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My dr started me on Lyrica 5 weeks ago, and it is the first medication that has helped me. I can swim laps in pool, and am even walking a mile most days. I couldn't do any of this before the medication. I could barely work, or clean house. I did hire a house cleaner  every other week, which helps a lot. I still hurt, but at least it is bearable now. Certainly worth a try  if your dr will perscribe it.
42 Responses
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I have been DX with fibro about 5 months ago and the pain is so severe. They have my on Lyrica and i hate it. i feel like i am gaining weight and my mood swings are horrible. I do not like taking pills and am trying to find a way to deal with this fibro the natual way. Any suggestions?? I work 8 hours a day and it take EVERYTHING i have to get up and make it, but no choice. Before all this happened, i was a full blown all the time going gal. lol not anymore and its very depressing.
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I've been on Lyrica for almost 8 years.  I'm trying to get away from this medication but I have found the withdrawals to be worse than opiate withdrawals.  I was given neurotin at first to help with pain.  Then it was the Lyrica.  Now doctors are saying this is as addicting and I'm truly pissed.  I thought this medication was a godsend only to find out it is more like the devil.  It has been "hell on earth" trying to get off this medication.  I've went from 900 mg a day to 150.  It's been over two months and still feel like my body is shutting down.  Is there any advice anyone can offer me that I can buy over the counter to help with this.  I would be so grateful.  Thanks
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My doctor told me I may have FM two years ago only to be told recently that it couldn't be only arthritis and I would have to have tests to be truly diagnosed. I have most of the symptoms of this wretched disease. I have been taking Lycria for that two years so now have decided to STOP, I have put on over a stone and this also causes me problems on the whole of my body.  I also been taking voltarol (now taken off the medical shelves), ibuprofen, solpadol to survive daily. I know I will suffer, but patients like yourself will prove right.
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Please remember that many of the drug companies offer prescription assistance to those who cannot afford their medications.  I receive my Lyrica for free directly from the company that manufactures it.  All that you need is to have your doctor fill out the appropriate forms, and to prove your need.  I am so thankful for that service.  I have had Thyroid problems for nearly 30 years, and Fibro for about 23.  Taking Cymbalta and Lyrica with a fairly mild muscle relaxer, and can mostly function.  Can't say all is rosy, but at least I can do most of what I need to do for my day.
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I have been taking Lyrica for a few years and it works pretty well. I don't have insurance so it can get pretty costly. Just want to share a site with anyone who also is uninsured but needs to take Lyrica..or any other medicine for that matter. If you go to Medicationcoupons.com you can get a free discount drug card that can help save you money on Lyrica. They also have coupons for all types of medications (unfortunately there is not a lyrica coupon at this time). This site has saved me alot of money over the past 6 months.
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3153021 tn?1343350568
I have fibromyalgia, and I have been taking two a day, and it really helps with my pain. I don't even feel my fibro pain anymore, except in cold weather, or extreme hot weather. It does make me hungry, and that is a problem with weight gain. But I am able to control my weight with Raspberry Ketone. It is a slow process, but it's working. I can't see myself without Lyrica.
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Let me begin, my husband and I were in a motorcycle accident and our Harley landed on my foot and I have 5 fractures in my foot, 3 of the fractures are on the top of my foot.  I have been wearing an air cast now for 9 weeks and hopefully when I go back in 4 weeks I will be healed.  But I also have tissue and nerve damage from the weight that landed on my foot, I have had a burning and tingling sensation for the first 6 weeks that was excruciating almost unbearable unless I was constantly taking Percodan.  So the Orthopedic Dr started me on 50mg 3xdaily for a week and then, 75mg x3daily for a week and now I am taking 1oomg 3 times a day.  I now have noticed the burning sensation is subsiding and the tingling is not as noticeable, have not taken any pain meds. now in over a week.  The only side effects I have noticed is a little remembering but I have learned at work to take notes so I don't forget things, doctor said it would pass when I stop taking meds.  Dry mouth in the mornings but the pain is SO much better!
Julie O
Lakeland, FL
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Lyrica just knocks me out , I sleep all day, feel drunk on lt.This is almost as pain as the pain, please help.
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483733 tn?1326798446
What rspdude says is true - it is a possible side effect but in most cases this doesn't happen.  I have been on it Lyrica for two months and am so happy at the results.  rspdude, how long had you been taking it and at what dose?
