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post treatment side effects

What longterm side effects after treatment is anyone experiencing?
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Thank you!  I just joined this site, and appreciate your help!
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317787 tn?1473358451
Here is a little bit of what she had written to another person, hope this helps you

It is felt that people who develop Autoimmune Disorders already have a genetic predisposition to Autoimmune Disorders and that some environmental factor (infection, chemical exposure, etc.) will trigger the onset of symptoms.

Hepatitis C (as well as several other infections) can trigger Autoimmune Disorders. Treatment with Interferon can also trigger Autoimmune Disorders.

You have 2 Autoimmune Disorders, Psoriatic Arthritis and Discoid Lupus. They could have been triggered by either Hepatitis C or Interferon treatment.

I had Hepatitis C for about 37 years prior to being treated with Interferon in 2011-2012. I have Sjogren's Disease, an Autoimmune Disorder. In my case, it was the Hepatitis C that triggered the Sjogren's. I had the symptoms for Sjogren's Disease decades before I ever was treated with Interferon.

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317787 tn?1473358451
Hi there, you are responding to an old post.  Please go to the top of the page and post a question.  You will get responses.
There is a member on here who got Sjogerns from having HCV, she had it before treating but did not realize. Her name is Pooh.  She has said in the past that autoimmune problems can result from having HCV and also tx.
I am sure she will answer once you post your question.
Good luck
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I have been post-hep C for almost 10 years, and I am now experiencing dry mouth, and auto-immune problems?  Also, fatigue is pretty frequent; not sure it it's from the treatment, but makes sense.
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I have been post hep C treatment (Interferon/Ribavirin) for almost 10 years.  I am, and believe I still will have short-term memory problems; has anyone experienced this?  

Also, I have been recently diagnosed with dry mouth, caused by oral thrush?   I have been dealing with this for about 6 months, and while very unlikely, but something to consider, am going to be tested for Sjogren's Syndrome.

Has anyone experienced any type of auto-immune and lack of energy symptoms almost a decade after treatment?

Thank you,

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Hi , I'm  4 years post tx and suffering worsening of depression and anxiety also loss of zest for life , which I rate as my worse post tx side effect, fatigue as my number 2 and then all the joint and nerve pain, listen I'll be hear all night and get to about side effect number 149, my memories bad and it will take too long so I will leave it at no'3  good night all  Deb
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747988 tn?1396536878
I always ate extremely healthily and walked miles every day even most of the way through treatment.3months post treatment I started to deteriorate into post viral fatigue syndrome (which turned out to be eventually diagnosed as Post Interferon Syndrome.I cut gluten and dairy from my diet in the hope it would relieve some symptoms but I have only seen mild improvements..I became alcohol intolerant so you can't blame that either and I'm not overweight and I don't have high blood pressure,diabetes or thyroid problems and by the way am well past menopause. Medications affect people in different ways,my consultant said 4% of his patients were left in a similar state.
I totally understand what Frank is going through,some of our lives have been badly affected.
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the treatment ruined his life and not just hep c.    and that is really rude of you to say.  and if I could get up and exercise ( still hurting all over and nauseated)  I have changed my diet but not really much response yet as I throw up almost everything.  
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nope since they have come out you still have to have a different genotype than mine 1a.  nothing is better.  same **** different day.  and I am still just as sick as I was before treatment other than some of the liver spots have faded. I am so tired all the time,.
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I am newly off the new treatment with interferon, ribavirin, and Sovaldi.  no I never ever required to see a psychiatrist.  In fact, they sent me to a nurse practitioner that treated me like the junkie they seem to all think we are.  I also had a blood transfusion.  I will now not be so honest.  I saw her 4 times.  2 times before tx and 2 times after.  I actually had to look up on the internet to find out that I still had the virus.  I went from week 3 to week 8 with no calls, no help and if I tried explain the rage, noone cared.  they did let me continue at that clinic but the doctor (although competent) did not get involved until the last month.  they fired the lady but the damage is done.  I am still sick and I still have cirrhosis.   I am still dying.  my kids tell me i am just being dramatic,  I want to run them off when they act like they know something about being sick.  and I am sick of being treated like a leper from most all healthcare professionals.    I lost my job because I missed too many days, even though I got my diagnosis while working there.  I did not want it anyway because they do not have disability coverage,  I needed to work from home (others do) and I would have been perfectly fine working during treatment.  but what it really comes down to it, they were trying to not insure me so they would not have to pay.  so no it is not better.  people still think we are horrible people and we are still getting sick and dying.  
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747988 tn?1396536878
6 years post tx and achieved svr but now have P.I.S. pain all over,fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue,depression,insomnia,neuropathic pain,reynaud's,sicca syndrome,tinnitus,blurred vision,no short term memory or concentration.live on sofa,don't do people and can't cope with any stress even tiny stuff,not safe at times.I am not the same person.
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Hi I was treated in Jan 2012 did 24 weeks finished last June 2012   UND. I was UND at week 4 . Thank God. I went back end July 2012 and UND  then had a 6 mo. check up in Dec. 2012. EOT annd was still UND so I go back in June 2013 . This will be end of 1 year after I finished treatment. Praying that  am still UND.
So far no lasting side that I have noticed. I had arthritus before treatment and still have that,  I was on Peg and Rib. . The treatment was very hard but most have had it harder than I have. I am so thankfulfor a good Dr and medicine that worked .  Hoping you feel better and things improve. Lot of people here are so nice to help and very educated about this desease.  God bless you and keep the faith .
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13 mo post tx and only have minor residual effects, that others have told me give it another year to be 100%.  I had all the joint pain, etc.  That's completely gone.   There still is some brain fog, memory issues, and anger comes out more than it used to.  I'm still on anti-depressants, and will be for another year.  

