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Highly noticable veins??

Have any of you noticed that your veins are more visible? Since December the veins in my arms, hands, chest, breasts, lower abdomen, and legs are a lot more noticable. I am not too concerned, but it looks creepy and started all of the sudden. I am drinking a lot of water now, but when it started I wasn't. I am just curious if this is part of fibro or just another weird/random symptom.

22 Responses
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I too have this and have lupus, heart, ddd, spinal steinosis fibro ,stress
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15994961 tn?1444535826
I'm 46 and have had this happen on my arms and breast several times in my life.  So has my mom.  I have searched the web and been told everything from heart disease, blood clot, pregnancy (which is not even possible for me but I had them before my hyster as well so that isn't an issue) and breast cancer??  Yeah, I know.  So what I can tell you is that this question has been asked several times on many sites and this thread has been the BEST.  It has let me see that it is common, mainly in females that I have seen/read, and from fair skin to dark.  I am Native American and dark skinned.  I have suffered with anemia, hereditary, all my life.  Had some thyroid issues.  I have Fibro as well as my mother.  She also has lupus.  I don't think it has much to do with the fibro or lupus as most I have seen posted, do not suffer with these ailments as we do.  There really is no other common bonds like all the people asking had heart problems, none actually that I read and I read a lot.  None had blood clots, etc.  Just the blue veins.  I feel pretty confident it is something our body does in times of stress or change in respiration ( faster even though you feel as if it is normal) stemming from a panic attack.  I suffer with these as well as my mom.  Wow!  Writing it all down sounds horrible.  We take diff meds so I don't think it is linked to that in anyway.  I hope I have helped calm you some as it was really bothering me but reading all I have, if this many people have it and people aren't , no disrespect to anyone here, dying or having a huge disease problem, then it's probably  not anything we would have to worry with.  I hope I helped some as to what I researched.  I feel ya on the fibro.  You never know what to expect with it! God bless!!
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Yes people, very noticeable veins are indeed an obvious sign of a very toxic (acidic) body. I'm 32, had that kind of veins most of my life. Everything began when I started noticing they got darker at night as I felt more tired ! They would be purple, almost black, and very 3D-looking... ugh!

I've felt tired and depressed my entire life, even from a very young age. From age 28 to 30, I was so miserable, so tired I couldn't even get up in the morning. Excruciating PMS, joints pain, hair falling, horrible skin, overweight (underweight is also common, just another way of dealing with the toxins), bulimic, depressed. The only "solution" doctors have offered me is taking AD pills. But I knew there was something more about depression than just "hey it's genetic, you were born like that, sorry nothing to do!" (what a horrible thing to tell someone you're supposed to "heal" !!! especially as there are more and more people falling to that plague...How can that be "genetic" then??)

Started eating raw, veggies, fruits and nuts only (animal products when I felt like it, mostly when I just couldn't produce my own sexual hormones, (depleted adrenal glands) which means mainly around ovulation and period - don't be dogmatic about it, if meat can help you turn a corner, by all means eat some!)., and very important ! Sleeping at NIGHT, in bed at 10 pm top (which is hard at the beginning for people with hypoglycemia problems, but eventually, you'll make it) It's been long and hard, because of the detox symptoms. Every single problem I ever had came back visiting me for a few hours, days or weeks, from the last one (sight problem, gone!) to the first one when I was a kid (balloon-like tummy, gone!). It's like an peeling an onion, really. But God was it worth it.

Bye bye witchy veins, most of my fatigue (I'm still recovering), depression (definitely), and 20 kg.....
Google stuff like "detox", "raw eating" etc (even if you don't go 100% raw you'll see dramatic improvement)
Listen to what your body is telling you, be responsible for your own health, there is hope !
God bless
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I excersize regular, am vegan (healthy, mostly raw), still I have had this problem since a teen (now in 30's) & it continues to get worse, doctor is no help at all, it's so embarasing on the beach etc. pain, tingling (electric shock type in ankles & pins & needles daily in arms & legs)  I want to feel normal.  Seems like there is no answer.  If anyone knows what causes it I'd love some help.
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Hi.  This is exactly what I have been experiencing!
I am 44 and still look very fit... However, I am unable to work out these days.  Even 20 mins fast interval walking on the treadmill ruins the rest of my day.
I have had the crazy veins, and the unbelievable feeling of pressure in my arms.  It seems this phenomena comes and goes.  
I have to suppose it is a symptom of the Fibro, I can't make any other sense of it.
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5253936 tn?1406356034
just curious but how many of the people posting here with these symptoms have been really skinny all their life?  Are the parts of your body that have pain in them (fibromyalgia) the skinniest parts where there seems to be only little fat and muscle?  Do you find it difficult to develop larger muscles or fat in the areas you have fibromyalgia in?

