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Sexual encounter - herpes?


I'm new here, im male, 25 years old, never had any sexual issues and I recently had a sexual encounter with a new partner after a long term relationship.

We had a night together where she performed oral on me and we kissed etc, then a couple weeks later we got back together and had protected vaginal sex, there was no oral as she he had a cold sore so ensures nothing would transfer.

However reading it states that you can have herpes in both the mouth and genitals depending on how you acquired it. Around 4/5 days after the protected sex encounter I developed burning/itching/tingling in the pubic area and scrotum, I've never had a feeling like this before and it came on suddenly. I never really checked for lesions at the time as I didn't know what the cause could be, but there was never anything obvious that was painful, the symptoms continued for weeks without any obvious lesion but it does state online that there isn't always a lesion present? I have burning pains in my buttocks which reading online says this could be the virus trying to reactivate or damage the nerves?

I'm worried I may have contracted the virus as I've tested negative for everything else at the GUM, I spoke to partner and she was rather uneducated saying it only affects the mouth, however she did say she's never had problems down in the genitals just cold sores when she goes on the sun beds but I don't know if she's just never noticed any issues down there due to her uneducation.

I have asked her to do an IGG test and she's agreed so this should provide some answers.

I'm concerned she's got HSV2 and passed it on genitally as I know this can happen even with a condom
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Also, what are the chances of passing herpes orally through a kiss? I kissed the partner in the second sexual encounter, when I say kissed this was more like a brush of lips or a peck as some people would call it, very brief, I did develop issues with the lips a few days later. Thanks
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With regards to herpes of the lips, I had a sore area develop yesterday, it seemed to look more like a cut and it stung, especially when eating and drinking and I woke up this morning and my lips had blood on them from it, it's now turned a little white, does this sound more like a cut than a cold sore? I've been to the GUM this morning who wouldn't swab as she said they don't usually do it for oral cold sores and it didn't obviously look like one. Could it still be?
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Lesions will usually form on the area it was contracted for a primary outbreak. This means the genitals. The scrotum is rarely infected due to the thick skin. Future outbreaks can happen anywhere in the boxer shorts region.
Yes those sensations can come on a day or so before a pending future outbreak.
  Generally leasions start as a red patch and quickly progress int water type blister lesions. Progression takes a day or two.
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So the pubic area for example could be somewhere to develop lesions? The penis doesn't seem to have any issues it seems to be the pubic area that is burning/itching which would be the area contacting an infected partner hence my concerns.

So for future outbreaks if I say had pubic area issues it could move to anywhere in the genital area? I.e from pubic to anus or to penis even though they've never contacted infected partner? I will keep looking out for issue if so as I was concentrating looking at the pubic area.

So from what I can gather it's unlikely but not impossible that I've obtained herpes from these encounters? Thanks again
Yes, unlikely
15249123 tn?1478652475
Sorry for the spelling. Hammering out responses on my phone in between jobs at work
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15249123 tn?1478652475
The odds of thus from a single protected exposure being hsv is incredibly low. Non of your symotoms suggest a primary outbreak. When reading symotoms lists without an actual knowledge of how the virus works is a big mistake. You will have no idea the context of said symptoms. For a primary outbreak you would see red spots and this would turn into herpes lesions and it may be accompanied by flu like symptoms. You wouldn't get the burning tingling sensations. These are prodrome symptoms. Prodrome would be for future outbreaks. This is the virus working it's way down the nerve path back to the surface of the skin. For a primary it's already there.
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I should say that we had sex a week later but the symptoms had already started by then, again protected.

How do the lesions appear? Are they painful? And where are they able to appear is it just in the genital area or can it be thighs/legs/back etc?

So itching burning sensations are only generally when a second outbreak is coming on?

Yeah thanks for taking the time out on the forum to help, appreciated!

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Popular Resources
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.