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failed donor egg cycle

2010 - 2 IVF's with own eggs both implanted and had chemical miscarriage. Last month proceeded to DE cycle and failed completely. I respond very well to meds, all hormone levels are normal through process. I am 43, husband 48 we are both in good health. Are there many failed DE cycles???
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Could you please advise how long you had been using Prednisonone and what is the dosage daily?

Thank you,
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Could you please advise how long you had been using Prednisonone and what is the dosage daily?

Thank you,
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That's the question I'm asking why would it fail if the uterus and response to meds were going well????
I don't want to walk into that clinic again!  I know the staff are rooting for us, but I think they get sad to see us coming again after things don't go as planned.
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I used prenisolone for about a week before transfer.  Is that why I had the sniffles?  
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August 9 2014

Had BFN/neg preg test from doctor's office yesterday.  All I could do was moan, "oh nooooooo" to the nurse.   I am so sad. I ate ice cream and chips yesterday.  ugghhhh!  Used donor cycle and am very puzzled that it did not work.  I am 43.  Wondering if I did something wrong (carrying groceries--day 6/7 post transfer).  I wore socks the whole weekend after the frozen donor transfer.  Responded well to meds, uterus they say "looked very good" had removed inner fibroids months before. . .ate the fertility foods. . .took the prenatal vitamins with DHA. . .etc. etc. I was soooooo hopeful the night before results.  So hopeful.  Paid the cash$$$ cha ching plus transportation and storage$$$.  I have 3 frozen emb left but am so afraid of trying again.  I can't afford another fail. ..don't want to be dirt poor, but I don't want this experience to put me in an even sadder place. . .no babies and no money.  . ..The time off work, the frustration of so much time off (have not told anyone what/why).. . .SMC??uggh.
Last year I looked into adoption but either the agency was too conservative. . . .but they actually told me the birth moms usually want couples.  Not being a couple is really not my fault or my desire, but this is what I've been dealt. (that's another story full of tears!!!!!!!!)
The home study makes me nervous--how could other people (references/agency) tell ME if I would be a good mom or not.  They don't know my love and care for children.  They don't know if I am a responsible person or not.  They don't know how long I've been trying (6 years at least)
I don't think I can afford to look at another donor$$$$.  We all get to this place even with insurance and say, If I use all this money$$ to make a maybe will I be able to feed, clothe, and send my babies to college after all these fertility costs.  I have agonized since yesterday, but I have not really cried a full cry.  I think I am still in shock.  Because in my mind I'm doing the ugly cry, writhing on the floor, kicking and screaming.  I do actually feel as though I'm suffocating.  You all know that feeling you get the morning after bad news. . .that's me today.  My face hurts and my body aches from the tension.  Yesterday after being told, I felt my stomach sink in despair.  
Bonus:  work with babies!!!! Double heartbreak.

I'm praying for everyone.  You are in my hearts and mind.  You are some really strong women!!!!!
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Thank you for your post.  I am curious if you found a new doctor and who you have been using?  Also, did you do your immunology testing.  After two years of failed IUI and IVF procedures (three different doctors), we went to a new doctor for donor egg transfer and even split the eggs (15 retrieved and six fertilized) between my partner and donor sperm.  Unfortunately, both transfers did not work and we are left with two lower quality embryos for a last try that are donor/donor.  We are devastated and looking for a good immunology doctor to do some testing.  We will also probably have to go with a guarantee program if we do another round.   We are based in Florida, but actually went to LA for the donor cycles.  It has been a long and expensive journey to no where...Any learnings on doctors would be much appreciated!
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Thank you for your post.  I am curious if you found a new doctor?  Also, where did you do your immunology testing.  After two years of failed IUI and IVF procedures, we went to donor egg transfer and even split the eggs (15 retrieved and six fertilized) between my partner and donor sperm.  Unfortunately, both transfers did not work and we are left with two lower quality embryos for a last try that are donor/donor.  We are devastated and looking for a good immunology doctor to do some testing.  We will also probably have to go with a guarantee program if we do another round.   We are based in Florida, but actually went to LA for the donor cycles.  It has been a long and expensive journey to no where...
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Hi Ladies,
I hope everyone is doing well despite being pregnant -challenged. I am 43 and my husband is 41. We started fertility treatment 2 years ago with FCI. We had 2 IUI's, 2 IVF's and all failed to work. We waited 6 months to give our body & soul a rest. We decided to do DE. Choosing a donor was not that easy either. It turned out to be a complicated process for us, since we prefer half Asian, half Caucasian donor. We finally found her through our clinic in patient pool of donors. The process went smoothly but we were expecting a good amount of egg to freeze and it turned out we only have 1 to freeze out of 14 that fertilized. Five days after the DE retrieval, my RE transferred 2 AA DE and 1 of my FE which is a BB. I am now 5dp5dblast transfer. I have 6 more days to wait to get my beta HCG result.
Just like  most of you, I am tired of hearing all the negative results from my RE's clinic. I feel like all I am going to hear is BFN. Nothing can replace all the time, effort, cost, psychological & emotional impact infertility brings especially for a very desperate wanting-- to- be- mother- so bad like me and all of the women in this posts.
Do I want to give up? Sometimes. But I guess God will work his way & miracle as long as we keep our faith & believe that it will happen.
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961574 tn?1520648103
You are welcome.  Luckily, usually our desire to become parents is stronger then our disappointment.  Most ladies on  here that don't give up go on to become parents through pregnancy.  

