398459 tn?1262186144

Give me an "A" "G" "P"!

Hi girls!!!
71 Responses
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507875 tn?1423160261
Good morning ladies!!

We talk so much and I hate scrolling so I am starting a new thread...let's see what to call it???

How about "AGP - The Queens of Comedy"

See you there!
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413852 tn?1317308712

Thanks gf. I have heard about it before, so if things don't flow the way I'm hoping, I may invest in that extra step. ;o) So far, all I can do is wait. It'd be great to know exact. I guess the only way to know if opk's are correct is to purchase the CBE to confirm. I'll see what happens after all the other stuff I have lined up. Hope you get something soon, this way at least you know this month is a working month. All the times I used the opk's, I've gotten results & pretty much the same...I used different brands to test it. Alright lady...catch up wit ya on the next go round. I'm off for the night...have that bummed out feeling. ;o)

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458090 tn?1256321162
Savanha.. My monitor is (I think.. the label isn't on it anymore) is Clear Ble Easy Fertility Monitor and you put little pee sticks in it and tells you if you are Low (not fertile), High (gettin there) or Peak (two days right beofre you O).  And it's always been dead on right so far.  It costs like $150 w/pee sticks about $50.  But I only use pee sticks from
CD 8-15 and the sticks come in packs of 30 so one pack usually lasts me a few months. Now this month, I haven't seen s=hit on it and I'm CD16.. I have NEVER O'd after CD16 on my own.  Au naturelle means I O on CD 12-14. So.. just waiting and waiting and waiting.
But the monitor rocks.. I highly recommend it.  Good luck this month on your TWW!
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413852 tn?1317308712

Touching base...guess I need to cut down on writing those LONG novels. ;o)

MIKY: Hey Lady...I know it's hard, but hang in. Those nums don't always matter. Not sure which post, but I know I shared it w/the group. One of the ladies in my friends group on medhelp got BFP fr. the embies that weren't "graded" very well. I thanked her for sharing that, because I never allowed what the RE's said about the "grade" to get into my head...thought I'd concentrate too hard on it. ;o) She has a beautiful & healthy babygirl. We are rooting for ya...try to stay strong & like Kele said...down on that couch mom-ma. ;o) Lots of reading & resting. Looking forward to your BFP. ;o)

TIJUANA: Hope that Pole Dancing thing doesn't take place for a LONG time, because you are going to get BFP & put that thing on the calendar for another time. ;o) I know your dh will be EVEN happier with that news. ;o) So excited for ya...make sure when you go in that you leave that nervousness @ the clinic. The ladies of AGP...have got that for you...that's what we do...take care for each other. ;o) Make up in your mind that kitchen thing is on hold for at least 1 wk (if you can) after you come home...you'll need to rest. ;o) Yeah...all on the bosey sister thingy...can't help it. ;o)

KRISTA: I can't wait til those horse pellet heads see your BFP...that'll SHUT them right up. I am soooooooo ticked off for you. I can't believe how dum these people seem to be...I mean ttc(especially w/medical help) takes SO much courage...at times these folk seem to be heartless. I mean...how is it that I as the patient should witness info such as this? INSANE. Well...pin-cushion & all, you are going to be the ONE to deliver the sho-nuff smack down on "scientific-statisical" results. ;o) WHY? Because I said so, and you can tell them that for me. ;o) Too funny! Can you all see Krista going in saying..."Well, my cyber-sister said NO WAY...you idiots are just WRONG...give em' the big "L" hand signal for ...LOSERS. ;o) Oh yeah...that was great Dr. "S" replied...fantastic!

KELE: What wonderful friends you all have. I'm like dh...I'm getting all misty thinking about it...really. I mean when people do those sorts of things...hand making special gifts...it means so much. WOW....how creative too. Glad you're having a great visit & hope you are feeling better soon...baby growing...sickness always a good sign. ;o)

SAM: Too funny...Horndog! You know I cracked my 4-head on the computer desk right? 911!!! ;o) Gurrrrrrrl...I'd send a crunchy rock in that man's direction(designated to hit him between his eyeballs)...yes...express airmail. I'd be sick knowing my baby was in a place like that...I wouldn't even care if he was already 18. Boy...that is the tough part...letting go. I'll need therapy in order to learn to let go when my baby grows up. ;o) I have a headache just thinking bout it...I need a valium. ;o) Hope AF shows up for ya soon...I do still have that hammer for her head if you need to knock her in it. (HA) ;o)

SALLY: You are soooooo crazy...the swingers club thingy...cracked dome...yes...911. I'm still hanging in for natural...think I ov'd...didn't do any test...just tried to enjoy all the bding. ;o) Did you read my post? I think I asked you...yeah (had to go check) the diff btw opk's & tester you have. Hope you ov soon. I think I do anywhere cd15-17. Gurrrrrrl..."smell my finger" you know I hit the floor with that one. ;o) Here's hoping you get a pos on the tester soon.

