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Rotten Egg Burps = Projectile Vomiting

I'm a 43 year old male with a long history of stomach issues.  I take prilosec daily and have no idea what a "normal" bowel movement resembles.  Sour stomach, cramps, reflux and soft stools are just a part of life for me and I've been able to lead a fairly normal and mobile life in spite of these issues.

Six weeks ago, I went to work and took one of my kids w/me.  He loves going to the office for some reason and he had nothing better to do on this particular summer day.  Around 10am I started noticing that I was burping quite a bit and my son pointed out that something smelled like "rotten eggs".  I agreed that something did smell putrid and that it was in fact my burps.  As the day continued, the burps became more and more frequent with individual burps lasting longer and smelling even worse (if that's possible).  Around 3pm, I told my boss I wasn't feeling well and excused myself.  I drove to the hospital and the ER was empty.  Not a person in sight!  Wow!  I told the nurse that I was in extreme abdominal discomfort, nauseous and pain radiating toward my back from my stomach region.  Well, somehow that triggered the "high risk heart alert" which got me checked in in record time, and EKG, blood work, and who knows what else.  Eventually they ruled out my heart and I continued to feel incredibly nauseous despite the three doses of anti-nausea medicine they had put in my IV.  Once it was brought under control, they did CAT scans, x-rays and sonograms of my abdominal region.  They checked everything!  They found nothing.  My appendix, galbladder, intestines and stomach appeared normal.  They gave me two bags of iv antibiotics and lots of fluids via the iv. I just figured it was viral.  The next day I checked out and went home having missed a day of work.

Three weeks later, I started tasting the rotten egg burps again and about 3 hours later, I was heaving up my guts.  I'm one of those people who really, really hates to vomit.  I mean, I just wont do it unless there is just no option.  I will feel sick longer rather than throw-up.  I'd take a beating before willfully throwing up.  Anyway, it was an unstoppable force and it just kept coming.  My wife took me back to the hospital ER where they again performed many of the same tests which all came up negative.  They gave me anti-nausea medicine which worked a bit better this time.  Again, after 24 hours, the pain and nausea were gone.

Today, September 7, 2003 I'm starting to taste the rotten egg burps.  I can't afford to miss work tomorrow but more than that, I cannot afford to spend the night and tomorrow morning going through this hellish experience again.  It's just too much.  So, here's what I've tried.  I took 40mg pantoprazole sodium (Protonix) delayed release tablet and an alka-seltzer.  These were 2 of 3 ideas I found on this site.  The 3rd idea said to eat a lime or lemon.  I have to say, the burps do feel a bit controlled but I'm not ready to claim victory yet.  I'll post tomorrow morning and let all know if this worked.  God help me if it doesn't because for sure the medical community at large is not able to.

All of these posts going back ten years and not a single person has said they have been cured yet?  Please, if you have had this problem and have been correctly diagnosed and cured, post a response and let me know.  Or, perhaps you have had this issue and know of a means of dulling the symptoms?  That would be great too.  I just can't believe that after over 40 years of never having anything like this happen, now It has happened 3 times in six weeks.  Again, I'll post if my rotten egg burps have not turned into nausea by morning.


This discussion is related to Sulphuric/ Eggy burps and stomach cramps.
129 Responses
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So I am having this problem for the first time, and it has been one of the worst nights of my life. My remedy to fix it would be to pray. That's not sarcastic at all, just pray to God, trust in Him that He'll take care of you. I'm putting my faith in Him because I know he'll take care of me.
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In late 2009 -- not too long after I had my gall bladder removed -- I started getting the "stomach flu" alarmingly often. After the 3rd episode, I mentioned it in passing to my doctor and she sent me to a gastro-enterologist.

