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starting yet another iui looking for cycle buddies

HI i'm about to start my third iui cycle i start gonal f injections tomorrow any one out the same wanna buddy up
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hi and welcome i don't know if this helps but i'm on my 3rd iui and to be honest i think cramping is the norm especially as its your first each one of mine have been different and the cramping has lessened each time this time i'm only have very mild cramps but lots of backache which i never had before i also remember the nurse telling me on the 1st one that the cervix will cramp because its been interfered  with  also the more iui you have the more your body gets use to it hope that helps stacks of babydust to you sorry about my grammer i'm not the best at typing
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697463 tn?1228020165
Hi Ladies!  I'm happy to join the group with my first ever IUI this past week on November 25.  I did Clomid 50mg with NO hcg trigger. I have no idea why not. In fact RE never even brought it up.

I had trouble reading the ovu pred kit.....the two lines always appeared to be relatively the same color for 3 days straight!  The test line was supposed to be even or darker.  I finally decided it was time and went in for the IUI. I begged for a u/s just to be sure. Several follicles were there, the largest being 19.5mm.

Now, I only had ONE IUI - no trigger - with donor sperm.  Somehow I feel wary that this just wasn't good enough.

RE has made no mention of testing progesterone levels during TWW.  I don't even know what "E2" means. Help!  I'm 41 and know this won't be easy. I'm trying to make sure I'm getting all the info and the best treatment possible!

I am currently d5piui and having unbelievable cramps and sharp pains throughout my lower abdomen.  My back hurts so bad that it's difficult to stand or sit up at the computer.  It feels like my whole insides could drop out, literally, at any moment.  Very strange. No nausea or vomiting, but the pain is quite strong.  

Am I on the right track here?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  Lots of baby dust to all you STRONG WOMEN! No one can imagine how brave you all are if not having gone through this themselves.  Kudos and encouragement to all!
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hi guy well 1 dpiui and feeling very different from last 2 i have mild backache but no cramping or anything hows everyone else doing lets have some updates
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hi guys so i had my iui this afternoon all went well  one dominant follie at 17.5 and one at 12mm that was on mon so maybe the smaller one has caught up who knows one worry  is when we got back home i had a slight bleed im hoping that was just from the ivasiveness of it all but i never  had this last 2 iui feeling very tender at the moment and taking things easy just putting my feet up.

wantingababy2007 cramping seems to be the norm for me it could just be that something has been in your cervix  and its now adjusting back to normal try to take things easy
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568068 tn?1258742132
Hi All,

I had my second IUI on Saturday morning.  The last few days I've been experiencing some heavier than normal cramping, most of the time when I'm walking around.  Does anyone know what this could be?  Happy Turkey Day to all!
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ok went for another scan this morn and the 32mm is fluid then there is a 19mm cyst and a 17.5 follie they say the cyst could be a left over follie from last time that hadn't ruptured but it shouldn't be a problem for my iui i'm just wandering does anyone know that if the cyst is an unruptured follie from last cycle does that mean it didn't release an egg and that the trigger shot didn't work therefore no egg = bfn last iui
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568068 tn?1258742132
My doctor told me that the egg is always in the follicle...it just takes the follicle getting big enough to release a mature egg.
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Hi guys well went to my u/s this morn i have one follie on left side meaasuring 19.5 mm one small one and something that measured 32mm i say something because they said they couldn't tell if it was a follicle or a cyst and they would know more with my blood test but when they called they said to carry on with the injections and come back monday by when they should be able to tell which it is I  had two small follies measuring just 8mm on my right side which i'm kinda pleased about although they are small on the right side usually theres nothing there so it shows at least the right side is awake at last has anyone had any experiance with cysts and how this would affect my iui i'm going put the question to they main forum too as i really could do with some info my clinic tends not to be very imformative .
wantingababy2007 can i askhow do you know you have eggs on your ovary i always thought its was follicles and that the eggs couldn't be seen it was just an indication that hopefully the follicle releases eggs sorry theres still so much i don't know
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568068 tn?1258742132
Well went in for my IUI this morning.  I had two mature eggs on both of my ovary's but my left tube is questionable, they don't know if it is opened, blocked or partially blocked.  My husbands sperm count was 28 million with 36% motiility.  I can take a PT on December 7th, which concidentially is my birthday!  Wouldn't that be the best birthday present ever! :)  Hopefully some of you will be in this dreaded 2ww along with me.  Good luck to everyone!
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568068 tn?1258742132
Heard back from doc.  Did another 50 mg of Follistim tonight with another Ganirelex.  I have to go back to doc in morning for HSG shot and than I have IUI Saturday morning.  From there, on to dreaded 2ww.  I'm kind of worried b/c I think my DH gave me one of the shots tonight wrong.  I have a little swelling under the skin at injection site.  :(  I guess I can ask the nurse in the morning.  
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568068 tn?1258742132
Back to the doc this morning.  Had another u/s and blood work.  The doc does not come in till 1:00 so I will get the blood results this afternoon.  My left ovary had two good follies one 16 mm and the other 14.  But that is the tube that is questionable.  My right had 3 follies 14mm, 12mm and 10mm.  The nurse said they count everything 10 and above.  I've been taking 50mg Follistim for the past 3 nights and than last night the first Ganirelex shot to stop me from ovulating.  I'm not sure if my doc will lower my dosage again.  Will let everyone know when I find out.  Good luck to everyone!  Keep in touch!
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685595 tn?1262279076
Ladies, I love knowing I'll have so much great company during the 2ww.  I think this is my 30th cycle and it never seems to get easier.  I had the IUI today (another tomorrow)-- I just ended up with one follicle but DH surprised us all with his numbers-- it all looks good... on paper.