The other 5-10% go on to adoption.  
This journey is not for the faint of heart.  I honestly believe we are the strongest women alive. Period.  With the strongest men standing behind us.

Most docs  are hesitant to prescribe prednisolone, just FYI.  I had to push, beg and plead to mine.  The do not like suppressing the immune system.  But, I have to say, I have seen quite a few people who use it finally get a healthy bfp.  

Please, keep me updated, and I am here for support too!!!!
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Thank you for the Support!! Today I received a call that the doctor wants to repeat the HCG test tomorrow to confirm bfn. I didn't want to go but my husband said we should go, I will tell him about your recommendation if I decide to try again!!!! Keep you update :) Thanks Again
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961574 tn?1520648103
It was my 7th transfer that worked.  2 iui's neg. then  I did donor eggs first, 1 m/c 4 bfn's, then on to donor embryos.  10 received.  1st transfer was bfn, second successful pregnancy with twins.  Have you ever tried prednisolone?  It helps suppress the immune system so your body doesnt reject the embryos.  I did it on my last transfer, and it worked.  Just a thought.  
I know it's hard.  I am so sorry you have been through so much.  I hope you find the strength to try again.
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I am so sorry to hear about your failures. I am in the same boat.. My history had 1 IVF chemical pregnancy, 2 IVF neg results, 1 pregnancy by nature m/c on week 9th, 1failed IUI, next tried donor very expensive 30k, ended up with 9 embryos had first transfer August 2013, 2 transferred got pregnant :) but m/ c week 6. Second try with FET on March 25 went for HCG test yesterday NEG Test :( Have three frozen embryo left, but I can't anymore!!!
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I am so sorry to hear about your failures. I am in the same boat.. My history had 1 IVF chemical pregnancy, 2 IVF neg results, 1 pregnancy by nature m/c on week 9th, 1failed IUI, next tried donor very expensive 30k, ended up with 9 embryos had first transfer August 2013, 2 transferred got pregnant :) but m/ c week 6. Second try with FET on March 25 went for HCG test yesterday NEG Test :( Have three frozen embryo left, but I can't anymore!!!
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Hi Tanja,
We have also done SO MANY IUIs, IVFs that I have lost the count now. and then we did one donor egg cycle and after giving my RE $6000 and all the meds expenses he just said that all the eggs retrieved form donor were not viable and all the money went to drain.
then we did cycle with another donor but same RE and were able to have frsh cycle with 2 embies and had 6 frozen. Fresh cycle didn't work, did another cycle with 2 FET no success, another cycle with new RE, no success. and now we have one 1 FE left.
This new RE is our 3rd RE and no none of these REs have any clue as why we don't get pregnant.
We are going to do our last FET in May2014. We are also going to try acupuncture this time. and after this ....we may have to face the same reality....childfree life (which really *****...excuse my language) but I am frustrated and desperate especially because Drs just keep taking the money and just advise to keep trying...but never able to say WHY it's not happening
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I am in a similar boat as you, we had 2 cycles of our own eggs and were advised to move on to donor eggs. We have just completed our second failed donor egg cycle. We still have 2 frozen embryo's. Our doctor has also not been able to tell us why these cycles have failed. I am devastated by the outcome of our last 2 cycles and am terrified that we will never get pregnant using assisted reproductive procedures. I now fear that if the frozen embryos do not work we will have to face the reality of living a childfree life. I am utterly miserable :(
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I've had 4 failed DE cycles, with no known cause. I've had all kinds of testing done, so has my husband. Sometimes it just does not work. I am sorry it did not work for you (I know you posted this a year ago and I'm chiming in late but I wanted to say this anyway in case you come back to read it). I've had immunology testing done, the whole bloodwork panel, two hysteroscopies, and HSG, my husband had sperm fragmentation testing done. Nothing came back suspicious, and for now all I can do is focus on finding a better clinic and better donor. I hope somethign eventually works out for both of us.
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Thanks so much for that information, it will be very helpful to me for my next cycle.
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It's hard to hear the words no especially when you are trying to be a mother but know that you are not alone.  I'm 43 (44 in march) we started last year and had a cancelled cycle with own eggs-no response at all to meds.  We decide to move on with a donor and 19 fertilized, 18 made it to day 5. 2 transferred the rest frozen but results ended in neg test.  We are now going for our 3rd cycle with 2 frozen sched next week.  We'll see how this goes.  It was very hard physically and emotionally the first 2 times but now I know it's only hard because I know we are trying.  We are trying to control something that nature will always have control of.  If it doesn't happen this time we accept the fact that we were meant to take care of children already here.
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Hi, ladies i did my first ivf cycle late last year and the doc. cancelled during retrieval  because there were no mature follicles.I was advised to do donor ivf which i did. On Monday when i did the blood test it was negative. I am so devastated they implanted three embryos  and none survived they were fresh ones, there are none frozen.I did  three loans to do these cycles now i am out of funds, i am 38yrs.I feel i have nothing to live for.
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961574 tn?1520648103
Oh honey, yes it is a lot more common then 1 would think.  I had a failed donor cycle.  1 fresh, 4 frozen, and the first one ended in m/c, and the rest were a bust.  Many ladies on here have been successful with donor eggs, and more then just a few weren't.  
Most ladies that fail the first time with donor eggs go after a refund program for the next move.  There are programs out there that offer 100% money back guarantees with donor eggs.  That was the route my husband and I were going to take, but ended up using donor embryos.  

