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surgery? slow transit colon, chronic constipation, ibs-c

Hi there, I'm new to this site. I am a 31 year old female and have had problems going to the restroom as long as I can remember. The last year and a half has become worse. I started paying more attention to my gi tract and wanted to help myself become more regular. So I started with the fiber, water, diet, exercise change and it only seemed to make things more heavy in my stomach. I tried miralax, stool softeners, laxatives, colonics,herbal teas, prescription meds and nothing is working to make me regular.it now, it actually has made things worse and more uncomfortable.  After a year of struggling, it seems as though my gi does not respond well to any meds or supplements. When I take meds my bowel seems to just turn to mush and sit there or swim back and forth like a fish bowl, but no release. When I push on my right side its all mushy and swishy sounding and my stomach makes a lot of noise - like clogged drains.  When I don't take meds, I get very bloated and feel full all the time, constipated. It usually takes 4-5 days or more and then ill have a release. Sometimes very lil, sometimes one big load. I feel sluggish and fatigued most days.
I have been in and out of the gi dept with plenty of tests. All blood tests come back normal, my heart rate is a lil above average but they say normal. I have had the sitz marker test and on day 3 they sit in my sigmoidcolon. I just did the camera capsule a wk and a half ago and waiting on results. My doc mentioned removing my colon/large intestines. I'm anxious for a resolution as my quality of life...honesty, *****. I am tired and just want to lay down. But really what I want is to feel normal and get out and enjoy the world.
Should I push for surgery? Larposcopic or open? Surgery is scary but living life the way I feel is even more scary to me. I feel I just want the surgery, recovery, and get back to my life.
Anyone have the same weird gi issues and/or results from doc? Please respond. Thanks.
54 Responses
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11826667 tn?1421377296
i use to abuse xanax and lortabs back in 2005  to 2009. i still was going on own. but wasnt emptying all the way my doctor angd G.I doctor said and it was important too or toxins would build up, so they put me on laxatives all kinds.now today its getting to ponit that nothing works completely. when i dont empty i feel ful un comfortable and it makes me sweet and toss and turn at nights, doctors just dont take time to get down to the core, im pill free had been since 2009. my advice dont listen to these so called doctors. if i wouldnt of listened id be going on own today, may not emptied all the way, buts its better than the hell i suffer everyday everyday. yes you will die cause intestines will close down as mine are doing lisa
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I have HD and I simply can't poo. I want surgery to make it all better. Do you think it is a good idea or should I just stay constipated? I am only young so how do I tell my nan and pa that I need surgery? They don't understand what it is like. I want surgery
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natural supplement called Ichol plus every time you eat will help with your troubles.it equalizes the stomach acid to break down the food before the intestine and stimulates the bowel contractions.
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y name is Cathy, I have hdtouble with my colon all my life.Last year I wen hrough a series of 6 tests!!!I can never go to the bathroom wihout something!! and now nothing works!! Thinkig about sugery, ut what kind???
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Barbeeze  and iclimb  what was the outcome!?
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2827584 tn?1340579696
Thank you for the kind comment.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Oh cool it's Dr. Watters!  Small world.  You took out the gallbladder of a partner of yours (or previous partner), who then took my gallbladder out six weeks later!  Then he told me to get off gluten because I have Celiac disease, and he was right.  I saw primary docs every year, but a surgeon gave me my most important medical diagnosis ...  over the phone.  

How nice of you to help people here.  
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2827584 tn?1340579696
Adhesive issues affecting the colon are not in your gynecologist's scope of practice. You would need to see a general or colorectal surgeon. My high school biology teacher had a saying that seems appropriate here - "You only see what you know".
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I think that this may be what is going on with me ever since my hysterectomy 14 years ago. I have a sense of things being tethered down on my left pelvic side and have difficulty evacuating as well as a sense of swelling. I think it could be vaginal cuff adhesion and maybe even an abscess. I have gone to gynecologists who did a pelvic exam and lab tests and they insist they cannot find anything. Although one of them did say that I probably had vaginal cuff adhesions but she trivialized their importance and made me feel like a whiner. I also get left-side vaginal pain and vulvar burning.

