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Help. Can't poop. What can I eat to help?

Not sure I have constipation as in hard stool but it doesn't want to come out for days. I have tied many many laxatives and no luck. It's like there is no lube in my colon. I eat lots of fiber but that's not working. I need something to add lube when I digest my food. Most of the natural fibers work but result with irritation that makes me have to stop. The worst thing that can happen is I get an upset stomach and I stop eating or taking what you suggest. But I don't know what else to try. Can anybody recommend a food or something to add in to my diet to help me poop? Thank you.
121 Responses
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Remember we aren't suppose to be at the angle we are on our toilets our feet are supposed to bein a stool to release the sphincter muscle properly..... It worksi swear!  Of course diet needs to include fiber and lots of vitamin rich veggies! Hope that info helps
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Drink the Kelvita lemon, cayenne cleanse, lots of water, Kombucha tea, and easy digest tea. Basically several strains of good bacteria, eat lots of fiber rich foods and relax a lot-- visualize the poop coming out of your body, don't strain. Hope you feel better, I have to get a colonoscopy and this is the only way I've been able to relieve myself-- my doctors don't understand that laxatives don't work, so I've had to go about healing myself before the procedure. You really have to help your muscles, dance and walk a lot that also seems to help a bunch. .
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14520524 tn?1434972633
popcorn makes me go big time
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I am having bad constipation. Have had it now for about 3 weeks and can only pass water. I have tried laxatives, milk of magnesia, citrus mag, caster oil, enemas. Nothing helps only pass water. What can I do? Please help?
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Have you tried the sea salt cleanse? I had did it and within 20 minutes and then by an hour .... relief. I watched Pamm Turner  on you tube- that was Most helpful....this morning.
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I order only from colonotherapy.co.uk, If you wanna know smth more write me on my private email.
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Hey Sarah, where are you buying fibre primvital? I heard about this products, most of people recomended them spectacular results. Say smth more:)
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I had similar problem with poops, every day I had pain around my belly. I was searching for some products for detox and I found smth called Fibre Primvital. For 2 months every day I used this natural grains and now I can say that finally I not worry about my metabolism. Iam living my life with fool of energy!
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Ive joined this to tell my story which is on going.  I have tried everything and I mean everything for constipation and nothing works.  Ive cut foods out taken extra supplements you name it and nothing.  Its not that my stools are always hard they can be both but still I can not push it out.  I strain and strain and nothing works so Ive  had to help myself for the last few years and now I cant go at all without doing it.  I have to push it out using my thumb from the front back until it all comes out.  Its easier when its hard but when he stools are soft its hard work getting it all out without it hurting.  Ive been to the docs who said I would have to sit on a commode after taking a laxative and show what happens.  I dont need to i keep telling them I have tried all the laxatives going and nothing.  Even with diorhea i still cant get it out and then the pain is that intense that I have to do it myself again.  I do need help but not sure what they can do.  I must admit though once I have relieved myself theres no pain.  I dont even get the stomach ache to go I just get bloated or when Im having sex I feel I need to go so have to excuse myself else I might have an accident.  Thats the part which is really worrying me now.  If theres any docs on here please tell me what can be done.  
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..get it checked out..I concur with dottie500.....if packed bad see your doctor...as they can help..root rooter..(gently) if a large hard bolus is there ...you do NOT want to dig and dig and end up with inner hemorrhoids or fissures....don't continue to strain...some people make hard hard stools that block the above stool and these are dangerous...so (keep a diary and you can relate YOUR habits to your doctor better...and you can state what you have tried) ..I will add this to the above suggestions...I take oral docusate sodium 100mg.....regularly..they recommend 1-3 caps daily to begin then take less as stool softens..as it will make new stool softer...nerves innervate the entire intestine and you may feel bloated or full yet you are ? ..Extra liquids with gas-x..for a day or so after a difficult BM helps me as does preparation H ointment..just massaging your abdomen a few minutes a day helps..websites referring to bowel habits help..blessings
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I strained and ended up with diverticulitis - - I had a diverticuli bleed and Doctor in hospital put me on Miralax when needed - a stool softener - - I take if I have not gone for three days - - the other is a elderly wise Doctor from Europe told me that he has always advised his patients to take a small  cup of warm prune juice - and that really worked for me - - ANY BOWEL irregularity do get it checked it out - colonoscopies are not as bad as some say - my daughter had UC - and now has colon cancer - so DO NOT WAIT
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Colonoscopies are hell. Just had one. That's why I can't go, now! Haven't gone for almost a week. : (Interesting blog! I have diverticulosis, too, btw).
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Take Phospho Soda  {Fleet} But check with Dr for OK
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im a little confused about the "digging it out" process, could you go into greater detail? perhaps you could provide a link to a diagram or video?  would you recommend i have a friend do the digging for me because there's a lot of stuff stuck up there right now.  I'm literally packed to the brim. thanks
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Hi All,

