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Chronic Hiccups?

For about a year now, I have had what everyone tells me are the hiccups. The only way I can describe it is like a hiccup except much louder and stronger (to the point of, it has made me vomit on rare occasions).  It does sound like a hiccup, but it's not MY hiccup, if that makes any sense? and I still get the regular old hiccups that I would normally get on occasion along with the weird version I've had for a year now.  

I get these "hiccups" daily at random times, it doesn't seem to matter what I am doing, there doesn't seem to eb a trigger, it seems to be a completly random spasm.  They are mostly annoying and embarassing, altho as stated before they have on rare occasions been strong enough to make me vomit.

Doctors look at me like im nuts and they have tried heartburn medications which have done nothing and other than that they just tell me i have the hiccups and thats that.  I did go to a gastroenterologist when i was in high school (im 22 now) for a dairy allergy that seemingly pooped out of nowhere (im good as long as i don't over indulge).  Also. since the hiccups started...i've developed migraines and have never had a history of even having headaches. Don't know if any of that is connected but giving you all the information to help maybe get some sort of information besides i have the hiccups.

So that is me. Weird hiccup like spasms. Incredibly loud. All day, Multiple times an hour altho not completly constant (very random) that nothing seems to trigger and nothing seems to stop.....any ideas?
13 Responses
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I know this is a little older thread, but I'm in the ER with my husband who's been having a lot of stabbing pain just below his ribs on the right side, nausea, vomiting, and a slight fever. Finally got him to go to the hospital. They suspect gallbladder issues, and while we're sitting waiting for the ultrasound, the nurse hears my husband hiccup loudly. He's had these hiccups for years, varying in intensity and occurrence. Luckily, a nurse was standing right there and heard. APPARENTLY those hiccups can be a sign of gallbladder problems. Can't hurt to get it checked!
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Hi my name is April, I have a guy whos in 2 periods of mine he became my friend because he had this radom hiccup that really made him feel bad for me because i get headaces really easy but i really felt sad for misunderstanding him and i mostly relize that he likes me because when he sat on the bus behide me he tryed not to radomly hiccup and i felt so bad for him that i gave him a chance and hes really indepented like me 2 but always happy so we became friends
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I also have the same problem and idk of i have a dairy allergy but me and my friends have noticed when I eat a lot of dairy the random "hiccups" start to happen when I don't eat diary productis I seem to be fine most of the time so my Solution is that what is causeing it is eating a lot of dairy
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I am 17 years old and have had the same exact symptoms of random hiccups for as long as I can remember (7+ years). I do not have a dairy allergy nor do I get migraines, I barley get headaches. BUT I do get a few "bless you's". Sometimes they are painfully loud and I assumed it was a muscle spasm in my sternum or lungs. I wouldn't know. However, they are not back to back. They are quite... random. I may get up to two or three at a time, but that's about it. I am just curious to know the cause of these "violent protracted diaphragmatic spasms". People say to use home cures such as honey but they just seem to start back up after a few hours
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have you tried natural cures?  before i knew honey plus hot water works wonders for heartburn, i used antacid and that pink liquid stuff(forgot name).

those artificial stuff disrupted my system bad that honey never did.  i only use honey cure afterwards. the pham industry all about money. if its a natural cure, they can't make money off it.

