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Desparate! 24/7 Very Loud Intestinal Noises

For over 10 years I've had horribly loud noises that come from the intestinal area, which is getting worse and worse. It's almost constant. When I touch the area where the noises come from (it varies, there are a couple different noises), sometimes it feels like something is bubbling almost. My primary doctor told me there's nothing to be done about it, and it wasn't a big deal, but it is. It's taken over my life. It's all but eliminated my social life; I call into work when we have meetings, I can't watch movies with friends, can't stay the night anywhere (it gets worse at night and in the am). I've developed a phobia of silence and any situation that requires it due to this. I've cut out foods, alcohol, all in an attempt to stop the embarassment. Can anyone give me some idea of how to make this stop? I am desperate...
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Hi. 36 y/o male here with the same condition. Mine seems to come from all directions down there. Left and right side, up, down and in between. What most alarmed me was when I noticed it on the right side. I could put my hand there and it was palpable! I figured it was my liver as well as my stomach. It would gurgle, groan and make noises I don't have a name for. Then again, I've been a heavy drinker for the past 6 years and am currently trying to abstain or cut way, way back.
I guess possibilities include IBS, acid indigestion or maybe something more serious which is what I'm looking into. Currently, my biggest concern is that it's my Pancreas excreting digestive enzymes at inappropriate times. Alcohol not only messes with your Liver, but your Pancreas causing it to do this during alcohol consumption. My theory is that my years of alcohol abuse have either damaged it or at the least messed with it so much that it functions abnormally. Personally, I'm in the process of having blood work done to see what abnormalities may be going on in there. If the tests come back fine, I will have to assume that I just need to either quit drinking or moderate and hope it resolves itself. If the tests are abnormal, I'm probably looking at an Ultrasound or Cat Scan.
This is not to say your condition is dire. Have you tried Prilosec or another Stomach acid med? I do take one and it seems to help. But I do know how embarrassing and  distressing it is. I would express your concerns more to your Doctor. You might even post this on the ask for Medical advice side under Gastroenterology. You may even consider making an appointment with one.
Good luck and let us know what you discover.
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I used to think I was the only one who had a problem w/gurgly stomach!  Mine finally improved after I made some diet changes, but it's returned recently because of medication I have to take that causes constipation as a side effect.  If you don't feel "done" when you go to the bathroom, or even practically unaware of your digestive process, then maybe try some of the following:

- keep yourself hydrated (preferrably w/water--lukewarm or hot...avoid bubbly stuff, unless you need it to have a good burp!)

- make sure you're getting plenty of fiber to keep things moving along (I used to think lettuce upset my stomach, but when I took physillium husk each day, lettuce made me "go", but I wasn't getting gurgly in the interim)

- avoid triggers foods or drinks when you don't have the luxury of just lounging at home for a day or two (I used to have a cocoa, or mocha, w/croissant for breakfast each day...and it never occured to me that maybe something in that combo was causing the bloating & cramping I'd experience a few hrs. later)...it sounds like a pain, but keep a food & symptom diary for just 1 wk; maybe you'll see a pattern emerge

- and finally, find a doctor who cares & won't dismiss your concerns (stress makes things a lot worse, but there are physical causes that need to be ruled out, like intestinal infections, parasites, etc.)

