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heart palpitations and the menstrual cycle

hello im 27 yrs old and suffer from heart palpitations, i wondered if these can be linked to the menstrul cycle
as i tend to get them mostly around this time and only occasionally inbetween its quite scary as i have to breath deep to get my breath, i have not been to my local gp about this yet as im afraid of what he will say.

This discussion is related to Heart Palpitations.
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6674257 tn?1383626031
I'm 27 and have been having this issue for years, since i was about 16 years old.  I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, no heart problems have been detected (yet) but i am not currently medicating and do not really feel i need to.  I've noticed that the heart palpitations and intense feelings of random fear get worse or will pop up spontaneously after a couple months of being just fine, right around the menstrual cycle (the week before, during, or the week and a half after).  I don't take birth control pills and have never had children.  I'm convinced it's hormonal and i will eventually, if it persists after starting a new vitamin regimen, go to the doctor to have them check me out again for a hormonal imbalance.  I've noticed that hunger can make it worse, gas can too.  But i'm recovering from gastritis so this might not be the case for other people.  But it could help someone.  Don't let yourself get hungry to a point where your stomach growls because the stomach can effect the heart's function if it inflames or gas causes bloating (and the uterus' inflammation during the menstrual cycle can cause other organs to inflame and push on various other organs, causing various kinds of distress).  Potassium, magnesium, and keeping well hydrated may help as well.  Check your pulse in the morning, counting for 1 minute the beats, then count it again mid-day and once again in the evening (all while at rest).  Do so for a month every day if your cycle is regular and note the changes that may be present the closer you get to your period.  Take that to your doctor.  Also it would be wise to check your blood pressure once a week for a month to note any major changes that may be taking place.  Those will be good evidences to present to your doctor that something relating to your cycle is causing heart issues.  I've noticed that my pulse before my period will be very high when i'm resting (about 83 beats a minute) but midway through the cycle, before ovulation, at rest my pulse will be down around 70 beats a minute.  My blood pressure is always rather low though, no matter what point during the cycle i have it tested.  Caffeine can make it all worse so i must avoid coffee and can't have too many cups of green or black tea.  If the new vitamin regimen i'm starting works or if i go to the doctor for this i'll report back here to let everyone know what they discovered or if the multi-vitamins did the trick.  It'd be nice to find something that really works and isn't just a band aid.
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2060994 tn?1390414057
I have a current Cardiologist. I have had the all the tests known except the tilt table test. I'm not sure I should have it done. He has only found a leaky tricuspid valve.  I have on an event monitor now. I believe I have a little over a week left out of the 30 days. If they tell me it shows nothing, I don't know what to do. I have noticed that during that lovely time of the month everything is worse. That seems when I get the more often palps.  Anxiety is worse, moody, headaches, weakness. I had the Mirena IUD twice ( total 10 years ). I wasn't sure if it were to blame for my issues, so I decided not to replace it. This has changed my chemistry. With the Mirena there's almost never a period. However I have lost a lot of weight. Approx 15 lbs. This maybe contributes to the fact I can feel what my heart does. I've noticed the last couple days my chest is cramping again. I don't know if it's related to the palps. I get palps with no cramping, then I get the cramping not neccesarily with the palps. I don't know what it is. I've considered my lungs, but when I take a deep breath it actually feel better for a second. I just feel all crampy. Idk if it's gas, as the PMS seems to cause trapped gas. It's really annoying. Sometimes it feels like a squeezing feeling, others just like what gas feels like, and sometimes a little pain, almost seems like it could be inside the breast. I often feel a heaviness in the dead center of my chest. I'm curious as to whether this only happens this time of the month. If it was limited to that then I think I could deal a lot better. Then I know it's coming and that it will end. I am trying to control my anxiety as best I can, but I'm still not at the point where I'm living. I quit my job because of the palps. I left there two times in an ambulance and everyone was just looking at me weird. I was so weak and my brain is more on the fritz than usual, I was worthless, so I left. I am the kind of person who wants to exercise and do things, and I'm still afraid to do any of that. I'm afraid to raise my heart rate. So I try to stay calm and only do light things. Pushing a heavy cart feels exhausting. Even though I have gotten back into my creative side and distracting myself with art, I have removed a lot from my life too. I no longer drink coffee, or eat any chocolate, or alcohol. I don't exercise. I don't feel free to do as I want. I'm afraid to go to far from my husband or away from my home. I'm afraid to be in an area too far from a hospital. I'm afraid to raise my heart rate, so I'm not intimate with my husband. I am seeing a therapist and I have been Vistaral. I haven't taken even one because I have a fear or taking anything. They don't give out Xanax because of the addictive properties. Really I think it's the county I live in, so many ppl are doing illegal things with Xanax and other scripts. It's the only one I trust to take, but I can't get it. I have only been given 4 which I asked for when I was going on a flight. it's the lowest dosage and I break them in half. I need to look into getting the only one I feel comfortable with. I can't take anything right now with the even monitor, but it would be nice to have. I don't like taking anything so the chance of me becoming addicted is slim. I greatly appreciated your response.
