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Helicobacter pylori bacteria

I just had an endoscopy becuase i was suffering from severe nausea and dizzyness and they found Helicobacter pylori bacteria in my stomach. A few doctors have said that this could be reponsible for nausea others are saying probably not.

what are the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori bacteria? could this be responsible for my nausea? is there any chance it could cause dizzyness?

16 Responses
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Am I glad to see all these post! Im 24 and I was starting to think I was going crazy too, but recently (after almost 2yrs of getting no answers and seeing lots of doctors) was diagnosed with H.Pylori. hopefully this is the answer to all my dizziness/drowsy life and not anxiety; which some have told me I may have. There's hope, I'm on antibiotics right now *crossing fingers* it works and I could go back to being "normal".
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Did it work?
I told my Dr my stomach was bothering me after returning from Belize and was denied even discussing it as I was there for a cough.  6   months later I couldn't even walk.  Iwas placed on over 100 antibiotics that placed me in cdif.  After over 2 years of basically being in a medically induced bulimic state, I  sought treatment from my previous dr. I was placed on Xiafaxin and finally could retain nutrition.  Lost hair ,  my physique, muscle tone (just walking upstairs was hard) and now look6 months pregnant instead of my petite athletic body.  Nov 2020 was 2 years and8 months when I finally got treatment after contracting the disease.  I basically am ruined physically and now they cannot figure  out why my left side of abdomen is so large that my belly button is very noticeably off center.  DONT TRUST  DR'S AND DEMAND TREATMENT.  
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I am glad to see someone else is having issues with dizziness and hpylori at the same time.  I thought my dizziness was from doing sit ups and pulling my neck too much.  The dizziness is mainly when I lie down and turn to the right.  It lasts about 10 seconds although I'm a bit off balance too.  I started the antibiotics 4 days ago and have 6 days left.  My bloodwork is all normal so I know I'm not anemic or losing blood.  I had the virus  6 years ago and it was bad.  Could barely function and had stools like coffee grounds, was anemic and just really sick every day at work.  I don't have those same symptoms again but the endoscopy revealed the hp.  Like you I hope the meds work.  My sisterinlaw a former nurse at Mayo Clinic recommended taking a good probiotic(Dr Ohhiras probiotic) especially since colon cancer runs in my family.  
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This gives me hope. I have been suffering with some severe dizziness at times and general nausea from the dizziness I presume(d). My Doctor did the H pylori test and I just started the meds. In the past week prior I have been feeling very lethargic, tired and at times completely off balance. I sure hope that this helps and cures me. I found that when I am dizzy just going and taking a nap (even for like 30 minutes) helps me get through it.
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Did it solve the problem for you? I have similar symptoms and diagnosis
I was diagnosed with h pylori March 2017 after suffering from stomach issues for 6 months. I had some bad dizziness as well. After day 2 of IV antibiotics I felt better. The dizziness lessened each day. The nausea is still there but its manageable. I guess all the symptoms has to run its course. Im only 4 days post IV antibiotic therapy but each day its getting better. I can finally eat with gagging.
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Guys it's sad that hpylori and other digestive disorders have a lot to do with the diet and less with antibiotics.Follow a proper diet and get things under control. Especially the Hpylore and celiac will have to be controlled by a diet. Completely avoid eating these - Gluten ( any food made of wheat and Barley, Bakery products, pizza and do research about gluten free food in the web ) and this has to be not eaten for minimum of 90 days and along with this quit milk, coffee or anything with caffine, soy milk. Eat more vegetables and greens with fruits and have rice or brown rice. Follow this diet for 90 days and you will see the difference along with this make some lifestyle changes like less stress, proper eating and sleep timings and no alcohol and smoking. 90 days of the mentioned diet will give you great relief when done properly without loosing patience and after 3 or 4 months try introducing gluten slowly and see if it's fine. This is not known to much doctors because not much research has been done on the impact of diet on hpylori. For more detailed information read Hpylori Diet by Dave Hompes. This helped me a lot to get back in good health. Also avoid eggs and bananas for 3 months and don't mix different meat on same day like chicken and fish on same day should not be consumed
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Well for all those out there, H pylori has affected me for almost 12 months, misdiagnosis on repeated occasions ensured that I was treated for, bronchitis, allergies, flu... until I insisted that it had to be a gastric bug because my symptoms were worse after eating foods, with higher histamine or chemical allergins.
Finally being given a breath test and confirming a hpylori count of 1142, I received the three combination pack of antibiotic treatment. However with low knowledge within the doctor circuit with appropriate post methods treatment of this infection resulted in me getting no advise on how to build my stomach lining. after a month my symptoms returned, low in impact but neverthless, the allergic reactions, with cough, weesing, chesty cough would presist for 48hrs after an episode. returned to the doctor, and had a second test, with negative results, my attention drew to the acid as a likely culprit. the other doctor confirmed and asked if I was prescribed an antiacid because it is mandatory to use it for 60 days after completing.H pylori antibiotics. So now on nexium 1a day. much better, eliminated tea, coffee, foods with preservatives, chemicals and Garlic.... yes Garlic is bad for.helicobacter, but good for most other bacterial infections. so stay away from garlic, tea, coffee, chemicals, preservatives. Cranberries are very good.
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Well for all those out there, H pylori has affected me for almost 12 months, misdiagnosis on repeated occasions ensured that I was treated for, bronchitis, allergies, flu... until I insisted that it had to be a gastric bug because my symptoms were worse after eating foods, with higher histamine or chemical allergins.
