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1270834 tn?1270769758

small white balls in stool

I've just found this site and what a joy to know I'm not the only person who seems to be suffering from this weird and irritating condition.  I first noticed these balls (about the size of small pin head to the larger coloured pin heads) around six years ago!!  I had recently had my son and had started to take Venlafaxine again after a break during pregnancy.  I saw my doctor who said it was probably nothing to worry about, in fact I don't think he really believed me.  This prompted me to collect some samples to show him the next week.  I easily filled a little urine specimen vial with about 50 of these little balls (which considering each motion was laden throughout with them, was an extremely easy task!!) and deposited a fresh stool in a sample vial also.  My doctor duely sent them off for analysis and I waited patiently for the results.  When I went to collect the verdict, it was that my stool contained no parasites and the little balls were considered to be undigested food!!  This made me so angry as I eat nothing that resembles these things so how could they be food??  Each time I wipe myself, I can feel them scrape against my skin, it is an embarassing and uncomfortable condition.  It would appear that I have a few things in common with those of you that suffer also; a touch of IBS, food intolerances, changable stools, medication, bloating and cramps.  This has to be more than what I've been told, I've recently found out about Giardiasis and it looks promising but for the length of time I've suffered... Please, please, please, if anyone out there has found out further information on this subject, please post it for me to read!! x

This discussion is related to Small white specs in stool.....
36 Responses
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I am having the same thing.. I have been on Effexor Er for 15 years and just a few months ago I have started seeing this, only when I have diareah!  This is odd.
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I’ve been on 225mg Effexor XR  for 16 or so years now and never noticed the white micro plastics in my poop until I was put on a colostomy bag. These tiny plastic pieces actually get trapped on a thin area of the bag and pierce through and makes a tiny hole and poop gets out that way! Good too now what it is -I dissolved a couple of my meds and didn’t see any white plastic balls and forgot about testing the Effexor. Thanks so much!
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thank you joya325! i'm also on venlafaxine and have had this condition since months. it was all a mystery. although nothing showed up in tests i was still paranoid over the idea of terrible disgusting worms living inside my digestive system all this time.
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I did a search to also find out what these are
They are hollow and plasticy. I too am on velafaxine! Just to let you know! Hey id ask for my money back on that stool study!  Thank you psychology student.
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I think it HAS to be the medicine. Its the one thing we have in common besides the white ball issue. I have the same problem with the same panic.. but after reading alot of posts on different sites, I found we all take meds. Venlafaxine. Im not worried any more. Ty for giving me relief.
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i'm a phd student in psychology, and in my psychopharmacology courses i was taught that extended-release capsules (of any sort of medication) often contain little balls like those you describe. the mechanism is this: each ball has a sort of hard casing that slowly breaks down in the digestive tract, releasing medication slowly, over time, as it disintegrates. these little balls often disintegrate so slowly that the body passes them while they're still relatively intact, although the medication will likely have drained out of them. this might be why they sink when you take them out of the capsule (since they're still filled with medication) but float in the toilet and are easily crushed (because they're hollow after passing through your body). i have read accounts of people panicking upon finding these little balls in their stools; the medical establishment (doctors, medication labels, etc.) really should give people better warning that this might happen.

