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why do my left arm and chest hurt when I exercise?
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Thanks for the information.  I don't have insurance at this time, so it kind of hard to go to the doctor.  I did, however, suspect heart problems.  Will I die from this or have a heart attack?

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237039 tn?1264258057
Classic signs of a cardiac issue and reason for a medical workup. I hope you seek medical attention soon. Take care, Ally
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367994 tn?1304953593
We can provide you with an insight to a possible cause as some of us have experienced the same or similar events.  Almost always when there is chest pain, etc. and it is related to the heart there is relief with rest.  This condition is medically referred to as stable angina (most common), if there is angina and isn't relieved with rest it is referred to as unstable angina.  

The angina is usually a result of occluded vessels, and the pain is associated with insufficient oxygenated blood to the heart cells.  With exercise the demand is increased for the oxy/blood, and a  blockage impedes an increase in blood supply to the cells.

If there is some blockage, the treatment can be medication to dilate the vessels and open the vessel for a better blood supply to the distressed area. Sometimes medication isn't sufficient and a stent may be the best option, and if the location, size of the blockage can't be corrected with a stent so a bypass may be the best option.

I have chest pains (angina) with aorbic exercise, but a nitrate prior to the exercise routine prevents any discomfort and that has been my experience going on 8 years.  If your chest pain is angina, a nitro pill will relieve the symptoms.  The probability is very high that chest pain with exercise and relief with rest is heart related.  You should have a cardiologist evaluate to rule out any heart problems, and even if the chest pain subsides that doesn't mean you don't have a heart condition as often there is no chest pain with a heart event.  

Thanks for sharing, and if you have any further questions or comments you are invited to respond.  Take care,

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159619 tn?1707018272
We can't answer that here, however these are classic signs of angina. You should be talking to your doctor about this as it may be due to a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle when under stress. This could be caused by blocked arteries so it really needs to be checked out.

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