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1236771 tn?1331736211

February IVF????

Hi ladies.  Anyone out there getting ready for an IVF cycle in February?  I am currently on my BCP's and waiting to do my mock transfer next week.  Looking for some cycle buddies if anyone is interested.  
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Lots of BFP's!!!!!! All the best..

I'm in BCP now and starting my lupron today. am bit exited!! also today i got my thyroid TSH level bit elevated.. and got the supplement synthroid.. never had any thyroid issues.. I'm 28..
i'm worried...  also my procedure is goingto be ICSI too.... Hope everything ends well!!!

BFP's to all friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1236771 tn?1331736211
If this round doesn't work I will definitely give it a try.
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Have you thought of doing Accupunture before cycling.
I have a friend who had 3 IVF's all fail.  She then paying out of pocket for IVF #4.
She took 3 months off of cycling & was doing accupnture.

Her cycle #4 success & even had 4 frozen which has never happened before.

Just a thought.........  Sending you many wishes.
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1358758 tn?1390767067
I hope that is a good sign for you lulu.  My periods are usually arrive like clockwork as well, and I started spotting today (expect it tomorrow or Wed).  I wasn't sure how the IVF would alter my cycle, but it looks like it hasn't at all.  So, you being 2 days later than when you normally would start your cycle is promising! Best wishes to you.
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1539084 tn?1293315923
Hi Everyone,

I had my FET on 18th Feb so am patiently awaiting my BETA on March 4th, only 4 more sleeps, my cyle is 28 days to the day, I did a fresh ET in Dec and was using Crinone Gel afterwards and they still came on the 28th day, 2 days before my BETA test.  So in saying that I am 2 days late from my dates, trying not to get too excited, but have everything crossed.  

Best of luck to everyone xo
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1358758 tn?1390767067
Hi everyone.  1st IVF this month (Feb).  Transfer was on the 18th.  Had 3, six cell embies, but quality was not the best (rated a 3 out of 4, 4 being the worst).  In tww now.  Test on Thursday, but if my cycle goes as it typically does, I should see AF on Wed.  That would be my 30th day.  Just wondering if IVF messes with the length of your cycles though.  Anyone know?

Best wishes to everyone.  SSBD to all.
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1236771 tn?1331736211
Egg transfer was yesterday.  I had 2 embies make it, 1- 8 cell and 1- 4 cell.  We transfered both.  So I am officially "PUPO".!!!  The 2ww is always the hardest for me.  I am not a very patient person.  Hoping for lots of BFP's for all of us!!!
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1544019 tn?1318504526
We just had our frozen embryo transfer on Wednesday.  I'm currently in my "princess days" :)

This is our second try with IVF.  First try, back in December, we did a fresh cycle.  I was hyperstimulating, but they transferred one perfect five-day blastocyst.  (Dr. only recommend transferring one because I was hyperstimming and the blasto was textbook perfect.)  It didn't take and I had a BFN ten days later.

We had two embryos make it to freezing and we were planning on transferring them both this try.  But only one survived the thaw.  Again, doctor said this one was textbook "perfect" and showed us pictures of it 20 minutes after the thaw and just an hour or two after that - was already growing fast!  

We're SO hopeful that this cycle will work!!!  I got so sick after the fresh cycle and egg retrieval that we don't know if my body can handle it again.  I'm only 32, but have some health complications which make it more difficult.  

Since the attachment was the problem last time, we're just praying, praying, praying, hoping that this little one will attach!!  Our first blood pregnancy test is on March 3rd.

Good luck to you all too!  
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Hi:) juz back from my ET. Got 2 embeis transferred. Now I'm on my 2ww. Hoping that days would pass on fast. Need to go in for a scan on Thursday.
Am a bit doubtful. Can I cough or sit for long hours after my ET?
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Hi. I'm new here. Let me share a little story of mine. Im 27 and my DH is 33. I started my 1st IVF this month. ER was on 23th and manage to get 9 eggs. Going in tomorrow for my ET. looking forwards on how many would be transferred. Wishing all of u'll baby dust!!!
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Good luck to all you ladies*** and God bless** by the way I'm new here: ) my names Ashley
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1236771 tn?1331736211
UPDATE - ET was yesterday.  They only got 4 eggs. 3 were mature and only 2 fertilized correctly. :(  So we are definetly doing a 3day transfer aslong as our 2 little embies continue to grow.  Right now not feeling to hopeful.  Last cycle they got 6 eggs, 5 mature and 4 fertilized and only 2 made it to 3day transfer.  

babyhope, hopeful and mia - welcome aboard

carrie - so sorry for your news.  If this one doesn't work for us I think I will be taking a few months off myself.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies still in this race!!
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Got my results back yesterday...negative. Totally crushed!!! But hoping to try again in a few months with another fresh cycle.
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1614569 tn?1298474948
i would love to join am new to this it may sound silly but some of the abbreviations i still dont know am 39 my dh is 38 we have been trying to get pg for years suddenly we got pg natrually i was 6wks and over the moon and then all my fears came to lite i had an ectopic so now we are going through ivf / icsi started first injections buserelin on the 16 feb all so taking zita west vitafem does anyone knw if tabs work please let me knw...

we are all going through this journey of joy.

pray for u all....
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1422850 tn?1307364413

My story, I'm 40 ( so they say :) Tubes clipped 19 years ago so was directed to IVF.

