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where can I buy it - "Yugandan" - A chinese herb
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Spontaneous remission?  It's been reported in children and pregnant women:



Generally though, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that particular miracle (to paraphrase Leonard Cohen).
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The virus I mean
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Is it posible that after a long period (25-35 years) will die for it self?
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Corrected - grammatical mistakes!

Language is a beautiful thing.  Why mangle it to get a point across?

The 'About Us' page of this forum gives the reason for its founding as:

". . . out of a shared need for better medical information and support . . ."

Perhaps rather than changing its name, YOU might be better served by joining one of the many 'alternative' forums out there.

Thanks for your good wishes - I hope all works out for 'ya' too.
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Language is a beautiful thing.  Why mangle it to get a point across?

The 'About Us' page of this forum give the reason for its founding as:

". . . out of a shared need for better medical information and support . . ."

Perhaps rather than changing its name, YOU might be better served by joining one of the many 'alternative' forum out there.

Thanks for your good wishes - I hope all works out for 'ya' too.
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bit rough on zesc waly,
ya must be well educated mate,, wore out me dictionary this month.

could i suggest u change the name of the forum to inteferon forum and health advice
then u wont have to waste any time on the likes of me an me cohorts.  cheers , hope all works  out  well  for yas,
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338734 tn?1377160168
Cure for HCV? Somehow all the scientist and medical professionals overlooked your simple miracle cure? Or should I believe that you just discovered it but don't want to get richer than Bill Gates selling it to the pharmaceutical companies? Master Lao would be so proud.

Where are your tag team members zesc and justtry? They seemed to have dropped out of the discussion. Or do you feel it not necessary to use those names once you engage the forum in senseless debate? You think that your ruse is not as plain as day?

Please spam somewhere else.
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None of the above.  And I don't get fired up talking to you per se, I have a problem with anecdotal pronouncements.

The following isn't addressed to you in particular ymp, but to the general 'alternative' poster, so don't take umbrage:

You doing what you think is good for you is none of anyone's business - if it makes you feel any better at all, then more power to you.  But making blanket statements about the curative or healing effects of 'alternatives' to Interferon treatment, or giving hysterical advice to avoid Interferon treatment because it's worse than death, are misleading at best, and have the potential to cause serious harm.  

People come to this forum to get advice on Hepatitus - whether they should treat and with what, whether they should continue with a treatment that's proving difficult to manage, what to expect when treatment is finished, and so on.  Advising people to fore go the only known effective treatment in favor of Chinese masters, aloe vera or Rike blood boilers is wrong - plain and simple.  
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mate u know more than anbody  i have ever known. this is complement .i"m serious. do u mind me askin are  u a scientist or a doctor or teaching proffessor. dont answer this if u  feel  i am invadeing u privacy.. if u dont mind  i still have to dissagree on a lot of  your suggestions. ,.but  only on things i have experienced  .  mate iknow ya get fired up talkin to me, but it isn"t dancing  although to to a laymans eye it might appear as such...
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Hi snoopy, I wondered if you were in Canada by the way your viral load information is presented and yep, so you are.  In the 'hood even, as I'm one hour as the crow flies from Toronto...but definitely not one hour as the 401 crawls! :)  My treatment centre is in Toronto.

Your viral load is 1,690,000 IU/ml.  You take the decimal and move it to the right according to whatever the exponent is, which, in your case, is 6.

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"can anyone tell me how many people in China?"

According to the China Population Information and Research website (http://www.cpirc.org.cn/en/eindex.htm), there are 1.3 billion + people in China.

"on the other side of the story, if interferon is so effective , would there not be 0 hcv in the rest of the world?"

You're using skewed logic.  The fact that Interferon exists DOESN'T imply that every Hep sufferer TREATS with Interferon, just as the existence of food doesn't imply that everyone is fed and no one in the world is hungry.  The fact is that there IS a demonstrable cure rate for people treating with Interferon, which treatment is based on reproducible science.  The fact is that people who treat with juicing and and blood zappers and (yes) tai chi are demonstrably still infected with the Hep virus.