I have these symptoms as well, I'm 26 y/o male, I just wanted to see if there's any similarities in us that would help lock down the source of the problem.
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Hi! I am a fit 35 year old women who was diagnosed with Fibromayalgia when I was 17. A month ago after work I came home and had a hot Epsom salt bath like I usually do and bam! The veins from knees down looked like the hulk. They did not hurt at the time so I put them up, put on my compression sock for running and tried to go to sleep. They kept me up all night with twitching and electrical shocks so I went to the ER the next day. They looked for a clot, there was none so they sent me home. Since then I have had a full ultra sound of my lower legs and a CT scan looking for some sort of blockage. Nothing, although the ultra sound did show a slow return of the vessels. Now it is affecting my arms and can get quite painful, a full on pressure building feeling in the ankles, medial knee, inguinal area and axillary  area of the left arm but still no cause can be found. Is this what your experience was like? And did it go away?!?!? I don't want to have varicose veins at 35!!! They are fitting me for compression stalkings. Anyone have and more permeant treatments with good results?!
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Hi Shells, yes I have the same problem. I am 33 now but my Fibromyalgia and visible veins began around age 20. I feel like my skin is translucent as you can see my veins mapped all over my body. They are flat, dark & are very noticeble on my chest, breasts, arms etc. Some days the veins look darker than others. I also get blue black veins appearing more visible that aren't usually there, when this happens it always freaks me out because the palms of my hands and fingers look almost black with every single little vein so vivid to the surface. Although I also have raynaud's in my hands which may worsen things. As much as you get used to all the strange things Fibromyalgia throws your way, my advice is still get EVERY new symptom checked out or at least reported to your Dr. We can't always assume & put everything down to Fibromyalgia, we have the same risk as "normal" people to get illness. Better to be safe than sorry I say. Its always comforting & reassuring to speak to fellow Fibro sufferers & realise you're not alone ;) x
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I just turned 26 , but you sound just like me! My veins hurt too when they decided to make they're appearance around the time I was 19/20 and that's what freaked me out most! Supposedly, I'm generally pretty healthy, but the vein thing has been bugging me for years. I look like a freak with my super visible veins everywhere! I never thought of Fibro being a tie to this, but it's something my mom has, so now I'm starting to wonder...
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I have had visible veins for almost as long as i can remember.  i have said for years that i have "old lady hands".  I have dry skin, which only adds to the effect.  i highly doubt it is anything to worry about.  I lift my hands up and the veins get smaller--i hold them down and they get bigger---seems like gravity might have something to do with it.  I'm sure that the normal fluctuations in blood pressure have something to do with it to---they probably stand out more when you are nervous---as that would raise your blood p[ressure.  some of us just weren't meant to be hand models!!
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Im only 18 and ive noticed that my vein are very visable. And was wondering if its anything for me to worry about, they have never been so visable before i noticed them a couple days ago. And i dont  know y they r so visable. Help!
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Im only 18 and ive noticed that my vein are very visable. And was wondering if its anything for me to worry about, they have never been so visable before i noticed them a couple days ago. And i dont  know y they r so visable. Help!
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I have the same complaint.  I've had FMS for over 15 yrs and didn't notice it until about 5 or less yrs ago.  My upper arms have big blue veins that are really noticeable.  I was told it's part of ageing.  I don't see this on everyone!  Would love to make it go away.  I don't like showing my upper arms due to it.
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OMG, I have had this same-described vein issue for almost a year, then was finally diagnosed a couple months ago with Fibromyalgia after months of strange symptoms that no one could explain. I have been to two vascular surgeons and several various other doctors and everyone is baffled by this. They are visible, but don't bulge like varicose veins. At first they really really hurt while they started to become visible. A lot of my mystery symptoms have subsided since becoming diagnosed with Fibromyalgia because of diet changes and Gabapentin, the drug I take for my Fibromyalgia...however, still no one can explain the visible veins and they are really upsetting to me, as I'm only 27, and have maintained a very healthy weight for years and have never been pregnant. I've tried everything that you are supposed to do to alleviate varicose and spider veins and it just makes them worse, especially wearing compression stockings. Seems to be the opposite problem as varicose veins, and I've even had doctors tell me that, but they have no idea what could be causing it. My guess is that it is part of Fibromyalgia since all my symptoms started at the same time and coincided with each other. The pain part of the vein issue is right in line with normal Fibro symptoms as well, so I think it must be some sort of undocumented symptom. I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this thread, makes me feel a little better than I'm not just some medical freak! Hang in there and wear nylons with skirts/dresses, Princess Kate is making that fashionable again, thank goodness!  ;-)
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Did anyone ever help you with the vein issue, or at least give any explantaion?   I have had a lot of Fibro type symptoms and the vein issues I've experienced are just as you describe.
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580765 tn?1274919360
I too have visiable veins and have had them from my teen years.  I am 33 and they continue to show up more and more.
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Did you find out what caused the veins to enlarge and be noticable.