I have gone to physical therapists who all said I had a lot of tough adhesions, including the sigmoid area which I think could be causing my difficult and incomplete evacuation issues where I feel like I'm never done. I think that things get stuck both in the rectum and sigmoid area.

The problem with adhesions is that they do not show up on imaging tests. And it is pretty much impossible to have an exploratory lap without enough evidence, even though I do have a history of several surgeries and in fact one of them did mention that adhesions were seen- this was on the report for a right adrenal gland removal a few years ago.

Of course, most people think that if I had post-hysterectomy problems then the gynecologist who did the surgery shoud have followed up with me but once I had the surgery he pretty much dropped me like a hot potato and refused to sit down with me for a discussion as to how I was doing.
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2827584 tn?1340579696
It sure sounds like your sigmoid colon has gotten stuck down in the pelvis due to adhesions from the hysterectomy. The worst adhesions that we see and the cases most likely to require operative intervention are following GYN surgery due to the intestines flopping back down into the operative bed and getting adhesed.
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I had regular bowel movements until about 3 yrs when I had a complete Hysterectomy! Little by little, over time I started getting constipated. I just had a colonoscopy this last week. Already I'm experiencing bloating and that sickening full feeling. I'm trying a combination of miralax, kiwi, and morning star products.(veggie products) Gonna try and eliminate meat all together. I often wonder if alot of mine is the stuff they put in our foods! I have a follow up appt on monday. I stay tired and sick all the time. Right after I eat it seems I get sleepy. It's terrible! I never imagined I could feel like this because of the lack of bowel movements. And in the last month it has gotten so bad that my face stays broke out! Before my colonoscopy I would go up to 4 days without any movements. I started using enemas. It gave me a little relief. I knew I couldnt keep doing it cause it had to be bad for my colon! Only been 3 days since my colonoscopy and I woke up feeling like I was gonna throw up! And when you wake up feeling like that you certainly don't want to try and eat until that feel subsides. But I'm not off to a good start. Oh, and they didn't find anything wrong. Whatever! Something is wrong!!
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1704915 tn?1357601254
So had a special doctor visit after hours with some of the staff (gi specialist and colon surgeon) at a hospital I have been having all these tests done at. They talked to me about all the results and all that I have told them and they feel I have 2 issues going on

1.) Colonic inertia = constipation/slow transit

they told me that the only way to be sure if the large intestine is working is to do a temporary jpouch for about 4 - 6 weeks. Test the waters and see if I feel better without use of the large intestine. If I do then we know the large intestine is to blame and they can remove it. They told me that they would remove the jpouch and the large intestine and then connect my small intestine to my rectum.

Did anyone else go through this before having their large intestine removed. It means 2 surgeries for me.
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1704915 tn?1357601254
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1704915 tn?1357601254
.Has anyone had there large intestine removed and had their small intestine attached to their rectum for colonic inertia and ended up with constipation after surgery? I heard that is a risk factor. That you can get the surgery but there might be a chance you will have constipation again one day. Also has anyone had their large intestine removed for colonic inertia and then their small intestine eventually give out on them? What happened then? .
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1704915 tn?1357601254
My colon surgeon was in complete shock that the doctor I was going to before didnt recommend me to him and I went there on my own!
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1704915 tn?1357601254
Amitiza made me sooooooooo sick. I missed days of work thinking I had the flu and figured out it was actually the medication so my dr took me off of it,
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1704915 tn?1357601254
you sound exactly like me!!! I have had a ton of tests and tests.. you can read my story here : http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Gastroenterology/Tortuous-Colon/show/1535243?personal_page_id=2196881

I just had sitz marker xrays done at the end of October and my results came back significantly abnormal. I meet with a colon surgeon on 11/23 to go over my options. Last I talked to the surgeon before I had the xrays he told me if my colon showed up that it was not working he could remove my large intestine and connect my small intestine to my rectum and I would not have a bag.