I hope you'll let us know how things are going...
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Hi, I'm a nutritionist.  I assume that you have seen a gastroenterologist and have had all the tests possible to find out what is causing this and all came up negative.  The sound MIGHT be gas.  Try taking Activated Charcoal capsules.  You may have to take 5 at a time.  Don't take when your on meds.  This is not a cure.  But it may help with the symptoms.  Lay off all types of sugar for awhile and see if that helps too.  Including friut and fruit juice.  The only sweetener you should eat is Stevia.  I like "NOW" brand.  You can get it at the health food store.  Sugar ferments in some peoples systems.  I would also find a holistic doctor who does a test called a "Heidelberg Gastrogram" (google this).  Good Luck!  
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I had the same problem and was tested for H pillory and was positive.  I was treated and the noises are gone.  Good luck!
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i had the same problem for some time. i am a student and its really uncompfortable being in a class with everyone quiet and have the intestins gurgling around. and even worse on exams ^^,)
today i went to a doctor after reading this forum and he told me this is called aerofagia (portuguese term at least) and its caused by gas acumulation and its common to happen in individuals with irritable intestins. he prescribed me some pills called Kompensan S (again this is the name in portugal, i dont know if its the same out there), and the active substance is dimetilpoliSiloxane, which works almost like charcoal eliminating the gas. i started taking it today and i will try to come again in a week with an update.
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ive been having the same problem as well. its so embarrasing everyone thinks im farting =/ it all started last year in social studies. i almost failed the class because all i could think about is oh no here it comes, then try to stop the sound but that only made it louder. and it started again this year in english. the class room is so quiet and im sweating and my face is all red just because im so nervous and embarrased. it feels like air just moving up and down through my intestines, making loud sound as it moves around. if anyone knows how this can be stopped please let me know =[
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it is parasites. it have the same thing. got my dogs vet to check my stool. i had to give 5 stool samples. one each week for 5 weeks because i wanted to be sure the parasites would have their eggs in it. the vet thought it was my dogs. he found hookworms in two samples.
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I understand what everyone is going through. I, too, have had to deal with this for the past 5 years now. I doubt it will ever stop. Every forum I go to in search of answers mention people that have been suffering with this condition for 10 or more years. I do not want to live like this. It is embarrassing when no one understands these noises are natural, but just louder in some and not others. At least this is the information I have been told and have seen floating around online. If you ask me there is nothing normal about it. If it were normal then everyone would have a loud digestive system. It is not the need to relieve flatulence or have bowel movements but the digestive process in its entirety. My stomach even growls loud when I am hungry. I have tried antispasmodics, I have tried diet changes, I get plenty of fiber and water. I have even done cleansing. Nothing helps and I do not think anything ever will. I will keep searching for answers and I will continue to have hope but deep down I know I should give up. This is a curse and I wish everyone affected by it luck in the future.
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dgirl24, you described my problem to a tee, even to arranging to be elsewhere when meetings come up. You have my complete empathy; I *do* know what you're going through. In fact (this is stupid), for years what I dreaded more than anything was being called for jury duty. Well, the day came and I panicked. I did what I'd never done before and have never done again - accepted some Xanax from my wife. Not legitimate, I know, but it was either that or, well, I don't know. This absolutely did the trick, because anxiety exacerbates it like crazy. If that's the case with you, you might discuss with your doctor something like that to be taken only in those quiet, stressful situations that you can't avoid. Please post back how you're doing.
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Hey guys, i completely understand what all of you are experiencing.  For about the past 3 years i was suffering from those loud and embarrassing noises.  It was severely affecting my college studies (Microbiology B.S.).  I would leave class early, turn in exams early, all because my intestinal noise was so embarrassing.  After 3 years of people telling me its a "mental" anxiety that triggers it, i suddenly had a light bulb go off in my head.  

In biochemistry, we had began studying artificial sweeteners and their effects on the LARGE INTESTINE!  They tend to cause irritation, inflammation, and spasms which can all lead to those noises we hear.  These zero calories sweeteners are bad news, trust me!  Long story short, i realized i had started a daily routine of using splenda in my coffee instead of sugar about the same time i started having problems.  I used artificial sweeteners for about 3 years and now that i have eliminated them completely ALL THE NOISES ARE GONE.  I finally have control of my social and school life.  I hope this helps you guys out....  You have nothing to lose, just try eliminating them from your diet.  You maybe be consuming them without even knowing it.  They are used in almost everything now.  You should even think twice about the gum you chew.  Read packages and look for sucralose (splenda) or aspartame (equal).  Sugar alcohols, although not as dangerous, can causes excess gas and also lead to internal noises.  Best of luck and i hope it brings you the same success!
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I read on another thread that a teaspoon of olive oil would help, and it has.

I take it on an empty stomach in the morning and it has quieted my loud stomach noises almost completely.  It's much better, anyhow....  

The thread I saw explained that digesting fats produces fatty acids that relax the noisy stomach contractions we hear.   Maybe that's why, or maybe it's just that a little oil helps everything move along.   Who cares?   It seems to be helping (5 days in) with no noticeable side effects (except a little burping).  

I wonder if an Omega-3 pill would have the same effect?   does anyone know?  
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Hi everyone! I am a fellow frustrated individual with excessive stomach noises. I have been reading all of your blogs for over a year now. I always thought about writing here (and other forums similar to this), but procrastinated since I didn't find any cure to this disease. So at last, I've taken the time out to sit down and update you all on my version of the story. Well, mine got really long; so I just decided to upload it on Google Doc. This way I also get to update my post as any new findings come up and you always get the latest version of the story. Here's the link:
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Someone posted about the use of artificial sweeteners on this or another forum.  They were the problem in my case and after two years of having changed from those sweeteners containing only saccharin to a supermarkets own brand containing Sodium Cyclamate as well (could be incidental they also 'contain' milk) I realized it was then I developed the constant digestive noises/gurgling. After swapping back to saccharin only sweeteners, noises fast disappearing and digestion returning to normal, all over the space of one day.