Given the set of circumstances I was faced with, I still think all the hell I went through was worth it.  I do believe the last 10% residual effects will clear up, just like everything else.  I only treated once, for 24 weeks though, so no multiple assaults on the body.  Was also 1/1, GT 1a, wt was appropriate, and general health was good.  

One major side effect, after 10 years of having to take blood pressure medications, I am no medication free and last week it was 107/72, which is normal for me now.  That alone has reduced the number of migraines I was suffering from.  I also sleep much better now than before tx.

It's hard, but for some just finishing tx, we just have to give time time, which is hard.
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Here I am 6 weeks post treatment (triple therapy for 48 weeks), undetectable viral load so far, 53 years old, looking for answers. Similar story others have posted about the doctor's not having a post treatment protocol. I came to the web mystifyied about what to expect or what are common post-treatment symptoms.
I am having some fatigue, moodiness and extreme pain in my wrists and hands. Went to a rheumatologist and the tests were negative for rheumatiod arthritis. Thank God, but it still doesn't explain my pain. I believe there is a mind body connection, so the pain may be contributing to the fatigue. Also, I believe in my case, that if inflammation is present, that could cause fatigue as well.
Mood and energy levels are so-so, probably not like before...yet! I'm not giving up hope of feeling normal again. I was strong enough to persist with treatment for almost a year and I refuse to look back with regret.
Would I have treated if I thought there would be long term issues? I probably would have, it was a gamble, and I was hoping for the best. If I have issues, well damn, I'll just have to find a way to deal. My choice to treat, my life to live, I have to be responsible for my choices.
Sober for 3 years, not smoking for 3 weeks...no crutches left to lean on. Feeling scared about long term pain and depression, but I have learned a lot of coping tools in AA and with psychotherapy. Just have to stay strong right now, be grateful that I may be cured, seek support, expect the worst but hope for the best. If treatment has changed me permanently, I'll have to accept and adjust.... just sayin.
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253566 tn?1219679699
I hear ya more than ever!

If you can ever find humour in it... laughter is the best cure, even for a few nano seconds!

Peace be with you,
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253566 tn?1219679699

Are you able to read and then comprehend? I know that my brain fog is pretty sever most of the time!

"the nurse for the University of Pittsburgh Liver Center Guru, again, the nurse apologized by saying "Sorry. We destroyed your life" over and over again... "Sorry. We destroyed your life"!... "Sorry. We destroyed your life"! = their meds destroyed my life (not my HepC).

