584903 tn?1233831386

how were your PVC's / SVT affected by Christmas

I bet most of us let our guard down and did things that we would normally not do to enjoy a merry christmas - I did.
So this is a brilliant opportunity to see what price - if any - we paid for it and do our ways of coping make any difference.
I'll kick off- my number one 'trigger' is alcohol and living by my self imposed rules I avoid 'mostly' the horrific early norning 200+ SVT incidents which darken my life. Over the holiday I have broken my rules and drank everyday - although not too excessive - .
the price for me has been PVC's and lost sleep but i was very fortunate not to have an SVT although I came very close in the early hours of a couple of mornings - So to me it confirms the rules are there for my protection and I will continue with them.
What happened to you?
41 Responses
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I understand your need to keep pushing, we cannot let these things control our lives. Its been a great week for me, my PVC's are nearly totally absent and Iam enjoying the energy I have. Though Iam suffering with a headache that will not go away and had a few more PVC's than I would like, and BP is a little on the highside, I will eat IBprof until the headache eases and give thanks for the non-skippyness and just keep pushing through with this life. Hope everyone lives for 09 are, healthier and wealthier, and has adventures to share and bigger hearts that care!
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584903 tn?1233831386
thanks for the view on the posts. I am looking forward to 2009 as together with all our experiences I am hoping that we can make our lives better and do more.
today Sunday I took 3 physically fit walkers on a 20+ mile bash in freezing and foggy conditions all of whom are nearly 20 years younger than me and wore them out - if only they knew how I have to follow strict rules to be able to do this!
I am always nervous at the start because of the physical stress but keep going - the bad times are if i stop for a snack or drink and then listen to my heart - I would rather keep going. There is something big to be found out and I hope we can find it together.
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703870 tn?1273024642
I think every thread you start, its at least 30+ posts long!  These posts are so great to read, and most of them are very positive!

I hope everyone had good holidays, and wish everyone luck in 09!

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584903 tn?1233831386
that's the problem you feel great and want to have some fun and act like everyone else - then the payback - it's so unfair.
It's odd but the better i feel the more I push it until i get a nasty warning and start behaving again. Deep down I'd love to open that bottle of champagne like I used to and enjoy that tipsy feeling.
Oh well!!!
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627839 tn?1226346299
I'm guilty!!!!!  I was a bad girl. I drank two glasses of wine instead of my normal one and woke up with my heart racing. It only lasted for about 5 minutes but it was very scary.   I was having so much fun with my friends. I forgot about my heart rhythm and lost my mind for a few hours.

Oh well so much for trying to act normal again. I have not had any PVCs for over a month. Since my ablation I have been feeling GREAT!!!!!!!  I guess I though I could let my guard down.  Boy did I learn the hard way.

I am going to Las Vegas on Friday. I will be drinking club soda on this trip.  No more wine for me.  
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584903 tn?1233831386
So -  a lot ot this is happening at a subconcious level  - even being aware of the effects of breathing; and watching out for this consciously; the heart rhythmn still gets affected in stressful situations.
Take a large meeting or a presentation to deliver in front of a large group and all sorts of thumps and bumps will pobably occur. I was sat in my car the other night at traffic lights and a car pulled up in the outside lane obviously trying to get ahead of me - I was determined that he would not and my heart rate shot up as I waited for the lights to change. I beat him easily but it took quite a time for the adrenaline to clear my system and for everything to slow down.
Then we have the hormonal changes, nutrition, supplments etc, and avoiding 'triggers'.
I think I will move on to the mind element.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hi Dave~No, I have never had SVT, I do not think my heart rate has ever been faster than 120 and that was when I was in the ER one day and scared. As I said, they do not last long, maybe a second or so, but, they scare me.

I agree, it could very well be mental as I sure do NOT do anything to cause them, I also never smoked, I never drink or drank any caffeine beverages, I mean, talk about boring, LOL, I am it. That is why I am so bewildered with these things. So, I can only chalk it all up to anxiety and the very fact I fear them, makes them occur all the more.

I have this book, called "Hope and Help for your nerves" and there is a section about "Extra systoles" and she contributes them to anxiety, and also, gas. It is a great book and I would recommend it to all who suffer anxiety, etc.

