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Tested positive for antibody to HIV&p24 but indeterminate western blot

Dear community,
Last week I have received HIV result as being positive to antibody to HIV and p24. The western blot confirmation came as indeterminate. I am really anxious and depressed as I already submitted another sample of my blood for further testing but haven't received anything. I don't know where to go or what to do. The more I wait the more I get stressful and anxious, I eat little and hardly go out as I used to be. Not since the first result. For your information, I haven't had unprotected sex for the last 6 years. However, I did have sex with more than three women. I have always checked condoms after sex. I wash or shower just after I'm done with sexual intercourse. Never took any drugs or shared needle or nail clipper. My question is how likely that the result is really true positive outcome? What about that indeterminate WB? I'm really confused. People with knowledge about these things please enlighten me. I am looking to reading all your answers.
19 Responses
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Thank you. Just wondering.. I am the western blot is negative this time. And ask for PCR test. Can this test show positive?. Why would it that way. Is negative now can it be positive later? Is they didn't detect the virus in the second test, can the virus come and go? I'm sorry I just can't stop thinking about it.
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They officially want to rule out by measurement of virus itself(PCR), but the chance there is hiv virus measurement is now <1% and I'm personally convinced the chance is 0%. This because of all cases I've seen of false positive elisa an indeterminated wb where all not infected people. Elisa 4th gen and WB are antibody and antigen test and PCR is for checking the virus itself. The reason normally only elisa and wb are done is because cost and in begin stadium hiv elisa and wb are better in finding postive or negative.
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If you really need to wait on the result which I think to be hiv negative. Maybe you can do a paid question two one of the top experts of usa. Dr hook or dr hunter on American Sexual health forum called asha.
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Thank you everyone. I am still worried. I'm not exaggerating but thoughts are killing me already. I can't stop reading. Post. Except I haven't found much information on PCR test.
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No problem. As iommi said, the pcr is only to 100% rule out any possibility as you have had the rare combination elisa positive, wb indeterminated, which as I said before means normally false positive elisa, so your negative. Even WB is now negative, so expect negative result for pcr.
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Thank you kindly to everyone. You're really angels  doing great work.  I'm in the lab right now submitting blood for PCR & EDTA. That's still something keeps my worry alive.
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You're welcome.
Understandable what you are going through.
We hope when you drop off the sample you'll stay off the HIV search. Focus on that negative WB.
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But does it mean I have have HIV or what.. Very confusing matter.
Is the western blot convulsive? Which came back negative today and indeterminate 10 days ago!
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My interpretation is the same as B23121.

If you were intermediate 10 days ago, why wouldn't it be intermediate or positive now if you actually had hiv? Antibodies don't go away. The WB has been the standard for yrs as HIV confirmation. I am happy for you receiving this result.
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That is very good news. They just want to make sure for reassurance due to the prior indeterminate results. Did they give you a reason? A PCR test looks for the actual virus. And it is a very expensive test. It seems they just want to make sure because of the previous indeterminate results. But take your negative Western Blot as great reassurance.
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Hello again. I just came back from the clinic and the result this time came back western blot confirmation: negative.. But this time they require HIV EDTA PCR. Does this mean that next result will be positive. I'm really confused since I just got result of negative
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I can imagine. Especially because you have been protecting yourself, therefore please keep in mind that I really would be very very very supprised if you get possitive result. As indeterminated wb in most cases would mean negative as they are as confirmation for elisa. Keep faith.

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I called twice this week. They said the result is not out to be given yet. However, I have an appointment with my doctor just to see him. I'm really stress and my health is not the same since first result. I was absolutely fine. Maybe stress and anxiety caused all the pain and aches around my body.
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I called twice this week. They said the result is not out to be given yet. However, I have an appointment with my doctor just to see him. I'm really stress and my health is not the same since first result. I was absolutely fine. Maybe stress and anxiety caused all the pain and aches around my body.
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As you may have read, seven days was too early even for a fourth gereção test already giving positive, then a western bloot give negative tb . Well before these seven days , you had some other situation of risk, had sex with someone within three months ago? He had no other sexual intercourse within three months and took no vaccine , received a blood transfusion , had no very strong flu before the test , I am really confident that you are negative HIV and that the results were false positives . But please tell us the time of their last sexual intercourse.
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Yes I have protected sexual intercourse within three months. One unprotected oral.
Just a question, did you called today with the STD clinic? I think this would be good to have the final releave and peace of mind. As you have read everyone here is convinced that your result will be negative! Please let us know the outcome.
13276481 tn?1451146767
Sorry to hear what you are going through.
Reading every post here you said you were physically fine until the positive reading. You also mentioned 72 hours reading about hiv.
Understandably anxiety will go into overdrive here.
It would not surprise me if anxiety and poor sleep is causing all or most of your ills. Its not easy but try and give your research a break. You have been given solid information to consider these are false positives.
Please try and cling to hope, not despair.
You have not been ruled conclusively positive.
I feel for you.
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Thank you so much. I will follow your advice. Much appreciated
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with the information from the expert forum, I'm convinced that if you really only did protected the other times you will be fine.