I had a series of visits with two different G-E's (the first one ran a million tests and finally gave up) over about 7 months. For some reason, I can't remember why, neither believed it was related to my gall bladder removal. I lost count of the tests my doctors ran; but some of the things mentioned above ring a bell. I was tested for gastroparesis, for example -- and was diagnosed with "borderline" gastroparesis...which isn't actually a thing, but just means that my level was barely within the normal range. I was tested for salmonella (and actually I've had salmonella several years before; that was a much more acute experience -- VERY violent vomiting and dehydration that landed me in the ER) and more. Pancreatitis and all varieties of Hepititis were ruled out. Other tests (my notes include ANA, Ferritin, Iron, IBC, I Ca, SPEP, lactate, comprehensive liver panel) were all fine.

That testing all took time; and meanwhile I continued getting sick every 10-14 days. The episodes followed a very predictable pattern: small burps that were extremely sour tasting (rotten eggs seems like a good description) was the first thing -- it gave me anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour's notice of what was coming so I could leave work if needed. Then vomiting would start and last for 8-12 hours -- sometimes but not always accompanied by diarrhea. Then I would feel completely fine, and would continue to feel normal until the next episode.

Then -- suddenly -- it all stopped. My 2nd specialist and I were both stumped. I continued to see him every couple of years to get a colonoscopy (my mom died of colon cancer); and we would discuss the fact that the weird vomiting hadn't yet come back. Some time later I was also diagnosed with GERD, and I take Omeprazole for that now; and I have a host of other non-GI issues that I take meds for.

Someone above mentioned CVS. My doctor said that my problem definitely fell under the CVS umbrella -- but that CVS is basically a term doctors use when they don't know the actual cause of recurring vomiting. It's basically means "unspecified gastro-intestinal problem," and it allows them to collect a little info, file insurance claims, and whatnot...but that it's not a useful diagnosis if you're looking for a solution, because all it means is they haven't really figured out yet what's going on. That was how he described it anyway.

Fwiw, I've always had a pretty sensitive bowel system -- I throw up and have diarrhea pretty often compared to the average person. But the regularity of this series of episodes -- 10 to 14 days, like clockwork -- was unique; and the horrible burping too was not a typical thing for me outside of the time period described above.

Over the last two months, the burping and vomiting has returned -- 3 or 4 episodes, about 3 weeks apart if I'm remembering correctly. I need to start a food diary; and I'm getting ready to make another appt with my G-E.