of course i can't be positive (since, obviously, i haven't seen the evidence firsthand) that this is what you're experiencing, but i hope it helps!
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I'm a Ph.D. student in Physics and Math (but I study a LOT of Chem. because I love information).  I take 225 mg a day of Venlafaxine (XR), and have developed severe IBS symptoms as well as the presence of the ominous white spheres since I upped my dose last time. I was so afraid it might be from some sort of parasite until one day I accidentally broke open one of my capsules and spilled the XR granules all over the floor! While I was agonizingly picking up all of the little devils I realised that the small white spheres were the same as the ones I been seeing in my stool. At that moment I remembered how the XR capsules worked: they are made out of a material similar to plant cell walls and tree bark! Now some of you might be a little less excited as me to realise this, but I was so happy because our IBS symptoms are completely natural in cause. We are having symptoms akin to more severe Lactose Intolerance while drinking a few glasses of milk a day (depending on the dose and your body's natural reaction to foreign substances). This is because our bodies can't digest the cellulose (Tree Bark molecule), and trust me - our bodies HATE what they can't digest, so basically our intestines throw a "Hissie-Fit" (as my grandmother would put it) and expel the indigestible material from the body. Luckily for us, by the time this happens the actual Venlafaxine will have passed through the casing and absorbed into the bloodstream. So I guess those of us taking XR medications (I'm on two different ones ATM) will have to deal with IBS symptoms as long as Big Pharma uses cheap cellulose for it's XR casing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I've been taking 225mg of generic venlafaxine XR made by Teva USA for several months and never experienced this issue until yesterday and today, when I had a stomach ache and diarrhea with little white balls throughout. Though I still wonder why this has never happened before, I'm relieved to find out that this is a seemingly normal side-effect of venlafaxine XR.
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Absolutely insane that I found this thread...I've been hatching the same problem recently and am also taking Effexor XR!!  I won't worry myself about this any longer!  
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I know you posted this in 2010 but I do hope you read this.  I too am wondering what this is.  Although it sounds your case may be a bit more severe but I am in the same boat and wanted to tell you that I am also taking Venlafaxine!!  That seems too much of a coincidence.  If you do read this it would be great to talk, maybe we can swap info.  Thank you!
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You are not the only one. I also take venlafaxine ER 150 ml, and have the little white balls. We are losing a lot , if not all, of our medication. I switched to the tablets and pooped out the whole pill. Now I cut it in half and scrape the coating of with a knife, Real drag...need help bad.
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Not sure what it is in my case either. But yes, small white balls, different sizes, typically smooth in appearance. In my case things happened like this. I was in a different city when at some point I started feeling very weak, like having problems to stand up, especially after eating. This lasted for several weeks until I started taking some medicine known as good for allergies (Quercetin, Bromelain, MSM, Vitamin C) followed by some probiotics - after 2 weeks. Now.. after taking these medicines my symptoms not only that stopped but I was feeling better than ever. Those balls started to come out when I started taking the medicine. Now, months later, although I don't feel as bad as then, I still have some symptoms so I'll try to re-follow the above-mentioned treatment and see how it goes. When this issue first started, I tested my active B12 and ferritin levels, B12 was below minimum and ferritin was also very low, slightly above minimum. I had a comprehensive bowel test. I have higher-than-normal: Streptococcus & Clostridium spp, and lower-than-normal: E.coli (the good strain!). Apparently my digestion and bile is very good. They didn't find a parasitic infection, but I believe that's not always easy to detect. My tests showed some potential issues: SIBO, lactose intolerance, Clostridium A/B (not tested yet to see whether I have difficile - though I doubt it). I'll start again with my initial treatment and then try Mutaflor probiotics as I've heard it is very potent. Hope that someone finds this useful.
Not sure what it is in my case either. But yes, small white balls, different sizes, typically smooth in appearance. In my case things happened like this. I was in a different city when at some point I started feeling very weak, like having problems to stand up, especially after eating. This lasted for several weeks until I started taking some medicine known as good for allergies (Quercetin, Bromelain, MSM, Vitamin C) followed by some probiotics - after 2 weeks. Now.. after taking these medicines my symptoms not only that stopped but I was feeling better than ever. Those balls started to come out when I started taking the medicine. Now, months later, although I don't feel as bad as then, I still have some symptoms so I'll try to re-follow the above-mentioned treatment and see how it goes. When this issue first started, I tested my active B12 and ferritin levels, B12 was below minimum and ferritin was also very low, slightly above minimum. I had a comprehensive bowel test. I have higher-than-normal: Streptococcus & Clostridium spp, and lower-than-normal: E.coli (the good strain!). Apparently my digestion and bile is very good. They didn't find a parasitic infection, but I believe that's not always easy to detect. My tests showed some potential issues: SIBO, lactose intolerance, Clostridium A/B (not tested yet to see whether I have difficile - though I doubt it). I'll start again with my initial treatment and then try Mutaflor probiotics as I've heard it is very potent. Hope that someone finds this useful.
PS: I'm not on any other medicine right now and I wasn't on any medicine when this started.
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I have been experiencing the same things and I ran across this site:


