734076 tn?1231784002

same pain 2 inches right of my navel..

Dottie i read your post and i have the same pain and it doesnt really have a schedule when it comes. Mine doesnt feel as big as yours mine is like the size of a dime or nickel.Im fine with dairy products and have no alergies and a clean bill of heath except this pain. I use to have the most miserable menstral cramps and be in bed for days (as the doctors none nothing) and after i gave birth to my son they eased up, but not gone.  Ive been to the doctors countless time and they dont seem to know what to say to me or even attempt to do any kind of tests. Im glad i seen your post because now im going to be presistant on getting this handled. i know im not the only one out there that has this problem and it helps. Sometimes the doc's make me feel like im making this all up. I know theres somethinig wrong and hopefully i can get back to you with an answer.

This discussion is related to pain near navel on right side what is there?.
34 Responses
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I am 58 yr old female with the pain in the same area.  the pain now encompasses a 3" x 3"  area, sometimes half that. I have had colonoscopies that have only showed some diverticulosis.  It is recurring, sometimes ending in the need for 2 anitbiotics which do make symptoms/infection/inflammation go away.  Unfortunately, it is recurrent and no one has told me what it is.  I am very afraid to travel abroad, for fear it will occur away from medical help.  Right now it is coming in waves, sort of like little contractions.
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I have the same pain. I am afraid to go the the doctor because I feel stupid when they do tests and then they say nothing is wrong. I have noticed that the pain occurs after I eat greasy foods, like onion rings. Dairy has not ever caused the pain.
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I typed in my search engine (pain on right side of belly button) because I have the same thing going on too. I feel stupid too going to the doctor because no one seems to know off hand what it is. I thought I was the only person. This has been going on for at least 15 years now. It comes and goes. Sometimes I feel a pain and sometimes it feels like pressure as if something in there is swollen.
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I have the same pain about 2 inches from my navel on the right side and like you, it comes in waves, sort of like contractions. I had an appendectomy in 2005 and so I know it is not appendicitis. It even made me wonder if they had left some kind of tool in there that might be causing this, lol. It is a dull pain, almost burning-like but not severe. Just enough to call my attention to it. I really hope it does not get worse. I have been taking Zantac for about 8 years due to indigestion problems and so that may be getting worse now and causing this, I don't know. I am 48 and starting menopause, does anyone think this could be hormonal? I sure wish someone had some answers, it really is bothersome. Thanks all.
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Have you ever received a diagnosis to this issue? You have described me symptoms to a tee, so please let me know if you ever were able to get a definitive diagnosis . I am more than anxious to know. Hope you are feeling better though, either way. Thank you!
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You are not alone...I too have the same pain and also have a pain. Also,  I am not sure if it is related but have pain under my right rib cage (gallbladder). The belly button pain is a sharp pain that intermitantly comes and goes. I am 30 yr's old and female. I have been to the doctors and they pass it off as IBS.
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I am having the same pains as well. However, I had a massive gall bladder attack a few months ago and had my gallbladder removed. I have been diagnosed with IC (interstitial cystitis) but those pains are usually in my lower back. I am at a loss of what it might be this time. It took many years for them to figure out it was my gallbladder because my ultrasound kept coming back as normal. I also did the hydoscan and that came back normal, but when they did the endoscopy, it came back that my gallbladder was diseased. They found cholestoral crystal which are tiny gall stones that DO NOT show up on the other tests. After my surgeon he said that I have been having attacks for many years. The gallbladder pain that I experienced was under my rib cage ont the right side. Guess I will schedule another appointment for this new pain next to my belly button. I will post if I find out what it is.
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This is very helpful.  Thank you.  I am a 51 year old woman, and I had a sharp, stabbing pain 3 days ago shortly after eating a slice of deep dish pizza (I had not eaten dairy and gluten for a few months prior) that subsided into a dull bubble-like presence that won't go away.  I went to urgent care tonight since my mother had a gallbladder attack in her 50's and I thought I was having the same.  But I was told there is no sign of one (no apparent problem with urine, vital signs are normal).  So I will contact my primary physician tomorrow.
HI there.  I hope you let us know what your doctor says.  Can you start a thread of your own? I'll be following what is going on.  I've had gallbladder pain that is like what you speak of.
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To anyone who has found the answer to pain on right side of stomach about 2 in. from
navel, Please leave a note.  I'm desperate.
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1202142 tn?1265470029
curious I just posted something about this and I am wondering if any of you with pain on the right side of the navel are having these weird movement also . It almost feels like there something pushing around my right side of my navel when I cough or sneeze .
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I have it too. I wonder if it could be a trapped gas pocket. I get it occasionally with no apparent trigger. I also have been told I need to have my gall bladder removed. That pain is different & much more severe.
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I am also 30, female and have my symptoms dismissed as IBS.   2 inches to the right of my naval is always tender, and kind of stings sometimes but is mostly a dull ache.  But it is not intermittent, it has constantly been there for almost 3 years (started when I was a few months pregnant) and I'm now seeing an acupuncturist because no one will do any more tests for me.  I've had CTs, ultrasounds, hydascan, examined for umbilical hernia and psychiatric eval. (sigh) I would really like to have some GI tests done because I am not ready to just accept that this is how I have to live from now on.   So frustrated.  I would love to hear updates from anyone in this thread!  Thanks and good luck to all!