I can't believe this nightmare might be starting all over again.
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Hello, I have had symptoms very similiar to those described in the previous posts..."rotten egg" burps followed by nausea, vomiting, diahrea. The boughts would last about 3 days and then come back a week or two later. During one really bad episode, I was so dehydrated that I had to spend 24hrs at the ER on an IV. All the doctors I have seen have no idea what this could be. I was diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux) and IBS....also I tested positive for h. pylori ( a bacterial infection). I was treated for the h. pylori with antibiotics and follow up tests showed that it was gone...I was also on meds for the GERD and IBS....of course none of it worked and I continued to have the "rotten egg" burps and sickness for many months. This started for me back in 2002 - 2003...it  was a high stress period in my life following a divorce. I was also on anti-depressant meds and sleep aids during this year. At the end of the year I got fed up with doctors that wouldnt listen to me and werent helping anyway...so I completely stopped taking all the meds I was on....ALL of them. Miraculously after about a month the episodes slowed, then completely stopped altogether. For about the first 6 months or so of being off the meds I would get the rotten egg burps only after I drank any kind of alcohol...but taking a Zantac before hand would usually keep it mild or stop it from coming at all. After those 6 months (around the end 2003)...it was gone...or so I thought. At that point I figured it must have been stress that caused it...or a side effect of the anit-depressants I was on...or a combination of the two. But, I just got another attack yesterday...after all this time of nothing. It was very very mild to what it used to be. This time it started with the "rotten egg" burps but they were not nearly as bad.....then I had mild nausea for about half a day...did not throw up or have diahrea....I was a lil gasy and felt weak and achey but I was still able to function normally and eat and drink normally. I went to bed hopeing that it would not be worse in the morning and dreading having to explain all this to another set of doctors again who would only think I was crazy or making it up. Woke up this morning and I feel fine...not 100%...but I was able to get up and go to work....no "rotten egg" burps...even after breakfast I still feel normal..just a lil tired and achey. I have no idea what brought this episode on after 5 years of nothing...I am not overly stressed and not taking any meds (I just remembered that I did take two Acetaminophen 500mg e.g. Tylenol the day before). I was actually coming home from a mini vacation in Mexico when it hit....I did not drink any water there...and only ate one meal of chicken and rice soup the day before the burps started. In the last 5 years I have NOT had any stomach problems..no GERD, no IBS, no heartburn...nothing at all. It is extremely frustrating and scarey to think that this could all be starting up again! If anyone has any information on what could be causing this or sees some commonalitty on what the trigger could be...please post here. It is helpful knowing that I am not alone (or crazy) but also disheartening that so many people suffer from this for years and years without ever finding a cause or cure. Good luck to everyone.
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For the past 2 years, I have developed similar things to what you described.  I have GERD and IBS and a bunch of other GI issues.  But most recently, I have started to get these really horrific burp smells and flatulence.  Within a couple of hours of getting those horrid burps, I will start violently vomiting for about 12-16 hours.  I will become so dehydrated and weak that I cannot get out of bed. Even to vomit, I have to lay on my stomach and hang my head over the side to puke into a bucket.  I have no strength to lift myself up or move.  I've been to the ER and to my gastro about this and no one can help me.  I am on my second gastro now and my. Second colorectal surgeon and still have no answers. The strange thing about this is that I get these burps once every 6 months like clock work and I know that once I get those burps, I need to get home fast because I will be violently vomiting within a couple of hours of those burps.  I just had an episode 5 days ago and I basically was throwing up from 5am until around 5pm on December 11th into December 12th 2021.  I am unable to eat or drink for however long I am having those rancid burps.  I tried drinking water to stay hydrated, but as soon as it went down my throat, within minutes I was vomiting up the water.  When it first starts out, I am vomiting food from whatever I ate from the day before or whenever.  Then once all of the food is out of my system, I start vomiting bile. Then once all of that is out, I normally pass out and I wake up and the burps are gone and I start introducing food and drinks slowly.  And I mean I start out with a tablespoon of water every hour to make sure I hold it down. After a few hours of that I will then up my intake to around a cup of water and then slowly work my way up.   It normally takes me about 2 days to recoup from everything because of how weak I am and also my stomach and back muscles are soar from vomiting that much.  I have been tested for everything and I cannot get any answers from any doctor so far.  Depression does set in with me and I'm not normally a depressed person, but when it happens, I just want it to end.  I have no hope left as to finding out what is wrong with me, but I'm still chugging along. If anyone has any ideas about why it occurs once every 6 months, please help.  Ive looked into the cyclic vomiting syndrome and it is not that either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My next step is asking my gastro to send me to the Mayo clinic to see if they can help.  I cannot have a normal job with this and I always end up using my sick days and vacation days and I haven't been able to be on a vacation with my wife or daughter in years. My wife goes on vacations without me and my daughter is almost 3 and I've never been on a vacation with her either because of my stomach issues and if I am working, I normally don't have any days to use.  I'm failing as a husband, a provider, and a father because of whatever is going on with my body.  That's the thing that hurts the most.
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I wish I had an answer.  
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My husband and my two boys 7 and 8 all suffer from the rotten egg burps and sour vomit I can't stomach the smell of it but it is exactly as you said when we smell the rotten egg burps it is a warning that it is gonna be a bad night it seems to happen once a year some time up to 4 days if they are lucky it is only 1 but I read about gastriparosis not sure if I spelled that right but you should look into it I am just confused why 3/4 of my family all have the same symptoms when it first started the house we were renting was covered in black mold I thought that was the problem and that would have explained why I didn't get sick because I was at work and my family was at home more often we moved as soon as we discovered the mold but now they all still get sick like that at least once a year which isn't too bad but when my little bits have stomach cramps like that it really worries me but I don't understand how they all have those symptoms the chances of them all getting that gastroparosis is unlikely but it may help you I am still searching so if anyone has and idea please reply I need to find answers and with it happening only a few times their doctors say its just a virus but I'm taking my children to the doctor in 3 days and I'm gonna suggest they test them for the gastropasis u hope this helps let us know good luck :)
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prior medical history to speak of.  I started having these episodes about 31/2 years ago.  Mine would start like this
1) wake up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling ( like cold sweats, like when you have the stomach flu,)followed by stomach pain
2) Then started the "burps" ..the most horrible sulfur/rotten egg tasting/smelling ..sometimes flatulence too (also with the sulfur smell)