I can imagine your stress ful period and my thoughts are with you.
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If you've taken all these precautions and oral sex was their only activity of "risk", so I think it is a false positive. When will you do another test? and
How long is your last sexual intercourse ?
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I did another test last Thursday, which is a week today.  Last sexual intercourses was 20 days ago!
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Just to add I want to add a link from the expert forum:


As you can see the HIV professional Dr. Hunter is reasuring the questioner about having a postive ELISA result and indeterminate WB, but afterwards the result is Negative. and saying that if it's indeterminate WB in most cases the person is not infected.
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Thank you Kasper1978
Sample of of blood has been sent to further testing. It's been a week today. I have not been eating or sleeping well. My stress and anxiety amounted. Very annoyed and feel like my body aches all over. I broke down in my car crying(Parked) many times. I haven't felt anything prior to the doctors call about reviewing my informing me about my result of first test. Is there a possibility that I have developed some sort of symptoms related to my stress and anxiety?
Once again thanks a million for your time and prompt responses
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First I have a few questions, because if your story is true you are a very unlucky person to get a false positive and next to that an indeterminate WB. But then a new test would give you a negative result! (why haven't you called for the situation on the latest test?)

1) why did you test recently?
2) Did you really haven't had any unprotected sex of IV drug use after your negative test 3 years ago?
3) why did you do the test 3 years ago? and if you had a risk before that test was the test done outside of the window stage?
4) Why did you take the recent HIV test if your last test was 3 years ago and was negative?

These questions because:
1) unprotected vaginal sex eventhough it's a risk, it's not a high risk like anal sex. Also you mentioned you only have done one unprotected act, so that's also lowering the chance of being infected. (because not many hetero people are infected compared to MSM)
2) eventhough you haven't had any unprotected sex for 6 years and you did a hiv test 3 years ago which was negative.(everyone would have produced antibodies by then). If the new test would be positive and if they confirm you would be really positive (which I really doubt with the information from you I have) this would mean the risk have been after your test 3 years ago or the risk was too close before your test 3 years ago.(window period)

Indeterminate WB happens:
1) there is an interference in your blood, like other virusses which also produce proteins and with the testing makes a faint line on certain patterns so that they can't make out if the lines are truely because of the HIV protiens or not.
2) within window period, so the infection is very recent.

Elisa false positive happens also once in a while, because they are so sensitive for the P24 protiens and also for the antibodies.


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Hi, and thank you for taking time to write about my concerns.
1- I did the test for immigration reasons.  And since the only actual unprotected sexual act I had I was tested twice April 2009 and didn't have any sex since then. And then I was required to be tested for HIV to travel to another country which I did back in August 2012.
2- since then  I have been performing safe sex always not. Not once without condom. I don't take any drugs or share needles I don't even drink so to assume I didn't know what I was doing.
I always check condoms expiry date before wearing and also checking them after  sexual intercourses. The only thing I'm not sure of is if those hiv status of those women I had sex with.
3- the recent test was taken also for immigration purposes which came positive antibody to hiv and p24.. Confirmation : indeterminate wb.

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False positives are rare but they do happen. Expect your next result to be negative because it will be.
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Thank you for your response B23121
But what worries me is the notion on  that paper the doctor handed me!!i it states that I am HIV positive for  initial screening assay for antibody and p24. It also states that  CONFIRMSTION: indeterminate WB.  
Please if you could elaborate more on this?
Anyone that could give further explanation will be highly appreciate!
I meant to say CONFIRMATION,, sorry
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You never had sex without a condom?
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