I hope that this surgery will not effect my every day things in life.. including my job. Did you end up having the surgery??
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Hello there my friend, I am sorry I havent gotten back to you until now. I know that just knowing someone is out there to vent to and confide in, is important during these times. I was at a wedding this weekend, in Central California, so I went on a mini road trip. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I did have a good time...however I was so bloated and was not able to go to the restroom once. I got home today and was able to have some release, but still my stomach is bloated and sticks out.
I am disappointed with your outcome at the Mayo Clinic, I believed they would have been much more helpful to you as they specialize in this area. I know those rectal exams are uncomfortable and embarrassing but they will be worth it in the long run. I realize you must feel defeated at the momement but do not loss hope, keep pushing forward. We will have to figure out a Plan B for you now and get you to the place you need to be. I believe someone will help you.
I have some questions about your visit...What were the names of the 2 exams they completed for your constipation/colonic inertia? Did you bring the names of the exams I have done to specifically ask for those? What did they leave you with as next steps? Did they say you will be coming back? or did they give you suggestions on how to move forward?
As I was reading your post I was getting pretty frustrated at how the doctor was handling the situation. I wish was there to tell him, "No, now you listen to me. If you cannot determine what is the matter with the outcome of the tests you wanted to do...you will do all the tests possible until you can diagnose her!" They should not have left you with nothing to move forward with. Did they?
Also, have you and your mother already started talking about what steps you will take now? Does the hospital you are with right now, do colectomies? Or can you go back to your specialist to be referred to another place that specializes in GI?
I am very sorry that your trip did not result in better news. I give you big hugs through this post, and I want to say please do not lose hope. I know how you feel, and I know it hurts. You want someone to believe you when you say you know you are not how you are supposed to be. You just want someone to hear you, believe you, and help you. I believe you will get there.

Tomorrow is my appointment with my GI surgeon to discuss my results (all tests, except one that is scheduled on June 2nd). I will bring up your situation too and see if he has any recommendations. I can also write my GI doctor and see if he can give me any suggestions for you - if there is a connection with the headaches, constipation and the amenorrhea. Have you done any research online for that?

I am hopeful that he will scheule my surgery. I just want it. I am so over the waiting, the exams, and being uncomfortable all the time. I am tired of complaining!! It freakin *****. Easiest way to put it. I want the chance to be happy again.... I know  you know exactly how I feel. We need to get the doctors back on track for you so that we can get you to a place where they can fix you and not just send you away.

Well, I will leave you with this. I can tell that you are a very intelligent girl...so dont worry about the typing. My thoughts get ahead of my typing a lot so I know how it goes. Also, I am glad that I help you - dealing with this it is extremely helpful (to me as well) to have someone out there that "gets" what you are going through. So, friend, you help me too! We are here for each other and I am grateful.
Respond when you can, and I will let you know what the doc says.
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I am so, so sorry that you had to go through all of that. I am glad that you have the results from that test. It stinks to have to wait for them. I had to do a couple of anal/rectal exams too while I was at Mayo. I was not looking forward to them at all but I knew that if you could do it so could I. I bet you didn’t even realize it but you helped me.  

Going to Mayo was a disaster. From the beginning we didn’t know who my doctor was, we didn’t know if I was going to be pediatric or adult. Turns out I was adult. There is nothing wrong with that. We go into the room and my GI doctor comes in. He asked a few questions, but he didn’t seem too cleaver to me. And I have seen a lot of doctors…
I was asking him about colonic inertia and chronic dysmotility and he said we would get to that after I take his recommended tests. He said that he thought my pelvic floor was all messed up. He said I was stressed out and the muscles in my anal cavity weren’t moving because they aren’t relaxed. Like hello I am way positive about all of this. I didn’t appreciate him poking at my bottom and all. I tried telling him that my anal cavity works fine. He didn’t believe me. So I took their test and proved him wrong. My anal cavity worked fine. I asked the technician after the one test was done how I did compared to a person who had a normal function and she said I was just like my mom. I had no problem; normal function. So the nest day we had to see our GI doctor again and have him look over the tests. He came in and said that my test wasn’t black or white it wasn’t clear. Some was normal and some were higher than average. Well how in the world is that bad? I asked him if there were any other tests that I could take and he said no very sharply. My mom was like this is it. He was pushing his agenda and his idea into our heads. It was like he was trying to sell us something. If he really cared he would have tried harder.

