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Why are my cigarettes making me sick

I would like to know why my cigarettes (marlboro ultra lights) are suddenly over the past few months making me sick. Yes smoking is bad for you and yes I know I should quit and I am, but here is my issue.

When I smoke now my heart rate goes from 75 to 108 (140 if I stand) I feel sick to my stomach and sometimes vomit. After 20 mintes my heart rate does not come down like normal it stays up for 2 to 3 hours and hangs around 99 sitting and 120 standing.

I have had a 24 hour heart monitor and a heart echo. These came back normal except for the fast heart rate that the heart doctor said was "just anxiety" which it isn't at all. I am not nervous.

Is anyone else getting sick from their cigarettes over the past few months? What would cause this to happen? Like I said I am quitting, but why is this happening to me?

I am a 33 year old male and been smoking for 11 years. Not over weight.
32 Responses
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976897 tn?1379167602
What on Earth are you rambling on about here? That person didn't say anything about scripture and was reaching out for advice. Sounds like you threw the first stone with your arrogance. This isn't a bible bashing forum, it's a heart disease forum.
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159619 tn?1707018272
Wow, interesting thread and it was great reading some posts from back in the early days when we started this group. Particularly flycaster, if you could scroll all the way back to the first page of members it was me, momtothree and flycaster. I recently learned he passed earlier this year, very sad as he was a good member and a great friend.
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I know this is an old post and may very well not be an issue any longer. Have you been checked for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or any type cardiomyopathy? I have no idea if there is or could be a correlation, but you and I share numerous similarities in health areas. I had an excellent cardiologist I was fortunate enough to pick myself. I feel it very possible the HTC may not have been diagnosed by just any run of the mill cardiologists  (no offense heart Drs!), but I was a third generation patient, so he was very familiar with a lot of family history. Although, commonly inherited through genetics, I have no HTC family history. I may be quitting smoking any day if my nausea doesn't ease up. Right now, I think the heat aggravates and flares up other conditions I struggle with, topped with the Rxs combined w heat, and it may actually just be a combination of all for me. I dunno. If you found any answers, please consider an update.  Best wishes!
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Atomic 811 about your cigs making you ill to where you have hot flashes and you have to lay down. When you get over load on nicotine it gets in your blood stream. You need to quit like ASAP. How's your breathing? You might need a steam room. Get fresh air and quit you'll feel a whole lot better. Just remember how you felt when you hit nicotine overload is a horrible feeling like you have the flu . Your sick feeling will last30 min or so depending on how you treat it.,just eat a big cheese pizza and quit!!!!!!! Just remember / light at the end of the tunnel . If you want to smoke get weed. If you want to feel like crap smoke cigs your choice
Atomic 811/ wanted to add. As you get older your body changes . Maybe your blood sugar is low . Anxiety is a symptom of low blood sugar. Maybe your dehydrated . Drink a ton of water and eat well then check your heart rate . Blood thickens and heart works harder. So make sure your hydrated .
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Read the Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It is a very worthwhile book and has helped MANY including myself. It removes the mental need to smoke and shows you exactly what it is. Its also available as an audiobook which I used. Life changing. Owe my life to that man. He died of lung cancer but said stopping smoking was the best thing he ever did in his life.
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I'm 20 yrs old male I been smoking for a few yrs now,the past year I have started gagging when I smoke and sometimes throw up.... I want to quit smoking but its really hard I have tried acouple times and just slowed down never stopped...im looking for anyone that cigarettes are doing the same thing to I smoke Marlboro blacks 100's... or does antone no why this is happen to me please help. thanks... Jacob
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I also smoke Marlboro black 100s. Everytime I smoke it makes me nauseous for hours. I couldn't figure out why after smoking for five years it would be making me sick now. I haven't smoked one of those in about 4 hours instead I bummed one of my sister's home rolled cigs and my belly is fine. So I started researching and I'm seeing that alot of ppl are wondering the same thing we are. I'm seriously thinking something is up with the Marlboros...
I'm  30 and have smoked for 5 years. Cigarettes just recently started making me light headed sick to my stomach. I have started vaping to wing myself from cigarettes. Yes the struggle is hard. It's not the same. But with all hopes I can and you also can stop. I think it is something in the cigarettes put in by the FDA.
976897 tn?1379167602
Really? so I didn't stop smoking in 2007 after a heart attack? I didn't smoke for a year after my wife passed away and give up again (3 years ago) ? I know what it is like to give up and I was in a mess for 4 weeks, sweating and moody. I just kept thinking to myself "I'm in charge of my body, not those cancer sticks".
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And who paid you to be on this site? You have no idea what it is like to quit after all the additional addictive substances the tobacco industry has been allowed to put in them. This government should be thrown out along with the people in the industry. they have all been paid to kill their fellow countryman and they have pocketed the money with malicious greed and glee like you.
Get out of here you have no idea what you are talking about.
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The Bible is the Word of God.  Jesus said the reason you cannot hear his word is because you are not of God.
Marian121 last comment wasnt for you. Somehow it got posted under you.
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I am really sorry for you that you buy into all of what the Bible says. It is a book filled with seemingly endless fairy-tales perpetuated as fact by the uneducated masses. Why uneducated? Because anyone with half a brain knows that calling baseless assertions "facts" is downright nonsensical. Every word in the Bible is just that, words - it makes no observable claims, no testable hypotheses, and most importantly it has no power of prediction. Our eternity depends on seeing and learning for ourselves - not what the some unsubstantiated text says. The ancients gave us God's word... you're stupid to take it as fact.
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The Bible is the Word of God.  Jesus said the reason you cannot hear his word is because you are not of God.
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So you live by "his words", which are the old testament, which states we should deal with certain people in violent ways...so you live by that truth? You know you can still believe in your God and know at the same time that the Bible is a well written book from MAN'S perspective of metaphorical and actual occurrences. I am sorry for you if you pick up a stone and throw it...I mean how many of you have read your Bible and realized that when his followers asked if they should give charity or build temples etc Jesus ignored them and told them something else. He didn't say we should. People really misread the bible.
