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299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: (You have our continuing support & prayers!!!)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

vortex: BFP - 38 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 33 weeks
Jessie: BFP - 27 weeks
ArmyPrincess - 26 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 20 weeks!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 15 weeks
kmcarino:  BFP - 10 weeks (test results in 1 week!)
wishandaprayer:  BFP!
ad_06:  BFP! (u/s tomorrow!)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! (u/s 4/27!)
Mommyin09:  BFP!!! (2nd beta tomorrow!)

naf38:  Welcome Home!!!
mrspace:  Kya's due very soon! ;)
Shysana: Taking a break
Guesito: FET 5/20!
Keyan:  Last Lupron shot 5/4, lap 6/3

Lina:  CD1 ;(
Candie:  CD3 (b/w today!)
dnikki:  CD4 (b/w, u/s & HSG 4/22!)
rachjas:  CD5
jmh2005:  CD10
Arlotheslug:  CD24
Pyar:  CD31

Hannnah:  13dpo
176 Responses
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507564 tn?1243193855
So sorry...You'll be in my thoughts :-(  It's just really not fair at all!
Helpful - 0
495055 tn?1259700950
Mommyin09:  Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you . . . I am sorry that the news was not what you may have wanted, but glad that you have a plan to move forward.  I hope you were able to have an ok weekend - good idea to do the test today.  

Luvkayln:  Good luck tomorrow.

DNIKKI:  Yahoo!  Good luck!

Mrspace: YEAH!   Will check the pics.

Hannah:  Good luck tomorrow.  Stay calm . . . hopefully it will be good!

Ps - I finally uploaded the u/s pics!  

Happy Sunday night! (been working so I thought I would check in).  

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494640 tn?1262737989
at the doctors tomoro i no it may be nothing but i am so SCARED i havent had a good day in 2 weeks i have had a pain at the top of my back that spread all around my back and stomach and now its in my sides and a stabbing pain by my temple in my head i hate IT!!!! im living on pain killers im hoping its my anxiety and the stress i have been under but oh well i will hopefully hae an idea tomoro i am young and fit soooooo my chances are good lol x
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299260 tn?1304216105
Sorry to update so late in the day...  I got my results back this morning & my beta has dropped to 29. I was so afraid to stop my progesterone, wondering "what if", so although this isn't the news I wanted, I'm accepting it & now I can move forward ;)  Thanks again for all your support, my wonderful friends!!! ;)

Luvkayln:  I can't wait til tomorrow!!!  Whether you see a h/b or not, you can feel confident that you're doing well, especially after the beta yesterday ;)  I'm so excited for you!

mrspace:  Yay for Kya!  Her puppies are just adorable!!!  I'm a sucker for black/white dogs, so there is one there with my name on it, too! ;)  I hope mommy's resting well ;)

dnikki:  Good luck to you, too, tomorrow!
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342988 tn?1299782356
luvkayln- you might see one.  i was 5 weeks and 6 days by my LMP but i measured one day ahead at 6 weeks when i had my first ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat.  from that point on i always measured a day ahead, so keep your fingers crossed.  it was like jaeydn grew a whole extra day at warp speed.
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494640 tn?1262737989
mommyin09 i am waiing to hear your news im hoping for a miricle i send u all my hope and i sed i will send you strength if the results are not what u want to hear

luvkayln i am so exited for you!!!!! good luck tomor i wouldnt be suprised if you see 2 babies tho lolxx

stacey glad you have a nice weekend hope your ok xx

dnikki so exited for you hope you get your bfp xx

mrspace im so hapy for kya go girl xx

kenyan i hope your ok xx

pyar how are you?? xx

ad_06 your still in my thoughts xx

Authoslug welcome back! xxx

Well i can not wait to start my ivf i am going to go for it in less than 3 months i carn wait i am so exited af has been here to long and is doing my head in lolcarnt wait to get my bfp its driving me crazy but i am feeling possitive i will be a 2010 mommy xx
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449498 tn?1338772039
Stacey- I know, can you believe my u/s is already tomorrow!? I'm nervous, but I feel good about it! :) I've been looking up u/s pics on the internet at 5.5 weeks, and all of them only show a sac, so I'm fully prepared to not see a h/b tomorrow. Although I would LOVE to see that, and I'm secretly hoping for that! I'm starting to feel more and more pregnant, not really nauseated but it does come and go. The only symptoms I'm really having right now is peeing all the time, sore bbs, fatigue and headaches. I just can't wait for tomorrow's u/s! I just want to see my baby! :) I still feel like this is all a dream...
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473246 tn?1293833673
Dnikki - Congrats on the nice follies!  All the best for your IUIs.  This cycle has all the signs of a BFP!

