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17568 tn?1424973559

Why We Removed the Dr. Berkson Thread


We took down the thread about Dr. Berkson until we have a chance to check into his background, credentials and treatments.  Given this is a holiday weekend, we won't be able to do that until next week.  

We appreciate your patience and wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Cindy Thompson
364 Responses
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707563 tn?1626361905
This thread is appearing near the top because it has had some recent posts that we have removed.

This thread is closed.



***************  CLOSED THREAD  ***************
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253566 tn?1219679699
They are appearing here because a new community has been created... so the threads you are seeing moved did not fit in the old community and are being moved into the new community.

Hope that helps as to why you are seeing these very old threads suddenly come to the top...
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5154342 tn?1370270967
Is it just me and my web browser or do these ancient threads that have had no activity for years just somehow manage to randomly and magically percolate to the top of the heap?

Kind of annoying...if it's not just me and my computer and my web browser, could maybe one of the maintainers of this website look into why this phenomenon occurs? And fix it so it doesn't do that anymore?
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979080 tn?1323433639
Just started another round of ALA IVs with my local GP only this time I had him copy
my Berkson protocol ncluding ordering the idendical ALA from the same pharmacy.

Going to continue this for another 2-3 weeks at which point a new  HCV RNA  is at order.

I will keep you posted.


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979080 tn?1323433639

I did LFTs on several different days with 2 outside independend labs including


Did those LFTs because I wanted them , not  Dr. Berkson. All his office did

was fill out the paperwork required by the labs.

Happy New Year

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Was your LFT done also done by Berkson?  If so, would you consider having the test done by another doctor?
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979080 tn?1323433639
Oct 09:

ALT 61
AST 33
GGT 63

Dec 09:

ALT 29
AST 14
GGT 35

The hardest evidence for me are my own labs.
Viral load will follow in early Feb.

Happy New Year
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338734 tn?1377160168
This may not be the thread to debate the relative efficacies of anti-oxidants or other agents in eliminating the HCV. Maybe more appropriate to this thread would be the issue of what constitutes scientific proof of efficacy.

To Bali - SVR is the goal and the answer for me. I will continue to try. Right now, palliative treatments are of secondary concern. But I do see your point on the health of the liver in the meantime, however, I have not seen proper study that shows hard evidence of anything beyond a healthy diet and exercise to achieve that end so far. That could change later, I admit.

Matt - what can I say that hasn't been said to you before? I don't think I can add anything constructive.
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979080 tn?1323433639
Thanks , IamTheWalrus,

That is exactly my next , to see if and how long my LFTs will stay in this
range. In order to help this Dr. Berkson gave me diet and supplement protocoll
which by the way are very reasonable. A diabetic has a much stricter diet than that.
Also the supplements are not all that many and easy to take with food.
By the way if I have to keep getting a few ALA infusions once in a while is not that bad.
Keep in mind I am also taking Alinia (Nitazoxanide) that has proven antiviral
properties for geno 4.Still counting on that one.
One step at a time. For now my liver is in a healthy normal range which means it
can repair itself given the proper nutrition and care.
Isn`t that what they say when you do SOC and fail ? That at least for the time while
on interferon your inflammation goes down and your liver can heal even if you relapse later ?

As I said earlier SOC is not the first answer for me because if you fail which is a 50% chance you
still need to figure out how to deal with this disease only that in addition to that you
will properbly be suffering from brainfog and god knows what else.
So better to look at that possibility upfront while still healthy and energetic.

One lab report at a time.


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213141 tn?1270662112
Very interesting thread. I've come to this board many times claiming how I healed my parents of Hep-C. It is interesting that there's a doctor who is using antioxidants to help people with Hep-C. He uses antioxidants such as "alpha lipoic acid."

I also used "alpha lipoic acid" including many other antioxidants. I gave my parents lots of fresh dark green leafy Vegetable juice, including Spinach and Broccoli on a daily basis.