AMBERLEE: Love it..."CHILLAX". ;o) Will check out u/s pics today. Hope your sickness is better.

HELEN: CONGRATS on 15 weeks. (YAY) So happy for you. ;o)

LACTRICE: Hope you are having lots of FUN. ;o)

GLENDA:  Sounds like you had a good mini-vaca. ;o)

JEN: Stim city...doing it BIG...go for it gf. ;o)

HEATHER: Miss ya...Cadence & Henry working mom over time. ;o)

ME: Ladies...I've done all I can do for this cycle! ;@ (laughing so hard...mouth WIDE open) Now is the waiting game...will see if AF shows...I pray she doesn't & I'm preggers. I've followed thru just in case though & scheduled Lap Surg for Aug 15th @ noon. I'll be talking to gyn doc to inquire wait time to try via natural (since 15th will be cd8...will try natural until I can start stims for IUI). I'll keep ya posted. In the mean time, SSBD to ALL of US & Mega Babyluv Dust to all our cyber-sisters that are full w/babies.  ;o)

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270512 tn?1333177636
Sas - gf... you are too funny! Love reading your posts....

Tijuana - I wish we had classes like that up here! I am jealous..... the only kind of 'pole dancing' you'll see up here is the drunks hanging around street lights/corners begging for $$

still waiting for AF to show.... old hag! hmmmmmmmmm
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507875 tn?1423160261
Sas - You crack me up!!

I am getting both excited and nervous...We start demolition of the kitchen on Monday and my transfer is scheduled for that Thursday; next week is going to be soooo busy!!

I forgot to share with you ladies, ma and a bunch of my girlfriends have decided to take a pole dancing class. Of course its contingent upon whether or not I get my BFP. But I am so excited about it...so is my Dh...check out the website  www. flirtygirlfitness.com

Catch you all later gators!! Smooches!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Kele.. sounds like an awesome gift!  Who's in charge of the jail?

Miky.. You git on back to bed (said in a real southern accent).. now GIT!

Juana.. Only a few days left.. so dern excited. Are you counting the seconds?

Sam... You wanna eat my pie, huh?  LOLOLOL.. MAn, I crack myself up.

Savanha.. Hows the au naturelle going for ya??

Krista... C'mon get happy (or I'll kick yer butt from here to uh.. someplace real far away)

Glenda... You have stumbled upon a disfunctioinal group of IVF women that are insane.  Hide your valuables. LOL

Amberlee.. Smell my finger.. heehee, I just stuck it in my belly button.

Latrice.. I hope youve been BDing.. get to work.

Heath...  Id like a large order of BBQ beef brisket, texas style with a side of slaw.  Get in my belly!

Helen... You work too much.  I order you to take a vacation.

Jen... How's the meth business?  Should be hopping with the economy in the crapper.

Im a weirdo, but y'all love me  :P

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186627 tn?1257877774
I'm actually seating in front of the computer....
Going right back to the couch ;-))))
Good morning to All!
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392430 tn?1382904781
Morning all!  So the two friends we have visiting made us a gift that was unbelievable, they designed and built a boardgame and named it Friend-Opoly. The properties are all photos and memories of things we used to do together, like kayaking, playing certain games, foods the 4 of us love. The money has pics of us, them and shared friends on it. They made everything from scratch, the board, the money, the deeds, the gorgeous hand built/stained wooden box, everything! I can't do it justice by describing it. I will post pics of it later. It actually made DH tear up!

Well we are heading out to breakfast as it is time to FEED ME! lol

Haave a great day ladies and Miky if you are reading this is it, darn well better be from a prone position!
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507875 tn?1423160261
Where is everybody???
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270512 tn?1333177636

Woo hoo... one step closer to fresh IVF cycle.... I got to order my meds today :-))  

AF had better be here tomorrow.... or I am gonna sick Sal on her :-)  

So, if AF does show before the 2nd, retrieval will be before the 29th. IF she is playing hard to get - which she does when people want her - and she shows up sometime after the 3rd, then retrieval will be after Sept. 12th.  I can't miss work Sept. 2-12 as too many peeps are on vacation. I will just have to be on b/c longer is all....

