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Treatment options for redundant colon?

I am a 56-year old woman and have had problems with constipation since I was a child. I have been addicted to laxatives on-and-off.  Several years ago I developed intermittent lower abdominal pain, but now it's every day in varying degrees. At one doctor's recommendation, I drastically changed my diet, eliminating gluten, dairy and coffee, with no improvement. I seem to do better without starches/sugars. I've also had to change my wardrobe - I can't wear anything that is remotely tight on my stomach and often have to leave my low-cut pants unfastened. I take Miralax every day and supplement with MOM as needed. I've also found a wonderful herbal product to help with the gas that gets trapped in the "curves."
My first colonoscopy could not be completed and was followed by a barium xray; there were no polyps or masses. After a second colonoscopy under anesthesia I was told I had IBS and sent home with pills that didn't work! It wasn't until I asked for a copy of the procedure report that I saw the term "redundant colon."
I have been able to find little information about this diagnosis.  What treatment options are there? Is surgery an option and, if so, what is the longterm outcome? Is there someone who specialized in this problem - most gastroenterologists get that "deer-in-the-spotlight look" when I ask!?!
I hate that my life has to revolve around this problem - and no one understands what I'm going through!! I am otherwise healthy, I exercise regularly, eat well - I just want to know what I can do to "fix" this problem! Thanks!
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I am going through this right now and am so happy you have found relief! This past year I have had massive pain attacks that are ruining my life.  I just returned from colo-rectal specialist and am waiting for more tests.  He said he won't do surgery on my redundant colon without knowing exactly why I am having pain.  Now on to transit study and anal function test.  I can't imagine living with this forever.  Thank you for sharing your experience!
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I am 46 and had surgery for the redundant colon 6 years ago. I had been going to GI doctors since I was 18. Most of them would tell me that I had IBS. I tried following their regimen of more fluids and high fiber but it was the fiber that was tortured for me. Most GI doctors wrote me off as non-compliant.
I found a colon-rectal specialist that semi worked with me but I could sense his frustration too. I felt like no one believed me. He ended up doing a rectacele repair and hemorrhoidectomy and tons of tests and scopes. Those procedures didn't help much either. I used miralax (double dose), glycerin suppositories (to stimulated the rectum), milk of magnesia, enemas, smooth move tea and really anything I could find to try to get relief. My children knew I stayed in the bathroom.  They would have to bring me pillows for my tummy and wet cloths because I would almost faint from the pain. At times I would even pace the house with a belly looking like I was was ready to deliver triplets. So......10 years after my first visit to the colon-rectal doctor, I got firm. I told him that if I heard IBS one more time, I was going to come unglued! That I could not tolerate high fiber because it increased the gas in my belly and the pain was unbearable. I had also become borderline anorexic at the end because it just hurt too bad to eat. I didn't care that there was a chance that I was going to end up with a colostomy.....I wanted my life.  He finally listened and did one last test that showed the redundancy. With my insistence, we did the surgery. He removed all of the colon to the sigmoid colon and reattached the small intestine to it. I had 2 1/2 more large intestine than I should have. Granted the surgery was only suppose to have a hospital stay of a week, I ended up staying for a month due to complications but in the end, I would do it all over again. My bathroom visits are down to 2mins or less. I just get in there and get it done. Hallelujah!!
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omg totally my story.. i am down to 110 lbs and just found this out yesterday...
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I have something that helps that doesn't cost anything. Raising your feet off the ground while eliminating is helpful. I just use a bath rug by rolling and folding it and then place it under my feet. I got this concept by hearing about a product called "Squatty Potty".  I decided I would just try raising my feet and see how that would work. I found that the stool comes out long instead of breaking off. Sorry to be so graphic! This has been very helpful to me.
I hope this helps all of you!
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I had a colonoscopy today and was told I had a redundant colon. My problems started in August with mild lower abdominal pain.  I had it almost daily for 2 months.  I started with my family doctor, but after 2 months saw a gastroenterologist he recommended.  Unlike almost all of you I did not suffer from constipation, or thought I didn't .  I have been a vegetarian for 20 years.  She noted that my "pictures" showed fecal matter that was not moved along.  In addition,  she detected a lot of gas in my abdomen.  Like another reader, I have been having problems with buttoning my jeans.  My belly bulges so much, I look pregnant.  I am 67 years old.  She advised me to take Miralax daily and then begin to cut back to find the right amount needed to keep me "comfortable' She suggested that I avoid broccoli and onions which produce a lot of gas.  I friend suggested I take a daily dose of Inner - eco liquid probiotic (Wegman's Supermarket) .  She said you must use a probiotic that is refrigerated as it keeps the "good guys" active, like in the "right" yogurts.  Avoid powder probiotics.  Many of you talk about a routine that keeps you regular, well, this is going to surprise you but within 15 minutes of having a Starbucks Double Chocolate Hot Cocoa which I make with almond milk, I have what seems to be a thorough BM.  Now, my doctor has recommended I take Citrucel daily for a month and follow up with her in 4 months.  The pain disappeared once I started Miralax but my abdomen still protrudes.  I should not complain as I have no discomfort now, but I hate the way I look and am concerned that I must be constipated after all.  I am going to be more vigilant regarding starches and will read up.  I appreciate all of the sharing I have found on this site.  Thank you.
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I have all the same problems since my hysterectomy in march 2013. Constipation and pain has progressively gotten worse. Horrible ball of p a in in lower right abdomen, groin area. Thought hernia but it's not. I can barely walk, stepping on rihht foot or driving makes pain unbearable. I was going every 5 days .taking linzess 295, miralax morn and n8ght, 15 fiber capsules a da y, fiber one bars, Activia yogurt, tons of water, low carbs no dairy. Best I can get is to go 1 every 3 days! The ball of pain I need answers to. Mri says elongated , stool, polycystic ovaries, cervix remnants, big ovaries, scar tissue. Maybe colon moving to space uterus was? Just need answers or more tests. Need to feel better
Affecting life terribly.  Anxiety, and heart rate between 40 and 55, also strange. Have t remors, hives, can't sleep, evetything hurts (muscles, joints) something has to b going on with me c a using all this!!! Ideas? ??
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My GI doc told me I had redundant bowel after my first colonoscopy. He said he was not surprised at my lifelong problem with constipation.  He recommended that every night before bed I take 1 capful of Miralax and 1 capful of Citrucel (I use the miralax bottle cap to measure)  in a glass of water.  Specifically Citrucel, not any other fiber supplement.  Next morning, a complete bm. Like clockwork.  No diarrhea.    This works for me and has made a huge difference.  I also eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of water.  I've been taking this concoction every night for the past 3 years and highly recommend it.  
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