Understand rooferguy?

Maybe do some searching on here about P.I.S. (Post-Interferin Syndrome).
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What are the long term side effects after treatment is engine experiencing?

Not having to worry about all the other things that can go wrong with your
health because you have Hep C.  
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no one know what will or won't work for them...just because their is a "cure" doesn't mean it will work for you....that is why research is still very important...there are over a hundred unnamed virsus' that can mutate at any time...looke at the new bacteria....CRE....there is a difference between virsus' and bacteria' and there are many, many of both.  If you have a few hours go to CDC site and search for un-named virsus...then virsus' w/no cures...then do bacteria's....  

Dear rooferguy...there are major reasons to eat healthier and exercise more whether you have Hep C or not....go to posts "good stuff for your liver" post and "new to treatment"....and there are other ones on here too..these are just the more recent. there are many posters there with good dietry information. Just yesterday they came out with this report that processed meats, cheeses are linked to higher cancer rates...

As for being different...that is part of life...whether you are ill or not...if I was an alcoholic and stopped...then my life would be different....if I had melanoma...my life would be different...if a child, friend or relative is affected by a disease...you will be diferent.  

Exercise, diet changes will affect your body and your mind.  I am not a goody two shoes but have learned along the way that this is true.  Every so often my hip will pop and I haven't had tx...I will have joint pain and hand pain..have photo-sensitivey...have thinning hair...took interferon,riba and peg...  

ANYTHING THAT IS A CHEMICAL CAN PRODUCE A CHANGE IN YOUR BODY.  I am always astounded when on this site the lack of knowledge people actually taking the medications seem not to have....the info IS on the packaging...it is on the website....Ying-Yang,,,good and bad,,,every action has a reaction..

Arthritis is very painful...sorry for your troubles...good luck.
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I finished treatment in Aug 2011, 24 weeks of peg and riba, SVR 6 months post. I feel better than I ever than I ever have. No problems at all.
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How many people changed their diets and added more exercise ?
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Well the HEP is what destroyed your life
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WITH PRETTY GOOD HEALTH EXCEPT FOR ARTHRITIC ANKLES, A ****** JOB WAITING TABLES,****** MARRIAGE AND ****** KIDS-SHOULD I EVEN DO TREATMENT?1st GI said not to do treatment IF you have depression issues.the more and more i read i am coming to the conclusion i need to wait til better treatment is available-i dont have an appt. with the next idiot doctor til 22nd of this month but i dont want more problems than i have.i am 1a for 20 years any thoughts?
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   Hmmm, I had joint pain for a few months post Tx, and my hips would pop out of joint, when I stood from sitting in a low position, but at 7 months post Tx, and I have achieved SVR, I am feeling fine again, no more joint pain.
   I began doing stenghtening exercises, for my body...a Fitness Ball, and a new bike, and my usual ton of house-work, for family of four.
  My depression is worse though, and my temper is explosive again. I had managed to tone that part of mypersonality down, after years of suppport groups, and self help books, but now I have regressed a bit, mentally
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LOL - First I would like to say, Does anyone actually believe a drug manufacturer is going to admit to long term damage? $$$ NOT $$$
I was a guinea pig from 1996 to 2000 (4 years on Interferon with Ribavirin added to the final year)  First of all I was never given psychiatric care during treatment and NEVER responded to the treatment. Today, if you are not responding within a short period you are taken off it. You are also required to see a psychiatrist for the side effects of the depression Interferon creates.The first year was gruesome which ended up with needing to only work part time. The 2nd year I was totally disabled. Toward the end of the 4th year - I ended up in total psychosis from being depressed for so long. Got arrested for sending psychotic faxes to a news station. (long story after that day) it's 2013 and I am still totally disabled) I still have the active virus but I now have schizophrenia and severe clinical depression. The entire country of workers who pay into Social Security is paying for the ignorant Doctors and the -- look the other way drug companies for me being disabled. I will never recover. Today , I don't go to the Doctor unless I actually feel I might be dying. STAY AWAY !!!

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