Wouldn't have thought that two sweeteners in a cup of tea every now and again and diluted by all that liquid (the tea:-)) could have caused such a severe reaction.  Probably won't solve it for everyone but worth checking and omitting all artificial sweeteners from the diet for awhile (cola etc) including solid food containing them.  Hope this helps.  Didn't know whether to post or not but thought it was worthwhile if it helps just one person and also reinforces what others have written about artificial sweeteners.  Thanks.
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I am so glad I found this thread. I've been suffering from these loud noises and gas since I was 14 ( just before starting high school which I regretfully shudder to remember) . Im 32 now. I think it's easy for guys to laugh it off if they make a farting noise in class but it was horrifying as a girl. I got so many disgusted looks from guys. I never participated in anything as a result of the anxiety of it happening in a quiet setting. I would have loved to do some acting in the school play but of course, I couldn't... I thought I was the only one. It makes me feel better knowing there are other people out there with the same affliction.  I've tried to explain it to only one friend why I get anxious about going to the movies and it just seemed like she thought I was being dramatic.  I've even switched jobs because of it even though I loved my coworkers. I now work from home for half the money I was making before. The thing is I love being social. I love hanging out enjoying people's company. I dread dating ( even though I'm still hoping for the one) and I fear sleepovers.  I wish I could just be "normal".. Anyway I second the fact that peppermint tea helps a little with the gas and as a result, the sounds aren't so bad... I'm going to try fennel next... Good luck to everyone with finding what works for u.
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It started for me when I was 9, it *****, I hate it.
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I know exactly how you feel, since I was a teenager I have suffered loud digestive noises and tried everything, the only thing I have found helps is taking digestive enzymes and avoiding wholegrain which has lessened the noises a lot. Unfortunately anxiety still upsets my digestion so in quiet situations I get nervous and my guts start churning, I just wish I could have a normal life where I'm not having to avoid quiet situations :(
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Hello. I'm writing to you, because I want you to know that like you and me there are many people with the same problem. My doctor almost laughed at me when he was listening to the noise coming from my abdominal area...
It's so difficult to talk to people about it, even to a doctor. Having to explain everything is so humiliating...And there he was almost laughing...If I cannot trust a doctor...I thought.
I try to avoid silent places as much as possible. You name it... I avoid it.
But I haven't given up. I' m still looking for something that can help people like us.
At the moment when I know that I will absolutely be in a silent place I try to eat something before the meeting and with the meal I take a tablet of a product called "Gas-pitan", it's sold over the counter here in Japan, but surely you can find the equivalent in your country (http://kobayashi.hyakka77.com/gaspitan/99/).
Must be careful not to take too much of this "Gas-pitan" otherwise it's easy to become constipated. Maybe you can start with half and see how it goes.
Good luck to us.

I'll say a prayer for all of us.
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Hi. I had the same problem as you all! I was going to school when half way through the year, my intestines just started making super loud and embarrassing noises. I tried everything to stop them with no luck. I soon  developed an anxiety disorder due to the noises and had to take a medical leave from college. While away from school, I went to see multiple doctors. I was diagnosed with IBS and none of the treatments the doctor gave me worked to stop the noises. Desperate, I went to see a nutritionist to see if a different diet could help with the noises. I went through an elimination diet. I first eliminated all wheat and then all red meat and dark meat, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, eggs, carbonated beverages, etc. Then lastly, I tried what is called a FODMAP free diet. FODMAPs are sugars found in some foods that are harder to digest and ferment in the intestines and cause gas. While on the diet, I was taking fiber supplements, multivitamins, and probiotics. You have to be careful because some probiotics contain FODMAPs or milk. After being on the diet for about 2 weeks, my loud stomach noises went away!!! I highly recommend going to a nutritionist and asking them about the FODMAP diet. It worked for me!
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Have the same problem.  For 2 years.  Constant stomach gurgling, fart noises, horrible.  I am a massage therapist and work in a quite room with one person for over an hour at a time.  I tried everything i could think of to get rid of this.  Elimination diets, vitamins, cleanses....etc...  i eat fairly healthy as it is.  Pescatarian for over 20 years and eat mostly organic.  I believe I have found the problem.  Artificial sweeteners.  Xylitol seems to be the one that causes me the problem but all alcohol sugars seems to be similar Xylitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol, etc....May want to look up them on the internet.   They are in everything you buy at the store.  This sweetener is said to be all natural and good for you.  Don't believe it.  It is in everything from gum to mints to toothpaste to many foods including healthy alternatives and diet foods. My problems seem to be almost completely gone now after 2 weeks.  noticable improvement after just one day without eating 3-5 small mints per day.  
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I do have the same problem - Oooh gosh hear this when you are attending a Church Service and its quiet - I have lied several times that it happens when I am hungry - yet not.  A very embarrassing problem.    
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I have the same problem. In a way, I think I'm lucky because I don't have some of the problems that other IBS suffers have. My condition is not painful and, apart from going to the toilet 3 times every morning, my symptoms aren't unbearable. However, those horrible noises are ruining my work life. Every time I have a meeting I feel terrible embarrassed. I completely sympathize with many of the stories here.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I have eliminated sugar and bread in my diet and that seems to have helped a bit but, more importantly, I have started taking symprove and I am full of hope. Apparently, if you take it for 3 months it can reset your friendly bacteria in your intestine. I have been taking it for 4 days only and I can function much better already. I am very hopeful that this con be a valid remedy for my condition.