Here's an article about alpha lipoic acid:


Alpha lipoic acid
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is the one and only antioxidant that is both water and fat soluble. This is a great thing because it means that alpha lipoic acid can reach all parts of our cells. This gives our cells ability to trap free radicals inside the body. With less free radicals floating around in our body, the healthier we can be.

Since aging is caused by free radicals causing damage inside our bodies, we can help prevent this from happening by giving our bodies enough alpha lipoic acid. This will give our cells all the power they need to fend off the damage and help keep our bodies youthful from the inside out. Alpha lipoic acid is also responsible for increasing the levels of glutathione. Glutathione increases the body’s ability to get rid of toxins. Alpha lipoic acid can also cross the barrier from the blood into the brain. Therefore the important substance can be used throughout the body and where it is needed. By reaching the cells of the brain, the alpha lipoic acid can eliminate toxins in the brain, which can prevent from having memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, dementia and even Parkinson’s disease.

Another great thing about alpha lipoic acid is that it has the ability to recycle itself along with other important nutrients including vitamin C and vitamin E. With this ability, the alpha lipoic acid and the other antioxidants continue ridding the body of toxins over and over again. This enables the body to use the alpha lipoic acid in many beneficial ways. Alpha lipoic acid is also being used for patients suffering from diabetes. The important nutrient can help speed up the removal process of the glucose from the blood. It is also beneficial in helping patients with HIV and AIDS to boost the immune system and fight off other illnesses. As well as helping cancer patients get rid of toxins from chemotherapy and prevent tumors from growing larger.

In order to get your required amount of alpha lipoic acid you should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables. Spinach, collard greens, chard, broccoli, and other dark green vegetables are good sources of the nutrient. You may also get enough alpha lipoic acid by consuming animal products. However, animal products are not always the healthiest form of getting these nutrients since animal products also contain high amounts of fat. Yeast is another healthy food that contains alpha lipoic acid.

When it comes to taking an alpha lipoic acid supplement it is important to find the correct form of alpha lipoic acid. Most of the supplements on the market are synthetic form of the nutrient. This can be found on labels as S-alpha lipoic acid. In order to get the true benefits of the vital nutrient you must take the real and true form. This is labeled as R-alpha lipoic acid. This form can be much harder to find and may need to be prescribed by your doctor. When taking the correct from of alpha lipoic acid you do not need to take nearly as much and your body absorbs it much quicker.

If you have a health condition that could benefit from taking alpha lipoic acid, discuss the possibility of using a supplement with your doctor. Before taking any supplement you should talk it over with your doctor. The doctor can also discuss with you the potential side effects of consuming too much of the nutrient. Although there are many wonderful ingredients for our bodies, taking something in moderation is often the best way to ensure your getting the proper amount without causing harm to the body.
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338734 tn?1377160168
Congrats on the great improvement in LFT values! I hope they continue post ALA Tx.

Best Christmas and Holiday wishes to all y'all!
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979080 tn?1323433639
MY last lab report from Dr. Berkson:

ALT  now 29
AST now 14

Again everything else in normal range and improving.
According to the very respected hepatologist and Hep C treater Dr. Ira Jacobson
my ALT is now in the healthy normal range which is below 30.

Leaving tomorrow for NYC and will do new LFTs after a week of stopping
ALA IVs and I will run the entire menu of labs including PCR in about
8 weeks.

Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous 2010

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979080 tn?1323433639
Staying until they close for the holidays.
My total stay will be 2.5 weeks.I feel  I am on a roll so it is
worth the expense to get my ALT as low as possible.
Keep my fingers crossed for your labs.
Let me know.
Remember Linda (the nurse)?Wish I had her around all the time.
She has such a great practical understanding and knows a lot.
It took me some time to see that , the first week I was miserable
with some other issues I have and was about to leave until I got
my first #s back.
Got my protocoll from her today in writing so I can hand it over
to my general physician in NYC who will continue  ALA for me
whenever neccessary.I thought they might be a little reluctant
in sharing this info but the opposite is the case. My GP should
give me a discount since I get him some valuable info he can
use for other patients. Will see.