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Careful with the Lyrica!  I took it for two months and thought it was the miracle I had searched 20 years for until I suddenly developed a feeling of numbness to everything and woke up one morning with such a strong feeling to commit suicide I could barely withstand it.  Immediately went off Lyrica and was okay.  Still felt terrible but cared about life again.
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ive had fibro for ten years and most of the time took nothin ive just been prescribed lyreca but not sure if the meds or the pain will be worse i am very sensitive to meds ,has anyone tried a hgh supplement                       thanx heginoz
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I want to write one more post to everyone as I've just become a member today and am reading over all the writings from everyone.  Now it concerns me, taking the Lyrica as I have only been on it a couple months and just FORGOT to take it a few times and did not feel so "great" but NEVER connected it to the Lyrica, not taking it!!  I have already come off of some pretty strong narcotic meds and now I'm hearing that Lyrica could have/or has the same potential to cause severe w/d's?!  I think I am going to reconsider and talk to my prescribing dr. as I have an appt. this Friday.  Maybe not so good a drug choice afterall.  I can't take the w/d's from any more drugs prescribed!  It's an endless nightmare for me as I never took even a tylenol when I was younger and now at 50 I'm on ALL these drugs just in the past ten years!  I still stand by my other all natural supplement.  It won't work like a drug but it TRULY put me back into the land of the living ten years ago when I could not get out of bed.  If anyone is interested you can take a look into it at VitaNatural.com.  It is their FMS formula as they make about three others, maybe four, not certain at this point as I've not been to the site in a while.  But when I started it, just half the does daily, it helped me get out of bed everyday and from then on life was and is better.  As for the other person I read whose spouse did not understand and therefore has the divorce ultimatum out there, I too have experienced that as my husband DID leave me when I became ill and I already was visually impaired (legally blind) so I can sympathize.  I have come to learn in that situation that it was HIS loss, and my gain as I don't want anyone who does not want me!  He found someone 15 yrs his junior.  Hardest PILL I ever had to swallow and I've swallowed MANY prescribed in the past ten years.  But, now I can literally "rest in peace" when I need to and not worry all the time that he's going to leave, 'cause he's gone.  "But by the grace of God there go........."  God bless and take care all of you.  Gentle Hugs to everyone!
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Hi LLWB, I am new to this board, just got on today and found this forum and really am thankful.  As for your question on the Lyrica, it does make you sleepy and sometimes dizzy too.  I would recommend you ask your dr. if you can just take the one 75mg at night and skip the day one since you have just started.  I would not be able to stay awake if I were taking it during the day, especially if in the morning.  I wrote to someone else about relief for FMS under another topic on this forum and I will tell you what I told them has helped me with my FMS.  I have neuropathy also and my feet really hurt very badly!  The doctos say it is ALL the FMS, with the exception of the neuropathy in the feet too, and put me on the Lyrica.  But, I take an all natural supplement along with it called Vita Natural FMS formula and I started it ten years ago when I was first diagnosed.  I was in bed for a year until my husband at the time found the website and purchased it for me.  I only take half what they tell me, only two a day and it pretty much took away alot of my symptoms, especially being tired and feeling like a mack truck had run over me when I would fist awaken and try to get out of the bed!  It also got me up and kept me up and out of bed.  It is formulated by two MD's and you can look at it at VitaNatural.com.  Between that and the Lyrica I feel I've had great help in my sypmptoms being relieved. I was on major pain meds but since taking the Lyrica too along with my FMS formula it's pretty much under control.  That's not to say I don't have the need to take a narcotic sometimes but doctors don't like treating FMS w/narcotics so I limit them alot.  I do not want to get back where I was, being on really strong pain meds. Side effects started being worse than the FMS!  I think the only time I really have lots of achey uncomfortablness and pain is when the barometric pressure starts dropping, that's the worst for me personally and it wakes me from a dead sleep it's so intense.  Hope this helps in someway.  Take care, gentle hugs
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I have fibro and cfs, and I really relate to your comment. I too have compared my periods of remission to the movie "Awakenings"! And it IS so devastating to have to return to the pain and the exhaustion, especially after being your old self for a while. I feel for you, and I wish there was something I could do for both of us! I had to give up custody of my kids because of this condition, and I am on disability. I want to encourage you to continue trying new things as they come along. I want to encourage you to not be hard on yourself. I know what it is like to be at the bottom, the depression and hopelessness. The pain can make you think thoughts that you would otherwise not think. I will say a prayer for you. Be strong.
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230948 tn?1235844329

