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I'm very confused about my symptoms.....

I've tested over 10 times for HIV in the past 2 months and 1 week.  I know I'm still in the window period but I've also taken 2 early tests.  I was told by several professionals that I do not have HIV even though I've had symptoms.  I've even been sent home from an HIV clinic and was told that there is no need to do further testing.  Even Dr. HHH says that I'm negative.  Yet I still can't put my mind at ease.  I've had just about every symptom imaginable except a very high fever.  I've never had blood drawn this many times in my whole life.  


The only pain that I still have now is joint pain.  I've been told that there are no other stds that cause joint pain. I have pain in my knees, shoulders, wrists, fingers, toes, elbows, back pain all over.

At one point, I would wake up with **** on my lips.  I'm pretty sure it was thrush.

I had diarrhea  for a few days.

I had a dry cough but i'm also a smoker.


a few night sweats.

2 COLD SORES?????? I've never had a cold sore in my life.


The first thing I felt was swelling in my groin that was painful.  

a rash on my rectum that burned and caused me to have a bloody stool

chest pain when i would breath in and out.

painful during urination for one day after groin swelling went away.

could some kind of UTI or Bacterial infection cause all of these symptoms?  I'm really confused.  please help.

All the symptoms that cdc says.

That's why I know i've got it bad.  I just don't get all the tests coming back negative.  I fear the 3 month test the most.  Even though several pros have predicted that it will come back NEG??????

Can anyone give me some kind of explanation to why one might start having these symptoms 2 weeks after having sex if they are not infected?

15 Responses
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Thank you for your advice.  I'm not doubting what anyone has to say.  I'm just trying to cope with my health issues.  Like I said before, I've come down with all of the symptoms that resemble hiv.  My body just doesn't feel the same anymore.  So until the 3 month mark I'm obviously going to be concerned.  I've been told that my immune system is different then other peoples. When I wake up in the morning lately, I feel as though i have not even slept.  Like I haven't got any rest.  Something is wrong with me.    It all started 2 weeks after intercourse.  I'm a hundred percent certain that whatever I'm going through is sexually transmitted.  I just want my body back to normal again.  Anyone that is going through what i'm going through would have severe anxiety as well.  I'm actually doing a pretty good job in keeping it under control.  Patience can be difficult.  Reading stories about people who end up being positive before the 6 month mark is also scary.  What if I'm positive at 3 or 4 months?  Or 1 year?  That does sound like I'm over exaggerating but isn't it a possibility considering I've absorbed the knowledge of what this disease can do to a newly infected individual.  

I just read a story about a guy who's taken numerous tests like my self and ended up getting a positive Elisa and an intermediate western blot on the 11th week. Take a look....


People don't get tested repeatedly unless they feel that something is wrong.  I actually have a reason to be anxious.  I hope everyone one is right about me not being infected.  I really wish you are all right.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not insulting anyones judgments.    
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425289 tn?1207234724
My friend, it is time for you to get off of HIV related sites and go get professional help.  There is no way you have HIV.  Clearly you are suffering from extreme emotional disturbances as related to this fear of HIV acquisition.  Your test at 2 months is proof positive that you do not have HIV.  Please work with a therapist to uncover the true source of your anxiety.  This forum is not meant as a substitute for professional help and seems to only be fueling your anxiety further.  If Dr. HHH says you do not have HIV, and you are still having trouble moving on - clearly us repeating that you don't have it is not going to accomplish anything to help you recover. The situation has gone beyond the realm of support this forum can offer you, it's time to take the actions to ensure you get the true help you need.
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If I didn't have anything sexual then why did i have a burning rash on my anus along with painful swollen lymph nodes?  See what i'm saying????
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513832 tn?1211955764
5 weeks is plenty of time for the STD panel.

Sounds like you dont have any sexual related diseases.
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I did a full std panel at 5 weeks.  Was that to early?  It tested for everything. all the heps, herpes 1 & 2, gon, clam, syphilis etc......
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513832 tn?1211955764
Regardless of symptoms and how you feel and your risk the HIV tests do not lie, trust them. You already have 10 of them behind you, you do not have HIV but go ahead and get the 3 month negative results. At that time if you cant shake the HIV fear then its time to seek counseling to overcome the fear.

Also you should have a STD panel done as well if you havent yet. You could have caught some easily curable STD or something.
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The only thing is that doctors usually hear a persons story and see that they are not at risk.  A lot of these people on medhelp really don't have hiv.  When I read there questions and risk exposures I can see the same thing and come up with the same conclusions.  

My case is different.  If you've really been at risk then you must get tested at 3.  I was anal receptive with another male and got sick.  