As for aloe, it's no doubt very soothing and will give some if not most people SYMPTOMATIC relief, but it won't HEAL anything.  If you stand outside at high noon for a week dribbling goose-liver pate on your nose, your skin infection will more than likely get better too. The majority of skin infections will heal if left untreated, as will colds and such - that's what the body uses the immune system for.  If the condition DOESN'T get better without treatment, it's a very good indication that the problem is more serious and needs MEDICAL attention.

You sound well meaning, and everything you write about sounds all warm and natural, but I stand by my original comment; after all your 'alternative' treatments and regimes, you will still have the Hep virus, and to suggest that leaves and dancing or any of the other 'alternative' nonsense are curative or healing is irresponsible and puts people at risk of serious ill health.
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good morning ny,can we call this a discussion then?
can anyone tell me how many people in China?
on the other side of the story, if interferon is so effective , would there not be 0 hcv in the rest of the world?
for skin infections ,  rashs , insect bites, coral cut infections,,,  a fresh Aluvera leaf,break open scoop out thick clear liquid from inside,  apply to affected areas 3 to4 times a day,
available in s/ market vegy section here. u  could also buy a plant at garden nursary.will grow in a pot almost anywhere.,a tablespoon  of the goo in a  papia (paw paw) juice will help  the healing from the inside. all the best.
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Thanks for the information and advice. I do appreciate all the support. I try not to dwell on this but sometimes it is overwhelming. I still might chicken out, but I know it is better I let them do the biopsy. You have helped me, thanks again.  
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408795 tn?1324935675
I've had two biopsies so far and I'm getting my third at the end of this month.  I'll leave you with a clipping, but I assure you if it was any riskier for you than anyone else I'm sure your doctor would not have scheduled you for one.  You are seeing a good Hepatologist, right?  Anyways, the biggest thing about a biopsy is the time it takes, it takes the whole day usually.  You go there early in the morning, lay in a gurney.  A nurse comes by and gives you something to relax, like a valium and then you get hooked up to an IV.  I'm not sure what's in the IV.  You go into a room, the doctor says hey, drapes your bottom half throws some brown solution on you, draws or measures something then pow.  It's over before you know it and there is no reason to be scared.  Also, someday soon I hope you place your question on the green box, that way you may get more answers.  Good luck and God Bless

Although the liver has a rich vascular supply, complications associated with percutaneous liver biopsy are rare. Sixty percent
of complications occur within 2 hours and 96 percent within 24 hours after the procedure. Approximately 1 to 3 percent of
patients requires hospitalization for complications after a liver biopsy, especially if the procedure was performed with a Trucut
biopsy needle. Pain and hypotension (dangerously low blood pressure) are the predominant complications for which
patients are hospitalized.
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Hi there everyone. my exact viral load is 1.69  E + 6.  I'm not sure exactly how high that is, I just know it's high. Is it possible to have such a high viral load that is not hurting the liver that much? I'm supposed to have a liver biopsy in Nov.. I'm scared to have it because it is risky. Does anyone know how risky? If my  ALT and AST are still considered within normal range or just above, how could the liver be in bad shape?  Does this itching happen before end stage liver disease. ;  Thanks  everyone for the information
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179856 tn?1333547362
" debate is so great, at least  it  gives  u lot a bit of juice to get up  each day  pick me to pieces.  "

Fortunately, there really is no debate here whatsoever.  
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29837 tn?1414534648
41,000,000 Chinese people have Hepatitis C (that they know of).


If alternative medicine was so effective in China, there would be 0 people with Hepatitis C. I rest my case...

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I would suggest getting some Benadryl - it's over the counter and don't need a prescription. It worked for my dog who had severly dry/itching skin.

Also, you may want to pick up some Gold Bond medicated LOTION. Keep your fingernails super clean because itching those welts with your nails will only make it worse if they are dirty.
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as we all know usa loves shootin  at targets.
1st doctor   i went  to  lived a long  way  from me.
w ell as  i said my liver was in bad way before hep c got in there , never  did claim ty chi was   the final fix,but its certainly kept me from the grave to this point.
was suppose to read .. 2 relapsed, 1 after 6mths,i after 8 mths.( oops)
mate we all know ya ailing ,  no need to be nasty, the therapy is gratis(free) ,, s...t could of said check ya math. seriously mate ya nearly finished ya treatment, best a luck and
i  hope  ya cured.
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in response to your second last message:

The only thing you've been right about so far is that it's good therapy for us here to pick on you - you're such an easy target.