Wishingforamiracle-- I've got my fingers crossed for you.  My DH's numbers were 10x higher than last cycle so it seems there is a lot of room for variation.  If it doesn't work this month, he may really surprise you next cycle.
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well ladies lokks like everybody is coming along nicely

i hope your iui went well ive got my fingers crossed for you one thing i would say is as hard as it is don't focus too much on ivf just yet miracles do happen it ain't over till the fat lady sings (well at lesat till af shows her ugly face)

your follies seem to be doing well we will be on the 2ww wait together i go for my us on saturday if i go by my last two iui's i will prob have my iui done a couple of days after that so next week sometime just know i'm here for you we can grumble and scream and over analize every cramp and twinge we have

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568068 tn?1258742132
Well I went back to the doctor yesterday.  He dropped my follistim down to 50 mg Monday and Tuesday night.  I take another 50 mg tonight along with the Ganirelex to stop me from ovulating before everything is ready.  I have one dominant follicle on my right and left ovary.  One measuring 13 mm and the other 14 mm.  I go back tommorow for more blood work and another u/s, so I'm hoping that I have more that have grown.  My doc is saying that the insemination will probably take place either Friday or Saturday.  Than we get to sit through the dreaded 2ww! :(  I hope everyone gets their BFP this month, and than we will have something to celebrate!  Good luck!
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Pyar~ Thanks for the words of encouragement. I bet your follicles are growing big! Keep us updated!

Just an update. Went in for my 2nd IUI today. Found DH"s sperm count went up, which is great however his morphology is still low (3%) RE said that low morphology directly effects fertilization rates. Who knows, maybe we will need IVF. Here's to hoping everyone gets BFP's this month!
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hi hun good luck for your iui tomorrow you're right you shouldn't be going through this at 28  i had my daughter at 29 and it was a breeze wish i had a time machince gosh i would have done things so differently my daughter would have had so many siblings by now and i would have tracked mr right down alot quicker after my divorce from her dad
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449498 tn?1338772039
Thanks for all the info! I read that the average is 75iu per day, but you're right, everyone and every cycle is different! :) My RE said the injections are going to get me pregnant, but he's scared i'll end up with a litter! He said he'll give me small doses so that doesn't happen. He told me because I'm young, and have been pregnant twice and carried one full term, plus there's nothing wrong with dh or I fertility wise. And yet, here I still am, ttc since my daughter was born in December! Oh, well. It'll happen when it's supposed to, and that goes for all of us! :) Good luck to everyone on here!
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hello,   450iu gonalf last cycle  per shot now 150 pershot on my first i did six days on 450iu gonalf then trigger shot on day 7 iui day8.On my second cycle i think it was one extra day on the gonal then trigger on day8 and iui day10. To be honest each cycle is different it varies person to person on my first cycle they monitored me almost everyday to ensure i didn't over stimulate on my second they were quite happy to leave my ultrasound till day7  and on this one again my ultrasound is on day 7  this is because they say from the first cycle they have a very good idea how i respond hope that was helpful any more question let me know i'll try to help best of luck
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Hi Ladies,