Once the burbs started, I knew what was about to come, and its very scary knowing what your in for.  I would sit on my bathroom floor, drinking bottle after bottle of water, because I found that If i flooded my stomach with water, I would only need to throw up about 3 times to get everything out, whereas if I didn't drink water, I would throw up little bits at a time, and it would take HOURS until it was all finally out. I noticed that my first round of vomiting usually showed undigested food, and the last 2 rounds had bright yellow bile in them.  

I only had diarrhea on one occasion. My episodes usually never made it into my colon/intestine,  as it seemed to start in my stomach, and once I vomited (several times) I usually was able to fall asleep.  I will say that after these episodes, I am totally out of it. My body needs to sleep for a long time to recover.

I went to my family doctor who referred me to a surgeon. My surgeon said it sounded like my gallbladder, as I noticed these attacks would happen after eating high fat foods. He wanted to do a HIDA scan, just to make sure. The results of the HIDA scan did show that my gallbladder was putting out the enzymes at a slower rate, so I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed. I did ask my surgeon what the sulfur smelling bile was, and he said "bacteria"

That was 3 years ago.  I still to this day have episodes. They are usually not as bad as they were before my surgery, but I can't say that Im "cured"     I find myself spending hours on the internet...googling my symptoms, and have come up with TOO MANY possible diagnoses...including candida, Leaky gut, H Pylori infection, Giardia, GERD, Peptic Ulcers..you get the point.  

Why is it that SO many people have the same/similar symptoms, yet there is no exact medical term for what we are all experiencing.  Maybe its something different for each individual as I can only assume that is why this has not been nailed down to one specific issue.  

I did want to add that I also have undiagnosed IBS, which has just started in the last 6 months.  

Also, I wanted to mention a couple of things that seemed to help me at times.
1) When you start to get the burps, start drinking LOTS of water.
2) On occasion, baking soda and water helped (other times it did not)
3) One ER visit I was giving a "cocktail" with Donnatal in it, also know as Bentyl.  Its a barbiturate that helps to relax the stomach and intestine. It comes in liquid and pill form, and is often used and given to people who suffer from IBS, colitis, peptic ulcers,  and many other digestive issues.
4) Keep a food journal. Log everything you eat/drink. I find a correlation with my attacks and certain foods.
5) When you feel like your doctor can't give an answer, or keeps chalking it up as "acid reflux" ....get a second opinion. Some doctors are just ignorant!!

I am a firm believer in prayer, and trust me, it has gotten me through MANY nights. I am praying for all you "egg burb" sufferers!!!!!  

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prior medical history to speak of.  I started having these episodes about 31/2 years ago.  Mine would start like this
1) wake up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling ( like cold sweats, like when you have the stomach flu,)followed by stomach pain
2) Then started the "burps" ..the most horrible sulfur/rotten egg tasting/smelling ..sometimes flatulence too (also with the sulfur smell)

Once the burbs started, I knew what was about to come, and its very scary knowing what your in for.  I would sit on my bathroom floor, drinking bottle after bottle of water, because I found that If i flooded my stomach with water, I would only need to throw up about 3 times to get everything out, whereas if I didn't drink water, I would throw up little bits at a time, and it would take HOURS until it was all finally out. I noticed that my first round of vomiting usually showed undigested food, and the last 2 rounds had bright yellow bile in them.  

I only had diarrhea on one occasion. My episodes usually never made it into my colon/intestine,  as it seemed to start in my stomach, and once I vomited (several times) I usually was able to fall asleep.  I will say that after these episodes, I am totally out of it. My body needs to sleep for a long time to recover.