I had a hard time believing my results at first so I ran different labs
on different days and my #s are improving by approx. 10 point ALT drop
per week so far. Will run my last labs here tomorrow.
Starting to get itchy for a PCR. Originally I planned my next VL in 2 months
from now. Have not decided yet.

"the proof is in the pudding"


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Wow those are great, I kinda wished I had stayed for the second week of treatment.  It was thanksgiving week and they were going to  be closed during the middle of the week so I decided on doing just the one week.  I will be doing my labs soon and will let you know.
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I don't recall seeing it .. would you mind sharing what you're on and at what dosages and at what frequency you're expected to continue at, if known?  I'm trying to ask this "grey" enough .. ;->
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Your numbers look pretty good.
Good luck,
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979080 tn?1323433639
New labs are in:

ALT now 34
AST now 18
GGT now 35 (was 50)

Everything else in normal range and keeps improving ( iron,ferritin,LDL....)

Still doing one more LFT before I leave.


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979080 tn?1323433639
Not good enough by all means.

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148588 tn?1465778809
Lack of a 'statistical universe' (others who have 'labratted' before you) to guide your decision making.
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979080 tn?1323433639
"If you're willing to 'labrat' yourself with your eyes wide open and constant bloodwork to back up your decisions, more power to you"

Please explain how this is different from doing SOC ?
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Hi guys.  I've been out of town working.  Sometimes we also have to understand that people just stop posting, maybe they have other things going on or just re-center and spend less time on line.

Tina, thank you for the note.  One does not read *why* the link was removed but one might infer a reason.  I will also note that according to Upbeat one of the contentious substances, LDN.....according to Upbeat ......Dr Berkson was no longer treating HCV with it.  This is all second or third hand info, but still just in the pot to consider.

By the way Tina...... there are many of the most informed people, or whom I consider knowledgeable and respected who often refer people to Janis and Friends.  I think it is one of the great HCV information sites.  I myself found it so much better than many of the government information sites.  I would extend a really big thanks to you and the people who help with Janis.  It's just simply one of the best of HCV sites.

And to people who find themselves on either side of this argument; remember that we all share a common goal and a common point of unity.  We are all just trying to survive.  Both sides are trying to help people with HCV and they may have a little edge because they believe they are doing so.  I believe that the emotion or reactiveness may come from the conviction what they are doing is right.  I don't think any of this is about trying to sell anything or having any financial ties to either side of the treatment "solution".

Other than that;

Merry Christmas.  Like Tina, I also think that it's a very good board and that there are a lot of informed people here.  I often think that getting a good answer means getting a well rounded answer, and surely you all help provide that.

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67573 tn?1261282690
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I have removed the Berkson study.

Also wish to mention that hundreds of people who visit our message boards/blog/site have found help and support at this site. Its a great place to ask a question and get an accurate answer. I myself have referred members to these boards.

Thanks for being here.

Janis and Friends website/blog/owner


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148588 tn?1465778809
Your approach at least has some reasoned thought behind it. Other, more vehement defenders-of-Berkson / attackers-of-interfearon - not so much.
If you're willing to 'labrat' yourself with your eyes wide open and constant bloodwork to back up your decisions, more power to you. I personally chose to co-tx with TCM herbs (without my gastro's knowledge) but only because I had met the person doing the compounding and had 10 years of ALT/AST results that told me his products were, at worst, harmless. Did I SVR because of the herbs or despite them? Good question. If you clear, the same holds true. Would the Alinia alone have done it? As long as you can accept the consequences of your actions, it's all good.
As for Berkson himself,  (regardless of what the relative merits of any of the individual components he is peddling turn out to be) he seems to be a less than scrupulous salesman.

"I sell the things you need to be
I’m the smiling face on your t.v.
I’m the cult of personality.
I exploit you, still you love me
I tell you one and one makes three.
I’m the cult of personality."

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