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325477 tn?1250551309

July Babies 09

Hello ladies!
Let me record where we are right now from what I know:

Anya - 11w4d !!!  WOHO, can't wait for firt trimester to be over!
           u/s - Dec. 30th for down syndrom

Maria - 11w 3d?
            u/s ?

ZUZ - 11w1d
         u/s - Dec 31st, down syndrom? you are right behind me!

aweeonetolove - 9 weeks
                        u/s ?

Eternidad - u/s - Jan 15th
79 Responses
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325477 tn?1250551309
Check out our new thread, calles Second Trimester Mommies

I was wondering what mild exercises are you doing and how do I find out more about prenatal yoga? Im not doing anyting except ocasional swimming and walking and I want to do exercises!

Also, I read many times that there is a main blood vessel that goes through your spine to the placenta and that's why it is highly not recomended to sleep on your back but on the left side....so I m trying to avoid it although still find myself having the best sleep on my back :(
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665138 tn?1228506178
Hi Girls,
I am back on my regular exercise now and I also do prenatal yoga once a week, I love it.
The exercise seems help my nausea, and I feel great after it is done.  So highly recommended some mild exercise, turst me it makes you feel good.
I am going to meet my dr. tomorrow and I will know more details on my second u/s, and the technician did not tell me anything.

Anya, Aweeonetolove- I have lower back pain as well, it always on and off, and it mostly happens on my right side. Also, Anya, I felt the same that when I am sleeping, I'd like to coming back on my back instead of on my left side. Will this harmful the baby? as you said we are suppose not to sleep on our back.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Maria - definately Activia is good for you1!!! It does prevent infections, I eat one yogurt everyday! I had the blood test done for down syndrom and also for spina bifida (AFP screening). You should ask for that too!

aweeonetolove- Im going to start a new thread today. I am so glad that you are out of your first trimester, what a relief! Now you will need to wait another few weeks before knowing the gender!!! So far, it looks like I am the last to find out out of all of us, except you :) Im still wearing my regular clothes and fitting in perfectly...of course, since my weight has not shifted...

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369912 tn?1229650090
Hi ladies,

Anya ~ I looked for the new thread but didn't find it ~ It's alright with me.  Oh! And I'm glad everything is okay with your little one.  How exciting to see it sucking it's thumb.  I'm sure you'll see a weight gain soon.  My close friend only gained 14lbs and the Doctor said that was perfectly alright. She was healthy, ate healthy, lived healthy and the baby is one of the most amazing almost two year olds you could ever meet.  So I'm sure your little one is perfectly fine.

Maria ~ I take pre-natal vitamins that contain probiotics. They are encouraged for pregnant women because they help prevent yeast infections and bladder problems.  So I'd say enjoy!

I hope everyone else is doing great!  I'm off to work now.  I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow.  So very exciting.  Then I will officially be out of my first trimester.  Oh! And I also have my first appointment with the midwife tomorrow morning.  Wish me luck!
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604185 tn?1233960857
Hello Girls!!
     Here is an update on my u/s.  It was so exciting to see the baby. I did not ask the measurements, but tech said it was right for 15 weeks.  My next OB appointment is on Feb' 11th. Also doctor gave me lab slip for Quad screening(its a blood test to detect down syndrome) next Wednesday. Is anyone going through the same test? I am still on antibiotics for UTI and that will get over in another three days and and after that have to go for a follow test. I hope the UTI is gone.

Girls, I have a question. I started eating Activia yogurt today and later found out that it contains probiotics(some kind of living organism). I don't know if it is alright to eat this yogurt.

Anya- What a relief to see your baby..:) Don't worry that you are not putting on weight, you will start putting on soon. You can start a new thread.

Aweeonetolove- Nice to see your message. I hope my UTI goes away soon.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Hello girls!
I would like to let you know that I am going to start a new thead called

Second Trimester Mommies

is that ok with everybody?
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325477 tn?1250551309
so how many weeks are you now? 12-13-14? I forgot how many weeks you are behind me..
Me too, I have been having lots of low back pains :( Oh well, suck it up! Im also trying to sleep on my left side but all the time I appear to like coming back on my back and I know we are not suppose to sleep on our backs....

So I went in today and they didn't want to do an u/s for me but I insisted....everything seems fine, the baby measures 10 cm or 3.9 inches and my uterus measures 14 cm which is consistent with 15 weeks....They think the pains Im having  is ligament since its mostly on the right side ...so Im gong to relax now :) My next appt is at 20w2d, which is on the 17th of February, another 5 weeks!!! I have to start enjoying now....Apperantly I do have a bump :) I just thought it was my stomach but part of my stomach is a uterus!! HAHA....and my bump is not very small, I barely button my pants (thinking of going and bying one of those belly bands...)....I asked why im not gaining any weight and they say I will...well let's see...
so now I wish to feel any kind of movements....
it was so cute, when we did u/s, the baby was sleeping and he was disturbed and start moving .....he was sleeping and sucking his thumb :) it was adorable...