Krista - I think you should open a can of woop @$$ on someone in your dr.'s office. I would go off on someone if I saw that in my file - what do they mean - poor prognosis..... I'll give you something poor all right.... my generic heels up someones rear end!!!
Good luck with the upcoming meds.... ouch... ouch... ouch... you want how much blood?!! Does my body have that much blood???!!!  Leave me a little something would ya!!  LOL :-0

later gators....
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458090 tn?1256321162
Whoa Sam.. thats pretty intense.  Heck, Ive never even been to a swingers club (hard to believe, huh?) heehee
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501096 tn?1320874932
Thanks.  The picture is 2 years old now, but it was handy when I went looking for something to put in here.  I AM blessed to have 3 healthy kids, but I still miss my two that are in heaven.  It took 18 mos. of TTC to get the 1st, but that first pg. seemed to get my system into gear making the 2nd pg quicker to get.  The 3rd pg was a surprise and ended in m/c (blighted ovum we think).  I was content with the first two until the m/c and then I knew I had to have another, so along comes Anna (4 last month).  A couple of days after my mom died we decided we needed 1 more to complete our family.  Eight months of TTC ended in m/c at 8 1/2 wks, so now we're back in the TTC game.  I'm not getting any younger, so time is not on my side.  I have a really good feeling about this month for some reason.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Awww, thanks Keli!  :-)

Yeah, it helped to know a little more about the protocol.  I do NOT like to be kept in the dark and treated like a mere number or chart (especially one that has "poor prognosis" on it).  

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392430 tn?1382904781
Krista-That is awesome that she replied! Did it ease your mind at all with the protocol? I was angry when I saw that your dr had "poor prognosis" on your charts....what a negative nancy huh? We all know that this one is gonna work!
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270512 tn?1333177636
roll call.... yep, Sam is here :-))

Ladies, again sorry for my absence last night. My girlfriend has got some drama going on in her life....
She has been married for 11 years. She has 2 kids, he has 2 kids, together they have 1 kid... you know... the whole his, hers, ours, type of family.
Her boys visit their father in the summer - somewhere in VA. This summer dad planned a trip to Jamaica for his family and the boys. My friend found out yesterday that their father took the eldest, who is 17, and his stepson, who is 19, to a 'swingers' club somewhere in Jamaica. According to the 17 year old, everyone was getting naked, doing body shots, playing volleyball in the sand naked (can you say ouch!), and other "things" in the hot tubs and pools.
Needless to say, my girlfriend is a little miffed!
So, we have been trying to calm her nerves and the need to strangle someone. What do you do? The eldest turns 18 in November.... and he is responsible, but the other boy who is 15 is a horndog. She is worried that her ex will pull this stunt again, or worse, not be a 'parent' while he is visiting. The youngest is already talking about wanting to live with his dad because he has no supervision, and would be able to 'party' anytime with no consequences from his father......
she keeps asking me.... are you sure you want kids? I will let you have mine......
I keep telling her that dh and I want to be able to screw them up ourselves :-))

Well, that's the drama up here..... time to work..... hopefully I can catch up with you all later....

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507875 tn?1423160261
Good morning ladies!

Nothing much happening on this side of town...just checking in!
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398459 tn?1262186144

I emailed Doctor Schoyer and she sent me some information about the protocol!  Imagine that....a doctor that takes a little time to answer questions and respond back.  Who would of thought?!?  

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398459 tn?1262186144
Thanks for the info Keli!  

Feel better!  :-)
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392430 tn?1382904781
Good morning ladies, I updated the list more or less.

Krista-You sound like me with the blood-draw. I hate it when I feel mauled afterward. I loked up Schoyer and found this:  http://www.ivf.org/schoyer.html
Thought you might be interested in reading it.

Glenda-OPK's never worked for me even though I was ovulating...I found them to be a mystery.

It has been discovered that I am getting sick/nauseas/miserable in the evenings....please let this trimester be over quickly.
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392430 tn?1382904781
Miky-2 WW with 4 embies
Rgh-transfer in October?
Magda-currently on vacation
Helen-preggo (14+ weeks)
Heather-preggo with Henry and Cadence (26 weeks)
Kari-preggo with triplets (~8-10 weeks I think)
Jen-on Lupron, begins stims on 7/31, retrieval ~8/10
Savanah-Natural cycle, day 16, AF due Aug 8th
Sally-Natural cycle, day 15
Amberlee-11w5d pg, IVF success
Glenda-Cycle day 14, start OPK's on 7/28
Kele-9w1d pg, IVF success
Latice-Cycle day 8, start OPK's 7/30
Sam-Natural cycle, enjoying DH for all he's worth!
Krista-AF here, IVF cycle to start Aug 16th (if my count is right)
Juana-Cycle day 11, FET scheduled August 8th(YAY!)
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398459 tn?1262186144

Just looked at the pic of your family.  What a lovely pic!  How blessed you must feel to have three beautiful children.  Good luck with #4!
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501096 tn?1320874932
Surprised today to find my OPK was positive.  It has NEVER been positive this early.  I know that as long as the lines are equal the test is positive, but do you think = is "less positive" than having the result line darker?  Lately my OPKs have been =, but today it was clearly darker.  Think that's a good sign?
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501096 tn?1320874932
Hope your embryos produce at least 1 happy, healthy baby.
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