and the other day i had hiccup which was rare for me and took some minced ginger, worked like a charm.
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Hiccups cured!!! Like all of you I have had, for lack of a better word, hiccups (violent protracted diaphragmatic spasms is a more accurate discription) for about 15 years. They last for hours and months at a time. I cannot work or think when i have them. The have made me vomit and keep me from catching a breath. I went to countless doctors who all blew me off with an antacid and a 'they won't kill you' attitude.  I finally found a neurologist who understood and actually listened to me. He ran an MRI and EEG to rule out brain lesions and seizures. He prescribed me clonnazepam to calm my nervous system, which actually works to stop an episode but did not cure the hiccups. So having ruled out the final life threatening cause of my hiccups and being generally fed up with the situation, I took matters into my own hands and followed what my gut had been telling me for a while. I did a full body cleanse and gave up gluten (even though I had been essentially laughed at by doctors when I suggested this previously), casein and nightshade plants. I felt better than I had in about 15 years. Symptoms I did not even know I had went away.  It has been almost a year now without the hiccups, stomach pain, neck pain, acne, lack of energy, and moodiness. Except of course the few times I have accidentally ingested gluten, casein or a nightshade which one is bound to do when changing their diet so drastically. I know it is a big change but if your hiccups are as bad as mine you will not miss the ingredients! I just wish I listened to my heart a long time ago. No one will ever understand how you feel unless they have experienced the same hiccups. They will think you are making a big deal out of nothing. Well, they are wrong. It is not in your head and there is relief.   Try changing your diet and don't give up hope!  Thank you Dr. Ales for believing me, giving me the strength to tackle my hiccups and for the little pill to calm my system when I slip up!  Best of luck all!
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Me too! Hiccups for 7 years, 1-5 at a time about every hour 24/7. Have been having headaches for for the past few yeArs too but I brushed those off thinking they were "normal" due to my TMJ pain. However, I just found a Dr that finally doesn't treat me like I'm over reacting, and just try to medicate me with acid reflux meds and crap. All my old dr's just brushed it off, and as a result so did I. I just visited a new dr (living in las Vegas now) and I told her about my hiccups and headaches. She immediately ordered a cat scan and chest X-ray. She says that hiccups combined with headaches could be a result of a brain tumor! Now don't freak out, its one of like 125 possibilities. But FINALLY I have a dr that is trying to be proactive and FIND the CAUSE rather than just suggest medications that MIGHT fix the problem. If you can't get your dr to take you seriously, FIND a NEW doctor. Feel free to email me with any concerns or questions on my progress or diagnosis ***@****
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Yeap.. same problem.. same discription .. for almost 2 years now .. to the point of gittign about 150 of them some days..
everyone, doctors and familly seem to think it's caused by me being stressed, wrong eating habits, not breathing right ..
i tried antiacid meds and Ibs meds which were supposed to help stop it for ever, bt it didn't
what really makes me angry that people think that i'm being hypercondric or i have control over them and i chose not to!!
if any of you guys find the reson or a cure please let me know
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Yeap.. same problem.. same discription .. for almost 2 years now .. to the point of gittign about 150 of them some days..
everyone, doctors and familly seem to think it's caused by me being stressed, wrong eating habits, not breathing right ..
i tried antiacid meds and Ibs meds which were supposed to help stop it for ever, bt it didn't
what really makes me angry that people think that i'm being hypercondric or i have control over them and i chose not to!!
if any of you guys find the reson or a cure please let me know
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I have no idea if there is anything to this, but I have celiac disease and I used to have chronic migraines. Chronic meaning they never went away and they were disabling. I had hiccups all the time and I didn't know why. Now that I've stopped eating gluten, I've noticed that if I inadvertently eat it (cross contamination at a restaurant, or don't realize it's in a certain spice) I get both a migraine and some FURIOUS hiccups like you're describing. They shake my entire body and can last for days...on and off. You may need to check into the symptoms of celiac disease. If any of them fit, go to your allergist for a blood test. Don't diagnose yourself and just stop eating it. You need to know from a doctor. It is a life changing disease. On the bright side. I feel SO much better.
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I too get these "hiccups". I get approximately 10-20 a day since I was 13. And I turn 20 this month. All my co-workers tell me I sound like a barking chiuauah.. They r very painful and VERY loud.. and I still get regular hiccups that are not as loud or as violent as the random ones.. I've searched through 100s of websites trying to find answers and have found nothing..
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I have been having the same thing for almost 10 years.  I know exactly what you are talking about.  I had an upper GI and the doctor came back and disgustedly looked at me, said there was nothing wrong with me,  and prescribed an antidepressent.  There has got to be an answer.
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I get these RANDOM strong hiccups as well, and like you, doctor's looked at me crazy and prescribed Prevacid and it did not help.  They do sometimes cause me to (excuse the TMI) throw up a little, even during my sleep, I am woken by them.... They are LOUD that I get ALOT of "bless you"'s with people thinking I just sneezed to even SCARING people at work and around me.   But since you've mentioned the dairy allergy I'm gonna try to keep tabs on my daily dairy intake and see if that works... I feel your pain girl! It's ANNOYING.  Thanks for your input!

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