Right now I'm happy anyway.  I just returned from having my weekly Interferon shot - in which hospital visit I found out I'd somehow miscounted the number of shots I've had.  What I thought was shot 20 was in fact shot 21 - so only three more to go.  For you ymp, that's no big deal.  For anyone treating with Interferon, it's like having Christmas twice.

In response to your last message:

If your first "master" had you "well on the road to recovery", why did you need to search 4 (sic) a "true teacher"?  And if you're so on the road to recovery, why do you still have HepC after 20 years of teachers and masters helping you with your 'chi'?

Even with the most open mind, I can't see how you find logic in treating yourself with Kentucky Fried herbs and spices and mystical dance routines.

You previously talked about the importance of "learning" - perhaps you should dedicate some time to simple mathematics:

Of your friends, 2 relapsed after 6 months + 1 relapsed after 8 months + 2 others scare you.  Apparently as well as healing yourself without benefit of that evil western medicine, you can also make 5 = 4.
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408795 tn?1324935675
Welcome to the forum, are you seeing a Heptologist?  My VL is 4.5 million and there's quite a few ppl who are way above that.  If you have serious health problems and it sounds like you do, you really need to get something from your doctor.  Some doctors need to be pushed into giving you something.  I'm not sure what they could prescribe you, but there's over the counter benydryl that may help.  Best to talk to your doctor before taking any meds.  With your ALT and your AST you must have something else brewing up and maybe someone else will chime in on this.  God Bless
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oh the serious question.  late 60s early 70s i damaged my liver  so much (sex drugs &rockin roll) i was close to deaths door; a friend took me to a famous doctor of western  medecine . also tcm, and as i found out not long after a ty chi master,  he appeared a man of 40  yrs, but in fact 73yrs. after three months he had me on well on the road to recovery.  during the next few years     i searched 4 a  true teacher of ty chi, (as there many quack in all forms). i found a master who"s system  i studied and practised  all these years and worked  and surfed and am convinced  of  ty chi"s  benefits that kept me  healthy,, now  i know i have hcv  i  will do what i  believe is the way for me to fight     the dreaded virus.  death does not scare me, living like death warmed up does.
as to why i wont  use int......n ... out of 4 close friends  2  relapsed   after 6 months  1 of them after 8 months,  the other two , seeing them scares me  right off it..                   oh , Cape  horn  ?   a bloody good long swim south from ANGOLA.  ( GOOD TA HEAR YA LAUGHIN)
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i have hep c, genotype 1a, I have severe itching problems and a hight viral load, over a million. My liver blood test are coming back almost normal. the enzine count in almost normal . I'm going crazy from the iching. Now i have become alleric to the cold weather. I break out in terrible welts on my upper legs and stomach that are very itchy. I wonder if it is a condition called cryoglobinemia. I have also been diagnosed with monoclono gammopathy. So I'm very worried and depressed. Does anyone know what to do about the itching. It's driving me nuts. Thanks... I'm a 62 year old lady and have had hep c for at least 10 years.
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408795 tn?1324935675
So hows your liver, any damage?  Check out this study about genotypes.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) isolates from 126 hepatitis patients in Jakarta, Indonesia were genotyped by PCR with genotype-specific primers deduced from the HCV core gene. Fifty-five isolates (44%) were classified as genotype II/1b, 15 (12%) as 1c, 33 (26%) as III/2a, and 1 (1%) as V/3a, while the remaining 22 (17%) were not classifiable into any of the five common genotypes (I/1a, II/1b, III/2a, IV/2b and V/3a) or 1c. Sequences of a part of the NS5b region [1093 bp (nucleotides 8279–9371)] of the 22 isolates of unclassifiable genotype were subjected to pair-wise comparison and phylogenetic analysis along with those of 62 isolates of 25 genotypes in nine genetic groups. Seven of the isolates were classified into 2e and two into 2f, representing novel genotypes in genetic group 2, while ten and three were classified into two new genetic groups, 10 and 11, respectively, and their genotypes were provisionally designated 10a and 11a. The isolates of genotype 10a (JK049) and 11a (JK046) were sequenced in full. Comparison of 24 HCV genomes including those of JK049 and JK046, over the entire genome and subgenomic regions, supported the classification of HCV into 11 genetic groups.
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