Why we were at Mayo (I went with my mom and aunt) we saw an endocrinologist about my amenorrhea. The only thing he has found so far is that my pituitary gland LH is at 1.3 and the average is between 1.6 and 12.4. It had a small flag but they didn’t seem worried. I also saw a neurologist because I have been having headaches and Tylenol and ibuprofen doesn’t cut it so I am taking (with all those) Aleve. I never have complained of headaches like these before. I have been getting two a day. The doc was saying that they really are migraines. He ordered an MRI of my brain. I did great and the doctor looked at my brain and called it beautiful. He was real sweet. A nice change to the past events. This was my first MRI. It went great. I liked it a lot more than my CTscan I had back in November. The neurologist is thinking that the migraines are caused from the constipation or the amenorrhea or both.

So we left empty handed. And I really am a mess my dear friend. I am constipated up to my gills and I don’t know where to turn next. I know something is wrong. I have constipation and amenorrhea. My stomach is bloating out. This is not right. I thought maybe you could mention me/my situation of constipation and amenorrhea with your doctor or anyone else. I really appreciate it. Also I will take your advice. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that you talk to me. My messages probably make my grammar look sloppy. I really am a smart kid. I am just spitting everything out all at once you know.
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Hey there, I wrote this morning from my blackberry, and when I went to post it - it didnt go through! Boooo! So I'll write now :)
So I had a good night sleep last night. The tests are only a step, and even though it means I am getting closer, I dont get excited. I think the night before my surgery may definitely be a sleepless night with nerves and excitement all rolled into one.
So, today was the defactogram exam - no fun! They make you drink a contrast and an hour later they put 3 tubes of (toothpaste consistancy) contrast into your rectum. yuck! Then you have to sit on a plastic toliet seat that is set up next to the xray machine. I had 2 doctors in there and the RN watching me poo. :( They had me push without letting it out, hold and push up to keep it in, and then push it all out. It took me 2 tries. I was so embarrassed but I know they do it all the time.

I think that since I was able to release it all, even though it took 2 tries, is a good thing - meaning, I do not have pelvic floor dtsfunction. This means after the surery my rectum will work well enough to have release and I will not continue to have the same symptoms.

Tonight I feel pretty blah, I have residual contrast in my system that has made me highly bloated. So, I have decided to drink a lot of miralax to flush it out hopefully. One of the doctors along the way told me that miralax is the same stuff as GOLYTLY but a smaller dose. So, I am 5 - 8oz cupd down and not much has happened yet. We'll see.

Tomorrow is your big day!!! I am very excited from you - and hope you get some rest tonight. Please let me know how it goes and your surgery date if they give you one. It would be very neat to have the surgerys at the same time.

Ok, back to watching my Laker game! Highlight of the day, I hope they win!!! Have a great night, KIT friend.
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Aww thank you

I hope you can sleep tonight. Everyone always says, "get a good nights rest before your big day" but we all know that usually never happens. I really do hope you can get some sleep and have sweet dreams though. Let me know how it all works out tomorrow.

Laxatives are no fun. Right now I am just taking a colon cleanse from Wal-Mart. I bloat less on  colon cleanses than on laxitives. It's called 'Colon Clenz' and it comes in a white and tan box. It's my sixth colon cleanse brand. Things work for a bit and than they don't. At first I thought I found something that would work and then the next week I realize that it doesn't last forever. I bet you know how that goes. Remember to lay on your left side when you sleep.

I am wishing the same thing. I am hoping that at Mayo I can find a doctor that will have a clue about what is going on and know exactly what to recommend. That would be really neat if we had surgery at the same time. I say we write a book on our lives ha ha

talk to you soon :)
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No worries, I know how things get busy! Good luck with getting all your school work done. Also, your appointment is this Tuesday! I am excited for you, as they should be able to give you some answers and/or closure.
Monday is my Defecography Test - which I know will not be "fun", but I am excited because that means one more test down.
This week has been a tough one. I took some laxatives and they didnt work, so I feel worse. It really is an on going mess!Looking forward to some better days ahead.

I hope they say surgery is the answer for you. If so, we will probably be having it done around the same time, and we can give each other support from afar.

Good luck with all. :)
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Hi Barbeezee,

Sorry it took me some time to reply. I am focussing on getting school done before Mayo. I go to an online high-school. Going to an online school has really helped with my condition and all. I will let you know more details after the appointment. June is coming soon! I defiantly know what you mean by second chances. I will talk to you after my trip :)
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