They are indeed a mystery, I know my doc sure does not know why, all my tests are wonderful.
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584903 tn?1233831386
Same here - i go for quality not quantity and whwn i have my drinks it is always a gold medal winner or a camara ale. A particular favoutite is Marstons 'strong pale ale' and 'empire ale' which are pale ales as supplied to the british troops in the victorain era - fantastic stuff!!
If you get back to the UK let me know and we'll visit some real british country pubs and sample a few quality real ales.
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335873 tn?1264913469
Yes we do. I find too, that pacing is everything. There is a local brewpub that serves up handcrafted ales, stouts, bitter and porters, not the swill that most of us "septics" regard as beer. I love hoppy IPAs. So I have a rule that I only savor good beer--once a week, at that pub. It has to be tough living where you do with great pubs in every neighborhood. I sip the wine on weeknights. More nights than not but that's something I'm going to work on in '09. I'm looking forward to coming back to visit the UK if my PACs don't drive me into an asylum first. Cheers and happy new year.
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584903 tn?1233831386
Yes it does and that's the good thing about it - it is only ever for me caused by alcohol and if i behave myself I can 100% avoid it - but the problem is i like to have a drink or two so in social situations I sometimes go for it and pay the price.
just been talkin to my dad about it and he likes the odd drinl of whiskey and had no problems at all and he finds it odd that I have to refuse what should be a pleasant ecperience
For me the limit is 2 to 3 pints of lager - but not to be repeated without a gap of two days - the SVT will be triggered if I exceed  both my limits but PVC's will get me regardless. I do not take any medication as it makes me feel awful.
looks like we have the same problem?
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335873 tn?1264913469
Does your heart rate really go up to 200 bpm after a night of overindulgence? That sounds a lot like alcohol induced Afib (holiday heart). How long does your SVT episode typically last?

The only positive aspect of my condition is that it got me to cut down my drinking to below a threshold to trigger such events. For me that means no more than 3 glasses of wine or 4 beers. I rarely drink spirits anymore.

When I do go beyond that the following morning my heart rate will be around 100-110 bpm and my diastolic will also be around 100-110 for about 2-3 hours or until my metoprolol and digoxin kicks in to control it.
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584903 tn?1233831386
A difficult one  - you can withdraw totally (which I think means you miss a lot) or join in on your terms. I now think that if you are genuine and really interested in the other person (rather than trying to impress them) that it can work well. the other advantage is that you are being honest and honesty is always the best course of action.
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584903 tn?1233831386
Yoy've really got to me with your post and this is waht we are together for to find a solution.
Lorelley asked the heart queations and that's fine so what can we do?
Anxiety is in many ways a reversible situation in that the body  reacts perfectly to the stimuli which in cave man days would have enabled us to fight or run away from a 'real ' threat.
.Breathing has a major effect on these ancient survival reactions and fast shallow breathing kicks them off whereas ' abdominal' breathing shuts them off.
Abdominal is very simple - just put your hand on your abdomen and breathe slowly so that you can feel your hand rising and fallimg. This switches off 'fight or flight'
Add to this meditation and perhaps yogand you are getting some tools to help reverse the very real symptoms caused by 'anxiety'
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584903 tn?1233831386
you are very interesting in that you have never done all the 'bad' things that I have done  and now avoid (most of the time) to help prevent my problems.
Have you ever had SVT problems (i would describe this as 200+ sustained regular heart rate in my case) which I get if I drink either too much or too frequently?
then on the pvc front I wonder if the final problem is in the mind as even with your clean living you still suffer.
food for thought for 2009
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hi Everyone~Well, I was blessed, I did not experience any of those horrid "flutters" as I call them during Christmas or the week of, actually.

I get concerned as you all do, my reason being, I have NEVER abused my body, NEVER taken any drugs, NEVER drank alcohol, NEVER done anything unhealthy, and yet, I still get them, and can get them rather a lot at times. Granted, I have not had as many as most the posters here, for me, a lot is 5 a day, but, those 5 scare me so badly I am paralyzed with fright. I have had the Echo, holter monitor, and all blood work, and they are glowing. EVERYTHING is perfect, so, I can only chalk mine up to extreme anxiety. I DO have panic/anxiety attacks, and when I am in "anxious mode" I do notice the buggers acting up more. Also, eating and drinking lots of water at once will sometimes trigger them. However, I have been increasing my water intake lately, and I am noticing not as many of the PVC/PAC, I used to avoid it as I was afraid of the flutters, but, I learned that being dehydrated can bring them on also.

I take EXCELLENT food-grade vitamins, synthetic ones make me sick to my tummy, I take minerals of the same type as well, plus a digestive aid. I do all I can, so, again, I blame the anxiety for the things, or my hiatal hernia, who knows.

Anyway, my prayer for everyone is that 2009 will be a "flutter free" year and we will have more peace of mind if we do have them.
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335873 tn?1264913469
I had ultrasound and stress test a year ago and my heart is structurally normal with good ejection fraction, according to the tests. My cholesterol is perfect at 123.

However the constant palps are worrisome. I've had bad anxiety issues my whole life, and as such, if you were to pick the worst personality type to deal with this condition, it would be mine. Yet my cardiologist is reluctant to consider an ablation at this point. I plan on making an appointment with a shrink and get back on anti anxiety meds, which I used to take years ago, before developing PACs and Afib.

