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chest pain after sneezing

I am a 19 yo white female who has been experiancing excrutiating chest and right arm pain after sneezing. The pain starts in my upper chest, very similar to the pain experianced when one has a brochoncial infection and has been coughing for a long time. It racks around my chest cavity and is a very sharp, prolonged pain. The pain also moves down my right arm, stopping usually before it goes into my palm. I never experiance the pain in my left arm, but it does exist in my left collarbone / shoulder area.
I've browsed around a few forums and think that it could possibly be Musculoskeletal, and perhaps even a cardiac issue. I work in retail, and I casually told a woman I was helping that I experianced painful sneezing (she was in the middle of a sneezing fit when I was helping her). She told me she was a doctor, and that I should get my chest checked out right away, and that it could possibly be cardiac. The fact that I'm so young and have no history of heart issues worries me.
So what are your thoughts? Could I have a heart issue, or do I have something as simple as a pinched nerve?
14 Responses
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Hi there:

How's it going ?

It's insane. I'm going through exactly the same symptoms. Were you able to diagnose your situation?

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Ugh. I've had absoultly no luck. I've been doing some research and have come up blank. Thankfully, I haven't had any painful sneezing in the past few months, but hayfever season is right around the corner, and I'm dreading it....
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Any news on your status?
Check your INBOX as I sent you a message ;)
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wow - i have the exact same thing. I get a very intense pain in my chest and down both arms when I sneeze. I did find some responses on Google that may help... you might have to copy and paste into your browser:


One response by a doctor in there reads: "the symptoms highly suggest pressure on nerves leaving the spinal cord
in the neck: at your age, most likely a bulging disc in the vertebrae."

hope this helps,
- Dave
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I have had pain after I sneeze but it does not travel down my left arm it just stays in the area just below my sholder.  I am only 14 and I don't know what it is and it is really starting to worry me.
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1155836 tn?1262332724
Gees... I'm 27 Male, Asian, and I'm feeling it right now. I have runny nose and been sneezing since yesterday with horrible pain, Chest, right arm/shoulder and my right palm. I was lean, muscular and physically fit until I stopped going to the gym, and it's been 4 months.
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976897 tn?1379167602
Have any of you ever experienced a pulled chest muscle?  I had one about four years ago when lifting a heavy object and it was agony. For the first week it even gave stabbing pains when I breathed, I had to wear a tight brace around my chest. After a week it still hurt bad if I coughed. It lasted another six weeks. If I lifted anything, it seemed to make it worse. The pain felt like it was inside the chest and going into my shoulder/arm.
I would describe the pain as the stitch you sometimes get when running, but ten fold.
Do you think it could be the problem?
I was told to keep it warm, preferably with one of those heat lotions and to make no sudden movements. I was walking around like a flamin robot for weeks.
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Not sure if this helps but I figured it best to put my experience on here too. I've never had any issues with pain in my arms from sneezing, not until about 2 hours ago from this post.

I do however have a cold now and the sneezing is accompanied by the usual clogged nose, ears, temperature. I feel weak from is, as you do.

When I sneeze, it's quite strong and the feeling in my arms is similar to an electric shock. Most people will relate it to the feeling you get if you trap a nerve or stop the flow of blood to your arm. You feel it most at your elbows but gradually over a couple of minutes it ends at your finger tips with a very slight pins and needles feeling.

I'm guessing it's related to the amount of pressure the sneeze causes along with tensing your body as you do it.

Definately related to blood flow and weakness of the body.
I'm sure when my cold goes away I won't have pains like this when I sneeze.

Oh, and I'm 32, had recent blood test and would consider myself average on the Health scale.

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Wow...I only looked up this subject and found this site because I was worried when I sneezed why I felt pins and needles in my upper torso.  Second time today within 2 or three hours both times after sneezing.  And I have been sick with this chest cold for days.  I am 48 years old!  I don't ever remember something like this!
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Wow...I only looked up this subject and found this site because I was worried when I sneezed why I felt pins and needles in my upper torso.  Second time today within 2 or three hours both times after sneezing.  And I have been sick with http://www.medhelp.org/posts/new/416108#this chest cold for days.  I am 48 years old!  I don't ever remember something like this!
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I googled "chest pain while sneezing" and came across this site as a top post.
I have been complaining to my doctor about chest pains and have had x-rays to the chest which show basically nothing. I for the first time last night with no cold or allergies did a five sneeze with no one around so I just let it all out and this pain I have been feeling became prominent. I could feel the pressure sensation for some time after that sneeze and had a three sneeze about an hour later with the same sharp pain just to the left center of my breast bone. Feeling the pain sensation just after that sneeze when I breathed deep. The pain went away after some time but a sensation of pressure could still be felt for some time after that when I breathed deep.  
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I have the same issue.  Very bad pain in my chest and arms when I sneeze. No one mentioned it but I would guess everyone on here has very large sneezes. Not those little chirps that you here from some small women. I have had this symptom as long as I remember and I'm 45.  I always assumed it was simply the high velocity of my sneezes contracting my large chest and arm muscles very fast. Similar to a muscle cramp. However the idea that it may be the sneeze causing a temporary pinched nerve also seems like a potential cause. I can see the contraction from the high velocity sneeze causing the spine to compress resulting in a pinched nerve. Not sure I can tell the difference between a nerve pain and a muscular cramp pain. Other thoughts? My "sneeze chest pain" lasted about 4 min today, but typically it only 2-3 min. I have no other symptoms that I am aware of and am otherwise healthy. E.g no cold or coughing.
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I had this today, first time in a couple years, probably.  Pain and discomfort in the chest radiating down both arms stopping at each wrist, after sneezing, with pain lasting for several minutes and a "blah" feeling lasting for about 20 minutes.  
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I'm 3 days into the flu and have had this pain 3 times so far. Once last night and twice today. Never experienced this prior. I'm 49, male, slightly overweight, but otherwise very physically fit and healthy (when I don't have the flu!). When I sneeze, I have a very intense pain shooting through the center of my chest and down my right arm. I would describe it as something between: a) a flash of lightning in my body and b) my muscles being ripped from the bone. I'm thinking it is as some others have indicated, a nerve pinch/compression issue. I'm planning to experiment with different neck and arm postures for my next few sneezes. I might change my mind when the next sneeze comes... My sneezes are so powerful, I'm almost afraid I could seriously injure myself trying to do anything "unnatural" while sneezing. Another thought I had is that I've spend most of the last 3 days in my recliner, using the TV remote with my right hand. Maybe I've strained my neck and arm muscles?
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Shooting pain down the arm when sneezing is not rare.  It is most often caused by a pinched or irritated nerve coming from the spinal cord in the region of the neck.

It is not at all heart-related.

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