Good luck to all! I am going in for my 2nd IUI tomorrow and found that i have 2-3 viable follicles depending on if my smaller one grows. My hubby had a low sperm count last IUI, and he is getting tested again tomorrow. I am on 100 mg clomid with the trigger shot. I hope everyone gets their BFP this month! A little about my story. I am 28. Hubby and I got pregnant two years ago which resulted in a misscariage at 17 weeks. I then had a cervical cancer scare that has been taken care of but this put off the TTC process for a little while. We are now seeing an RE and found that I have low AMH with slightly elevated FSH and hubby has sperm issues. How is this possible, I'm only 28! Just seems that nothing can go right for us! Good luck everyone and baby dust to all! It's so nice to have the support from everyone! Pyar~ how are you doing?
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685595 tn?1262279076
Day 15 and the follicles are coming along.. 19mm and 13mm but we're not sure the little one will be ready when the big one is ready to O. RE also said my lining "plumped-up nicely" -- I'm at 10. The Femara gave me a 5 day fever earlier this month so I'm not getting my hopes up... I think my eggs got fried!

35MomOfBoys-- I'm intrigued by your protocol... I think we're going to get more aggressive next month & I'm going to mention your meds to my RE.

Fertility highlight of the day-- the vampires found a new place in my arm to take the blood-- they always stick the same place and when I pointed-out that I've developed a bump (under the bruise) they finally found a new place. It's the little things in life!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi ladies! I'm doing my last cycle of clomid when af shows, and then moving on to injections the cycle after that! I'm so excited! I'm kind of new to the whole injections thing, and I've been doing some research on it. My RE said before if clomid doesn't work for me, meaning a bfp, than I'll move on to gonal-f pen. Pyar- Is that what you're on? I had a quick question for you. When you say you were on 450iu for your first 2 iui's and then 150iu for this one, is that for the total cycle or is that per shot? Also, how many days do you take the shot? I'm on provera right now to jump start a period, and will get more info from my RE when I start, but I'm trying to get info and experiences from the ladies on here that have/are taking it. Anyway, good luck for Saturday! I hope you get great news!! :)
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hi guys quick update i'm on day 4 of gonal going for my us on saturday hoping i have great follies i have been taking dhea to try to improve quality and quantity so far it hasn't done that much for me . i'm really trying to keep positive but somehow i think being on a lower dose this time maybe not much will happen but thats prob in my mind because its a lower dose.
35momofboys i know what you mean its a lot of money worth every penny for a bfp but when its one bfn after another its a bitter pill to swallow.
wantingababy2007 how did your us go everything looks good so far good luck. i think my iui will be some time next week provided theres follies there so some of us will be waiting together thats the worst bit.
wishingforamiracle how you doing
yogachick welcome,your follies seem to be doing well let us know if you have your iui this week looks like you will be the first here to start the dredded 2ww
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566175 tn?1278430472
I went to the RE today and he wants me to take clomid 100 mg days 2 (today)-6, then follistim injections (75) days 6-12.  Then ovidrel trigger shot.  He also wants me to get a Ganerelex shot, in case i need it later, to slow down any follies that are dominant and let the other follies catch up...

Is it strange that he has me taking them both (Clomid and Follistim?) Most of you are doing the injections by themselves without clomid...  I know the daily follistim dose (75) is low but it's a little scary. I feel like i am being very aggressive this month.  My hubby and i are getting frustrated and the iui's are so costly i wanted to optimize our best chances.

The meds are costing: (no insurance coverage...)

Follistim 300 ...$239
Ganirelex .........$89

Plus i will pay for iui, $300.

Oh i hope this month works!!!
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568068 tn?1258742132
I went in for another u/s today.  My estrogen was at 736, the nurse said that is good.  Friday, Sat and Sun I did 150 mg of follistim shots.  I had one dominant follicle on each ovary, the doc lowered my dosage for tonight to 50 mg and than I go back tomorrow for another u/s and more blood work.  How is everyone doing?  Hopefully some of us will be in dreaded 2ww together!  
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