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Purple-Blue bump on my anus

I have a purplish-blue bump on my anus that looks alot like a blood blister, it itches from time to time and hurts when I put pressure on it but other then that it doesn't bother me. Just curious as to what it could be. I am 19 years old, male and mostly healthy all the time not getting sick often. The only health history I have is having constant migraines every day of my life.
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That bump is a hemorrhoid, very common, and they will come and go depending on how your bowels move.  If you strain a lot, this is how they develop, they are vascular tissue in that area that will bulge out, and so then when waste goes past them, it will sting, it will itch, sometimes bleed just a little, pretty uncomfortable, to be sure.  You can put a lubricant on there after you shower to prevent chaffing.  As long as you try to eat more fiber foods and drink plenty of water, as well as exercise regularly, this hemorrhoid will go away on its own.  There is nothing like having regular bowel movements that come out like they're supposed to, but most people do have trouble every now and then.

I hate it that you have those migraines.  How horrible.  I hope you will consider seeing a specialist for those, a neurologist can do a scan of your upper spine and head, to make sure there's nothing mechanically wrong, and I hope you are getting good medicines for migraines.  Try some massage therapy and acupuncture to see if that helps a little.  And if lights are too bright, wear sunglasses a lot, and if noise is too loud, wear earplugs or stuff cotton in there.  Try some deep breathing, too, when you know they're about to come on, helps to get oxygen going good.
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I hope you see this as this may help you with migraines. I do have them every single day of my life. I have gone to numerous neurologists and the hospital and no one knows why I have them. I have been on so many medications, but none have worked. Not too long ago, I decided to see a ears, nose, and throat doctor. Turns out I have a sleeping disorder, and because I am not getting enough oxygen that could be a possibility for my headaches. I start treatment soon, maybe you should get a sleep study done.
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Yes, you are drinking enough water, and as long as the bread is perhaps whole wheat or whole grain, that will help your fiber situation and keep your bowels moving properly.  Other fiber foods include oat cereal, salads, vegies, and fruit sometimes as a snack.  You could put some Preparation H on that bulgy thing, it shrinks them.

I have to assume your neuro at least did a CT scan of your head and neck, to see if it's a pressure thing somehow causing your constant migraines.  My best friend in college had them, it really took her out big-time, but they were by no means constant like yours.  I think there's a migraine section in this website, folks there may be like you and have some tips.
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I drink about 6(probably more) liters of water and eat about 4 slices of bread a day, should be sufficient right? I get my excercise through my work which is apart of the Home Depot freight team which does heavy lifting/pulling and what not. But it really doesn't bother me unless I put alot of pressure on it, even when going to the bathroom it doesn't bother me.

And I have been seeing a Nueroligist since I was about 8 years old for my migraines and have been on about fifteen different medicines which work for about a month then pretty much dull out afterwords. I am not on any medicines for my migraines anymore since I have pretty much been on everything. My doctor wants me to go to some special head clinic up in Minnesota but I can't remember what it is called. I have pretty much toughened up on my own though and just kinda suffer through most of my migraines, though I do on occassion get the ones that will just shut me down and prevent me from doing anything which have sent me into the hospital before.

I have done electroshock therapy which does work to an extent, I do plan on starting massage therapy and lucky for me my girlfriend is a massage therapist, hah! Get it for free.

But other then that I have had every scan done on my head, spine and neck. Doctor says I am very unique.
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