1st overstimulated so had to freeze embies ( 5 )

1st FET, transferred 3 embies, all BFN.

2nd FET, transferred last 2 embies and had a BFP. Miscarried at 6 weeks. night after internal ultra sound.

I just started stims yesterday. Gonal 150 and Lupron 75.  Told there are many follies. Superfact making me uncontrolably moody. DH suffering through it. Poor man. Started light bleeding, not sure why as I started stims yesterday.

Anyone else having these effects with Superfact or the bleeding after starting stims?

Baby dust to All************************************************

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1545464 tn?1376704158
Hi Mindy

I am a Feb IVF'er too. however at very preliminary stages; blood work has shown FSH 10.8 so little upsetting; next appointment another HSG just to make sure that everything is good; then freezing sperm; then i would go to stimulation.

whats up? how is it going with you.

take care

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Hi all,

This is my first IVF attempt after 2 failed IUIs. Hubby has abnormally shaped sperm so we were told IVF w ICSI only option. ER on feb 9th and ET of 2 blastocysts on 14th (I was thinking ET on valentines day was a good omen). They harvested 13 but 3 immature, 2 didnt fertilize. Called me 2 days later and said 2 "arrested". Called me after transfer and said remaining 4 arrested. So none to freeze. Tomorrow is day nine post transfer and blood test scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. All HPT are negative:(:( I have sore boobs, hungry ALL the time, and could sleep all day. Also having some heartburn and regurg. But who knows if its from pregnancy or hormones.

Feeling so frustrated ever since the remaining embies arrested!! Got really down, afraid implanted ones wont make it either (eventhough they were farther along) I see why they say not to take the HPT but who can resist?? The negatives are a total downer. People say keep praying but I believe God has a plan for us all and maybe motherhood isnt in the cards for me. Maybe this is all self-preservation...maybe by believing it didnt work I wont be devastated if it actually doesnt happen and pleasantly surprised if it does. Atleast thats what my husband says. I knew the wait would be hard but had no idea this hard. Did read that most preg test only pick up hcg at 25 and some (clear blue digital) not til 50, and that blood picks up at 5...so there is some hope. But my faith is fading ladies!!! Wont be able to try again til may if this one doesnt work. Please send thoughts my way. I will be praying for you all!!

Much love:)
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1514494 tn?1333584884
Hi Ladies,
Just wondered if anyone could help?!? Iv been reffered for ICIS- long story short i conceived naturally in Oct miscarriage 5w6d, my HCG didnt go below 5 until 5th Jan. ICIS want me to wait 3 cycles before request treatment. (2nd AF started today)
Now my question...the nurse said id be having the "short" month cycle. Does anyone know what this means.

Any insight would be apreciated...

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1236771 tn?1331736211
Today I start Bravelle and Menopur, 3 vials of each.  So glad they can all be mixed together so it's just 1 shot instead of 6!  I'm sorry but I can't remember what prolactin is??  Sounds like you will have lots of follies though, that is great.  Last cycle I only  had 5 follies and they got 6 eggs but only 5 were mature.  Hoping and praying for more eggs this time so we can possibly do a 5dt instead of a 3dt.  

Heres to hoping our 2nd time up to bat we get a homerun!!!!  
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Hey, good to hear things are on track for you. I'm on day 6 of my stims and still going. Have 3+ follies on one side and 4+ on the other. Will see tomorrow how many more have grown. Waiting on the results of my prolactin test as well. It was a bit elevated but hoping the dostinex has helped! Praying hard for this. Doc says my lining is good so now it's just a waiting game. Hope this cycle works for us.
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1236771 tn?1331736211
U/S showed 2 follies and a small cyst on left and 3 follies on the right. My nurse said my estrogen level was good so this cycle is a go!!!  Starting Lupron on thursday, hoping it will help get some more follies growing!!!
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1236771 tn?1331736211
One more day of BCP, then U/S and B/W on tuesday and if all is good,  I start Lupron on Thursday.  Getting down to the nitty gritty now.  Very excited.  Praying for good results this time.  Hoping I have lots of eggs so we can do a 5d blasto transfer.  

How are the rest of you ladies holding up??
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1236771 tn?1331736211
My levels only went down, they never went up.  Did you have a D&C or did they let the miscarraige occur naturally??  It could be that there is still some tissue(placenta) in there producing HCG.  I had a D&C done just to make sure everything was out so I could get started sooner.  It did take about 7.5 weeks for my period to start again.  Good luck.  I hope you get there sooner then I did.

angelina and krispeteyjo - welcome aboard!!!  

Today was a rough day for me.  Had to go thru the mock transfer again since I had the D&C in november and if was ROUGH!!!  It brought me to tears.  It was as if my cervix was glued shut.  It did not want to let anything in.  The first one I bearly felt anything.  Dr said everything looked great, not sure exactly why it hurt so bad.  U/S showed a small cyst on my left ovary this time.  Last cycle I had one on my right.  Hoping the BCP will help it go away.  Really don't want to have to wait another month because of a cyst.  Been there done that and didn't like it!

Hope everyone is doing good.  
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Hi Good Luck for you all!!!!

  i'll be starting my med in couple of days.and lupron in couple of weeks.... this is my 2 nd cycle with ICSI... 1st was bfn!! and hope this sticks!!
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