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Trouble Swallowing!

Am I the only one with LPR or GERD who has trouble swallowing food, like almost as if pieces of food get caught in my throat and I have to wash it down or quickly swallow again? Has ANYBODY ever experienced this? Why do I feel so alone in this? The other symtpoms are manageable but not being able to eat is the worst part of it all
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     Hello again, Baed.  You were saying you prefer the natural route.  Me, too.
     Yes, I take probiotics and enzymes and about 16 different supplements... Oh, because I can't take just any multiple vitamin.  (I have to stay away from iron).
     I am also fighting some sort of fungal/parasitic thing.  So I am trying the Candida diet (no breads, wheat, etc).  I am getting so used to corn tortillas!  LOL
        I haven't found anything that really helps to relax the esophagus besides a drug called Dicyclomine.  

     You might try drinking Chamomile tea with your meals - can be iced.  Or try taking Gelsemium from the health food store.  Gelsemium is recommended for stage fright, but it also helps one with anxiety and helps one to relax.
     You are all ready taking Magnesium - maybe you should take some just before you eat to relax the esophagus.  
     If these don't work, see your doctor.
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63984 tn?1385437939
I'd suggest you start with a Motility test, something your doctor can schedule. This test determines your ability to swallow, and would lead to a test to discover why. Until you learn the cause, you will, I think, simply waste your resources.  It could be something simple, or something quite complex.  A member of this board from Australia/Africa has a lot of experience with the issue, hopefully she will respond.
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I have seen my doctor, and he says this is common. He said the inflammation causes the muscles not to work as strongly which makes it feel as if things are getting caught on the way down. I just didn't know if other people had experienced this.
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I am wondering if I have Esophillic Esophagitis. Allergic Reaction to a food? I feel worse when I have milk products. I have always been lactose intolerant, so I don't know if this is something I have? And, I can swallow some things fine, but not others..... it's really odd.
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     Could be a sensitivity issue.  I can't tolerate milk either.  Bell peppers stick in my throat and mushrooms make my throat burn and swell shut.  Blueberries - let's not go there.  Yogurt runs right through me.

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So, I feel like my symptoms are fine during the day. I don't feel any mucus, post-nasal, congestion, lump in throat, but at night, I guess I ma refluxing because in the morning, I feel mucus and a lump in the throat. Itgets better as the day goes on though. Any natural remedies to do for nighttime reflux? I did elevate the bed and try to sleep on my left side (but sometimes I roll over)
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You're a smart kid, look at it through this perspective: there are 2 possible reasons why your stomach is not working as it should. Either you were born with a faulty written DNA, or some external factor is preventing it from working as it should. The only alternative is that our organs act erratically for no real reason, in which case the evolution would of taken care of that a long time ago.

Now, in case it's the DNA, and evolution also used to take care of that until realtively recently, there's not much you can do about it, except try and keep the symptoms down to a minimum.

But if it's not the DNA, which is very likely your case, you need to find out which substance your body dislikes so much, and stop this substance from making any more contact. If you cut your skin for example, there aren't many remedies that can help it heal faster, but if you keep cutting it in the same spot every day.... you get my point.

This is how I see things now, after reading alot, and seeing how cancer does what it does first hand.
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Wow, that's a good way of looking at it. I guess it's stressful because I don't feel like anybody understands what I am going through (in my immediate circle of family and friends.) They look at me like I am crazy when I tell them my symptoms. I just want to be able to eat NORMALLY again! I want to enjoy my life. Are you on medication NT77? Or are you trying the all natural route?

I am going to try Manuka Honey. I heard that is good for inflammation and etc. Has anybody else tried this approach?