I went to my family doctor who referred me to a surgeon. My surgeon said it sounded like my gallbladder, as I noticed these attacks would happen after eating high fat foods. He wanted to do a HIDA scan, just to make sure. The results of the HIDA scan did show that my gallbladder was putting out the enzymes at a slower rate, so I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed. I did ask my surgeon what the sulfur smelling bile was, and he said "bacteria"

That was 3 years ago.  I still to this day have episodes. They are usually not as bad as they were before my surgery, but I can't say that Im "cured"     I find myself spending hours on the internet...googling my symptoms, and have come up with TOO MANY possible diagnoses...including candida, Leaky gut, H Pylori infection, Giardia, GERD, Peptic Ulcers..you get the point.  

Why is it that SO many people have the same/similar symptoms, yet there is no exact medical term for what we are all experiencing.  Maybe its something different for each individual as I can only assume that is why this has not been nailed down to one specific issue.  

I did want to add that I also have undiagnosed IBS, which has just started in the last 6 months.  

Also, I wanted to mention a couple of things that seemed to help me at times.
1) When you start to get the burps, start drinking LOTS of water.
2) On occasion, baking soda and water helped (other times it did not)
3) One ER visit I was giving a "cocktail" with Donnatal in it, also know as Bentyl.  Its a barbiturate that helps to relax the stomach and intestine. It comes in liquid and pill form, and is often used and given to people who suffer from IBS, colitis, peptic ulcers,  and many other digestive issues.
4) Keep a food journal. Log everything you eat/drink. I find a correlation with my attacks and certain foods.
5) When you feel like your doctor can't give an answer, or keeps chalking it up as "acid reflux" ....get a second opinion. Some doctors are just ignorant!!

I am a firm believer in prayer, and trust me, it has gotten me through MANY nights. I am praying for all you "egg burb" sufferers!!!!!  

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well i'm "happy" to see that i'm not the only one. but very sad discovering that we'll still suffer from this illness :'(.
I hope comes a day when doctors will figure out what the problem is with our duigestive system because this is ruining my life :( i can't eat as i will and I m always watching my food. I developed a phobia. when I Wake up late in the night with those horrible burps i wish dying rather than living my night and day like a zombie vomitting every 10 minutes :'(. please dear God make doctors discover the cause of this sickness from hell
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I am 63 year old male and have experienced for 40 years (over 200+ attacks) the symptoms laid out in all the comments.  Usually 2-4 times a year but sometimes more frequently.  After recently having upper UI and intestinal tests, blood work and urine tests, the Dr came back with nothing physical he could see.  He is recommending Elavil as he is thinking it may be a rare disorder called Cyclic Vomit Syndrone (CVS).  I am also going to focus on what I think may be contributors:

1.  Reduce fatty meats - I love them
2.  Stress reduction - Restructure my professional career a bit
3.  Practice new patterns for sleep and sleep preparation - I have sleep apnea and a weak bladder which means I awake too frequently.  
4.  No late night meals
5.  Major reduction in cheese and dairy products
6.  Focus on healthy foods and limit my crustaceous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower.

When I look back on some of my explosive events, it was usually around stressful upcoming or recently past events.  I also see a trend of heavy fatty meat intake.  These are 2 I want to watch moving forward.  I have joined this community so hopefully I can report back in 6 months as to whether I see some curtailment or not.