Do not be concerned if you see small white granules or balls in your stools after taking Efexor-XR.
Inside Efexor-XR capsules are spheroids or small white balls that contain the venlafaxine active ingredient. These spheroids are released from the capsule into your gastrointestinal tract. As the spheroids travel the length of your gastrointestinal tract, venlafaxine is slowly released. The spheroid 'shell' remains undissolved and is eliminated in your stools. Therefore, even though, you may see spheroids in your stools, your dose of venlafaxine has been absorbed.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! It makes total sense, as I do take Efexor XR! Whew! So glad I am not having to call the Dr again. Just had a colonoscopy @42 with 2 polyps removed. My mind will be at ease, now. (Also, being the weekend, I don't know why I just realized after quite some time.)
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I've been on venlafaxine for over a year now and have had diarrhea for about 9 days. I noticed the tiny white balls this morning and was certain I had a parasite. Thankfully I came across this post. Side note; I too drink a lot of sports drinks. Peculiar. I think I'll just have some dry toast and imodium and hope for the best. Lol
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I read somewhere that these little white balls can be from drinking too many sports drinks which I do. I think it's a build up of casein in the intestines that balls up as it moved through. I quit drinking them and it stopped, I started drinking them again and it came back. However, I am also on venlafaxine. Interesting...
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omg i am so happy if found this site! i have the same issue with the little white balls in my stool and also take Venlafaxine! That HAS to be what it is! like others i opened one of my capsules and the balls in my stool look the same! i feel so much better now!
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12757368 tn?1427089874
Thank goodness, my search led me here for the white ball issue, and I am on venlafaxine/effexor.  Yes they need to warn people so we are not worried about being infested with something when its nothing like that.
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Wow, what a relief, I am currently having a problem with pain in my stomach and acid reflux. Literally just took a sample of my stool and noticed the white dots. As like everyone else, I panicked and went straight to the internet to try self diagnose until I got results. Found this chain of discussion and what a relief!!! I also take Venlafaxine/Effexor and you are 100000% correct. It matches what s written on the leaflet given to patients when they start taking the medication. Only I had forgotten. So while the white dots are nothing to panic about lets hope everything else turns out good. Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom assuring all of us.
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I've started noticing little white specs about a week ago.  I take no medication whatsoever, don't smoke, 2 beer a day guy, but the one thing I do - eat a virtually carb free diet.  I consume less than 50 grams of carbs a day.  I eat eggs, cheese, meat, veggies, nuts and fat.  I assumed the white specs were undigested fats.  For some reason, it doesn't bother me as much as many of you seem to be bothered.  I never thought of lice, worms or parasites.  I feel very healthy, no GI issues or problems at all, no bloating, no gas, no pain, but something certainly changed in the last 10 days.  Taking Venlafaxine seems to be the cause of most people's problems.  Anybody reading this forum have the white spec problem and does not take Venlafaxine?
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Oh my God!!! Thank god for the Internet. I googled little white balls ... And it filled in the rest and sent me here. I'm on Venlafaxine and now it's all been answered!!!! I was starting to get worried enough to google. Thanks to the person who started this thread :-)
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I have been taking Venlafaxine for years now and just  this morning noticed the little white balls in my stool.  I panicked and was sure it was a worm of some sort.  Thank goodness for the internet.  My mind is at ease with the Extended Release Venlafaxine.  I love the Internet.
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I started taking venlafaxine for 2 weeks now and have noticed small white balls in my poop also. It has been driving me crazy, trying to figure out where they came from. They are hard- but can be smashed. From all these posts- I am leaving it at its because of the venlafaxine. Doctors are making me broke!! Specialist- $50.00 a visit- not to mention the test. And this is with BCBS insurance. I feel like a  hypochondriac and now my son of 25 yrs. old is turning into one also. ugggg- Is there no end and except through death?
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Ive had the same problem for years. I found this info from the manufacturer of Venlafaxine
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Here is the website:
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Found an Australian web site about warnings and side efx of Effexor er:

Do not be concerned if you see small white granules or balls in your stools after taking Efexor-XR.
Inside Efexor-XR capsules are spheroids or small white balls that contain the venlafaxine active ingredient. These spheroids are released from the capsule into your gastrointestinal tract. As the spheroids travel the length of your gastrointestinal tract, venlafaxine is slowly released. The spheroid 'shell' remains undissolved and is eliminated in your stools. Therefore, even though, you may see spheroids in your stools, your dose of venlafaxine has been absorbed.

Pretty sure this is what those of you taking venlafaxine are experiencing.
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I also have been taking Venlafaxine for years and Effexor years before that.  I started noticing the little white balls in my stool years ago.  I even asked my internist about them and he did some testing with no results.  I'm so relieved to know this is probably the medicine - not some parasite.  I've been searching on-line about this for years and finally came upon this page.  Thanks for sharing.
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I have been taking the Effexor extended release for 14 years and have had these small white balls in my stool for 7 years.  If they are a result of taking this medication then why did I not have them for the first 7 years.  Does anyone know?
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Good question, that I would like an answer to. I don't believe that the med. is released and that is a empty shell, do you?

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