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You silly sausage this is a load of crap, the bible isnt real and any1 who believes in it doesnt have the capability to work out its a load of bull.....its been proven that atheists have a higher IQ Tha those who believe in religion, God save us from religion!!!
Exactly, the bible was written 400 A.D. i can tell you i cause a 30 pound walleye and in 400 year theres no telling where the story will be. Not saying theres not a higher power cause how else was everything created but i dont believe in a "god". The bible says alot of stuff that isnt true at all accordit to history.
976897 tn?1379167602
I cannot endorse smoking in any form, but just a warning. Here in the UK we have huge problems of imports (fakes) from China. Tobacco and cigarettes enter the country by the 1000's and get into shops. You simply can't tell by the wrapping but they contain nasty chemicals in high doses, such as Lead. It doesn't stop there. Medications are also sneaking in, and the only way to find out if these are fakes is for the manufacturers to test them. They have even been found in Hospitals giving them to patients.
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That is exactly what is happening to me and my girlfriend. We just searched the internet for the same problem. Not so much the heart issues but definitely the nausea and vomiting. So we switched over to camels thinking Marlboro had a bad batch or something and it stopped. We were smoking the exact same cigarettes as you, Marlboro ultra lights.
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976897 tn?1379167602
I'm not sure if there is such a drug that you get hold of? How much coffee did you have? blood pressure will increase a bit after such a large meal, then coffee would increase it more, then a cigarette would increase it even further. I would say swap the cigarette for the coffee, but that would be encouraging you to smoke and not very clever.
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63984 tn?1385437939
It probably is a crime of some degree to drop any drug in your food.  That said, your breakfast sounds criminal as well, so much grease and carbs would have me very, very ill.  It isn't as unhealthy as smoking, but over the long term eating like that is pretty bad for your heart.
If you are really only smoking one or two cigarettes a day, why don't you just quit?  
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I recently joined a methodist church where all my friends go. I go because they are there and well.... I think sometimes they mean well but are very much into social engeneering. I would not put it past them to sneak some kind of anti smoking drug into my food , which I have been eating there a lot lately. about three times a week.  After the last prayer breakfast which was great ,  eggs , bacon , suasage , biscuits and gravy , potatoes , coffee , juice and water ... well it was awesome and I had seconds; later in the day I smoked my one of two cigarettes I have each day and I got real sick. It happened again the next day so I have not had one today and have not been as nausious. I would not put it past well meaning friends and family to add some **** like that to your food or drink ... I think it's a crime and a person should be able to quit on their own .. It messes with the mind you know .
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I am 23 years and have always been athletic out going and in shape guy,  I hated smoking didn't want any one smoking around me in my car etc.... Until I was about 20 I hated it ,  I really didn't see why anyone would be addicted to something that makes you stink and kills you.   At the age of 20 I started to date a girl that smoked and started picking up the habit. I had the habit for about three years.  While I had Just started smoking I started to realize shortness of breath at night how I had lost my exciting drive that I once had my stamach hurt after I smoked.  Muscles aching and strong headaches.  I have completely quit as of now and now I feel great all the time I'm excited for the night out or for whatever.  I can breath at night no more stomach pain .  I just never thought that I would ever get addicted to smoking when I was younger ,  but in the end I am. So happy I got enough shut in me to just throw that last pack away when I was throwing up one morning and say I'm done!!  I hope all in all you can quit smoking for yourself and people around you I did.. Godbless you
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976897 tn?1379167602
own rolls? are you talking about making your own cigarettes?
They are something like 20 times worse than the cigarettes that your buy pre-made. Why are you experimenting with smoking anyway? it is a poison you know. It's a bit like saying I'm going to lay in the highway and see how long I can stay there before being run over.
What you need to do is simply quit. Your cardiovascular system is saying "hey, I've had enough, I'm damaged". Listen to your body.
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I just came back from the emergency room. I was getting so dizzy and staying that way all day. They couldn't figure out why. I stayed 4 hours in the ER. I noticed that while I was in there I started to feel better and completely normal. Then on the way home, I started to get dizzy again. I tried and tried to figure it out and the only outside cause it can possibly be are the cigarettes. I ingested nothing else. I smoked for 24 years so why are they now making me sick? I just now looked it up after I got home. It all makes sense now. I plan on testing my theory by smoking nothing but my own rolls and seeing if there is a difference. I'll post back when I know more.
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If you think that is bad, hear me out on my opinion. I am 39 years old, I have smoked heavily since I was 11. I have always been a physical person and smoking has never been a problem really, until now (2009). The government has gotten rid of all of the foreign cigarette companies such as, the original Drum, Bali Shag, both handrolling tobaccos. If you ask me, all the cheap tobacco now is laced with poison, why? Maybe so they can get rid of all of us poor people, that sure would help their health care problems now wouldn't it? I will NOT be a victim, I quit smoking cigarettes immediately. I know they are laced with poison now, especially the cheap roll your own stuff. How did I quit so easily? I just puff on big cigars now, I don't go through any niccotine withdrawl and I don't inhale the cigars. I will quit those soon too, because I don't want to give the government any more of my money.
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I Have not smoked for 8 days. I am wearing the patch to help. I have smoked for 10 + years -Menthol cigs. Its quite a struggle, even with the patch. When the patch wears off, my body and mind is a mess, i cannot think straight, my body is weak and yesterday i broke out into a sweat - pouring with sweat, for me this is not normal due to the fact that i dont really sweat!
Im 35 year old female, and it was just time to quit.
My father is fighting prostate cancer and while doing research to find natural treatments  i became discusted at all the toxins in our food, it just made me so mad that companies put such horrible stuff in our food...anyway thats a long story but  that is what made me finally want to quit. How  could i be so mad at these companies when i was putting something as toxic as cigs into my  own body.

