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Possible exposure?

Hello and greetings for the great help you provide,

My experience was on 27 Nov, I thought it was frottage, but as i read more on the net it seems it was dipping (anal), which is considered as a risky behaviour. The contact was with another male, me as a top. It lasted a few minutes until I felt something was not in order and I stopped. I'm afraid if there were any cuts on my penis shaft, because shortly after that the head was itching. What do you think about prolonged contact between penis head (glans) and anal opening? The following night I coudn't sleep of anxiety. I had a bad feeling. On the next day I asked the guy about his HIV status on a chat. He got very angry. He said that there wasn't anal sex in his opinion and second he is not HIV+. After that he disappeared and I never ever heard about him again(not even answering his mobile???), which is very suspicious to me, and i'm not sure he was honest with me. (I had other contacts in this period, but all of them safe, and one frottage, with me as bottom, where the guy came on my lower back, and later I saw i had a little blood from the rubbing between my *** cheeks? Could this posses a risk too if sperm was in contact with broken skin?)

2 weeks after 27 Nov I had a students party and drank a lot of alcohol(there was no sex). On the next morning I felt miserable, vomitting and with cold sweats and dizzines, fatigue, stomach pain. This lasted all day(saturday). On sunday had no energy and slept all the time, on the evening a friend invited me to go to a disco. There I had some beer, which made me feel better. On monday my throat was sore along with a leaky nose. This lasted 2 or 3 days, no fever. Stomach however didn't get better- mushy stools. I felt unreal, tired, coudn't concentrate on studies, also dizzy. Oct 2009 started taking anti depressant for my depression states, and it helped me a lot, but as a side effect it lowered my libido. I decided to stop it for good, taking a half dose last 6 months. So I stopped it in that time too. Could this also trigger any symptoms, beause on next monday night a severe neuropathy started, which made me crazy, felt like i've been constantly struck by a lightning, like electric shock all over my body, couldn't stay on my feet. Went to my GP and told her the story, she said I recovered from a virus infection, because of the white spots on my throat and the other symptoms. When I heard that, you know what i tought. She sent me to a neurologist and did blood and urine tests, incl. HIV, and everything was fine. It was 4th week after possible exposure. Then was perscribed a pain relievers, that didn't work. It was the saddest christmas in my whole life. Also my bad stomach with fluffy stools persisted. One week later nauropathy was nearly gone, but a bump on my public area above the penis appeared. The last summer i had herpes on nearly the same place and i thought it was this again, because of stress- treated it with aciclovir stada. However it is still there now too. Also a small sore in mouth near gum appeared and healed 3 weeks later. Since october i have a plant wart on my left toe, which i treated with salicic acid and a laser, but is still there now and hurts a lot. It is also a kind of herpes virus, right? So on 5th week made another HIV test-negative, on 6th week- negative again. So here I am now almost 8 weeks later with a lack of appetite, condition near to diarrhea lasting for more than a month, itching all over my body, white cover on back of my tongue, redness under the right eye, which i think is a seborrheic dermatitis-dry, rude, flaky skin and the bump in my groin area which doesn't seem to go away. I haven't had any fever as i remember, no rashes, no headache. However I lost about 3 or 4 kg in the last month. Yes, it is a lot of stress for me, but symptoms last too long to be only stress related. Is it posible to have a ruined intestinal lining, because of an acute HIV infection and this to be the cause of this persistent diarrhea? I've always had a sensitive digestive system. Now waiting for the 3 month mark. Tests are good sign that it's not HIV, but isn't it too early to rely on them or if there was something it would have shown up? Do you think I should take more tests- syphilis, chlamydia..? It's a complicated story I know, and I made such a stupid things that could cost my life. I'm between earth and sky as we use to say, have already read all the info i could find about the topic and can't get rest until i know what's going on..Thank you for taking time on this story!
Best Answer
720609 tn?1328779596
First of all, you typed way too much.

Plantar's warts are not herpes.  They are particular form of HPV virus, which is not related to sex.

You either penetrated the guy or you didn't.  You have to decide whether it was.  If you pushed the head of your penis past the outer sphincter muscle (the ring of the anus), then you penetrated him.  Again, you either did or didn't.

When you were the bottom for the other guy, if he wore a condom during the intercourse, no risk.  If not, then that is a risk.

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Follow-up: Today, 3 months later, I received my negative test result and am very relieved, although my problems persist. Al least I know it's not HIV related. Thank you!
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OK, I decide there was no penetration, so you as you say no risk, thus symptoms are related to something else, anyway I'll test again in the end of the 3 months.
Thank you, feel cheered up now!
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