178239 tn?1277405491

Femara ladies

I know there's a few of us on Femara this cycle. I think quite a few on round 2. I just finished my last pill this am, YAY! I'm doing 5mg cd2-6. So far, really good. No s/e like Clomid for sure. I o'd very late on it last cycle, but think it was residual effects from the cyst. I'm feeling good about this round. Anyone else have any good/bad to throw in on Femara? Anyone else gearing up for opking? I am so excited. Cd1-6 went by really fast. It won't be long until we are all back in tww!
364 Responses
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374593 tn?1257879950
Hey girls! hope everyone is doing well!

Heather: so sorry about your BFN, i was really really really hoping for you this month! : (   but my prayers are still with you daily, hoping that sticky BFP is right around the corner! : )

hopeful: how exciting!! glad the meds aren't as scary as you thought they'd be and everything seems like its giong great!!! i can't wait to hear about your BFP very very soon!!!!! so excited! soon you'll have to worry about telling your boss about maternity leave! : )

wishing:   i had some serious sharp pains the last cycle we did about 20 minutes after IUI on my side i had my follies it almost took my breath away! it must have been ovulation, and then we got preg! : )  so i tihnk its just a sign those ovaries are working! : )  GOOD LUCK! : )

dnikki:   keep us updated! what day are you now???  

hopefully we'll see lots of BFPs this month! we just have to !: )

as for me.. man i sware the ride just gets bumpier! I FINALLY started feeling "normal" and good on thursday morning, then thursday night started getting chills, and just felt like i got hit by the truck.. like the flu- my toe bones hurt, my skin hurt, EVERYTHING just HORRIBLE body aches.. i went home from work and my temp was up to 101.3. ugggh! i thought nooo do i have something retained and infected? my pelvic pain was just a soreness since passing the sac on monday, but no worse than that.. so i went in for a beta friday morning (its 289), wishing it were lower, then had all sorts of other tests, hoping it was strep throat or something, all negative.. then an ultrasound that showed i stilll have more to miscarry! :(   but my bleeding is only spotting for 5 days now , ugh! after the ultrasound that caused me to cramp and bleed a little more.. anyhow i sat down and talked to my dr--- to admit me or not admit me and start IV antibioitcs then after a few days once better do a D&C (meanwhile i have not only work scheduled, but 30 people coming to my house for a baby shower on saturday morning! ha, and i was SOOO behind on everything! - not to mention hosting a babyshower was the last possible thing i wanted to do!) anyhow we decided since my pelvic pain wasnt' too bad, we'd wait, if i got ANY worse i'd be admitted over the weekend... if i got better hopefully its not related (i never get sick, but if i'm gonna get sick i guess now when i'm super run down would be the time) anyhow.. so this morning my throat hurt and a little cough and no more pelvic pain , with lots of tylenol feeling better.. so HOPEFULLY its not related to the MC just a nasty virus/flu..(of course the vomiting has returned in full force too the past 24 hours! ahhhhhh!))) the baby shower is done.. even though i felt like i barely survived physically and emotionally! but at least its over with and seemed to go well!
    SOOO all i want is for this to end already! i have another beta on monday if all goes well .. and will go from there.. phew! i'm tired!     Yall are all in my prayers that this battle ends with a happy ending very very soon for all of you!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Ok so here's an update. I got my meds on Wednesday as promised and was a bit overwhelmed by the large amount of medications.  But once I sorted them out I felt a lot better.  I'm on day 3 of my injections and I went to my RE's ofc today. I have 4 follies already! This is all very exciting! The injections have been fine too. I almost feel like I was worried for nothing. They don't even hurt and DH has been doing a great job! I have a high tolerance for pain so that might have something to do with it as well. For Thurs, Fri and this morning I took 2 Gonal-f and 1 Menapur. THe IVF nurse just called and said that my RE wants me to do 1 Gonal-f and 2 Menopur tonight and tomorrw morning. I go back in tomorrow too for blood work and ultrasound again. I have to be there at 7:30am so I'm a little tired but I think I will make it. I just have to take a nap when I get home. So far the worst part has been the headaches. I'm usually handle headache's pretty well but these have been border line migraine. My RE says that I can only take extra strength Tylenol. I was worried at first but it is helping a little but. I'm at least able to function at work. I haven't had to take any today and I hope my body is just getting used to the meds. I feel a little bloated and AF ended up coming in on Friday. BB's are sore but all in all, compared to what I thought it would be it's a easy. I just watched an episode of Oprah where Martha Stewarts daughter was talking about her experiences with IVF. It makes me feel so much more normal to know that I am not alone in the world. I knew already but I had no idea how many people are affected. I learn more and more everyday. Well, I'm off for todays nap. Hope all is well with everyone else!
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318181 tn?1336443496
wishing4#2: I guess the pain could be either the fact that you (like dnikki) had a super-mature follicle this month...or there could be more than one, adding to the "pressure". Best of luck to you!

bny: How did your doctor's appointment go? If you didn't pass the sac until just recently, I'm sure that's the reason you've still been having cramps. It usually subsides as soon as all the tissue has passed. I'm so sorry you've been having to go through all this. I hope you'll be rewarded for your patience with another (sticky) BFP real soon!

dnikki: Wohooo! Congrats on your super follie!!! I hope this is your month! Keep us posted!

hopeful: Man, I'm sorry you've been having so many problems with the pharmacy...but it sounds like you finally got everything cleared up. I am soooo excited for you to start this IVF cycle! How are the meds treating you so far (I know you're only on day two...but I'm so curious)? I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that you'll produce a nice number of good-sized follicles!

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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi girls...well, another BFN for me at 14 dpiui :-( I guess I kinda knew this month...since my cycle seemed somewhat off, but it's still such a letdown. Oh well, looks like I'm heading towards the lap then. My sister and her family are coming out to visit next Thursday and will stay for two weeks, so I won't be having the lap until the following cycle (August sometime). Not sure if I should ask my RE for another round of femara or just take this next cycle off. I hate to lose a cycle, but at the same time, maybe I need a little break. I guess I'll think about it until I get my period.

I hope the rest of you are doing well! I'm still rooting for all of you! Sending lots and lots of baby dust your way!!!
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478429 tn?1265244387
wishing: Thanks!! I also wanted to add that my follie was ginormous... it was 26 right at O time.... Hopefully those little swimmers found it!!
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thanks! at least i know someone else is feeling it too. good luck, hope the femara does the trick for you!!
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