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Fishers in anus

I need advice, i have had pain in my anus after bowel movement, a strong itch, burning and a soft of pulling around the anus area for about 6 hours after bowel movement.i always thought they are piles and spent a fortune buying medicine off the internet. lately i visited my GP who looked at those cuts and said they are fishers...finally came to know...she is referring me to a surgeon im in my wits...worried....this pain is unbearable...i hate it ...what should i do...i am taking fibre to soften stool that's ok at one side but can fishers heal themselves...or surgeon has to drain them out or what..im embarrased about it.....please please help
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I do have a fissure it all started after my major opperation.My doctor says it came from my trauma.I have this now for three months it hurts like hell,but I found I bathe it with hot water it feels good,But it doesn't last longer than 1/2 an hour so I pop A tylonell 3 agout every 7 or 8 hours.Please if there is a better way let me know
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.My wife was diagnosed with anal fissure, after several days of sever pain, and light bleeding. And after using all sort of ointments, doctor tried Botox, nothing worked, finally surgery date was set, but severe pain continued specially after defecation, I advised her to sit in warm water with Epsom salt, only 2 to 3 inches of water, it helped with the pain, so she followed it religiously twice a day, specially after defecation, and now after 20 days her fisher has healed and we have called of the surgery.

During this time, she’s been taking fiber substitutes and stool softer, with reasonable water.
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1403795 tn?1282567667
after reading ur detailedpost about fisher and healing prosidure,,i compell to post u bout my symptems,actually i have piles(hemorrhoides)since last 5 years.i had bleeding fisher ,but last yr i operated my piles,becouse i try all ointments like xhylocaine,nitroglyco gel etc but it worked temporary,
now i notice that same symptoms came back and start bleed after passing stool,i went  to my doc he advice me to strictly observe my food habits like lot of water,fiber taking and exercising,sitz bath etc
i bleed with passing stool,even when it softer.
my doctor also advised to take iron n multivitamins capsoles with nitroglycrine cream but i quit iron intake bcoz i feel it is constipating me,
Can u please tell me what medicines should i take to stop bleeding and iching after passing stool,
anybody try Zinc oxide paste????......i read in this site that it also helps for fisher,itching...
so anybody used it???
or can i apply this wid my other ointment????

reply soon plzzz!!!!!
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611999 tn?1298758291
Guys it called an Anal Fissure not a fisher.  Just in case you are talking to a doc they might not know what fisher is.  

sweety333, You need to see a specialist and have this looked at you may need surgical treatment if this has been going on 10 years.  You obviously have an infection if there is pus and you do not want to become septic from an infection that could be cured if you would go to the dr.
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i operated for Absus near anus 10years back.Afetr operation som part is heal but after taht there is a  continius pain and pus started  i want to avoid risk of operation so i started ayurvedic medicine during the period a big bowel comes and burst witha lot of pus it hapeens 10 years continiously with shorter to longer period now i shift to homeopathy though the are is becaming smaller day by day but it is not healing at all pus is there after the motion  pus get collected in that area as per physician it is sinus i also face the problem of minor fisher  at 10 o'clock position near my anus waht do i do
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this site here is really helpful http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_fissure
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