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Post cholecystectomy pain

Difficulty taking a deep breath, right upper quadrant pain... Unbearable.
Anyone in the same boat? My surgery was Friday April 26. Having trouble seeing
The light at the end if the tunnel when I can barely breathe. The rest of the pain (incision sites)
I expected... But this?  No warning that I wouldn't be able to breathe well. It's extremely scary and
Boggles my mind how some people talk about being fine just days after the procedure. Really? What
Kind of bionic people are they? I'm almost afraid to ask my dr what's wrong with me now...what if he has
No clue and I'm just a crappy example of a patient?  Please, anyone else who has endured these symptoms...
Give me some idea of when I might expect to be able to take a nice deep breath again. Percocet softens the pain
But it doesn't go away :(. I'm 36, female and in good health otherwise. Help?
5 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Good to see you are doing better and that you are mobile. Continue to do so and practice breathing exercises, it helps to expand the lungs adequately. And eat a well balanced diet it promotes healing. Get well soon. Take care.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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My breathing has gotten 100% better. That was the scariest thing. Made the pain of having an organ gauged and burnt out of me pale in comparison to the FEAR of not being able to take a deep breath. Hard to feel better when fear consumes you. All I could think was that I wasn't going to be able to take a deep breath for the rest of my life... Sooo scary. But yesterday, I woke up... Was ready to give up on life, the pain was so bad.  I got up and went down the hall.. Tried one last time to inflate my lungs after 5 days of not being able to do so... And suddenly.. Just when it was at its WORST... It was GONE. The pain under my rib.... Was JUST GONE. Unbelievable happiness. I cautiously took more breaths... Positive it would come back with a vengeance... But it's really gone! 2nd day of free and clear breathing! Granted I still have plenty of tenderness and can barely stand up straight from my surgical wounds... But wow.. The fear is gone... I AM going to heal. THANK GOODNESS.
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I should add; no fever or troubles with eating.
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Thank you so much for your response. I feel like its very hard to tell if I'm getting better. Breathing in deeply is ridiculously painful... I never knew this would be a factor and it means a lot that you would take the time to explain to me what it might be. I am taking 400mg of ibuprofen in between doses of Percocet and to be honest it's really not doing much for the pain. It maybe dulls it a tad but its my overwhelming fear that I will be like this forever that's mostly scaring me. I keep thinking maybe they messed up on me somehow... Maybe my insides have been compromised and ill never have relief from the pain. I know 4 days is not a lot of time to heal yet. But from reading other people's experiences it sounds like they are good to go almost right away and rarely hear them mention anything about painful breathing.  I'm starting to become rather depressed. The nurse called me back and said that the surgeon indicated it could be trapped gas. I know it isn't.  The gas pains I felt in my shoulders were a factor, but they were very different. This pain is a sharp stabbing pain exactly where my gallbladder was when my lungs try to fully inflate... Like a yawn or a deep breath. A hiccup is also unbearable. I will write again if there is any sign of improvement.. But as for now I'm feeling very dismal and scared.  If there is anyone out there who experienced this after gallbladder removal please... Tell me your story.. Thanks.. Dee
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The pain could be due to persisting post operative inflammation. As the inflammation subsides, your breathing will improve and the pain will subside. The pain could sometimes be due to pleuritis, which is inflammation of the pleura. So, continue with your medications and do breathing exercises. However, if your symptoms worsen or if you develop additional symptoms like fever, consult your doctor to rule out an infection.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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