So I will try to relax, hopefully I wont have any more surprises :)
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369912 tn?1229650090
Hi Ladies,
Well my trip was great and I'm feeling great.  I have finally told all my friends and I found out that a very close friend is pregnant too!  She is exactly one week behind me.  So very exciting.  I'm off to work shortly so I have to keep this short but I'm so happy to hear that you are all doing well for the most part (sorry to hear about your UTI, Maria and your m/s, dreamgirl).  I've been experiencing lots of pain in my lower back and sacrum but I went to a prenatal yoga class yesterday and that really seemed to help.  Plus they do lots of breathing exercises for labour ~ which I think will really help me.
Anya, try not to worry.  I'm nowhere near fitting in any maternity clothes. I've gained, at most, one pound.  (I weigh 116 lbs now.  Not underweight but in the lower end of my BMI).  And that one pound is only because I've been consciously eating 300 calories more per day than I normally do.  I've got room in all my regular clothes (even my size 26 pants) and I'm not showing at all. I just feel the slightest bump about four inches below my belly button ~ all normal, from what I've read.  Also the pain you've been feeling is probably round ligament pain ~ The stretching from uterus growing.
Well, I'm off!  I hope you all have a lovely day and that your pregnancies only get better from here on in.  
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665138 tn?1228506178
I read many boods says that some women may not gain any weight for the first trimester and yours is just over, so I hope you are feeling better and you are craving on food. Once you start to eat more, you will gain weight very quickly. Specially, if you are always underweight, maybe you need to have extra meals. I think it is better to discuss this with your dr. and just to make sure everything is ok. Since I was on my 7 weeks, I have gained 10 lbs and it happened very quickly, but I didn't even eat extra as my neasea was horrible at that time. Since then I only gained a couple of pounds, and I am almost 15 weeks as well,so it is hard to control, and I do get confused too.

Thanks for asking. I can only say that I feel little bit better, I still have my sickness and it can happened any time of the day, so still on the pills. I am still not eatting like a horse yet, not much appetite at night specially. I am afraid the sickness will not go away and I know it  happens to some women all the way to their labors. :(
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325477 tn?1250551309
Hello girls!
I was so surprised when I stood on the scale - I am still horribly underweight and have not gained a pound, is everything ok? I am 15 weeks already, and still weight 104 pnds!! Moreover, i have been experiencing this dull ache/pain in my right side for the last week that comes and goes but is more consntant....I called my nurse, left a message, I hope they can see me for an u/s, that would be great! It worries me because I still have no bump, not gained weight and now this pain.... is anybody else experiencing this?
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508331 tn?1305591814
Maria, I know how you feel.  I still always have a little bit of a nervous feeling all the time.  I don't know why!  I think it's because we lost one before so we're always going to have those scared, bad feelings.  I can't wait till my u/s so I could see baby! I'll be 17 weeks.  That's almost half way!

dream_girl, thanks!  Im pretty happy about the way things turned out.  Have you been feeling better lately?

Anya, how is everything?  I'm sure you'll start gaining some wait as soon as you start feeling better.  So hopefully you don't have any more problems.  You need a break.  :(
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604185 tn?1233960857
Hello Girls!!

I am doing alright. This antibiotic I am taking is giving  me nausea. I hope this phase will get over soon.

Dreamgirl- I don't feel a thing except that my urine is dark yellow in the mornings. I will talk to my OB on tuesday when I go for the u/s. I hope I am harming my baby by taking all these medicines.

Zuz- Yes! Congrats to us on our 1st trimester completion. I still am not excited about it. I want at least to complete 20 weeks make be then I will feel better.

Eternidad- You having great time on vacation..away from the cold temperature.. :)

Anya- How do you feel now.. Is your appetite back? You will soon see that bump. I have a little baby bump and rest everything is flabs..
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665138 tn?1228506178
ZUZ,  You are so lucky to get a perfect job, as you know how hard even to find a job now. Very happy for you.

eternidad, I also want to know if the water is cold or warm, and whether or not you are able to swim. We are planning to go for a vacation soon.  Wish you and your hubby have a great time.

Maria, Sorry to hear the infection is still there. Do you feel anything wrong at all? If not, maybe you want to talk to your dr. and just to ensure they did not mix up the samples.

Anya, How do you feel now, are you able to eat normal meal now? Hope you are already recovered from the stomatch flu. I know it is so hard to deal with any disease during the pregnancy.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Yeah, my next u/s not until Feb 15th or so! ;( Maybe i will be able to get another one earlier but I need to talk to my OB next Thur about it...

Unlike you,  I am still able to wear my pants alright and don't show at all.....but I hope to start show soon because I want to feel the baby, not just think it is there, u know?!
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508331 tn?1305591814
eternidad I wish I was where you are!!!

Maria, I'm so excited and thankful that we got thru thru the 1st trimester!  Congrats to us!  :)

My u/s is Feb 2.  We'll be 17 wks!  I can't wait to see the baby.  I almost don't believe it.  I say almost because my body is going all weird on me so obviously something is going on!  My pants are getting tighter and tighter around my tummy everyday!  How are things with you??
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604185 tn?1233960857
Hello Girls!!

