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Stomach removal or Stomach pacemaker

I have a friend that is having to undergo stomach removal because she can not afford the $50,000.00 fee to get a pacemaker placed. Her insurance or medicaid will not pay for the pacemaker. I have heard that the life expectancy for a stomach removal is not very long. My friend is like a mother to me and she is way to young to die! There is not alot of time left before her surgery and I am trying to find out what I can do to help her. There has got to be some way to get this pacemaker less expensive or another dr. If there is anyone that is reading this that has any advice please help me!!! I don't know what else to do. I am at my wits end!!!
Thanks, Amy
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Hi, I not any body, I just fill for you! I have a friend that is 70 and just got out of the hospital. they told her that she has high sugar and a slow heart. Sugar can be controled but the heart cant without a pacmaker or meds, She want do either one. She says shes not doing any thing because shes doing what she want to do! She thinks at 70 its her right to live that way and she is. I know we all have the right to do what ever! Shes like a sceond Mom to me too. So I guess I will hold her up some how while she dose her thing!
We all have our one ways! Have you tried to go on line and find out if you can get ahold of the people who make these or even call the people who help with all this?I will pray for your friend . I do belive that prayers work, I know some dont but I do, been there and back. I lost 8 pints of blood and lived to tell about it and  thats just the begining of my stories! I had a 7 day old baby and a 2 yr old at home , I was 22 ! God didnt let me down. I was young then! In this old system of things we dont live for ever right now, but one day Gods planes do have all that in mind! So for right now just be there and be up- building and dont let on if you can! She will be angery and all kinds of things but you can help her I am sure of this, your her friend! She will know when she gets tired!
                                                                                   Prayers for you all,
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iam a 36 yr old female with seviere gastric peresis my docters tell me other than the pace maker there is not much to do iam on kalonapin and soma but am still always sick my 16 year old daughter also has gasto peresis is this hereditary? iam at my wits end and dont know what to do we dnt have many options either a pase maker or stomach removal and from my understanding stomach removal is a short life expectency?
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I had gastroparisis and had the stomach pacemaker put in in Aug 2008, it did not help me and in Dec. 008 they removed my stomach.  I am doing some what better but my life hasn't changed all that much except I can eat most anything now, the bad thing is I am down to 80 lbs and can't seem to gain anymore.
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I have never read about stomach removal causing a shorter life expectancy? Really? Why would this be?
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