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hi all.  has anyone who had prior failed IVF, used DHEA after that and become pregnant.  Im almost 40 and had a failed IVF.  I've read on other forums that DHEA helps when you are aging.  Any suceess stories out there please.

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Hi Tildy8 (& anyone else who can help me)...
Would appreciate if you like to share your story/exp. How's the ICSI treatment u did in 2010 finally? Hope you did well.
I'm  46 this year. We're thinking to have ICSI. we are quite healthy. The only barrier is husband had unsuccessful reversal vasectomy & I now have very extreme low AMH (antimullerian hormone) that indicates lower quantity of eggs (due to my age). The only option is ICSI.
1. Do you think it is worth it to give a try, though we can only afford 1-2 cycle?
2. Did you use DHEA and helped?
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a) you really want to be taking it for a minimum of 3 months for best results;
Hi Meeko..

I just wanted to add some input for your suggestions below...I hope you won't mind. I experimented with DHEA and did alot of blood work for two years. Ultimately I made great embryos but an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder prevented successful pregnancy...so I don't have that successful outcome but I hope my experience is valuable. BTW... We adopted 2 beautiful babies and feel our family is perfect. ;)

meeko: b) it won't increase egg number, but the quality of the eggs are better (the poor egg number, like myself, is as a result of the AMH)
anitasto: dhea increased both my egg quality AND count consistently. This was also found in multiple studies to increase egg count. It depends on getting your own T level up and your FSH level down enough that your ovaries starts to act young.

meeko: d) you need to take 75mg each day
anitasto: it can be different for each person. if you get your levels checked and are way low, start on 50mg and ramp up to 100mg over a month. If your levels are adequate or above then start at 25mg. Keep getting your T tested and target 100pg/nl. And take your DHEA first thing in the morning.
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You can take DHEA with birth control no problem. If you check out my posts near the very beginning of this thread you'll see more information including that while on DHEA you will likely ovulate through the pill. So in the cycle before IVF, you'll need a stronger source of estrogen to preventit...aka a patch is one form.
Also, have your DHEA and T level checked by your doc before you start. Cheap tests, results in a couple days usually. If you're below normal start at 50mg DHEA in the early morning and ramp up to 100mg over 4 weeks. If you're at or above normal but under 100pg/nl, only take 25mg.  To have the best result, take your DHEA first thing in the morning.
I don't come out here often as I have two little ones now adopted, but if you read the early post most of your questions should be answered.
And by the way, good for you for doing what you think is best in addition to your doctors suggestions.
Hang in there, and best of luck.
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I have had a failed IVF cycle. My Doc would like me to start IVF again right away, but I would like to wait. If I start taking DHEA because of my low ovarian reserve, can I take it with birth control pills before I start stimulating?Usually, my doc has me take birth control pills for about two weeks before starting the IVF cycle. Or do I stop taking DHEA when I start taking birth control pills? When do I stop taking DHEA?

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I have had a failed IVF cycle. My Doc would like me to start IVF again right away, but I would like to wait. If I start taking DHEA because of my low ovarian reserve, can I take it with birth control pills before I start stimulating?Usually, my doc has me take birth control pills for about two weeks before starting the IVF cycle. Or do I stop taking DHEA when I start taking birth control pills? When do I stop taking DHEA?

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not sure if your questions are recent or not but thought I would respond anyway.

Just wanted to make you aware of a website I found when looking at DHEA. There is an article on here about how you can naturally boost your own DHEA without taking pills. This site is worth a look-

I took 25 mg of micronized DHEA for 3 months before my IVF cycle. I stopped taking it as soon as I started egg stims. I'm not sure if it helped or not we did have a positive pregnancy test. Sadly the pregnancy ended at week 8.

I am now looking into more natural routes of producing DHEA as apart from potential negative impact DHEA can have if you are taking the wrong levels for your own body, it is not possible to buy this in micronized form in the UK.

Not sure if this will have helped, I just know that I did not have this information when I started to take DHEA. I understand slightly more about it now.

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Hi All,

As you might remember from the posts to this forum back in 2008, I became pregant through IVF after three months of DHEA.  My sweet baby girl was born in April 2009.

I am back on DHEA again, albeit for different reasons, to alleviate perimenopause symptoms.  As I am not taking any birth control I will let you know if this 46-year-old body gets a surprise, LOL.

Otherwise, I wanted to say, I do think the DHEA was responsible for increasing my antral follicle count.