Christ has a lot to do with my battle, i rely on Him to help me through this. It is still hard but reminding my self that i DO want to feel better, Breath Deeper, and have more energy (to name a few benifits) makes it so worth all this pain im going through to quit.

I work in the gulf of mexico and absolutly hate flying, i have to take a helicoptor often to get to the job site and also fly down to texas via commercial flight form the west coast. I hate flying so much, huge stresser for me, so im really looking forward to conquering this major stresser with out sitting out side smoking 10 cigs before the flight. Reminding myself of all the good that will come from not smoking will be my frame of mind (Lord give me the strength!)

Its hard, but it will be so worth it!
I wish there were web sites that told you straight forward what to expect when quitting, like how your body reacts. My body is not liking that im not smoking! It is fighting me, and it would be nice to see that this is 'normal', it would help to press on and get through it. Ive just asked others i work with and they have similar stories as to how there body reacts. Also- i smoked one cig 4 days after i 'quit', it tasted normal and quite frankly good, then i tried smoking another one on day seven and i couldnt do it! It tasted horrible, like plastic or something. Im quite positive that this can be overcome, i mean quitting smoking. Maybe having someone to vent to as well (I reccomend Christ and a non smoker) and tell them how hard it is, what a struggle it is- It helps to vent.

I suppose i can look at it as though im a drug addict going through withdrawls? I mean i have been addicted for over ten years, my body functions with it, im taking it away and going through serious withdrawls. But it can be done!

Also i think they  put something in cigs now to make them go out, like if you leave your cig in an ashtray for a moment it will go out on its own. They did this to help prevent fires. I dont know what the chemical is called but ill do a bit of research on it. But this was added a year or so back.
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Dude look @ your label on your cigs by the bar code, does it read FSC? If so you are the latest victim of the new cigerettes and thier toxic effects. I too am suffering since the cigs came to my state and my lame *** doctors said i was faking my symptoms too. Look at the statistics for the states that have FSC and the states that are complaining of swine flu. Your symptoms are caused by the governments new cig program and noone really knows yet. Sorry to hear your sick, please stop smoking those things now and you will probably live.
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How do you do it? How do you handle quitting cold turkey mentally? I have read that cold turkey quitting is the best way to stay successfully quit. I have tired everything and yet still a smoker. I have Leukemia and still a smoker! I am so angry at myself because I lack the will power to quit. How do you get past the irritability and agitation? When I smoke I do get sick, nausea, dizzy, faintness and tiredness. But as soon as I start feeling better what do I do? Yep, smoke.. Just like an idiot. No insults can be said that I have not said to myself. I did not realize what smoking does to the arteries. Atomic 811... I thought that was really interesting what you wrote about the cath procedure, 50% is a lot. Any tips from an ex-smoker would help! Thank you all and take care..
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976897 tn?1379167602
you stated "You're right about inflammation in the lining of the arteries causing holes, but it is the good cholesterol that plugs these up with no build-up"
Everything I have read regarding cholesterol states that LDL (bad) cholesterol is used by
the body for treating damage to arteries. HDL (Good) simply tries to keep the level of
LDL in check and returns unused LDL back to the liver for recycling. Maybe all the
documentation I've read is incorrect?
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976897 tn?1379167602
our bodies become highly contaminated with free radicals and other toxins due to the
foods we eat. The body can only 'naturally' remove so much of these but our diets simply
overload the system. Starving from food for one day each week gives the body a good
chance to catch up. Experiments in labs show that animals live longer than average using this method.
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