Do you have any frozen embryos??   A lot of times, the frozen embryo transfer (fet) will work, when the fresh cycle didn't.  
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Hello ladies, I am new to this community. I just had my first DE failed cycle. I am devastated totally. Cant stop the tears.....I am 40 years old and I resorted to DE after I was told that my eggs have poor quality, I have very low AMH. I am not sure if at this point I am willing to try again...I am too hear broken....my doc had said to expect twins and I turn out not even pregnant....I am a total mess right now....any support or advise would be appreciated. my DE was 23...
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Dear Kerrimick,
My heart goes out to you!!!!   I'm so shocked CCRM wasn't able to help you.  I started CCRM 5 months ago after numerous failed treatments at other clinics.   If it isn't asking too much, I'm curious why CCRM is recommending surgery?  Do you have a tipped uterus?  I know how frustrating and sad this whole process is and I want you to know that you are not alone!  Thank you in advanced for your response and my best wishes to you and your husband.
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1545464 tn?1376704158
My heart hurts reading your post, my donor egg cycle failed when we fresh with fresh embryos, and our frozen worked, though donor made it to 29 eggs, only 3 fertilizied, and 1 worked.

I hope you soon make all your financial arrangements and go for another successful attempt, I wish your dream soon comes true.
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I agree with your post 100%

I am heterozygous for Mthfr and had 14 miscarriages with own eggs before I went the donor route.  Discovered The late Dr. Alan Beer, the founder of Reproductive immunology, who also worked with Dr. Sher.  Did IVIG, embrell,as well as blood thinners to prevent my body from rejecting the pregnancy.  two days ago I celebrated the birthday of my beautiful 7 year old donor egg son who I had at 48.  Without the immunological treatment, this would not hae been possible,

my IVf clinic did not believe in these kinds of treatment.  We worked separately with the Alan E. Beer clinic in California.  The clinic still exists with protégées of Dr. beer.  Anyone who has had a failed donor cycle should, IMHO, be tested for immunological issues.
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