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4822741 tn?1360743959
Nice Posting!! Keep it up!!Main problem faced by women trying to conceive. It is necessary to know the RIGHT Day, RIGHT Time and RIGHT Way for conception…Now you can plan your pregnancy and you can choose your date and time of pregnancy as you like with Ovulation Kit.
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hi meeko2468

i live in scotland and been trying for years to get pregnant. i am 43 and had 2 iui attempts that ended in miscarriage. i don't qualify for nhs treatment now as i am over 40. i have started taking fertilaid and fertilcm and wondered if anyone else has tried them. i wondered what low Amh meant. and i have now ordered the trimedica that you suggested. do you have to take it while on ivf or any other fertility treatment for it to work, or does it just work on its own? any help on this matter would be very grateful.
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I started taking DHEA on march 17th of this year after My lab results were so low they were not even on the range of low. My Dehydroepiandrosterone, S came back at 2.3 ng/ml.. Which if I am figuring this correctly that converts to .023ug/dl. I also tested testosterone,Total and it was 15ng/dl.
Can anyone tell me if these numbers are low? If any of you ladies can help me figure out how low my levels are that would be fantastic! I am 43 and have been ttc since I was 37 with 4 m/c.

My email is ***@****
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I did toha, see my posts above.  I stopped taking DHEA after embryo transfer.  Do get in touch if you have any questions you want to ask me and best of luck for your future xxx
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has anyone got pregnant while taking the DHEA treatment? is it safe to continue taking DHEA while pregnant/
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Thanks.  My naturopath just tested my dhea, dhea-s and testosterone levels so I will get those results soon.  Right now I am on clomid for an egg retrieval next week and still taking dhea alternating 75mg/100mg.  I feel like I don'ty understand enough about this process but I don't have the time to learn everything.  Why would people be monitored between ovulation and the next period?  What could they see?  I just get monitored on day 3 and day 8 to retrieval.  I am not doing any suppression, what is suppression?  Jules
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Hi Jules

I stopped using DHEA just before ET if that helps xx  Best of luck hun xx
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I am starting ivf to freeze my eggs, I am 44 now :-(  People suggested I freeze my eggs when I was in my 30s but all the Dr.s told me the technology was not available.  I have not been able to have a partner in 14 years due to abuse and trauma so I want to preserve my eggs for maybe I can have a chance for a child one day (soon?).  So I found a clinic to freeze my eggs and just did the first mini-ivf cycle, finished a week ago.  I can only afford three cycles.  I was on clomid then synarel nasal spray, there was only one big follicle to collect and three smaller follicles.  The egg they collected was poor quality.  They kept me on clomid to do a second retrieval, 2 eggs disappeared and the last one ovulated early so they could not collect it.  They prescribe ibuprofen to prevent premature ovulation but I cannot take it due to digestive issues.  So, to try to have some better quality eggs for next time I started DHEA (25mg 3x/day), maca, and royal jelly.  I got bad acne and read that 75mg/day may be too much so just switched to 25mg/day.  I do not know a lot about all these things, my hormones are all normal, I am fertile as far as I know.  My insurance doesn't pay for any of this so I cannot really see Dr.s to test my hormones further.  Just very confused and looking for any advice to bank as many great eggs as possible.  Is there any reason I would not want to take the DHEA?  Should I take it through the medicated part of the cycle too?  Thank you for any help!  Jules
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Hi Babyhope

I only went to the acupuncturist within 24 hours of Embryo Transplant.  In the previous, unsuccessful cycles I had visited the acupuncturist regularly, and also taken chinese medicine.

The research I read suggested that you should only need to have acupuncture within 24 hours of ET and this increases the chances of implantation, hence only going after my ET.

Ask your RE about Clexane though (I took it for 20 WEEKS!!  past ET)  It's not that expensive at all and has been shown to be beneficial.

Our wee one is nearly 14 months old now - a little boy, Lewis.  

Do let me know how you get on - I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the both of us!

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1545464 tn?1376704158
I see that its a son for you sorry my bad :) my anxiety :) wish you a girl this time.
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1545464 tn?1376704158
Meeko, That was really nice of you to detail out about DHEA and your experience. this is what exactly i have been looking for. some soothing words and wisdom of help. I will order micronized version tonight. hope any brand does not matter. I have been taking the regular stuff since a month. :(. and my chemical pregnancy cycle, i made only 3 eggs, 2 fertilized with ICSI. we have sperm issues too. and my accupunturist said it is enough if i go to him only during stims, is that correct? i have been reading like people go there for months.

and my meds are completely different from yours, my last cycle was ganirelix protocol with BCP, gonal-F and low dose HCG shots everyday. so i dont know the meds you mentioned.

well! thats about it for now. hope my eggs get better by december and give me a BFP. Come on DHEA!!!!! You can do ittttttttttt!!!!!!!!! LOL

Wish you good luck for your next cycle. and by the way, your fist kiddo, boy or girl?
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Hi Babyhope

I just wanted to add a comment to the note I left above at b)

Because of my AMH, I was never, ever going to get record numbers of eggs retrieved.  With the successful outcome, I ended up with only 2 eggs retrieved.  I remember being distraught at the fact that I only had two and that was before fertilisation.........BOTH ended up 10/10 grade however, and again, although I'll never be able to say either way, I wonder if the DHEA helped in increasing the quality.