I guess what scares me is that I hear it can take months to years to let the larygenal tissues heal. I don't know that I can live this way for that long. I know I sound petty, and I don't mean to because I know others are battling far worse than GERD or LPR, but this is really taking a toll on me. :(
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No medicine whatsoever. It really is exactly as you said, and apart from antibiotics, no medicine ever cures anything. I find the idea of blocking receptors in our body a ludicrous one. The only reason people don't mind having their receptors blocked, I suppose, is because they don't feel them. But if if was, for example, their eyelids that were blocked, they would immediatelly complain, although having eyelids temporarily blocked is probably less disruptive to the body then, say, COX enzymes, or serotoning reuptake mechanism.

Another crazy thing are proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, etc.) They just block the secretion of gastric acid, and that's it. I mean, as if it was a bonus feature and we really don't need it. In fact that's the immune system's first line of defense, and it temporarily goes on vacation, leaving all the bacteria that we ingest to be taken care of by the... umm, special forces. But the special forces may eventually get tired....

Just so that you get an idea how nature does things: vitamin D. I didn't know this most of my life, but we produce it when sunlight hits our skin, and there aren't many dietary sources of it. You can never ever overdose on it by sunlight exposure, but you can with supplements. So we have many of these self-regulating mechanisms that I really don't want to disrupt. I've strayed off topic...
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Yes, I agree with you. Thank you for talking to me about this. It helps that somebody can relate. I went and kind of went overboard last night and had soy ice cream with bits of chocolate chips in it and then had rice (Indian food that we ordered in) which was really spicy and of course, woke up this morning with acid reflux and other LPR symptoms. So, I really think dietary is CRUCIAL for me because I had been feeling great until I ate that stuff. I just wonder if this will set me back and prolong treatment once again. What are your symptoms like? Did you ever have trouble swallowing? I have been doing a lot of research and it seems that I have "Chronic Reflux Laryngitis" I just am really frustrated about my inflamed throat, and am wondering how long this will take to subside.

I'm also getting tested for Allergies Tuesday because I noticed I wake up every morning with post-nasal drip and a mucus feeling in my throat that gets better as the day goes on. I sleep with all my windows open (live in the woods basically) and noticed that when I don't sleep with the windows open, I don't really have these symptoms. So, I'm starting to think this is allergy related also.
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No problem. It warms my heart when I see someone so young already thinking so independently. So thank you. I was like a sheep at you age ;)

So, I don't have GERD since I've stopped gluten, but some food may still bring acid back up short term. Today I ate meatballs with little rice in a tomato sauce and every 5th or so time I would burp, acid would come up my throat burning for few minutes and I could taste the tomato sauce. Then 2 hours later I ate grilled pork belly with some onions and everything went straight back to normal. Except the burping. That's what's still bothering me. Like something is fermenting inside and is forcing the air back into my esophagus, making me burp all the time. But I don't feel any bloating. And if I eat only meat and saturated fat, no acid ever comes back up.

Another thing, and I could do this as a child too, but now it kindda forces me to, is to somehow bring back into my mouth some food I've eaten, sometimes even from few hours ago. When I was a kid, I thought I was ruminating lol. So, lately I've started to take a good look at what exactly is coming out of my stomach, and noticed it's always the veggies. There would be small chunks of cucumber or tomato even 3 hours after eating them. I've also noticed there's never any meat coming back. Not even after only 30 minutes. Never meat. It's obvious that the stomach immediatelly digests meat and fat, but has some difficulties with veggies. At least mine does. Three hours of bathing in stomach acid and still be in recognizeable shape... Hmm...

Then I found a story about one of Napoleon's soldiers having a hole blown in his stomach, but somehow survived for some time. It was the first time they could see how stomach digests stuff. So when they put a steak in directly, it took 30 minutes to completely dissolve, but when they put veggies, it took hours. I don't know if the story is true, but it does go in hand with my experiences.