Good luck to all.  It is good to have a place to read and share about this.
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I have been dignoised with CVS recently as well after all tests were normal. My doctor told me there or only two types of treatment. One is a support system. In other words having family and friends help you. Personally I not only get dehydrated but become so weak that it's hard to walk and speak. The vomiting and diarrhea is violent. I always end up having to go in for fluids. Let me tell you though getting support is easier said then done, people can always drop what they are doing to help you. The second treatment is a drug called amitriptyline which is often used for depression, insomnia, pain and now CVS. I've been taking the new prescription for about 4 weeks now and here I am today having an episode. I can't even work any longer. After I have an episode, it takes me 5-10 days to recover. So frustrated!
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i have had this exact problem since i was pregnant with my son in 2010. they couldnt do anything but put me on prilosec during the pregnancy, so i constantly sat in extreme pain with my pregnancy. but a month after he was born i had another episode. i was hospitalized for a whole week. they finally did a scope of my stomache and told me it was very red and raw. and diagnosed me with gastritis. so im on ranitidine 150mg and protonix. when i feel the stomache pain coming i take it imediately. and it seems to be a great relief for me. they told me to stay away from caffine,ciggaretes,chocolate and spicy food, and anything else that i find out that would trigger it. and so far working really well. but they said there is no cure. it is something i will just have to deal with for the rest of my life. i hope this helps.
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18068441 tn?1463002960
New here, but I am a pathologist and I have been having this problem for about a year.  I think I have a solution, at least for me.  Having had four episodes in the past year, I knew when I started having the burps about five days ago that I was in for another.  I had been theorizing that perhaps it was due to Helicobacter pylori, mainly because of the burps and knowing that H. pylori in its metabolism produces urea, a gas at body temperature.  So without taking the time to run tests to make the diagnosis, I instead just started on the typical regime for eradicating H. pylori: clarithromycin (Biaxin), metronidazole (Flagyl), and omeprazole (Prilosec).  Within a few hours the burps were gone, and now five days later I have not had the nausea or the diarrhea.  I think this is good evidence that I was right.  At least for me, the problem is H. pylori.  Time will tell if this keeps me from having a recurrence (the treatment is ten days of the three drugs).  There could be other causes of this syndrome for other people, but for me right now I'm convinced that it is Helicobacter.
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I first had the dreaded rotten egg burps at age 10, always with nausea, then diarrhea and vomiting, both of which smelled just like rotten eggs, until everything was out of my system.  I would sometimes go years without them, at other times I would have them 2 or 3 times a week.  I'm now 30 and haven't had an episode in almost 5 years!

If you've gone through all the tests people have mentioned and still don't have answers, you very likely have gastroparesis or gastric emptying delay.  This is where your gut's digestion slows or even completely halts for one reason or another.  When this happens, food is just sitting in your stomach, not getting digested.  What happens to food that just sits around in warm and moist climates like your stomach?  It rots.  Rotten food makes you sick.  

There are many reasons for gastroparesis.  People with diabetes are prone to it.  In my case, gastroparesis was brought on by stress, good or bad.  The year of my marriage was horrible due to "good stress" from all the excitement!  

To avoid episodes of gastroparesis:
1.  Eat several small meals a day, instead of just 3.
2.  Always wait at least 3 hours after eating before going to bed.
3.  Avoid large portions (particularly meats!) as they are the slowest to digest.

If all of that fails, you might need an SSRI. That is ultimately what helped me and I'll never be off them again.  SSRIs can work on your gut the same way they work on your brain.  You don't have to "feel" anxious to have an anxious GI tract!

I hope I've helped someone =)

