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Colonoscopy without sedation

I'm 54 and have beeh having dark blood in the stool as well as recent onset change in bowel habits (alternating constipation/diarrhea) as well as a bad family history of colon cancer.  Since I'm a nurse, it seems like a no-brainer that I should get a colonoscopy, althought my doc said not to worry (she's making me feel like a pest for asking) and told me to take metamucil.  I can self-refer fo rthe test, but I want to have it without sedation; after recommending this test to hundreds of patients and seeing a number of them performed, I just won't do the "conscious sedation"; I have seen too many people with long-term memory impairment from Versed to consent to this.  About 10% of these exams are done without sedation (and most other countries don't use sedation), but when I try to schedule one, they "insist" on sedation.  Oh, and of course I'm allergic to eggs, so propofol is out, ut even if I wasn't I would not do the sedation.  Should I keep trying or give up?  What's the big deal with doing the exam without sedation?  I know it's uncomfortable; heck, I have seen a number of patients literally scream for the doc to stop the colonoscopy and this was with Versed; they rely on the amnesia effects to stupify the patient.  What bothers me, is that I see a lot of patients who have a PTSD-type reaction later when they start to remember how they were treated. I would rather experience and remember the discomfort.  My doc says that she would never get this exam, drugs or not........thanks
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957421 tn?1247084596
Well, you might want to go to the doctor I fired if you don't want sedation. Although I had the IV I was totally awake and was in such severe pain almost the entire pain that if I had had a gun I would have shot him. I hollered stop for almost the entire time and he kept saying we are almost done. Well, I fired him and have had 3 since with sedation(different doctor) with absolutely no problem. Am awake the minute it is over and ready to go home though they won't let me go right away. I have never heard anyone holler and have problems with the sedation like was mentioned early on this thread. Someone is overmedicating. They use Versed and another med at minimum doses to keep the patient comfortable. I also have endoscopies every other year with lower sedation. I am 72 and live around other people my age and never have any of them experienced what was mentioned about the memory. To me that reeks of poor quality care and is very rare. I don't think any Doctor will do it completely unsedated without at least the IV but there are some here that will keep you awake enough to watch it on the screen but not everyone's insides is a straight shot so you may be sorry. The risk is much greater of not having it than having it with sedation.
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The main risk with colonoscopy is from perforation of the colon and from the risks associated with sedation.  This can be eliminated by simply skipping the sedation as mentioned by rem223.   Unfortunately I have been recently bothered with symptoms that would indicate getting a colonoscopy, but after reading domments on askapatient.com about Versed, no way.  This exam is done in most of the world without sedation, but in the USA most patients who desire to have a safe and unsedated exam are pressured into "agreeing" to something that they don't want or need.  My insurance pays for this exam 100% and I don't need a referral, but I sure can't find a place that won't do it unsedated.  This is a crock.  I'm sure that a significant number of patients go unscreened because they are not offered the option of a safer, unsedated exam.
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I'm not trying to be mean, but with your comment on here, I can actually see a child stomping their feet and storming out of the room, because mommy took the scissors out of his hands!  
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I just spoke to my son who has yearly endoscopies, and colonoscopies and was telling him about all this.  He told me to stay out of it, he said "my God, if these people want to die, let them! "  He just can't understand how people, supposedly intelligent people would  make such a rediculous, reckless decision regarding their well being and life!  He said "mom, if they don't care, why should you?" He's right, you have to choose for yourself.  But I do hope you keep your "horror stories" to yourself, as we all want to see people live long, healthy lives, and you're not helping.  People come on here looking for help and advice, not to be scared to death with this nonsense.
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I TOTALLY agree with with joycekatherine.  I also worked for 2 GI doctors and never witnessed anything like this, if I had, I would have definitely reported it!  Also, I have 2 kids and one deceased son who had to have colonoscopies all their lives due to inheriting FAP, and never did any of them experience any of this and they were just kids.  My 38 year old son and 37 year old daughter, and 16 year old grandson have them yearly with absolutely no problems.  I have a deceased grandson that endured them all his life also.  My son would not be with us today if not for the colonoscopies.  At the age of 12 he had cancerous polyps discovered by a colonoscopy!  I find it hard to believe that any doctor would say they wouldn't have this test, they know too much not to recognize the benefits.  I also have had several and nothing like this happened to me.  My husband has had several, no problems. This is a test that may save your life, but you're being closed minded in not realizing what a great diagnostic test this is.  You can't run or hide from cancer, or ignore it.  If you're scared now, let your symptoms go, and you'll learn what real fear is! You have the opportunity to stop something before it's get serious, or becomes too advanced, all because you didn't want the test.  Millions and millions of people are saved by this one test, what are you thinking?  I'd also kick your doctor to the curb, what lousy advice, and you should know that this is not correct. That doctor needs to be reported for stupidity!  If you're a nurse then you should know the answers to all of your questions, and also know you need to do.
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915277 tn?1252573113
You make it sound as if the doctor doing these tests mistreated their patients while they are under the effects of the meds, if that was the case did you report said doctor??  If you saw mistreatment of a patient and did not report it, then you are just as culpable as the doctor!  I don't fully understand why an NP would be coming to laypeople for answers, when surely you have colleagues to consult with on this issue...  
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