As you know from having had them along time is their strange nature of going away for a long time and then coming back with a vengeance. I hate, hate, hate them!!!
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Have you had your heart checked out? I mean, Holter, nuclear stress test, echo, etc.? If it's structurally normal, you shouldn't be worrying about the defibrillator outside your door! I know exactly what you mean when you say "When I'm in normal rhythm I can't enjoy that time knowing that before the day is out the other shoe will drop". The thing is, we shouldn't obsess about the damn thing, but, easier said than done, right? I've been trying to figure out what triggers my PACs. I think stress is a big trigger; caffeine certainly is, and also a big meal, which has led me to think there's a connection between a full stomach and the ectopic beats, even though doctors tend to dismiss it. Anyway, it's comforting to see that we are not alone, that there's a whole bunch of us experiencing the same thing. And let me tell you, I've had PACs all my life and they haven't prevented me from having children or otherwise leading a pretty normal life. It's just that lately the PACs seem to have worsened and I'm trying to figure out why...
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335873 tn?1264913469
This holiday season has been the worst since I started having PACs, PVCs and Afib 6 years ago. I live alone, have no family or friends locally and have taken vacation time where I expected to get caught up on household projects. Instead I've been going in and out of arrhythmia, mostly in. My anxiety level is spiking as a result as of this and my motivation level has been sapped. The worst part is people wishing me a "merry christmas" when it's anything but. I hate having to live this way. When I'm in normal rhythm I can't enjoy that time knowing that before the day is out the other shoe will drop. It's worse at night with the resulting insomnia, waking up with adrenaline rushes and more palps. Life ***** when you're pondering a few times a week whether or not you should go to the ER. I'm looking forward to getting back to work and my normal routine. Ironically, my company installed the emergency defibrillator right outside my office door--They aren't aware of my condition. Its location may be a harbinger of an event down the road.
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187666 tn?1331173345
OK, I could be insulted but instead, I find the comment funny. You said: "I guess the intellect of some really plays a role in which how anxiety plays its role as well.  The less we know, the less were concerned?"  Does that mean people who don't struggle with anxiety are less intelligent? I'm sure that's not what you meant. If it was true, I'd be a very stupid person. Then again, there's that old saying about ignorance is bliss. LOL

I've never been an anxious person, never understood the concept really. But I know some people do struggle with it. I used to be a bit concerned about what people thought of me when I was younger. Now that I'm an old lady :-) I'm content with who I am and if some folks don't care for me, oh well. I'm not going to be obnoxious; I understand the social graces. But if they don't like the way I dress or that I'm 10 lbs overweight, too bad. That has freed me to enjoy life more. But it's a mind set that has taken years to develop.

Here's wishing you a happy new year filled with fun and less stress.
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703870 tn?1273024642
Yeah. I know all about wanting to be sociable and have few drinks.  I have so much fun, and I'm able to speak so much better.  I mean, my thoughts of being anxious or worried are nonexistent.  How do you achieve this same result without the 'self-medicating' routines. I know alcohol in excess is not healthy, and even 3 drinks a day can be unhealthy. I guess the intellect of some really plays a role in which how anxiety plays its role as well.  The less we know, the less were concerned?  In this case, then we could live longer lives because we aren't creating stress. Its like everything hinges on something else, and is very counterproductive.  I guess that's why so many institute the 'fuc*-it' principal and live their lives.   Zach
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584903 tn?1233831386
I can relate to what you are saying and because I cannot drink anymore it sort of makes me less sociable and often I avoid social occasions - though when i go i do enjoy them.
I've started eating eggs regularly, salmon steaks lots of spring onion, tomatoes mushrooms etc and am now almost veggie.
I really let myself down last night as it was the last day of the christmas holiday I drank too much and ended up very close to SVT at 2am and have had to take a day off work today.
Will I ever learn or is it that sometimes I just want to have fun.
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703870 tn?1273024642
Yes, I tend to believe that the frozen food industry, or any super processed foods with sodium nitrate, disodium glynate, msg, yeast extracts, is just plain horrible on my digestive process.  It does trigger my PVCs and flutters and they tend to sustain for longer periods in the evenings after like eating a large bowl of cambell's chicken noodle soup. (loaded w/ MSG)

Mike-- I feel the same way at holiday get togethers, because I feel trapped in a situation were If I have to leave, I want to leave immediately, no questions. :)  I guess we can call this social anxiety.  I tend to be over anxious if I'm too far away from a ER incase something might happen.  There are alot of conjoining factors about GAD and Phobias, and their like light switches.  Some days they are turned on, somedays that aren't.  weird.

I tend to stick with all natural foods and organic when possible.  I'd rather use real butter because the process to make it doesn't require conditioning. Of course its pasturized and homogenized as it should be for saftey, these processes don't add preservatives to it.  I eat 2 eggs in the morning 2-3 times a week. I cook 2 4lb whole chickens on a george forman jr rotisere a week, and make an assortment of meals with them.  Okay, I'm done rambling.  Zach
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584903 tn?1233831386
Anxiety is very powerful in its effects and I agree with bundleblocker that walking in somewhere beautiful is helpful.
Have you ever considered hypnotherapy as it can help particularly if you have some phobias as the root cause .
It must be so awful for you having to avoid holiday get togethers.
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378273 tn?1262097621
Hey Mike!

Do you like to walk?  I find that a walk, the brisker the better, really helps my mood. I also jog or run every day, but not everyone wants to do that.

I've been suffering from depression, off and on, for years and exercise helps the most.

Also, this might sound weird, but when I'm really anxious and/or depressed I drink a lot of water. Don't know why,but it seems to help.

Could it be that most of us are in a thirsty state most of the time without knowing it?

Something to think about!

Take care!
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