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Greetings tab. Plz excuse my typos. I'm using my phone.  From what I read of you it sounds like my story. I will tell you this about anxiety and stress. I suffer with both and often times am not even aware of it until I get treatment and it subsides. Then I can feel the difference. I have to takr xanax from time to time. Isually for short periods of time. Once I get myself calm I can quit taking it. Sometimes tgis takes months and sometimes just days. Anxiety is tricky. I can have it very slightly and not even be aware of it until my heart starts going nutso. I am having problems now since nov. I got back on xanax in nov and my symptoms are finally improving. Not back to normal but better. I used to argue with my doc when I was in my 20s that the heart palps are causing the anxiety. He would say stress and anxiety, even slight, is affecting my heart and in turn making my palps worse. Plus once I havr an odd spell of several palps in a row or many in one day I get freaked out and then they get worse and stay that way until I get under control, usually with xanax.  I have had these problems since I was 12. And at times they are worse than other times. Who knows why?
I also have chest tightness. Taking a xanax stops that. Telling me its anxiety. I also have gerd from a hernia which agravates heart palps but for me treating the gerd didn't stop the tightness. Treating the anxiety did.
I am also quilty of fearing they won't stop. But they do. Once I realize the fear is firing up my heart I can get a hold on it and it finally improves.  This is a great site to be on. Go to the arrythmia forums and u will hear thousands of stories like ours and many much worse. Making me realize mine isn't so bad. Some ppl out there truly suffer so much.
I have seen 4 cards in my life and they all tell me the same thing...unless I am having chest pain that doesn't go away...unless I am short of breath...unless I faint...go hime. Enjoy life. Also they will tell me...unless I am having over 20, 000 palps in 24 hours then no need to worry. I have around 10 a day. The card said that is 1% of my daily heartbeats that are not normal. That isn't enough to worry about.
I do suggest you get some test to rule out things because that will give you peace of mind.
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2060994 tn?1390414057
Sorry I am posting this here, not sure how to add my comments exactly. I am pretty much desperate. I am trying very hard to control my anxiety, figure out what is going on with these heart palpitations, etc.
I am looking for people to vent with who suffer from this. I don't believe my anxiety causes the palps,  I believe it is the other way around. I have suffered from anxiety most my life, but it's been this past year that the palpitations have become impossible to deal with. My only history with palps was maybe one a night when I went to lay down. I always felt like it was an adjustment for lying down. Five years ago, I had three in a row one night and quit smoking because it scared the crap out of me. It's not till this past year that something has made them increase like never before. I can be perfectly fine and they happen causing me to freak out. I can be freaking out with anxiety and they not happen. There seems to be different ones too. Some feel like little mess ups at what feels like the bottom portion of my heart ( almost feels like the stomach ). Some feel like a mess up followed up by a big warm wooshing in my chest ( hate these), and some like a huge beat at the top middle portion of my chest. On one occasion at work I felt a mess up then it started racing. It got to 160 all by itself. This has only happened once, and I hope it was just anxiety and never happens again. Sometimes, I feel like my heart gets slower bigger beats when I stand up or stretch. I'm starting to believe it has something to do with PMS. I can go a while, week or so, and start to feel like a normal person, then it will happen and my anxiety , and often, depression takes over, setting me back. I just started my period and the last two days have not been good. Not to say I'm completely free of palps during the rest of the month, but I think it's at least worse. My chest feels tight, right down the center making me consider heartburn, etc. I don't understand it. What scares me is I have worried what if I get them and they don't stop. Since then I have experienced two nights where they kept on. So I worry will they just continue to worsen, and can I deal with that??  I've been so overwhelmed at times with fear of dying that I get so tired and think it might be easier, at least in death I won't have to worry. That's how bad it gets sometimes.
well please feel free everyone to join my group. I don't know what else to do. I am already in therapy, which helps. I am also starting to write a book, just trying to seek some relief by getting things off my chest.
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I completely agree with u. When I'm having a rough day and my anxiety is winning I can come here and find some comfort. I will let u know what my gyno says about hormones. I have a feeling she will scratch her head and have no real answer. I plan to keep looking into it though. Keep me posted
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You know, that's the million dollar question!! I don't know if getting a hyst (partial-not removing ovaries) will help or make it worse.  I can't take it getting any worse so I hope and pray my doctor will tell me the truth.  I just read a comment where someone shared getting a hyst. has helped them.  I am so thankful for this board as it has helped me throught some VERY rough times.  Let me know what you decide!
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