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echo results

I have been having pvc's, shortness of breath with them, lightheadedness, chest pressure. I had a echo done today that shows a mildly enlarged atrium. MR regurgitaion,and TR regurgitaion. Both are mild. The Doctor said it would be a waste of time to see a cardiologist unless I quit drinking coffee, and stop smoking. Thoughts please.
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1782859 tn?1315171470
Hi Annabannana,
I've had many Echos with vastly different results.
Since your having some type of symtoms, shortness of breath, lightheadedness etc.
You may want to see a Cardiologist, or another Dr.
The though that you need not see a Cardiologist until you do these things
is not a good idea (In my opinion)  
You have some type of symtons that bother you, maybe it has nothing to do with
the Cardiologist, maybe it does.  Has your Dr. come up with any other ideas?
If not, maybe get a new Dr.
The though of not seeing a Dr unless your live completely healthy is just silly.
If anyone that drinks, smokes, doesn't eat right, doesn't exercise enough, doesn't
live stress free didn't go to a Dr, then we sure wouldn't need many Dr's around that's for sure.
Maybe, a Cardiologist will just say that you should stop smoking and caffiene, but
I'm not convinced that it has anything to do with the Lightheadedness.
I'm not a Dr, but if you don't feel right, try to get some answers.  Living a perfect lifestyle
is not a requirement.

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Also, if there was no cardiologist on the property, then the results were not properly interpreted. A general practitioner is not qualified to review it and the films take time to transfer.

Someone can be consulted quickly to review the printed data, but it takes time to transfer the films to the cardiologist for them to review. And typically those services have a queue of pending results to review so it isn't a quick process unless its marked as an emergency.
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Tell the doctor to blow it out his ...

His hang ups about your lifestyle is not pertinent to your need to see a heart doctor. Yes they need to press you to stop the known harmful habits, but to even suggest denying you medical treatment borders on criminal negligence.
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159619 tn?1707018272
I'm sorry you feel that way, this is a great site. I don't read anyone as being judgemental, you gave your background and asked a question and people responded. You ask fo advice and we gave our opinions, that's all they are. I don't see anyone being argumentative or playing doctor. If I read the last line on your post it said "Thoughts please", thats what you got, my thoughts.

Again, good luck. I hope it works out for you.

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I really thought this would be a great network to go on for support. I guess I was wrong. All people have a little argument in them, and just want to judge. People on here are acting like they are Doctors. Seriousely ? This is not the sight for me.
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159619 tn?1707018272
Again, I'm sorry you are offended, not my intention. A couple points, first is that a cardiologist does not need to be in te building to read an echo, these things are all done on line. Some one wrote the report your doctor gave you, it can NOT be done by the tech by law. I do considerable volunteer work in a cardiac care center and the cardiologists here look at echos being performed in remote rural locations via the Internet very often and give their reports to the ordering physicians within minutes. I'm sure your doctor meant he would provide it to a cardiologist if you decided to see one. Also, I understand you want support which is why I suggested you get a second opinion, however sometimes you will not always hear what you want to hear. What do you think the first thing a caridologist is going to tell you to do?

I hope it works out for you.
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If your Echo wasn't evaluated by a cardiologist then you should find one to do so. And, if somebody tells you to stop smoking you find that non-supportive and put it in the negative column? I find that pretty strange behavior.
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Sorry to say. But my echo was not read by a cardiologist. It was within minutes when the family physician came back and read my results after the echo. There was not even a cardiologist in the building. I know this. I was there. And the physician stated he would run it by the cariologist if I chose to see one.And please quit posting on here. I find you very negative. I'm looking for support. Not sarcasm.

Thank you
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159619 tn?1707018272
Also, your echo was read by a cardiologist who wrote the report that your doctor received. That's how it works so your town may not have a cardiologist, but one has read your echo and made the determination of your condition.
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159619 tn?1707018272
Sorry if I offended you, but you know the risks. Smoking is the single largest risk factor for heart disease and one you control. Your echo was normal, it does not indicate heart disease, you are fortunate. The fact that you needed an echo done should give you a wake up call about smoking, that was my point and I'm sure it was your doctor's as well. Once your arteries become hardened from the nicotine and other poisons your are inhaling, your doctor can do nothing to help. That's the reality, your doctor said you were fine and recommended you stop smoking in his own way, maybe not the best bedside manners, but that's what he was saying. How you take it is up to you.
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Thank you Mike904 and ed 34.

I still have appointments with the Doctor's. I did the echocardiogram, stress test today, and will be on the holster monitor. After all these tests are taken they will go to a cardiologist.What Erijon does not realize is that we have no cardiologist in our town on a regular basis.The cardiologist did not read my tests. It was done by a family physician.I demanded that the cardiiologist see the tests, and have a appoinment with him when he comes here.And Erijon, if I need sarcasm from a Doctor. They must not need the money to take care of paitents.It is there job to treat symptoms, and manage health care for anyone. Smoking is not the only thing that can damage a persons cardiovascular system.And thank you Mike and Ed for the support. I really appreciate it.
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976897 tn?1379167602
Is the echo normal? It does say mildly enlarged atrium and mildly leaking mitral valve.
Does the echo state the LVEF? and the pressure in the left Atrium?  If the valve is leaking enough, blood will be pumped back into the left atrium, causing enlargement. I think you should obtain those two figures, especially the pressure and demand a cardiologist appointment. You can give up smoking on the day your Doctor makes the appointment.
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159619 tn?1707018272
I guess the sarcasm is lost here. The reason he should not waste his money of a cardiologist is because he as had a normal echo which has been reviewed by a cardiologist who wrote the report. There is no need to see a cardiologist over a heart issue as there is none.

If the OP still feels poorly, they should get a second opinion . The truth however is, smoking will damage your cardiovascular system more than any doctor can fix.

His choice...................
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159619 tn?1707018272
Your doctor is correct, your test is essentially normal. However, there is no sense in spending time and money at a cardiologist if you keep smoking. Nothing he can do can undo the damage of smoking.

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