I had blood drawn on the 21st of May and it appeared the first attempt to draw blood failed due to a faulty blood draw tube. The clear fluid in the tube appeared to enter my vein.  I felt a thud in my heart and then the veins on my hands, forearms and  calf area of my legs enlarged. The arms only drain to normal and are not visable when I raise my arms vertically. When I then lower my arms again the veins pop out again and are unsightly.   I had never had this happen before.  It is when at rest that it is worse.   I have checked about fibromyalgia that I have had for years, but never had this vein issue until the 21st of May of this year.

Just wondering what you found out concerning your vein issue.

I don't know if I understand what I have found on the internet when I read the following.... Heart muscle weakness can cause vein bulging issues according to the medical website, and I guess fibromyalgia can affect any muscle including the heart...
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Yes, it is really weird. It started kind of slowly at first - it happened around when I had a colon infection, so I thought that it had something to do with that, but it didn't go away when I got better. It has been getting more and more noticeable over the past 3 months.

I have (just recently) started exercising more, and drinking more water, but I haven't lost that much weight to make a difference - I don't think.

IDK - it is just weird, and freaky. They are getting to where I can now see veins connecting from my hip all the way to the center of my breast. EW!
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My veins are much more noticeable as well, all of a sudden.  I don't know what that is all about.  They usually couldn't find my veins in my arms for bloodwork.  The veins in my body are showing all over as you have said.
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Are you doing more exercise or losing weight?  This can cause your veins to become more noticable (as the fat is burned off).  Drinking more water is always good and maybe it's doing some purifying as well.  
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Thanks for your feedback. I'm 23, so I don't think it has to do with aging. I have also had good veins for blood-draws, but this is different. It is like my body is suddenly becoming a roadmap. It is getting worse every day. I am not too worried, but it so gross looking that it is hard to ignore! I was just curious if it was a common fibro-connected symptom. You are right, though, you got to keep a sense of humor!
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I have always had large, noticable veins...labs love me!  I don't believe it's anything related to having FMS...just part of a normal aging process.
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757597 tn?1315801812
Hi Shells, I don't know if it is a true symptom of fibro however I have the same thing. It just happened all of a sudden. I thought because I have anemia it was that. Or it was the dang predisone I'm on. Or maybe because my wieght has increased because of the predisone.Or the I might have RA as well as fibro. Anyway my veins are very visible too. I thought because I have swollen collar bone, shoulders and arms maybe it was that. Who knows.LOL.......You have to keep a sense of humor.Everyday it's something else with this dang "Fibro". I don't worry about it any more. I showed it to my rheumy and he didn't seem concerned. In addition I also see a hemotalogist(blood Dr) he didn't seem worried about it. I have to see him in 2 weeks for bone marrow something or another.
If you continue to be worried make an appointment with your dr. Take Care and Be Blessed.

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