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scared about exposure and thrush please help

Hi, I will keep this brief.  Basically, I had an encounter with an escort.  I am a heterosexual male.  I received unprotected oral (2-3 mins), gave unprotected cunnilingus (1 min) and had protected sex with a condom (5 mins).  I dont know if the condom was expired.  I did not notice any sort of break or leak.  3 weeks later, I developed dry mouth and my tongue got a white coating on it.  The white coating wont go away.  Cracking on one corner of my mouth.  Of course got on the internet and read about thrush and am now panicked.  Leukoplakia and thrush are my worries, which are both tied to HIV in some way.  Would my exposure have anything to do with this???  I am completely freaking out.  Someone please help!!!  Would thrush or leukoplakia come on this soon?  Am I at risk?  Please, anyone...
23 Responses
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Ok how many times were you told that you did not have a risk? And how many times did you not believe the advice? Then why tell you again that you did not have a risk when you will just ignore it.
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Tested negative at 6 weeks--do i need to retest at 12?  I contacted the SW I met up with and she got back to me--but her response was "sorry i am just now getting back to you, I have been sick for a week".  Of course, this throws me into real paranoia.
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I went to the doctor and was tested yesterday--exactly 6 weeks from the incident.  IF i test negative, do I need another test at 12 weeks?
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It is a common delusion for somebody to believe that they are infected with HIV after sex with a sex worker. There are only 10,000 threads in this forum that exactly replicate your 'exposure' and concerns. In your mind you believe that you had a high risk encounter; the reality is quite the opposite. If you need further help please post in the HIV Anxiety Support Group and I will try to assist you; otherwise you risk action from MedHelp if you continue to post in this thread.
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Hi avonelle,

First, thank you for your post, I totally agree that I have OCD and anxiety due to this.  I know that my thinking might be irrational, just like most that come on here (no judgement, trust me).  I guess it is the "what if" of all of this.  Like "what if for some reason I am the exception and the condom failed, or "what if it isnt a coinicidence that I am having strange symptoms like thrush 2 weeks after this, etc.  I know it doesnt make a lot of sense, so I apologize.  I just keep having these pains in my fingers, elbow, feet, etc., and I just cant help but think that something went wrong.  The timing of the symptoms and the joint pains over the past few days--I just dont know.   You read the internet ( I know, bad thing to do) and they all say joint pain is a red flag.  I am just really worried.  Given my situation, would you still think that I had absolutely no risk and no cause for concern at all?  Again, thank you for your help with this, I truly appreciate it.
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1366547 tn?1287363950
You are dealing with anxiety and a bit of OCD regarding HIV. It's normal to be afraid of things like this, but to still have such fear when you have been reassured multiple times by multiple people that you were never at risk is not normal. I assure you that you never had a risk for contracting HIV. I compassionately suggest that you see a therapist and get help in overcoming your irrational fears. It could greatly benefit you. But as for HIV, forget about it. You are not at risk. Please try to move on from this and live your life!
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Hi guys,

I really hate to bother you but I am starting to freak out again.  I was getting over my fear and then I started to get occasional joint pain over the last day or two.  some occasional throbbing in a knee, some in my right elbow, some in my fingers.  Would this, coupled with thrush, be an indicator of HIV?  I promise, no more questions.  I am going to get tested on Friday.  Please help.
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186166 tn?1385259382
this forum is hiv specific.  any questions regarding other stds, should be addressed in the appropriate forums.

now for you...

you have been assessed as NOT having a risk for contracting hiv from the situation you described.  no additional details will change that assessment.

kindly move on, as this forum has posting guidelines about excessive posting regarding a no risk situation.
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Thanks Avonelle,

Now I'm completely freaked out by oral HPV!!!  I know I am nuts.  Do you know anything about oral HPV?
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1366547 tn?1287363950
Please ignore Enricofermi.

Even if you did have leukoplakia, you have no reason to be scared because you already know it couldn't possibly be caused by HIV because you do not HAVE HIV. I assure you.

And you probably do not even have true leukoplakia. I have seen many patients claiming they have "oral hairy leukoplakia" and "geographic tongue" when in all actuality they do not... many people will get a white coating on their tongue or have bits of roughness and marring. It can be something as simple as uneven, rough teeth rubbing up against your tongue or inefficient oral hygiene. Please do not self diagnose yourself.

Bottom line is- you don't have HIV because you never placed yourself at risk in the first place. Relax :)
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Would this be oral HPV?  
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well, now I am really freaking out if I have leukoplakia.  How would I know if I have HPV?  And what is EBV???  Still completely freaked out that this is HIV related, especially now.
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What Causes Leukoplakia?
Causes of leukoplakia can include:

Irritation from rough teeth, fillings, or crowns, or ill-fitting dentures that rub against your cheek or gum
Chronic smoking, pipe smoking, or other tobacco use
Sun exposure to the lips
Oral cancer, although rare
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Dr Bob says Leukoplakia is as a resuilt of having been infected by both HPV and EBV if it is not HIV/ AIDS related.
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Thanks lizzie, I appreciate it.
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186166 tn?1385259382
i did actually read your post in which you stated you gave and received oral sex.  my answer was in accordance to YOUR words.

oral sex does not transmit hiv.  there are over a dozen different proteins and enzymes in the mouth that render hiv inactive and unable to infect.

once again...you were NEVER at risk.
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so me giving oral to her and protected intercourse (don't know if condom was expired) wouldn't be a risk?  I know I am being irrational and stress might be causing this, just want to feel ok about it.  Thank you for the response and apologies for bugging you.
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186166 tn?1385259382
you had NO risk...if i wasnt "sure"...i wouldnt have advised you accordingly

hiv is transmitted through...
unprotected vaginal / anal intercourse
sharing iv drug works
mother to child

did you have any of the above exposures?  i think not.
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Yes we are sure.
And what else could your issues be related to...maybe 20 different things also. And HIV is not a concern.
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Are you sure?  I am just really concerned about my mouth issues and the timing of events.  I've just read that thrush and or leukoplakia could be early signs and it has me totally freaked out.  Thoughts?
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186166 tn?1385259382
nothing that you have described put you at risk for contracting hiv.

see your doctor if you are having health concerns...it's not hiv related
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Please can anyone help?  Teak?
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Let me add--my mouth is extremely dry, both cheeks feel a bit rough, tongue numbness or tingling at times, and my tongue feels raw at times, sort of like sandpaper.  I am under stress, but I dont think stress causes this.  I am freaking out.  HELP!!!
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