Mrspace - I am checking out the puppy pics right away!  Good for Kya!

Mommyin09 - I am so glad that you are getting the beta today.  Good for you.  As Luvkayln said, you will have your final answer and can move forward.  All the best.

Luvkayln - Hope you are having a good weekend.  How are you feeling?  Can't wait for your u/s update tomorrow!  Yes...tomorrow!

I had a nice dinner with my sister last night.  Today is not nearly as nice as yesterday so just taking it easy inside and had a nice nap with dh and Honey!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends and SSBD!
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Mrspace- The puppies are absolutely adorable! I'm such a sucker for puppies! I wouldn't be able to give any of them up if I were you! ;)
Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Okay, quick update.  Kya (after eating my cell phone, part of a door, and part of a wall) gave birth to 7 beautiful puppies last night between 6 and 11pm.  She did wonderfully.  I have a ton of pictures posted. It was a true miracle to watch.  She had a hard time at first, figuring out how to keep them all in the right place but she's doing great.  The runt was neglected at first but is a fighter and she's taking good care of him now.  We think we know the sexes of a few, but we're waiting til we can hold them to really sex them.  They are sooo cute.  Thanks for all the support!

I will update more tomorrow.  I've got to take a nap soon. I'm exhausted.
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Mrspace- Congrats on the puppies!! Can't wait to see pics! :)

dnikki- Congrats on your iui tomorrow! I just know it's gonna work! ;) Good luck!!!

Mommyin09- I'm so glad you went and got your beta today instead of toturing yourself and us all the way until Wednesday! I know either way the news today will give you some kind of answer! I'll be looking forward to your update! Good luck sweetie, and keep up your great spirit! You're amazing! ;)

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299260 tn?1304216105
Congrats!  I'm so excited for you =)
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478429 tn?1265244387
Okay, So I got the call, and I took my 2 triggers at noon and I have 5 good follies!!!! Wooo-Hooooo!!! IUI tomorrow and Tuesday :-)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Awww, Kya had her puppies?! Post pics =)  I hope all is well!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: (You have our continuing support & prayers!!!)
ad_06:  You're in our thoughts & prayers! - (appt Mon)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

vortex: BFP - 39 weeks!!!
Joyce: BFP - 34 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 29 weeks
ArmyPrincess - 27 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 21 weeks!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 16 weeks (u/s 5/12)
kmcarino:  BFP - 11 weeks (results next week)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! (First u/s tomorrow!)

Mommyin09:  waiting... beta today
Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
naf38:  Welcome Home!!!
mrspace:  Kya's due very soon! ;)
Shysana: Taking a break
Guesito: FET 5/20!
Keyan:  Last Lupron shot 5/4, lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
thetam01:  Waiting for AF ;(

Hannah:  CD5
wishandaprayer:  CD6
Lina:  CD8
Candie:  CD10
dnikki:  CD11 (iui tomorrow!)
rachjas:  C12  
Pyar:  CD38

jmh2005:  3dpo
Good morning.  So, I couldn't wait til Wed and keep wondering if I should stop my progesterone or keep taking it, so I went in for another beta this morning.  I should have my results later today & at least then I'll have a definite answer & will be able to move forward ;)

dnikki:  That's awesome!  Good luck tomorrow!!! =)

luvkayln:  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!  How exciting for both you & dh! =)
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342988 tn?1299782356
hey ladies- if any of you have face book and want to connect let me know and we can PM eachother our emails or names.  i would love to have that connection as well.
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478429 tn?1265244387
Quick update: Went to the RE's this morning and some of hte other folliesg grew. So I have 2 Great ones on the right side and about 3-4 on the left side!! I should be ready for IUI tomorrow. I'm just waiting for their call to confirm it and I'll also take my Ovudril (sp????) tonight!! I'm soooo excited especially since I'll have more than 2 follies!! YAY!!

Mrspace: Congrats on the puppies! (saw it on facebook lol)...how many did she end up having?

Luvkayln: Good luck on the u/s tomorrow!!