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I also have been having a pain about one inch to the right of my navel.  This started 6 weeks ago, 6 weeks post-partum after a c-section.  OB/GYN thinks that it is just nerve pain from c-section.  It is not getting any better.  I noticed it once when I was reaching up high to put something on the top shelf of a closet.  All the other times it has happened at night when I have been lying on my right side and turn to my left.  It feels somewhat like a sharp, stabbing, burning pain.  It usually only last a few minutes, but last night it lasted about 10.  I got up and took pain medicine and some Tums.  I have had this pain off and on for the past 6 weeks, sometimes I will go a few weeks without the pain and then it comes back.  After I have these episodes the area is sore especially when I push on it for a day or two.  Not sure if this is from c-section ( I don't think so) maybe a hernia (not my gallbladder, that was removed 5 years ago)???? I am planning on seeing my PCP soon to discuss this, since it doesn't seem to be going away.  
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I am a 30 year old female as well.  I have had the same pain for about two years now.  It started in the spring of 2009.  That summer I went to the doctors and had ultra sounds, CTs and nothing showed up, although one doctor did want to take out my appendix, but luckily that didn't happen.  I did notice that I didn't have the pain when I was pregnant, but it came back shortly after I had my son.  I also had a c-section, but I had the pain before I was pregnant.  When I asked my OB about he said he didn't see anything while he was in there, and to not worry about it.  But of course I do.  My pain is not very bad and it comes and goes without warning. It is also worse when I lay on my left side.  
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I am a 30 year old female as well.  I have had the same pain for about two years now.  It started in the spring of 2009.  That summer I went to the doctors and had ultra sounds, CTs and nothing showed up, although one doctor did want to take out my appendix, but luckily that didn't happen.  I did notice that I didn't have the pain when I was pregnant, but it came back shortly after I had my son.  I also had a c-section, but I had the pain before I was pregnant.  When I asked my OB about he said he didn't see anything while he was in there, and to not worry about it.  But of course I do.  My pain is not very bad and it comes and goes without warning. It is also worse when I lay on my left side.  
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I am a 44 year old male as well,  I have the same pain about 2 inches from my navel from five years now.  It started in  2006.I had said to all  Doctos, I had seeing, is a hernia from bladder full in urine retention.  I  had see many doctors about this problem and had ultra sounds, CTs, Endoscopy  and nothing showed up, although one doctor say to me, that I haven't got nothing that, they can help on my problem. I did notice at that moment that most of the Dr are lazy to do deep investigation about case like this in. I remember the I didn't have this pain before 2006. This pain came from one day out on a couch and I was holding my bladder to long, because wasn't toilet at the couch. I feel very worry about it.  My pain is very bad and it comes and goes without warning. I just been looking to investigate this case in full and treat my self, because is nothing up there that can help with this problem. I don't trust doctors any more, is a wasting time. When I feel ill I investigate the illness and treat my self.. I think is the best advice to every one, we who suffer the problem, know better than the Doctors. I say that because when I when to see all this Doctors, They came with something compl different and didn't listen about my story  how I got this problem..
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Wow so surprised to see others that have this pain with no answers. I am a 38 year old female, no kids. This pain has been flared up on me for about a year and was quite bad last Spring. I had an x-ray and MRI - nothing. A colonoscopy was recommended but did not want to do it for more inconclusive results and more $$$$ (so frustrating!). There was an enlarged blood vessel in my liver from the MRI but this was the not the cause of the pain and apparently is quite common. The pain is 1.5 - 2 inches to the right of my belly button. Pulsating pain I guess would be the word for it. I have thought about the appendix and gallbladder as well. I have noticed that when my diet is extra high in fat it seems to flare up more so I am have been monitoring my fat intake. I am super healthy (run 25 miles a week, plus other stuff, 125 lbs). My diet is pretty good with salads and natural foods. I don't get it.
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I have the same symptoms & I'm 23. I get hot & cold A LOT, I have night sweats every night. The pain is in the same area & everything. I'm too scared to go to my doctor because I have too much work to do to take time off, but I need this figured out. My bowel movements are crazy. Literally once a day or twice. Times I wake in middle of night in horrible pain to where I have to make a bowel movement. When that happens I literally can't tell if I have to puke or have the bowel movement.
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I have the same symptoms & I'm 23. I get hot & cold A LOT, I have night sweats every night. The pain is in the same area & everything. I'm too scared to go to my doctor because I have too much work to do to take time off, but I need this figured out. My bowel movements are crazy. Literally once a day or twice. Times I wake in middle of night in horrible pain to where I have to make a bowel movement. When that happens I literally can't tell if I have to puke or have the bowel movement.
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Tamaral, did you figure out what that was? I am having the same pain - right of the naval and under the right ribcage.
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Hi everyone. I have noticed the same pain and have also had a lot of tests. However I have found something very interesting, the pain is related to diet and antibiotics. For a couple of months I was on antibiotics and ever since I get these pains whenever I have seeds of any kind.  My guess is that I have become allergic to the proten in the seeds cases and this allergy flairs up in the duadenum (sp) just after the stomak and just about inches to the right of the navel. Get all thevtests done for the bad stuff but also have avlook at what your eating and see if it could be the culpret.
Best wishes
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I am stunned to find so many people with the exact same thing I get - pain 1 1/2 to 2 inches to the right of my navel.  Sometimes sharp, sometimes dull, sometimes just tender.  I have had it for about 10 years.  Twisting in a certain way can bring it on - though not always.  I had an exploratory surgery after all the imagery tests were negative.  Surgery showed an inflection of the appendix which was removed and hernias which were repaired.  But pain persists.  I'm guessing its the valve that connects the stomach to the intestine.  Not sure how to treat.  Welcome your advice.  Also my pancreas flares up from time to time but less frequently now.  I have had my uterus.  Get night sweats past 2 years.  Age 59.  
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I came across your post and I know this is a few years later but if you are still reading and looking, I think perhaps your pain could be a result of endometriosis. Which does not show up on scans or MRIs.
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I've visited this site several times as I suffer from many similar symptoms to those writing in frustration on this forum. But I may have an answer! And hopefully this might help.

