something wonderful to do to pamper and spoil yourself! I find that it works for me!

Juana, I am thinking about you and praying that this is over soon (physically, anyway) and that your emotional scars start to heal, as well!

Jen, Congrats! That's a great beta number!!

Miky, keep us posted about the quality of those babies and when the transfer will be! I'll be FedExing Extra-Strength Gorilla Glue for you to use to keep them in, nice and safe! :)

Sam, it's never over 'til it's over!  Keep the faith!

Okay, sorry, but I lost track again!  I'll try my best to stay on top of things now that I am back online!

AFM, if I bring Buffalo Chicken Appetizer Dip and homemade salsa and guacamole, could I get on the train?

I POAS'd this a.m. and got a faint line and now, I'm waiting for my beta results.  I should get them tomorrow a.m.!  Keeping my fingers crossed for a super high number!! :)  Thank you for all the prayers and support! I truly believe that it made all the difference for me!!
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