I just wanted to share this with you. I have no link whatsoever with this product or company and I will review it again next month so I can tell you if it still works but the first results are indeed very encouraging.

Apparently they have run some tests in Kings College London (a very, very reputable institution) and it seems to have cured 57% of the people who tried it. Because my symptoms are 'minor' but very embarrassing, I figured out that I might be among that 57% of sufferers for whom Symprove works.

The downside is that it is quite expensive and a bottle (£20) lasts just under a week!
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I suffer from this too. This condition is so embarrassing. It started right after high school. I was attending college and dropped/flunked out because of it. It was so bad that I was trying to find out if there were some type of clothing I could wear that would mask out the noises like some type of soundproof material. (Yes I got and still am desperate).. I finally gave it another try 5 years later. (What a waste of 5 years). I would eat less before class to help avoid the noises, but then my stomach would growl loudly from hunger. I learned not to do that pretty quickly. One good thing from having this was I learned to get done with tests as fast as possible so that meant studying hard and I ended up with the highest grade in the class. But my stomach noises were insanely loud. I always sat in the very back and made sure I went to the bathroom right before class. That helped a tiny bit. I'm not sure if this is linked solely or even mostly to the types of food we eat unless you have some type of allergy. I ate anything I wanted during highschool and not one time did I have this problem. I think it's a mind body connection. I'm thinking that the first time it happened it was very embarrassing and the next time I went to class I was paranoid it would happen again which in result made it happen. This then turned into a vicious cycle which I conditioned myself into. Google Ivan Pavlov dogs. It's funny the class I finished a few months ago was psychology, and I could relate to somethings taught because of this problem. However, I do get some stomach noises at home, but they are not as nearly as loud as they would be in a quiet setting nor do they occur as frequent. Honestly I would have to say 80% of the time its happens I was either thinking about it or nervous. I actually hate to say that our brains could be stimulating a reaction because that means theres no quick relief from a pill. I hope we can all get through this and I pray we do. I highly recommend going to John4660 link up there and reading his story. Good luck.
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This has been misery for me for years, but apart from the remedies offered in this forum I've found two ways to cope with this at least partially. One is that whenever I'm about to go into a quiet situation like that, I wear a light jacket (saying the A/C's getting to me or something like that). During the meeting I slip off the jacket (ah, it's warming up) and just scrunch it against my lap to muffle the sounds. Another is purely psychological but effective. If it's a situation where I don't have to interact with anyone, e.g., not a meeting, then I wear headphones and listen to music. Silly, I know, but I find that in perfect library-type silence all I can concentrate on is that silence and that really exacerbates the situation. With headphones I quickly forget about the silence and gradually become more relaxed and comfortable. FWIW.
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This problem plagued me for years. I tried gasx, muffling the sound, pretending like It didn't exist, eating more, eating less, cutting out bread, cutting out sugars, I tried charcoal capsules....this is not normal sounds and if your doctor tells you everyone has tummy grumbles everyone in a while, they have not had to deal with this. It's horrible! what worked for me was very strong probiotics. I got them from my naturalpath. You can find them in the fridge at a health food store; do not get the ones from the shelf of a regular drug store or grocery store. I have been without this problem for over a year and a half and it started to come back. I am taking the probiotics again and am noticing it is going away again. I wish I had taken these in University or before all those embarrassing work meetings. Just wanted to post and let you know what worked for me.
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I was having the same exact problems and I tried this last week. Do not eat anything that contains milk and I mean anything. No milk chocolate, chips with milk, cookies ice cream, cheese even if its a trace of milk NO and see if it improves after a week or two. If it does even a little then re add milk and see if it starts to happen again. This worked for me so now I'm doing a whole diet change to exclude lactose. I know it may seem silly but just try it I had the same problem too and it became worst this year. You can feel your stomach bubbling and you know its about to make the sound and stress makes it worse. Not eating milk for a while has taken away the loud growls but i still sometimes feel bloated but I hope it will go away too. I'll keep everyone updated.
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