I think we started as insectivores, and were like that for a long time. There was a lot of grasshopper hunting (physical activity) and sun exposure, but not lying-on-the-beach-not-moving type. Since hunting insects is not hard labor, building the pyramids was a very bad idea hehe

Now that you mention it, I also have post nasal drip, and it's also worse in the morning, and also sleep with open window, and would you believe it: also live in woods (near a town, not in forrest). Hmm, what kinds of trees are around your house? Here it's Pinus nigra, Carpinus betulus, some type of Accacia, oaks, few maple trees, and a huge wallnut tree.
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Well, thank you! A lot of my friend think I'm crazy because I never just run to the pharmacy with a script from a doctor. I look at natural methods first. So, thank you!

That's really interesting that they say veggies take longer to digest. I always thought meat was harder to digest, but I don't doubt the veggie idea. Interesting!

Well, I guess that's another thing I worry about. If I have heartburn (mildly), I wonder if that means it will prolong getting better? Because I have occasional heartburn and mainly the post nasal drip in the morning. This is such a difficult condition because I don't really have many symptoms except mild post nasal drip, and I feel like I need to clear my throat like five times a day (which isn't even a lot, and I would think nothing of it if I didn't know I had LPR.) The main issue is the food sticking in my throat sometimes. I guess that's why they call it Silent Reflux.

Also, I have heard that melatonin really helps GERD. Then I saw on a health forum that a woman took Melatonin for too long, and developed auto-immune disease. It sounds so weird to me because I thought melatonin was natural, and couldn't imagine it doing something that terrible. I mean, it is naturally produced in our brain to begin with. So, I found that concerning, and don't know if I even want to walk through that territory. I feel terrible for that poor women. Trading one illness for another.

I live near Oak trees, maple trees mainly around my house.
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I've just now quickly read about melatonin, and it's a hormone we still only partially understand. I wouldn't tinker with it. It's function is connected to numerous other things, some of which could go haywire if you throw your melatonin levels out of balance.
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^ Yeah, I decided not to go that route. I have taken melatonin before for sleeping issues, and know a lot of people who take it often, but I didn't want to become dependant on it and use it long term because I read they still don't know a lot about how it affects people long term. I am continuing all the other methods and think I'm feeling a bit better each day. So, we will see. I have a follow-up with the doctor in a few weeks.
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329165 tn?1515471990
Hi there,

It is great that you want to go for Herbal and natural remedy's before you medicate yourself.  A lot of your symptoms does sound allergy-related and you should consider going to a Dietician to get a GERD-friendly diet, but you can also keep a food diary and highlight the foods that gives you symptoms.

Something that you can definitely try before bed-times:  Gaviscon!  it is safe to use and if you wake up the next morning and you don't have as many GERD symptoms as the other mornings, then you KNOW it is GERD-related.

I know all about swallowing-issues by now... I have been battling with my throat and swallowing-issues for more than 4 years now and have had the Nissen Fundoplication Surgery in 2012 (severe GERD) and an ENT diagnosed and started treatments for Chricopharengeal muscle dysfunction and I have had Barium Swallows and Modified Barium Swallows.  These tests confirmed that my food get stuck at the area of the UES and in the mid of my sternum.  I now avoid certain foods and wash food down with liquids.  Nothing more that can be done (complicated history).

I would suggest that you get a Barium Swallow to check for Zenkler's Diverticulum/abnormalities in Oesophagus that can explain your swallowing problems.  And if that is all clear - concentrate on food allergies, etc.

Hope the info helps you and please keep us updated and know that you are NOT alone and we are here for you.
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329165 tn?1515471990
Just one more thing:  Melatonine is actually used to treat insomnia and you should not mess around with that, unless you have problems sleeping.  I have never heard that it can be used to treat GERD!
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^ Thank you! Well, now it doesn't seem that food is getting caught so much anymore, but its almost like when I swallow liquid after eating, theres a weird sensation. I don't know what to think of any of this anymore. I have been getting better and better with each day, and limiting trigger foods. I just don't know if all of this is in my head, and I'm thinking about it too much lately or if the symptoms are actually there.
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