I have always been an anxious hypochondriac but i've never felt this way before in my life.  You are to nice. : )  Thanks for reassuring.  Maybe it's all psychological. I'm hoping it is fear that has consumed me.  I'm going to put my mind at ease for now and trust the doctors, senior social workers and kind people like yourself. I can't even talk to friends or family about this.  
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513832 tn?1211955764
6 weeks is not conclusive according to the test makers as well as the CDC but you can search in the expert forum what the doctors there think about a 6 week test, they have never seen someone get a 6 week negative and test positive later on.

There is nothing that will prevent you from showing positive at 3 months if you are truly positive. Is doesnt matter what your body feels like.

Dont save your happiness, there is no reason to be so upset about it. Even people that are HIV+ live normal happy lives. What you are scared of really is the fear of having HIV. HIV isnt going to ruin life, its the fear of it that does. Thats part of anxiety, you become scared of the fear.

You really dont even need to test again, you already have 10 tests.
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I guess you're right.  I just made my first appointment to see a regular doctor.  I just don't want to let it go yet.  How about if i feel like everything is good and then when i go get tested on the 12 week mark and I'm positive?  I'm just saving my happiness for that day.  If it comes back negative that is.  That'll be a miracle and i'll take out everyone i know for dinner. : )  Isn't 6 weeks way to early?  Do you think that i should stress it after 3 months if i'm negative?  What kind of rare cases show that people test positive at 6 months?  If my body still isn't feeling the greatest, does that mean that antibodies to the virus wont show up yet?  I'm very confused yet very aware of everything i've been through.

For me, it's that first test and my symptoms vs.  all the negative tests i've had since.  See, how it's like good vs. evil or something.  That's why i can't put my mind at ease.  I do know that if my test comes back negative on the 12 week mark then i'll feel a lot more secure.
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513832 tn?1211955764
2 antibody tests, one at 6 weeks and one at 12 weeks is all you need. Really you just need the one at 12 weeks but the 6 week is a good early indication of your status and helps to hold the anxiety over.

How is it obvious that it cant be anything other then HIV? Thats really stupid to think that and shows that you are either misinformed or ridden with anxiety and guilt.
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Thanks for comforting me guys.  I'll try to hang in 3 more weeks.  It just seems to obvious to be anything else but maybe I really don't have it.  The labs that ran the pcr dna test really comforted me but certain people on this site told me that it's inaccurate.  So I started freaking out again.  Some people say I have to wait a full 6 months but a negative at 3 months can be quite satisfying.  The RNA Viral load for early detection was pretty reassuring even though they told me that I'm still in the window period for that to.  So, nothing has really been fully answered and until I can be a 100% certain considering the symptoms i've experienced and things that i've heard, i just can't rest easy.  Each negative result is a trophy and a gift. I'm going to get tested again in 2 weeks.
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Man, i am  stressed out too, but when i calm down my symptoms go away.....I was tested 15 days after my encounter and it came out NEG and i go back on June 16th for my 6 week test which will probably be NEG. Dont worry man your fine, im just scared i have Herpes(its way better then HIV). My symptoms were even worse then yours, in 5 days i had a Fever(1 day), burning in my throat(2 days), Diarea(like 3 times in 1 week), swollen Testicles(1 day), rash on anus crack(1 day), itchy red testicles(2 days), pain in lower abs(5-6days), pain in lower back(1 days), rash on the head of penis and red dot(almost gone away), rash on the back of my legs in identicle spots on each leg Pink/blotchy/non-itch sometimes(almost gone) My cold just went away, but my cough was not dry, i was coughing up bile and my nose was runny and making my throat scratchy, i also was throwing up for like 2 weeks and barely eating due to feeling so guilty and having so much stress/anxiety. When i dont think about symptoms things go away. Funny how that works huh??? Just let it go man.......People have way worse symptoms then you man and come out NEG in 6-12 weeks.
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173325 tn?1213936521
Good for you man for seeing a counselor.  You don't have HIV if you tested negative at 8 weeks...Try to let it go.
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I started seeing a counselor today.  I felt ill all day as well.  Just wish I can go back to being normal again.
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513832 tn?1211955764
Almost all of your symptoms can be caused by anxiety, which you are obviously suffering from. The one that really tells me anxiety is the cold sweat in abscense of a very high fever along with dry cough and diarrhea.

You dont have HIV, theres no way, you would have shown up by now with 10 tests. Expect a negative test at 12 weeks if you go, I personally probbaly wouldnt even go at 12 weeks with 10 tests behind me already out to over 2 months.

If you cant get over the fact that you dont have HIV then you need to go see a mental health doctor about your anxiety problem.
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