Nice to see all your messages. I am doing alright. I had follow up of my urine test after the UTI. Nurse called back and told me that infection is still there and I am back on antibiotics again . I sometimes wonder if the test was accurate. The reason I am saying this is, when I went for the test the lady asked me to leave the sample in the restroom and I noticed that there was other samples in the bathroom too. Though there was a sticker with my name, I am still concerned. I hope taking all these antibiotics  does not have bad effect on my little one.

Anya- My Urine is very yellow too. But in the afternoon it gets better. Do you drink enough water? Start drinking lots of water. Don't worry about the bum dear.. you will get it soon..:)

Zuz- We are past 14 weeks today. Sorry about the mistake. I don't know how I typed Miami for you.. :)  When do you have your u/s? Mine is on next Tuesday(13th). Congrats on your new job.

Eternidad- You have great time in the warm place..:) Take care.

Dreamgirl- Dont worry about your weight. Since you are carrying twins.. that should be ok I guess. If your doctor  say its ok.. then its ok.. :)

Every one take care..

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325477 tn?1250551309
are you from D.C. area? I know the drive from DC to Miami, it is gorgeous!! Beautiful!! Once you arrive to Miami (from Savannah, Georgia its another 7 hours, I believe), let me know h ow s the water, is it cold or warm enough to swim? I wanted to go to Miami SO BAD!!! just to go into the water and relax on the beach but was told that its not that warm....
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443968 tn?1288612689
Girls a quick update, I am doing great. Right now we are in Savannah Georgia, what a beautiful town, arrived yesterday from Washington DC, we are planning to be here 2 more days and then to Miami,Florida. The driving has been beautiful and the people great. LOL to everyone and I will try to keep you posted.
Glad to hear you are all doing well.
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508331 tn?1305591814
Thanks!  Yeah its full time.  Its really different going from being a mechanical engineer for so long to being an account manager and doing sales as well at a staffing co.  Needless to say, I'm adjusting!  Its a small company so its nice.  I'm doing 5 days a week right now but I get paid leave and already talked to them about working 3 days in the office and 2 days from home when baby arrives.  I really got lucky!  :)  How's your job going?  Did all the crazy buyouts apply to your division?
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665138 tn?1228506178
ZUZ, Congrats on new job, is it a full time job?  I am totally with you, I hate get up early in the morning since I only work three days a week. Specially, I have to deal with the morning sickness, it made my work day starts very hard.
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508331 tn?1305591814
Hi All,

Just wanted to see how you were doing.  I've been doing ok.  I started my new job yesterday so thats been time consuming but cool.  I just HATE waking up in the morning! I'm so pooped now!  Anyway, hope you are all well.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Yes, Eternidad, would you want to start a new thread saying something like second trimester? :)
I am feeling a little better, still not able to eat more then 1 meal a day...:( My urine (sorry TMI) is very yellow, not sure what that means, and my stomach hurts constantly...
I need to gain weight somehow, never thought it would be hard to do since I was dieting half of my life :(
My bump is so small that I am starting to wrry I barely feel it!! Anyway, I am counting my days (9 to go) till I see my OB for regular visit...
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665138 tn?1228506178
Hello moms,
since it is 2009, and we all passed the first trimester, we should start a new thread.  I just got back to work today, I have had a great  and relaxing holiday this year. Sickness is still on and off, have been feeling bloating lately. Energy level is up and down, there are good days and bad days. My belly is start to showing, I have gained 12 lbs. I don't know if it is normal to gain that much at this stage. But since I have twins, it is really hard to figure out.

I am so sorry about food poisoning. How do you feel now?I hope it has gone away. I have a very sensitive stomatch, and since I got pregnant it seems more sentsitive than before. So I guess we need to watch what we eat and pay attention to the expiring date on food in the frige.

it is so cool you can get a 3D u/s and you are taking a vocation again? wow, life is good. LOL. Me and my hubby really want to go away, to somewhere is warm. We are planning to go to FL by early March.  Enjoy the sunshine and beach, have a great time.

Congrats, passed the first trimester. Enjoy your trip.

Maria, ZUZ,
You both heard the babies heart beat, that is so exciting. I am really happy that all of the babies are doing great. I hope my dr. will use the doppler to test my babies heart beat on my next appt. can't wait.

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508331 tn?1305591814
Hi Guys,

I've been doing ok.  Still have my moments of sickness but I'm hoping that goes away soon.  

Anya: I'm so sorry about the food poisoning. That sounds horrible! I'm glad you're feeling better.  Hope you don't have anymore issues! You need a break!

Maria: I got the bloated thing going on too!  I'm not going to Miami.  Eternidad is the one leaving us for two weeks to go to a nice warm climate!  I'm jealous!

Eternidad:  I hope you have a wonderful time and a safe trip!

Hope you are all well!
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