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Spigelian Hernia Repair

I was diagnosed with and had a Spigelian hernia repaired five and a half years ago when I was 26.  Since the surgery, I have had pain on my left side (around the area of the repair).  The surgeon placed four permanent sutures to the mesh to hold it in place until it established itself.  He mentioned he usually attached this to fat, but I did not have enough fat for him to do this.  This was his first Spigelian surgery.  He refused to acknowledge any of the complications I am having post-surgery, but did finally remove three of the four permanent sutures.  He was able to locate the fourth one and I still have a lot of pain in that region and can palpate a mass in that area.  I finally found a doctor that began giving me injections for pain and that helps, but my insurance doesn't cover it and I could not afford to get them after a year and a half of that treatment.  I am worried about getting pregnant, since I constantly seem to have pain on that side (not necessarily around the suture sites, although that's where the pain seems to be the worst).  I have to wear looser jeans and cannot lean forward for too long before the pain causes me to lean backwards.  I find myself sleeping on my back again.  My last set of lidocaine/procaine was a year and a half ago.  What suggestions do you have for me?  I suspect I have adhesions and really have no clue if I can even get another surgeon to look at me.  I have since moved away from the surgeon who performed the surgery.  What do you think I should do?
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We're not doctors, just people dealing with chronic pain so we can make suggestions but it's not medical advice.
You said you saw one a year and a half ago and had injections, but you didn't say if you are seeing anyone recently.  I'd definetly recommend seeing a neurologist or type of doctor who diagnosed the hernia.  
It sounds like it could possibly be adhesions as I have heard they are painful.  I have also heard they're hard to diagnose.
As far as being worried about getting pregnant.  Are you currently trying to get pregnant and worried that you won't be able to, or that you will have a painful pregnancy?  I would definetly recommend getting the problem looked at and letting the doctor know if you intend to become pregnant as having a painful pregnancy can be awful and there are a lot of procedures they cannoy or will not do in pregnancy and medicaitons that are harmful.
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Can you please tell me in detail all the symptoms you had with your spigelian hernia?  I have been trying to find out more information on this rare type of hernia without much success.  I have been suffering for over 3 years with constant abdominal pain (only goes away when sleeping) that is worse with sitting long periods or with cardio exercise. There is no relationship to food and it seems "better" with continual, easy movement. Generally, it feels like a deep ache in my abdomen, a couple inches above my navel and a couple of inches to the right. The pain often radiates to my shoulder and mid-back (though all gallbladder tests are negative).  I can also make the pain worse by pressing into that area of my abdomen.  I have had every diagnostic test imaginable and all have come back normal.  If anyone who has been diagnosed with a spigelian hernia could please describe their symptoms in detail it would be greatly appreciated.
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