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Considering Committing Suicide - I suffer from the WORST CONSTIPATION EVER

I've suffered from Chronic Constipation for quite some years but in the last 2 years it's been just a nightmare. I've tried absolutely everything there is to try. I have to take 4-5 Laxatives every 3 days. I'm constantly in pain. Lost weight. Hardly eat. Have to take aton of Laxatives to have a bm. The amount of laxatives I taken no-one will believe me. I take half a bottle of Milk of Magnesia, 5 Senokot Tablets, 5 Dulcolax Tables, 3 Table Spoons of Lactulose. I take all these together at the same time.

Been to the ER over the last 2 years, I don't know how many times. They won't do anything for it. I'm lucky if they do an x-ray, give me golytely (which does nothing but make me vomit and give me horrible cramp pains) or give me something for the pain which barely does anything for the pain.

I've had a colonosopy which did show anything wrong except for quiet a long colon.

Now i've been waiting since October to get one last test called a Defogram done. I still haven't received a call about when/if it's ever going to happen. My specialist spoke to this person who does this test and told my Specialist I would be on the next Defogram tests he's done. Well it's January 15 and I still have heard NOTHING. This is ********.  

I'm just at my ends here. I can't take this anymore. The pain is too much. I really wanna die since the health care system has failed me and doesn't care.

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I was ibs-c for around 20years it was awful then I had gallbladder surgery it went fine for about 3 weeks I thought all my worrys was over... Oh no now I'm housebound 24/7 I've also thought of suicide I'm now ibs-d and to me personally this is worse I can't stop going :( even imodium don't help... I wish doctors would take ibs more seriously no it can't kill you like ibd but it can in a way if you want to take your own life anyway like myself!! (I'm 26 and my life is already over I never though I wouldn't be able to hold my bowel till I was at least 60!)
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First, suicide, while it got folks' attention, is "never the answer."  (cliche, I know)  Secondly, I've learned to only use the ER as a LAST LAST resort.  
As for the constipation, you might try going to a health food store and also searching for foods and beverages that loosen up the bowels.  While my husband has luck with a daily hefty dose of Milk of Magnesia, it won't work for some.  Unpasteurized apple juice will do it for me in no time.  So do coffee, glycerine suppositories, chocolate, prunes, of course (and I bet health food stores have them in pill form).  Finally, in the ER, my aunt was given shots of some kind...don't know if those are "glotely" or not.  Good luck.  We all understand your general frustration.
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Try iodine. Put a small circle on your stomach and if it disapears within a day or so add more until it stops disapearing. Don't overdo it and use a whole bottle or anything. This worked within a few hours for me. Selenium might also help you.
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Please post your question as it's own post and I will answer your question.
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Has anyone ever been constipated yet have soft stools?  I can't have a bm without lots and lots of laxatives however, I don't have hard stool.  It just sits there until it's literally pushed out.
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Dear Theresno,
I like what James has said above.  Plez re-read all his advice over several times and number each item he says on a piece of paper.  Find ways to incorporate all the stuff he mentioned that might help you at home.

I also want to double up on what he said about not taking so much laxative.  This is absolutely true, becuz too much and all the time will have the REVERSE effect on your constipation.  Also, his suggestion about water is one of the three keys to normal digestion:  Drink extra water, be sure to exercise regularly (it helps keep your "machine well-oiled"), and eat spagetti and salad a couple times a week.

Two other things that I think are very important for your particular situation.  

The first thing is, go down to the county health department as a walk-in, they'll take you that very day and for little money, go down to the lab and ask for blood to be drawn and a stool sample, to test for a bacterial infection or other inflammatory process that might be going on in your digestive tract that can cause constipation.  BUT if you have to take antibiotics at some point, always follow the last round of pills with putting Acidophilus milk on your Cheerios or eating Activia yogurt for a week or so afterwards.  (By the way, put blueberries on your cereal.)  

The second thing is, get these following things at the pharmacy:  Clear plastic gloves, plain KY jelly, and "Baby Lax."  The Baby Lax is a small box with a bunch of ointment tubes inside.  Squirt in two, and you should have a movement within minutes.  That will get your digestion going again when it gets stuck.  If that doesn't work, then put some KY jelly on a gloved index finger (with the fingernail cut short), and you can actually dig out the hard balls that usually form and linger in the little anal cavity where waste comes out.  That's what nurses they do in the hospital... I know, becuz I had that done to me.  Just by getting that part "unloaded," the waste will move down, and that'll get your digestion going again when it gets stuck.

In closing, tho, I want to tell you that I've been where you are...I know exactly how much trouble you feel you are in with this inability to pass waste.  It is truly an underworld time in life when your body won't work right, very scary.  Also, it is very bad when the wheels of medicine turn so slowly for folks with disease and illness, that anger is right on the surface and can make a person irrational.  When you combine these two issues, well, it's more than most people can take.

What I did is I found a doctor who was with a practice that had "on-call" docs, so any patient of that group could call anytime and get a doc instantly on the phone.  I also found someone else to lobby for me, that is, when I felt I was being ignored by doctors and passed around, I happened to be seeing a wonderful psychiatrist lady who knew me very well (I was in a car wreck and have lots of mental issues over that), and she has come through for me in a real big way several times over the years...you don't need one of those mental docs necessarily, but you have got to develop a close relationship with a professional of some kind, be it a nurse friend, a lawyer, or even a parent or relative who will get involved with your issues and who shows sympathy and a desire to be helpful to you in a crisis.

I hope some of this helps you.  Don't fight advice too much...take what works and leave the rest.  But DO try everything you know to set this thing straight, stay focused and deliberate in what you do, and don't let frustration just spill out in anger all over the place and ruin too many of your days.  You have a dreadful health issue that needs resolving, and you will have to not only practice self-care but also be proactive in finding help and treatment.  Hang in, kid, we can all relate to your situation.  Post back soon and let us know how things are going.
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Miralax is now a common over the counter medication that can used for years to help soften stools. My four year old takes it and he will have a BM in 1-2 days. He gets severely constipated. Part of the problem is that he NEVER EATS!! They have Miralax in all the grocery stores and Walgreens and Walmart and CVS pharmacy, etc.
You can't poop if you don't eat. I have found that a big meal with rice, bread, pasta, and fruit will make for a good poop.  Drinking coffee will make you go too. My Dr. warned me to use laxatives  only as a LAST RESORT for constipation because your body becomes dependant on them and you might not be able to BM on your own when using them on a daily basis. It weekens your bowel muscles. I have used a Fleet enema on my son when the situation was really bad. My mother has issues with constipation and she eats only protein most of the time, I keep telling her to eat some bread and carbs but she has a small appetite and always eats scrambled eggs and she is always constipated. It think she needs more ruffage in her diet. So maybe you could try to eat more, take miralax, quit the laxatives, drink water, drink coffee, avoid dairy and see what happens? good luck! Don't give up!
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MiraLax isn't available here.

A few recommended to increase the amount of laxatives I take, so that is how I started taking a number of strong laxatives.

Yes. I've tried prunes and prune juice before, but no luck at all.

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It sounds horrible.  I also have problems, but MiraLax has helped me.  The number of strong laxatives you report taking is something I have not heard of before.  Have you tried adding prunes or prune juice to your diet? I wonder if probiotics would help you.  Hopefully you are aware that narcotic pain meds will shut your digestive system down and should be avoided for someone with a problem as serious as yours.  

I hope there is help for your very painful and frustrating problem.  I know how much it hurts and makes you want not to move.  
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Forgot to mention. What also makes these waiting extremely frustrating is that I can't see the Bowel Surgeon until the Defogram Test has been done.
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