i miss work i so want to go back but i cant walk far at all or sit for long before i need a rest and i never know when my flare is coming i barley cope with my three young children and running the home i used to work 40 hours a week plus run the home its such a change for me.

I just cant work out what is wrong with me, i have my appointment now for the LP and EMG at London Hospital so maybe ill get some answers then.

Sleep is ment to be a key for fibro so i have read so maybe when you change your job your see a improvement in your health.

Take Care
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Yes, I got my diagnosis of fibromyalgia in January. The Lyrica is working great for me. It doesn't do anything for the flares, so I have Tylenol #3 for that. It takes the edge off so I can sleep. I also have sleeping pills if I need them.

I work nights, so I can't do the one thing all the doctors recommend for FM patients. Set a regular schedule. Not in the cards for me. Sometimes I am up for over 24 hours at a time. Unfortunately, working nights is the only option for me right now.
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230948 tn?1235844329
I did reply but my reply must of gone to cybar space lol

Im seeing a neuro have been since may this year. Today i have been trying to get back to see a rheumotologist which i saw two years ago for pain in my knees and hands without having to be refered form my GP but its it hard going just getting hold of her. Thats the NHS for you.

Are you DX yet?

lyrica is a wonder drug but it still fails in the flares i dont think much works then.

God Bless
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Oops, sorry, the last post was for you. I'm still learning this site
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What type of doctor are you seeing? I suggest a rheumatologist. They are the ones who diagnose fibro and MS.

I take Lyrica and Cymbalta. My Lyrica was just increased to 150 twice a day and that has helped. I also have tylenol 3 for flare ups, but so far I haven't had one since the lyrica was upped.

Lyrica has done one thing for sure. I am no longer waking up with headaches any more. I still have the occasional migraine, which I have meds for, but the daily headaches are gone. YEA!!!!!
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230948 tn?1235844329

Im not dx yet so not sure what i have except alot of pain!! It only puts weight on through water rention though that is not often but it increase your appetite so your always hungry you crave to for sweet or carbs, i did not realise this in the begining but iv taken a check of it recently but iv still put on another seven pounds but i cant exercise as im in too much pain but i do do streatching exercises when i feel well!!

Iv asked the doctor to give me something to stop my weight gain but she said i would lose the weight when i come off the tablets but what if i never do ill be whale size by the time im done!!
If i had the money i would buy them myself.

Its a wonder drug though im on 375mg and keep uping it but it has fallen short recenlty and iv got diazapam to help with my muscle spasms and quinine tablets.

How long have you had fibro and when did you get dx?

What are your sx? i really just dont know what i have and flit between here and the MS site.
I had a MRI of brain and spine having a LP and EMG soon and another MRI and a ton of blood work.
Iv been off work 4 months now.

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I'm new to the site.  does lyrica really put on weight or is it just a side effect?  this drug has been a God send for me!  it hasn't taken all the pain away but it has put a big dent in it.  i have fibro and herniated discs that are inoperable.   i'm also on topamax to keep the weight off, but i have put on a few pounds.   is it because of the lyrica?  i can't stop taking it!  my pain was unbearable!  i need tylenol for a hangnail!  
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230948 tn?1235844329

Your post frightened me and has brought my attention to the seriousness of the drug it too pulled me out of a painfull exsistance into the land of the living but i too have had to up and up it and iv put on 1 stone in 3 months and im already a 1 stone over weight iv tried to reduce it too and had bad nerve pain so gone back on the dose you were on though was twice its legal limit why did your doctor do that to you? I went back to my doctor again cause lyrica is not helping through the flares and was up till 4 am with painfull muscle spasms and pain he gave me diazapan and quinine tablets to help, im on 375mg a day. Why does lyrica make you put on weight i know it increases your appetite and i have tried to resist this but does it really increase our weight or is it because we are less active and eat more why cant the doctors give us a appetitie surpressant to counter this.
God has got me through too in my illness how awfull it must have been for you coming off this, what are you on now and how are you coping?

God Bless
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Oo, what I wrote sounds very negative.  What I'm trying to say, is that if you bring some understanding to it, you might find there's more depth to explore and therefore maybe fix, beyond just a divorce decree.
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That's very sad - for her.  Hang in there.  There are people who find and get into healthy relationships.  Even if you can get off the drugs, you/she still need to talk with a good counselor or pastor.  Maybe with conversation she can come to understand what's she's contributing to her demand (a trigger from her past, or a way of being)?  If not, then it sounds like you will always hit limits with her.  If not the illness, then something else, especially as you both grow older.  In other words she could be talking about her needs (sexual) vs. your's (a life) and looking for solutions together.  I've judging in the dark here, so I might be way off.  But I'm trying to say that I do understand what you're expressing.  So, good luck at the doc tomorrow, and at unraveling this.  

(FYI, I've had some very poor experience with counselors and some good.  I learned the hard way, it's important to move on if they don't seem right for you.)
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