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Chest pressure everyday. No Relief. PLZ HELP!

I been getting chest discomfort everyday now all day for the last four months. Before I would get chest pressure here and there but now it is constant. Pressure is near the top part of my Heart and Where my ribs connect to my Sternum. I can feel it in my back also. The pressure varies throughout the day. Sometimes it feels mild pressure and other times it feels like congested pressure. My left arm tends to feel mildly weak and on some occasions My nose will be really congested with the pressure being worst in my chest. I had an Ekg and Chest Xray three months ago when this first started, Both came back normal. Sometimes exercising helps it go away but sometimes it makes it worst. Sleeping sometimes relieves it but not all the time. I have no insurance. I need some honest opinions PLZ HELP!. My symptoms are Congest Nose, Congested feeling Pressure around Heart, Pressure near Sternum. I am 22 yrs old male 200 pounds. I quit drinkin and smoking. I eat fairly healthy and try to exercise every day.
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Wouldnt I be too young for artery blockage? I exercise fine on a Treadmill.
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Go to a cardiologist or emergency room immediately.  I can't speak on the congestionin your nose but I have intimate experience with chest discomfort and it radiating into my back and jaw.  I was 40 when I had my first heart attack and a friend had one at 27.  This is not something you want to wait for.  I am an EMT and knew exactly what was happening to me and still denied it at first.  Blockage in your arteries could be one of many problems that you may be experiencing.  5 years later I just had a heavyness in my chest, went to the emergency room and found out I have 100% blockage where I hade the pprevious stent put in.  Stopping smoking is the biggest thing you can do on your own, now you need to see a doctor.  Good luck
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