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Part of what causes this illness for me are NSAIDS, that means no ibuprophen. I have been tested for all the parasite and came up clean. Basically I think for me it is a mix of gastritis and IBS. I have GERD and bile reflux. If I dont take my protonix I am certain to get the deaded sulpher bug. Stress excasserbates it too. Spicy food. Basically anything that could possibly inflame my stomach lining. Sometimes it delayed gastric emptying but always always it is gastritis with IBS. It might be different for others but there is no doubt the stomach lining becomes inflammed. I am careful to chew very well. Not too much fiber if I am going to be active or hard to digest foods. Probiotics can help but wont keep it away all the time.  So to sum up, for me it is slow digestion, inflammed stomach lining, bile reflux, IBS, and stress.
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OMG I'm so happy to see others have this issue. I have been going through this for a year now, and it pops it's disgusting head up, just about every month. I am literally, tired of throwing up. To the point where after an episode, I need to sleep a full day to recover.
We'll, two months went by with no problem, but here I am, on my way to work, and the dreaded burps start.
If anyone has had this experience, has found a remedy, or medical solution, please post!!!!
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I am going through this as we speak. But I get water like bowel movements. I feel like I am going to throw up but it never comes just dry heaving.  I am so exhausted from running to the bathroom and from being sick.  
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I am now 14 into this horrible sickness.  I am now projectile vomiting.  The pain in my stomach is unbelievable.  I feel like death warmed over.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me
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I go threw this for years I puck up all this rotten undigested food after the nasty burbs start but now its happing all the time use to be a few months in between now it happens several times a week pretty much when ever I eat I hate it if anyone knows how to help this plz tell us
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My girl friend is going through the exact same thing we are sitting in the ER right now it seems like anytime she eats any solid foods thats when she gets real sick, if she on clear liquids for a day or 2 she gets better and thinks its ok to eat because she is starved then it starts all over again. When she starts burping like that we know vomiting is next. She lost 20 pounds this past week. She been like this a month now. Doctors cant find nothing.
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15002563 tn?1437839442
I am not a Doc so I can't diagnose but when you said, "it goes away after I vomit", that made me remember something in my past. I described that exact comment to my gastro years ago. And they found out I was having Gall Bladder attacks. I had the test for it and I was full of stones, packed! It may not be this, but it can't hurt to have it checked out? Just a thought. I so hope you get better soon ;)
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What did you find out?
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I have had the same thing! And am feeling like I am dying! What was the outcome of your doctors visit?
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Were you tested for C-diff? Even if you were and if it came back negative you might still be harboring it. I had that once, Twice actually and it was difficult to ride myself of it. All the symptoms sound similar to my own then when I had it. Personally I do not think a lot of doctors seem to know very much about what these new emerging symptoms in the general public are, however if I had to guess I suspect it has everything to do with the way our food supply has been manipulated over the past 14 years or so.Since large food companies have begun to alter food and over spray with round up several new diseases have sprung up. Diseases such as E. Coli 2, c-diff and there are more. The over use of antibiotics and switching cows and poultry from grain fed diets to corn fed has altered the naturally occurring flora in the guts of the animals we eat. Just that change alone has resulted in E. Coli 2 from the evolutionary change of the natural stomach content that was and has always been relied upon by the se farm animals to help digest their food. But once those companies busted in and made those changes (switching the animals from being grass fed, to corn fed) all the problems came on to us as a result. I don't know what your answer is but I would try to eat as natural as I can, and your gut may be harboring an over abundance of intestinal yeast. (Candida) I believe avoiding sugar, alcohol and even vinegar will help along with a prescribed drug called Nyastatin. Well good luck and remain persistent. You'll eventually find the cause.
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I agree. I ate (real) butter that I left out that I didn't think would spoil..Well it did.. how do i know? I did it twice.. I first got sick not knowing why.. then I ate the butter again last night saw the mold thew it away then got the stinky egg burps and explosive diarrhea and pukey.. Although I didn't puke much a mouth full both times everything else wad the same..
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I have been reading all the posts for my husband. He is having a terrible attack and I am wanting to find something to help him. I have been keeping notes of everyone's suggestions.  I, too, am wondering if trying probiotics would be a good start. Has probiotics helped anyone else?.
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Hi,  I too have had these symptoms.  First the foul burping starts and I know that I am headed for a battle till all is out of my system.  Mines usually last about 12 hours.  I had my gallbladder removed many years ago but this has started the past 3 years?  It was only maybe 2 episodes a year but this year I have already had 2 just this month.  I to have given up on the Drs to figure it out.  They have put me through so many test from the Upper and Lower GI to the thick drinks sometimes while laying other times while standing and holding it and even one when they have me eat a snack (pudding) while they watch it go down.  And still nothing.  I also have acid reflux for many years right now I am on Protonix I take it in the morning and before bed.  And am Lactose intolerant.  What I have just found in my research is to try a Digestive Enzyme but I need to do more research to see which is better.  Another person mentioned Charcoal but I will be trying the Enzyme first.  I hope that this works.  May all of us find relief for our health.  
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