It took quite a bit of research on the internet and 2 years of trying to convince one doctor. He literally kicked me out of his office and told me to go home. Said that there was nothing seriously wrong with me, and if there was, that I'd already be dead!

But after digging around I think I've found what's happening. Look up Spagelian Hernia and read about it. Its different from other hernias and considered very rare, but I have all the symptoms although nothing is showing up on the ultrasounds, which is typical of this kind of hernia. I had a CT scan and an x-ray 2 years ago but they weren't looking for a Spegelian hernia at that time. Oddly the x-ray technician said I had a hernia, but the doctor never said anything at that time 2 years ago, so I didn't pay any attention.

However about one month ago I was out shoveling snow on my walk and consequently immediately afterwards experienced an increasing pain about 2 inches to the right of my belly button. It was so bad I couldn't sit still for the rest of the evening. It occurred to me then that this was symptomatic of some kind of a hernia.

I have a large swelling - not a bump - on my right side, now much larger than the left side and is most visible when standing and sitting down as it sticks out. It hurts sometimes all the way to my back, down into my hip and lower right side, but aches almost all the time, and especially after eating a big meal. When it first appeared 2.5 years ago I had pains deep into my lower right side that made me think it was my appendix. The horizontal swelling on my right side between my b. button and my hip bone wasn't very apparent then.

They say the Spegelian hernia is rare, but maybe more of us do have it, and doctors don't know this because they can't see or diagnose it properly.

I'm going to my new doctor tomorrow armed with printouts from the internet regarding the Spegelian hernia. I'll let you know what happens!
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A dull, constant pain, sometimes, randomly, it's sharp about 1.5" to 2" straight to the right of the belly button? I had that for almost 2 years in 2004 & now it's back.  3 dr's wanted to yank my gallbladder but saw nothing out of the ordinary.  I "fixed" it the first time by getting fats out of my diet.  This time, I'm trying only raw veggies, nuts & seeds (a digestive clean out protocol was suggested). I'm only on week 2 of that but still not helping.  It was interesting reading here about the person who's pain was agitated by seeds.  I took note of that.  Being a pretty nutritious person anyway, this is a mystery. I've scoured countless days on the net looking for something that resonates with me (or works). I was led to info the ileocecal valve reflex area (although, in my case, that seems too low to my pain) but it made sense that if that little area is problematic, maybe it would cause problems in the ascending colon which would be the area in pain.  

Anyway, what I really wanted to share was this article:
http://www.energyforliving.com.au/pinterest_18.html  because that spot on my foot has been really sore this whole time.  And I've just connected this today,.. when I had this before as well as right now, major relationships in my life are at an end, which is what this site is suggesting also needs to be attended to. Food for thought.
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Did you get a firm diagnosis? I have the same pain and a physic advised it could be a spigelian hernia
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