Stacey: Thank you so much for the note :-)
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
mrspace- OMG, I'd be going crazy too! Is kya crate trained? All 4 of our dogs are, and I swear, it's the best thing we could've ever done! You'll probably need to get a crate for her, at least for when she has her puppies so she feels safe having them all so close to her. A friend of our's dog just had puppies, and that's what he did for her and the puppies, and it was perfect! It sounds like she doesn't have too much longer to go! Hopefully she has them soon, but then you get to take care of 8+ dogs!! LOL Good luck!! :)

Arlo- OK, that's just too cute! :) We're having great weather here too! Something about nice weather just puts everyone in a great mood! :)

Mommyin09- Thanks! :') I hope dh can still take you out for that romantic dinner soon, you deserve it!! ;)

Stacey- Thanks! Yea, I couldn't be more relieved! :) It seems like tomorrow is getting  here really fast! It didn't seem like that at first, but now I'm really starting to get nervous! My mom wanted me to get a copy of the u/s pic for her too, so I told her I would if everything looked OK. She's just so sweet, she always wanted copies with Kayln too! I guess that's her way of bonding with her grandbaby while in utero!  :)

Keyan, Pyar, rachjas, LinaG- Thank you all so much for the notes! We're just so happy that things are going so great, so far!! :) Support from everyone just makes it an even better experience! :)
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478429 tn?1265244387
Arlo: Isn't the weather around here amazing! I'm loving it - except for me being sunburnt lol...

Mommyin09: I'm glad you are focusing and ready to TTC again :-) You and dh are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Luvkayln: Awesome numbers!! YAY! I can't wait for your u/s!!

Mrspace: I hope she has her puppies asap!!! Good luck lol!!!

I went in this a.m for u/s and more b/w. As of this morning, I have 2 lead follies but not ready for IUI yet. So I had to take 225iu again tonight and I go back in the morning to see where I'm at. I'll update tomorrow! Hope you ladies are having a good weekend!!!

Hugs, Love, and SSBD to all :-)
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688022 tn?1275944889
mommyin09- I am so sorry.  We're all here for you.  You are an amazing woman

luvkayln- I'm glad you got good results.  I can't wait for the u/s results on Monday

Okay, quick updae for me.  Kya is driving me crazy.  She went into labor Friday night.  dh's parents came over and confirmed, thought she'd have them late that night maybe this morning.  This morning rolls around, we check on her.  She's torn up a bunch of stuff, blankets, a jacket, the wall, and pulled everything into her little corner (including food and water bowls).  We layed with her for 2 hours, she started having some SERIOUS contractions. Call dh's parents, they came over.  Everything stopped. She hasn't had a contraction since.  We left her alone for about 15 minutes to see if she'd go back into labor if we weren't in there... then we heard crunching.  She had gotten up to a taller shelf, pulled my cell phone down and basically ate it.  It's DEFINATLY none working now.  Got her calmed down.  Everyone left.  She was sleeping.  So I went to take a shower.  20 minutes, tops.  Then I came back and she had pulled ALL the trim around the door down, and stripped it down to past the sheetrock.  She is in demolition mode.  So we can't leave her side for more than 2 minutes I swear.  She better have these puppies soon.  It's driving me crazy
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342988 tn?1299782356
mommyin09- i am here for you.  keep pushing through anf use us all when you are having a hard day cause those will be here.  i am so proud of you for focusing on the positive that you and dh DID get pregnant all on your own.  that is a great sign and like we talked about, i am living proof that it can happen even with losses.  so keep your head up.
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473246 tn?1293833673
Luvkayln - YAY!  Great number!

Mommyin09 - You are really amazing.  You and dh are going to get through this and get your next BFP in no time.  So many of our friends, unfortunately, experience a miscarriage before carrying to full term.  But if anything it sounds like this has given you renewed hope.  You go girl!

Arlotheslug - You are so funny.  I can just picture you skipping along to the polka music.  We are also having a beautiful day in Toronto.  It's over 80 degrees!  It's not going to last but I am making the most of it!

Talk soon ladies.
Stacey XO
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495055 tn?1259700950
Luvkayln:  Awesome numbers.  I am very happy for you.  

Mommyin09:  As I said in my message - I am happy you are focusing on the positive - that is HUGE.  You can get pregnant!  Momentum.  

I hope everyone is getting to have a sunny day.  Here in the 'burgh I went to the grocery store (Giant Eagle) - which I call the Gucci Eagle (maybe Candie will understand) - it has all of this fresh stuff, etc . . . plus groceries and a polka band was playing . . . I guess I am showing my pittsburgh roots, but there was a skip in my walk (me and the older people ;-) . . . then on the way home I was singing along to the Smiths (now showing my age)  . . nothing like a sunny day!
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299260 tn?1304216105
I'm so happy for you!  You are our shining star, my friend =)  We'll all be pulling for you!  Thanks for your support & friendship.  It means more than you know ;)
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