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Dear Babyhope

I'm so sorry to hear about your cancelled IVF and chemical pregnancy, it's so hard building up all your hopes for them to either be cancelled or for a negative outcome.  I know exactly how hard it will have been.   I wish you all the luck in the world with your IVF in December xx

I'm not an expert Babyhope - I'm just similar to yourself with a low AMH.  I have however researched DHEA hugely before deciding on taking it.  I have also discussed it in detail with the specialist I've seen who emailed me the most recent clinical research available at the time.  

The recommendations are that:

a) you really want to be taking it for a minimum of 3 months for best results;

b) it won't increase egg number, but the quality of the eggs are better (the poor egg number, like myself, is as a result of the AMH)

c) it needs to be the micronised version; other types available are used for other purposes, e.g. 7-Keto is used by body-builders or those wishing to add weight/muscle.  The codes I've given in my above post will show you the ones I ordered through iherb dottcomm and a discount code also.

d) you need to take 75mg each day.

As you'll see from my original post, after cancelled cycles due to poor response, we were blessed with a positive pregnancy, which resulted in the birth of our son in September last year.  Hopefully, Babyhope, that will give you some strength in the knowledge that it can and does work.  Additionally, when my cycle was cancelled, I did the same as you're doing now - going back for another shot as soon as possible.  Who knows what works - I wonder whether the little time in between cancelled and the successful treatment helped!

I never ever had my DHEA levels checked afterwards......to be honest, I didn't feel that it would matter and my question would be - 'so what', in other words, what does the level actually mean?  We all have different levels of DHEA in our bodies anyway - what's important is whether it helps in IVF or not.  Just my opinion - my doc didn't feel checking it was necessary anyway.

Incidentally, our treatment that I mention above (we ended up having in September 2011) was cancelled, like yourself, as a result of a poor response.  We are going back again in the middle of next month.  Fingers crossed this time!!!!

With my successful pregnancy, I used Menopur 375iu, then Cetrotide (to suppress ovulation).......then after ET I used Cyclogest pessaries.  I also used Clexane injections which seemingly reduce the likelihood of the embryo not implanting.

I hope that I haven't given you too much information.   Don't give up hope though hun - wishing you all the best

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1545464 tn?1376704158
Hey Meeko and ladies,

I am badly looking for data for DHEA. I got my levels checked and it came out to be 0.95. I know its too low. :( My AMH is 0.46. thats low too. I am 34, first IVF cancelled due to poor response, second ended as a chemical pregnancy. Using DHEA now. yet to buy micronized, using the regular one since a month, and it didnt seem to be of much use, as 0.95 is after using for a month. i am planning to go for another IVF in december, what are your thoughts here. will i ever have success with such low numbers.

please advice.
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Hi Momo604 - my previous post is meeko2468 - two above your post.

I'm in the UK too - I use Trimedica from the U.S. company iherb *******.  Get the micronised DHEA - it absorbs better into the body and is purer.  I've checked this out with my doctor.  

If you use the code GUD528 at checkout, then it gives you a $5 discount on your total.  I usually buy 1 box of 50mg (product code TRI-00122) and 1 box of the 25mg (product code TRI-00107).  I take one of each, each night before bed.  I've not had any side effects at all - apart from much more energy!

It's better to just buy one of each as this keeps the cost below the taxable amount when it enters the UK.

Hope this helps, if not, send me a message.

Best of luck hun in your IVF/ICSI - don't give up - my AMH is much lower - only 1.6!

lots of luv


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Hi there, thanks for all the info!!

I'm 41, TTC for 4 years, low AMH 2.74pol, FSH normal just starting on the road to IVF/ICSI...

Is there a difference between the DHEA supplements that seem geared towards beauty and micro-ionized DHEA? I'm in the UK and looking for a good DHEA brand - hopefully to help my egg quality.... fingers and toes crossed x Thanks to all you great women... :-)
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