I'm joining this conversation to quickly tell my story.
All my life, even as a baby, I could not go regularly.
Nothing ever works; no pills, no powder, no foods.
The only things that have somewhat helped are enemas, suppositories, and LOTS OF WATER.
Poop ***** :(
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I'm only 13 (in 8th grade). Lots of asians eat this kind of rice. It helps like a lot and i mea it. Eat something called brown rice. I don't know where to exactly get it but it helps ( I'm not joking. This is no joke at all!!!). Brown rice lets you poop easily and helps your stomach get smaller. If your stomach is already small then u could still eat it. Brown rice helps you poop easily. Search u on where to buy brown rice. and make sure its only bown rice. No flavor at all. and when u eat it keep chewing for like a minute or 30 seconds each spoon you eat.
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1899937 tn?1321507557
Take magnesium every day. Cheap stuff from walmart is great. 250 to 750mg a day. Don't exceed that amount though. No cramps...no straining. Just regularity. 90% of Americans have magnesium deficiency. Before anyone freaks out going on day 4 without going, take magnesium and go to bed. You will visit the toilet first thinkin the morning. Also helps with sleep, dementia ,  heart rhythm,  blood sugar imbalances, leg cramps, digestion, protects nerves, helps with anxiety and irritability.
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have you tried prune or plum juice 1 cup can soften up 2 or more cups can cause diarrhea and that is a 6-8oz cup size
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I am a colon hydrotherapist, who also happens to have suffered from constipation my whole life.   I would recommend trying a series of professional colon hydrotherapy sessions (colonics), like 3 within a week, to cleanse and tone your colon.  The water also helps to restore proper shape and sensitivity to the colon, and for some people this can restore more normal function
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I'm in Thailand. My English is not good. But I 'll try. In Thailand if any one has problem with constipation and can't solve with laxatives. We will eat sour tamarind. It is one of natural herbs. Tamarind is rich of fibers and essential herb that can stimulate the movement of intestine. This can make the stool softer and easy for pooping. Try this if was available. Have luck.
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5946262 tn?1377147810
Hi. I have been reading all these comments. I have tried a lot of these and they did not work. A little over two years ago, I went to the hospital’s ER for rectal bleeding and lots of blood in my stool. I was 28 at the time and very scared. They keep me in for three days. In those three days I had, a couple procures done. When they did the colonoscopy, they noticed I had intern hemroids. Even after that, I was going regular. Well a few months later, I had to have a complete hysterectomy and ever since then I have not been able to go like normal. I will go up to three weeks every time without going. I have continued you to bleed big clots. I have gone to a GI and he could not help. I even returned to the hospital a few more times since. Now I am always bloated and there is always bad lower back pain by my spine and tailbone. Sometime I find a little relief when I bend over and hear a click. I have look and tried to figure out why this is happening. I am tired of all of this and I do not know what to do anymore.
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Right, Please follow this as its explained: This is a miracle, forget everything else, this is going to change your life: A cup of Prune Juice 2 hours prior to your out of bed time; for example; if you get out of bed at 7am, take the prune juice at 5am, go back to sleep, no activity whatsoever. When its time to get out of bed, do your usual thing, shower etc... then have a cup of HOT tea, after like 15 - 20 mins (can take longer depending on each individual and how your system reacts to it) you will go to the bathroom, you will keep going until all emptied out, lol, i've suffered from  constipation for decades, and discovered this myself.  I make sure I have plenty of stock (prune Juice) in my pantry.  Oh Yeah, forgot to mention this, when u go upstairs to your bedroom at night, take the juice with you and keep it next to you on the bedside or wherever is easier for you, it has to be room temperature.  TRUST ME THIS WILL HELP ANYBODY IN THE WORLD.  there are ways to take prune juice for constipation, my way is the best way. whoever tries this, please post here how it went.  GOOD LUCK! :)  If it doesn't work the 1st day, don't give up. And now i take this every single morning at 6am, i feel light as a cloud LOL x
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Try miralax i had the same problem and my doctor reccomended to me. You can get it in any drug store or pharmacy
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im 22 years old and constipation has been an issue for as long as I can remember......I have been to the doctor but they only tell you to eat more veggies and drink water but that doesn't work.....here is what ALWAYS work for me after I have not gone to the bathroom....at bedtime I drink a tea called Traditional Medicinals organic Smooth Move ( it has a purple band going around and you can find it at wall mart or cvs pharmacies.....when im really constipated and haven't pooped for a while ill place two bags of tea in there...its less than $10) annddd when im simply not in the mood for tea ill drink Senna Laxative pills (I buy these at CVS pharmacies and simple buy the CVS brand which works as well as other brands)
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Ok this is what I did and it worked.

1) read all these comments and other comments in forums - it'll make you feel you're not alone, and will calm your nerves. that'll help you relax your anal muscles/nerves, which in turn will help the stool to come out.

2) drink 4 tall glasses of water.

3) get hold of some KY and lubricate the outter area of the anus, as well as a little bit inside until you feel the stool (it'll feel hard, or pointy, or a variation of these, and thats ok)

4) dont sit on the toilet for too long. if you feel its not coming out, then stand up - that'll generate bowel movement and will get you going again.

Remember - you'll have to push it out at some point, and it'll hurt a little. BUT THE RELIEF IS AMAZING.

If you have a history of hemorrhoids though, try not to push too hard. or if you do, and the poop comes out, apply an ice pack on the anus so that the veins don't swell any further.

good luck!

*please note that I am not a medical professional. Please consult a medical professional for advice. My comments here are autobiographical only.
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