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emtionaly stressed over hsv2 please help

i am hoping that people can help me i am very emotionaly and mentaly stressed.i have been doing a lot of research here about hsv2. i keep hearing a statistic that if i am a male and i am sexually active with a female without a condom and she is on suppresive medicine that i only have a 4% chance of contracting the virus annualy as it has been siad that i would have a 96% chance that i will not contract the viruse. the other question i have is that i love performing oral on my girlfriend and could not live without doing that to a significant other is that the same statistic for that as well. there is history here that i cant just let go we broke up for a few months and she had a fling with an a** hole that forced himself into her with out a condom. we got back together and we had unprotected sex orally and penitration neumourus times as we aere a very sexual couple. she got tested both culture and blood test, culture was negative and blood was positive. the weird thing is a doctor called her and told her she was hsv1 positve and hsv2 positive and the culture was positive. Then she was told just hsv2 positive and culture was negative like above. One last question if i do contract wich i am thinking it is a risk taking cause before this happened we both new that we would be together for life is it really all that bad as i am a person who never gets sick ever and how painfull is this and is this really more phsycological than physical. as now our relationship is on the ropes because i am sooo scared and i feel like i am pulling away.Please help
14 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
since it was negative she can either wait for a return of symptoms and be seen within 48 hours of their appearance for another lesion culture, preferably pcr. Otherwise confirming her status with a herpes Wb blood test is the best next step since her original lesion culture was negative.
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she had one sore
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yes she did
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101028 tn?1419603004
so why do you not have hsv2 if she does? It really isn't as contagious as folks assume it is.

she can pursue a herpes WB to confirm her status but odds are she really does have it.

did she have genital symptoms that she had a culture done too?
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by the way after the battery of tests ll was negative
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I got the results quicker than i thought. i guess i could give you a little background more indepth than up top. after the original incedent i wrote about up top she went in for a lot of std testing she siad she did a battery of tests. three months went by as we were enjoying a lot of intement times with each other unproteced as we were in a relationship for 2 years prior to the incedent listed above. all came back negative as would be expected 2 days afterwards for hsv1 and 2. 3 and a half months went by and here we are. here are the results you asked for got them quicker than i thought.
hsv-1 no detectibale anti bodies
hsv2 igG 5.00 positive suggests imunilogical exposure.
culture no virus detectd
hsv igGw/ reflex 3.52
herpes simplex virus igM antibody 2.80

this is why i am confused because all the unprotected intement incounters that we had before we knew she was positive and that i do not have it. aswell could you please give me some insight on hsv 2 oral i have been searching quite a bit and feel i am getting unedducated threads around the net

and if i already planned to marry this sweet sensationaly good women should i really be concerned all that much about getting hsv2 as we would both have it i i got it not that i am trying to be careless. i know that if oi married her we would be togethr for life with out a doubt or concern besides on how much this could effect a relationship. if you could provide anyplavce were i got get stories and encounters to married couples one with herpes and one with out be much appreciated.

and you mentioned above hpv aswell that is not associated with herpes just to be concerned with as it is common aswell correct. and what is the false negative time on that as in like herpes can be some time.

i really do appreciate your time on this and will be seeing an std specialist soon but trying to get as much education here so i am prepared with as many questions as i can have that result from this post to ask him/her

Agian thank you so very much you are doing all of us in this community a very good favor with lending us your time THANKS GRACE WITH MUCH RESPECT
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101028 tn?1419603004
it's a 4% risk a year if you do nothing but avoid sex any time she has anything going on genitally. if she takes daily suppressive therapy, it's a 2% risk/year. throw in condoms too and it's a 1% risk/year on average for you. since she recently had another partner, using condoms for awhile is a good idea until she can pursue full std testing as well as to protect you from the risk of hpv too.

once I see her blood test results, I can better help suggest the next step for her testingwise.
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sorry grace i forgot to include how long after her possibale exposure it was 3 and a half to four months for the blood test and the lesion culture but lesion culture was done with in 24 to 48 hours of notice and it did not look like it was starting to heal at all is why i am confussed. sorry for spacing out replies will get better new to computers and brand new to posting will work on
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so your saying with using supresive therapy it is less like 3% thanks for you input i really appreciate it more than you know.
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thank you all for your help i am so happy there are people out here that really care
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yes i was tested three days after she was told she was positive and it was weird that i got my results back the next day it siad negative wih i know is not a forsure thing cause my anti bodies might not have reacted yet but i also think it is weird that i do not have it because we were intement for three months no protection its kinda weird i kinda wish my results were positive so i was not so stressed out on a future decision. i will try to get her results may take a few days to a week if thats okay out of town on business i hope u will take a look i am encouraging here to get another blood test or a WB test as i have read before here. i think about crying all the time i am scared to lose her but yet scared to know if i will regret a decision to stay later in life we are trying to see a std counselor as well as a specialist in my area. Is it really true that i have less than 4% to catch the std if she uses supresive medication and no condom i like to be intement not just to have sex or get laid like most guys out there i LIKE TO MAKE LOVE TO HER i right that in caps because i mean it
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101028 tn?1419603004
I will gladly take a look at your gf's test results to make sure that her provider properly interpreted them. there are false positive issues with the igg blood testing so if you can get her to get a copy and post it all here - e.g. hsv1 igg 4.9 and hsv2 igg 3.2 or whatever they are, I can better help you. also her actually seeing her results will help you know for sure if her lesion culture was + for herpes or not too. She can request a copy of all of this from her provider.  also how long after the encounter had she gotten her blood testing done?

were you tested to know your own herpes status too?

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Kudos to you for standing by your girlfriend's side!! I have read the risk is closer to 3%, but it's really just splitting hairs there. I can not answer you on oral sex, but am curious myself.

I am in my initial outbreak and will honestly say, I do not find it painful (but I am female). The worst has been the itching, and urinating over a sore. I developed PID, so that pelvic pain was my worst issue, not the lesions. Keep in mind, I started Valtrex pretty early in the game - 7 days(?) after experiencing symptoms, I think. Surely that has helped my case!

You can use a condom to lessen your chances. But from what Ive read if she is very careful to abstain if she senses an outbreak, you will have very slim odds of contracting. Good luck;-)
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