Finally being given a breath test and confirming a hpylori count of 1142, I received the three combination pack of antibiotic treatment. However with low knowledge within the doctor circuit with appropriate post methods treatment of this infection resulted in me getting no advise on how to build my stomach lining. after a month my symptoms returned, low in impact but neverthless, the allergic reactions, with cough, weesing, chesty cough would presist for 48hrs after an episode. returned to the doctor, and had a second test, with negative results, my attention drew to the acid as a likely culprit. the other doctor confirmed and asked if I was prescribed an antiacid because it is mandatory to use it for 60 days after completing.H pylori antibiotics. So now on nexium 1a day. much better, eliminated tea, coffee, foods with preservatives, chemicals and Garlic.... yes Garlic is bad for.helicobacter, but good for most other bacterial infections. so stay away from garlic, tea, coffee, chemicals, preservatives. Cranberries are very good.
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Thank you all for great information on this painful germ called H-pylor.
I was feeling all alone with this constant pain in my stomach, but after reading all the comments on this site, I do feel better knowing it can be cured.
I have had Nexium Hp7, for seven days with great side affects,[never again would I take it], but now I am hoping to find a natural cure.
Apparently Matula herbs are excellent for curing the H-pylor germ,
but here in Australia we cannot buy it due to custom laws, can anyone help me with any other natural remedies for this painful condition.
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Absolutely HPylori can cause dizziness. The inflamation of the stomach makes it difficult absorb nutrients in foods (sometimes even breaking down foods in the case of low acid). This can result in iron and b12 deficiencies (symptom is dizziness) along with a whole host of others. These blood tests should be done with those who have HPylori. Nutritional deficiencies can be dangerous. I am told that ultimately when HPylori is eradicated, and the stomach has healed, all will go return to normal. In the meantime, you may have to supplement (sublingual is a good choice if avail - bypass the stomach).
I am happy to hear that your treatment was successful! I'm about to start a 5th treatment. I can't begin to tell you what the antibiotics have done...my case seems to be resistant to several antibiotics. Your story encouraged me. Thanks.
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I too had H- pylori for about 9 months. I had my gallbladder removed in Oct 08 and soon after developed severe nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss, dizziness, headaches, and weakness. I went to several doctors and they all just told me it was post cholecystectomy issues and they would resolve on their own. 7 months went by and they did not. Finally I went to the ER and they admitted me for a GI bleed and severe weight loss. I had every GI test you could think of and my gastroenterologist basically said he had no idea what was wrong, and finally wrote it off as severe anxiety. Well, a month later I was still suffering and losing weight when I went for a second opinion to a different doctor. He did a breath test and it came back positive for H- pylori. I took the Prev-pac, which caused debilitating symptoms in itself, but about 2 months later my H pylori was completely eradicated. I really thought I was either dying or going crazy, but there are so many doctors out there that don't even think about this diagnosis when patients present chronic GI symptoms and a lot of people are just diagnosed with severe anxiety and put on anxiety meds which only makes the symptoms worse. Its very sad, but I am very blessed that I found a doctor that cured me!
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Hello good afternoon! I have to ask. you mentioned that in about 2 months the bacteria was completely eradicated, were you on antibiotics for those 2 months? because I have 3 days left of my 2 weeks of antibiotics and my symptoms are still present. did you take any other meds after antibiotics? thank you
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My husband was diagnosed with H, Pylori on two occasions.,  Both were treated with antibiotics.  He has just had his stomach removed because of stomach cancer.  He had been treated with increasingly powerful antacids for at least two years subsequent to the H. Pylori  diagnosis.  I am convinced that if he had had an endoscopy much earlier than he did the cancer would have been diagnosed earlier.  He is 72, the age at which most stomach cancers are diagnosed (according to reseach on the internet) so I fault his doctor for not checking him earlier.
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There is allot of available information on this and other H. pylori related issues on http://www.helicobacterpyloritest.com you can especially refer to the resource center http://www.helicobacterpyloritest.com/h-pylori-articles.html
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I have had hpylori seven different times my Dr. has treated it over the years I first had it in 1998 and still suffering.  I have recently had an endoscopy and tested positive for Hpylori again I will start my antibiotic regimen today 12/6/09 please wish me luck I am so tired of being sick and in pain all the time.
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thanks for tyhe web sight it was helpful i have had blood test and am post for hpylori but i heard blood test could show post and not be if i have had in the past that ***** well good luck to us all tired of being sick Angel
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I was recently diagnosed with H. Pylori myself.  Had many of the same symtoms plus some you've mentioned.  However, after my endoscopy and biopsy, I was found not to have it.  Even after they gave me the antibiotics for it.  The symtoms you talk of are very common for the disease.  But, I was told by the specialist that I saw that the dizzyness is not necessarily associated with H. Pylori.  My advice, take the antibiotics they give you to the T and do some research of your own.  Here is a link to look at, www.helico.com.  Good luck.
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I had H pylori last year and have been told that I will alway test postive for it.  Mine caused stomach and chest pains.  I contacted mine on a trip to the Cayman Island.  Watch the food you eat and where, make sure your hand are always clean. I would still have blood test periodally or have a stomach biopsy as h pylori can cause ulcer and stomach cancer.
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